So is the events of the Palestinian/Hamas October 7th Abomination in murdering, 1,200 innocent villagers and taking 250 hostages to hide behind. If it had been any other country there would not be anything left of Gaza not even a stick. In Fact Hamas ended their 300 miles of tunnels in Hospitals, Schools, crowded Palestinian markets and gathering places, and "Holy Mosques," all to maximize their own peoples Deaths first to save themselves from the Israeli Defense Forces response and also as stated maximize the casualties to solicit International criticism against Israel. Negotiate with who? Animals?
Reverend Munther, the people heard you the first time and it was so powerful. I hope you know that, nothing was in vain ❤ Thank you for not giving up, thank you for your eloquence and fight for the truth ❤
@@olgam601 I dint know Olga, he's probably occupied with the babies dying around him and the terrorists you call settlers abusing and stealing from his people? He's a Christian and spoke to Christian leaders, I'm glad he did since Evangelical Christians and Israel market this as a conflict between Muslims and Jews, a dishonest way in the quest to manufacture consent amongst Islamophobic racists Have you spoken on my breakfastorder this morning, where I got tea instead of coffee Olga? No? Then why fo you speak on my opinion on this.
@@olgam601 both are also partialy funded by US. who you think arms saudi military? the kurdish army in syria? someone also funded ISIS, funny how they used to be a big thing expands across iraq and syria doing bombing here and there. suddenly just gone. other group like hezbollah they're extremist, well equiped and organized but they can't seem to touch the west, no? like they way ISIS has.
Democracy Now is amazing. Thank you for reporting the truth! Thank you for interviewing Rev. Munther Isaac. He is very inspiring. I'm thankful for him and how he has always spoken out against this genocide. He's not afraid to stand for life and what's right.
Shame on the hidden ruling class that wanted this war! The people that wants that beautiful oceanfront property as Jared Kushner said the son-in-law of former president Donald Trump. Those people are responsible not us shame on them. We have no power. That’s why they are rewriting the protesting laws because we have no power. That’s why we can’t get Clarence Thomas and Anthony Alito off of the Supreme Court because we have no power. That’s why we can’t get money out of politics. We have no power.
"Traditional Americans " who never supported the agenda of the fake administration in conjunction with the global elite are PRAYING FOR THE GENOCIDE TO END! PLEASE STOP! February 26, 2024: PRAYING today's ICJ 's most eloquent speaker CAUSES A CEASEFIRE. There's brainwashing, and the IDF, then, there's the concept of "fighting for a cause" There's paranoia and relentless revenge; There's " partnering up "for a specific goal, and the military industrial complex; Then there's defending oneself and standing up for the underdog, as the U.S. used to; I watched them pretending to be protecting their people terming themselves " The Chosen Ones" Then I watched them shut off the water to all inhabitants of the land they invaded; Then I heard the bombs and saw the fires they created; Then I noticed they wanted MY children to fight for their greed and said, "This is not right"... " But there was no one left to hear me. من آنها را تماشا کردم که وانمود می کردند از مردم خود محافظت می کنند و خود را "برگزیدگان" می نامیدند. سپس آنها را تماشا کردم که آب را به روی همه ساکنان سرزمینی که به آنها حمله کردند، بستند. سپس بمبها را شنیدم و آتشهایی را دیدم که ایجاد کردند. سپس متوجه شدم که آنها می خواهند فرزندانم برای طمع خود بجنگند و گفتم: "این درست نیست.." اما کسی نبود که صدایم را بشنود. Condolences to ALL who are being "used" for this genocide; WE UNDERSTAND Israel' is using its young soldiers-sacrificing its own for the hatred and extreme resentment of a particular FEW. It's not a Microsoft war game &,we're sick of hearing the NUMBERS and the MASSACRE might just have been totally unnecessary; IDF GET FUNERALS, Palestinians get SHOVED INTO MASS GRAVES. To add insult to Traditional Americans' injury, Joe continues to $upport the paranoid, relentless NittenWhatWho, and with OUR money! GREED KNOWS NO SHAME. We aren't antisemitic, we're ANTI- HIS ANGER & policies ! يعتقد المنتجون أننا بحاجة إلى تحسينات الخلفية الموسيقية الدرامية بشكل مفرط ؟؟ تعازينا لجميع الذين "يتم استخدامهم" في هذه الإبادة الجماعية؛ نحن نتفهم أن إسرائيل تستخدم جنودها الشباب، وتضحي بجنودها من أجل الكراهية والاستياء الشديد لدى قلة معينة. إنها ليست لعبة حرب تابعة لشركة Microsoft، وقد سئمنا سماع الأرقام وربما كانت المذبحة غير ضرورية على الإطلاق؛ الجيش الإسرائيلي يقيم جنازات، والفلسطينيون يُدفعون إلى مقابر جماعية. ولإضافة الإهانة إلى إصابة الأمريكيين التقليديين، يواصل جو دعم NittenWhatWho المصاب بجنون العظمة والذي لا هوادة فيه، وبأموالنا! الجشع لا يعرف الخجل. نحن لسنا معاديين للسامية، نحن ضد غضبه وسياساته! نساء عالميات ضد الحرب! "لماذا الحرب؟" و"أعطاهم الله يومًا آخر!" اسطة فريد جولد وليندا فاي GLOBAL WOMEN AGAINST WAR! "Why War?" and " God Gave Them One More Day!" Videos to Inspire Humanity,Copyrighted 2024ByFredGold&LyndaFaye "A Love Song for Joe Biden" because he'll be in desperate need of one when his handlers realize voting becomes uncorrupted!
True Christians can't be silent when the Bible is weaponized. We must not fall for the false prophets of our time. ❤Thank you Reverend for speaking out!
Congratulations to DN for giving this Palestinian Pastor from Bethlehem another opportunity to speak about the Gaza Obscenity, and the total deceit and falsehood of the Christian Zionist movement. The universal message of Christian faith will only serve as a living impulse if individuals like Rev. Munther Isaac continue to denounce the religious bigotry and intolerance.
No such things as a "universal message of christian faith". Some people use that faith to justify merking, roping or enslaving people, others to fearmonger about sex, critical thinking and gay folk, others to collect vast riches, and others again to help the weak and needy. They _all_ call themselves christian, they all justify what they do by the "holy" book. And no, YOU dont get to decide who is a "real" christian, because they all do that, too.
There is no such thing as a "universal message" to that faith. People feel motivated to everything from saintly self-sacrifice over shameless self-serving to bloody atrocity by that faith (and others) . And they all can justify it by the scripture. And no, you cannot simply say "those are not real c´s" - because they all do that too.
Rev. Munther Isaac is a good friend and has never told a lie that I have heard in 20 years. He is a support to the Christian and Palestinian community in the West Bank. He is always kind to me, an Israeli Jewish woman working towards peace for over 20 years in Israel.
Bless you for your good work. People on the outside need to hear the truth. So many are still under the delusion that the Zionist political movement is Israel and who are in denial of the genocide and 76 years of murder
As a Christian, I stand for peace in Palestine and to our Palestinian brothers and sisters each of whom are created by the same God who created all human kind. Peace be upon Minister Munther Isaac as he speaks truth to power.
انسخ و انشر: Copy and publish: Do you think it all momen Started on OCTOBER 7th? هل ظننت أن كل شيء بدأ في 7 اكتوبر؟ مجزرة دير ياسين 1948 Deir Yassin massacre 1948 Tantura Massacre 1948 Qibya massacre 1953 Kafr Qasim massacre 1956 Rafah massacre 1956 مجزرة الطنطورة 1948 مجزرة قبية 1953 مجزرة كفر قاسم 1956 مجزرة رفح 1956 مجزرة بحر البقر 1970 مجزرة صبرا وشاتيلا 1982 Bahr El-Bakar massacre 1970 Sabra and Shatila massacre 1982 Khalil massacre 1994 Jenin massacre 2002 Gaza war 2008 Gaza war 2012 Gaza war 2014 Gaza war 2021 Gaza war 2023 مجزرة الخليل 1994 مجزرة جنين 2002 حرب غزة 2008 حرب غزة 2012 حرب غرة 2014 حرب غزة 2021 حرب غزة 2023 اقرأ عن الإبادة الجماعية للفلسطينيين لقد كرر التاريخ نفسه مرات عديدة على مر العصور Read about the genocid of the Palestinians History has repeated itself many times throughout the ages Do you still think that it all started on October 7th? هل لازلت تعتقد أن كل شيء بدأ في 7 اكتوبر ؟
It's so strange I was just thinking about Munther Isaac yesterday its so good to see and hear him again God Bless him. He Himself been Palestinian is suffering along with all his brothers and sisters in the Holy Lands of Palestine. We all need to pray morning noon and night every where in this world for the Oppressed Palestinian People and Their Families. 🙏💔😢🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴🍉🇮🇪🇯🇴🇮🇪🇯🇴
We lacked religious leaders like reverend Munther in former Yugoslavia. When tensions rose, the priests from the Catholic and Orthodox church and Imams chose power and money over peace and beliefs and stood under their respective national flags. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."
Now it becomes apparent whose puppets and controlled oppositions both branches are. They think they pray to a different god it turns out they misinterpreted the script.
I’m a Palestinian Christian from the area of Bethlehem. I grew up in a town where most were Christians! I identify with the way that Munther sounds beaten & let down! The American Christians welcome anyone but not the Palestinian Christian! True story!
It's not only in America,it's the world over,99%of the Christians of the world have left Palistinian Christians down and worship the Israelis and they will insult one and scream all kinds of filthy things at you in social media to protect what Israel is doing..
And to think that Palestinian Christian lives just next door to the historical sites of Jesus rather than the American Christians and they don't welcome Palestinian Christian.
The most moving interview I've watched concerning this Jew - Palestine standoff. Very touching and hearing directly from someone born in Bethlehem, the same birthplace of Yeshua The Messiah makes it even more touching. I'm dripping in tears listening to Dr.Isaac speak. May The LORD console us all and strengthen him in his fight and struggle. Thanks Amy for this soul searching and revealing interview.
Jesus, peace be upon him, was born in Bethlehem, grew up in Nazareth, and left this world from Jerusalem, all Palestinian towns. He was a Palestinian Jew. Modern day Palestinians are the direct descendants of his people. His people are being slaughtered by a settler colonial entity practicing genocide and ethnic cleansing and supported by ignorant Christians.
Thank you for recognizing that Unfortunately many Christian’s are fooled into this and support Israel treatment of Palestinians because the lobby comes to church give free trips and buy support
Any1 with a heart can see this Horrifying Barbaric Injustice is Evil - Regardless of Race or Religion I don't know how any1 supporting this dare talk about God whichever 1they pray 2 💔
@@cheryllines4106true I was aware of the palestineian struggle ever since I was a litle child I didn't think poor muslims or Christian I thought poor people
Yes. And as a Christian I know that God is great and that only He stands up for those who seek justice. He alone determines the moment and how he will do it. 🇵🇸 Free Free Palestine 🇵🇸.
Silence from Catholic leaders is nothing new or surprising: look at how silent there were - and are in many cases - regarding child sexual abuse by their own priests.
@@bobiel9048. You misunderstand. Church is part of state and vice versa. Example, I cannot marry four women at once... Utah sanctions the Mormon church and multiple wives.
Look up Dum Diversas. The papal bull of 1452 by Pope Nicholas V. It will tell u everything you need to know about WHY, WHY, WHY, THEY R SILENT. "The devil divided against himself can not stand". So silence prevails. FOR NOW BUT VENGEANCE BELONGS TO THE MOST HIGH. HE WILL AVENGE THE WICKED.⏰⌛
The US Catholic church hierarchy is incredibly racist and has been poisoned by anti-abortion politics much like US rabbis have been poisoned by zionism. Actually they're not silent. The leading catholic publication regularly posts apologia for both Israel and Biden.
@@edgarvonboltzmann7465 Good Guy/Bad Guy Negotiating Negotiating in Good Faith is an international norm and in some cases a treaty requirement. Good Guy - Religion, Bad Guy - State.
Im disgusted with 9/10 of the christians i know irl. I can share with them about the Scofield bible and they flat refuse to educate themselves. Bless you, Reverand. May Palestine be free.
@@srsmopar3808 HAMAS is already world-wide; murdering innocent Palestinian children and families won't help the Nittenwhatwho ."Traditional Americans " who never supported the agenda of the fake administration in conjunction with the global elite are PRAYING FOR THE GENOCIDE TO END! PLEASE STOP! February 26, 2024: PRAYING today's ICJ 's most eloquent speaker CAUSES A CEASEFIRE. There's brainwashing, and the IDF, then, there's the concept of "fighting for a cause" There's paranoia and relentless revenge; There's " partnering up "for a specific goal, and the military industrial complex; Then there's defending oneself and standing up for the underdog, as the U.S. used to; I watched them pretending to be protecting their people terming themselves " The Chosen Ones" Then I watched them shut off the water to all inhabitants of the land they invaded; Then I heard the bombs and saw the fires they created; Then I noticed they wanted MY children to fight for their greed and said, "This is not right"... " But there was no one left to hear me. من آنها را تماشا کردم که وانمود می کردند از مردم خود محافظت می کنند و خود را "برگزیدگان" می نامیدند. سپس آنها را تماشا کردم که آب را به روی همه ساکنان سرزمینی که به آنها حمله کردند، بستند. سپس بمبها را شنیدم و آتشهایی را دیدم که ایجاد کردند. سپس متوجه شدم که آنها می خواهند فرزندانم برای طمع خود بجنگند و گفتم: "این درست نیست.." اما کسی نبود که صدایم را بشنود. Condolences to ALL who are being "used" for this genocide; WE UNDERSTAND Israel' is using its young soldiers-sacrificing its own for the hatred and extreme resentment of a particular FEW. It's not a Microsoft war game &,we're sick of hearing the NUMBERS and the MASSACRE might just have been totally unnecessary; IDF GET FUNERALS, Palestinians get SHOVED INTO MASS GRAVES. To add insult to Traditional Americans' injury, Joe continues to $upport the paranoid, relentless NittenWhatWho, and with OUR money! GREED KNOWS NO SHAME. We aren't antisemitic, we're ANTI- HIS ANGER & policies ! يعتقد المنتجون أننا بحاجة إلى تحسينات الخلفية الموسيقية الدرامية بشكل مفرط ؟؟ تعازينا لجميع الذين "يتم استخدامهم" في هذه الإبادة الجماعية؛ نحن نتفهم أن إسرائيل تستخدم جنودها الشباب، وتضحي بجنودها من أجل الكراهية والاستياء الشديد لدى قلة معينة. إنها ليست لعبة حرب تابعة لشركة Microsoft، وقد سئمنا سماع الأرقام وربما كانت المذبحة غير ضرورية على الإطلاق؛ الجيش الإسرائيلي يقيم جنازات، والفلسطينيون يُدفعون إلى مقابر جماعية. ولإضافة الإهانة إلى إصابة الأمريكيين التقليديين، يواصل جو دعم NittenWhatWho المصاب بجنون العظمة والذي لا هوادة فيه، وبأموالنا! الجشع لا يعرف الخجل. نحن لسنا معاديين للسامية، نحن ضد غضبه وسياساته! نساء عالميات ضد الحرب! "لماذا الحرب؟" و"أعطاهم الله يومًا آخر!" اسطة فريد جولد وليندا فاي GLOBAL WOMEN AGAINST WAR! "Why War?" and " God Gave Them One More Day!" Videos to Inspire Humanity,Copyrighted 2024ByFredGold&LyndaFaye "A Love Song for Joe Biden" because he'll be in desperate need of one when his handlers realize voting becomes uncorrupted!
The Christ in the Rubble was so sad but had an important message, I can't believe this is still happening. My grandmother was a Holocaust survivor from Poland. I have family in Israel, and they do not support Netanyahu. Israel has become a genocidal maniac, worse than the Axis powers in WWII who carried out the Holocaust. People get upset when I say that Gaza is worse than the Holocaust. It is worse because Israel has, STILL has, the full support of the US. We're on the wrong side of a genocide, and it makes me sick. WWII lasted six years, this has been going on for just 10 months and so much of Gaza is totally destroyed. I don't get it, what has to happen to end this? The US and Israeli governments just keep telling us the reports show no evidence of war crimes, but we are watching war crimes being committed. Our government is telling us not to believe our own eyes. I hope that Kamala Harris is sincere when she says she wants to work towards a ceasefire. Thank you, Reverend Munther Isaac, I won't be silent.
She is not sincere at all. She repeats ALL of the Israeli propganda, including saying that there is “nuance” in this genocide, and the killing will only stop if Hamas surrenders to be tortured in Israeli prisons and releases the Israeli hostages. She has no concern for the 10,000 Palestinian hostages, or the children Israel is killing.
"I have family in Israel, and they do not support Netanyahu" LOL, then they are fools, who do not understand the true nature of their genocidal enemies.
Brilliant comment, thank you for your compassion & Humanity💖 it's so sickening especially on Al Jazeera channel the amount of Vile comments from Evil Iz Trolls
And, to think, he never brags of having been " a chosen one." "Traditional Americans " who never supported the agenda of the fake administration in conjunction with the global elite are PRAYING FOR THE GENOCIDE TO END! PLEASE STOP! February 26, 2024: PRAYING today's ICJ 's most eloquent speaker CAUSES A CEASEFIRE. There's brainwashing, and the IDF, then, there's the concept of "fighting for a cause" There's paranoia and relentless revenge; There's " partnering up "for a specific goal, and the military industrial complex; Then there's defending oneself and standing up for the underdog, as the U.S. used to; I watched them pretending to be protecting their people terming themselves " The Chosen Ones" Then I watched them shut off the water to all inhabitants of the land they invaded; Then I heard the bombs and saw the fires they created; Then I noticed they wanted MY children to fight for their greed and said, "This is not right"... " But there was no one left to hear me. من آنها را تماشا کردم که وانمود می کردند از مردم خود محافظت می کنند و خود را "برگزیدگان" می نامیدند. سپس آنها را تماشا کردم که آب را به روی همه ساکنان سرزمینی که به آنها حمله کردند، بستند. سپس بمبها را شنیدم و آتشهایی را دیدم که ایجاد کردند. سپس متوجه شدم که آنها می خواهند فرزندانم برای طمع خود بجنگند و گفتم: "این درست نیست.." اما کسی نبود که صدایم را بشنود. Condolences to ALL who are being "used" for this genocide; WE UNDERSTAND Israel' is using its young soldiers-sacrificing its own for the hatred and extreme resentment of a particular FEW. It's not a Microsoft war game &,we're sick of hearing the NUMBERS and the MASSACRE might just have been totally unnecessary; IDF GET FUNERALS, Palestinians get SHOVED INTO MASS GRAVES. To add insult to Traditional Americans' injury, Joe continues to $upport the paranoid, relentless NittenWhatWho, and with OUR money! GREED KNOWS NO SHAME. We aren't antisemitic, we're ANTI- HIS ANGER & policies ! يعتقد المنتجون أننا بحاجة إلى تحسينات الخلفية الموسيقية الدرامية بشكل مفرط ؟؟ تعازينا لجميع الذين "يتم استخدامهم" في هذه الإبادة الجماعية؛ نحن نتفهم أن إسرائيل تستخدم جنودها الشباب، وتضحي بجنودها من أجل الكراهية والاستياء الشديد لدى قلة معينة. إنها ليست لعبة حرب تابعة لشركة Microsoft، وقد سئمنا سماع الأرقام وربما كانت المذبحة غير ضرورية على الإطلاق؛ الجيش الإسرائيلي يقيم جنازات، والفلسطينيون يُدفعون إلى مقابر جماعية. ولإضافة الإهانة إلى إصابة الأمريكيين التقليديين، يواصل جو دعم NittenWhatWho المصاب بجنون العظمة والذي لا هوادة فيه، وبأموالنا! الجشع لا يعرف الخجل. نحن لسنا معاديين للسامية، نحن ضد غضبه وسياساته! نساء عالميات ضد الحرب! "لماذا الحرب؟" و"أعطاهم الله يومًا آخر!" اسطة فريد جولد وليندا فاي GLOBAL WOMEN AGAINST WAR! "Why War?" and " God Gave Them One More Day!" Videos to Inspire Humanity,Copyrighted 2024ByFredGold&LyndaFaye "A Love Song for Joe Biden" because he'll be in desperate need of one when his handlers realize voting becomes uncorrupted!
Blessings to you Pastor Munther! I’ve watched your talk on Middle East Eye. I pray that God keeps you close and your endurance high. I pray that he helps to take your words and land them on the ears of our Christian leaders. I pray that eyes would be opened and heart postures would be changed. God help us to remain focused on your goodness and help us to never lose faith in your peace and justice and righteousness to prevail. We have seen a horrible evil done against our brothers and sisters in Palestine…. I do not accept this evil. I do not normalize this evil. The devil is a cheap trickster. You are the light and you are working things out for our Good. You will make a way where there seems none. You will keep us steadfast. May you grant the fighters of freedom steadfastness and faith. Protect our truth tellers - bless them Lord! God I pray that Gaza will see an overflow of aid and food entering. I know that you can restore Gaza. You can unify people in Gaza and around the world in truly perfect ways and with your guidance we can overcome anything. Thank you democracy now team for bringing R.Isaac!
Thank you Reverend. There are many of us Christians lifting you guys up in prayer, writing emails to our Congress people & the White House demanding a ceasefire & an end to military aid. Not a day goes by you aren't present in our hearts & minds. God bless ❤
@@olgam601 Millions of us have been speaking about those conflicts for years, & considering Israels involvement in both Syria & the support of the US for what has been also done in Yemen, it's no surprise the pro Israel people (who never speak about the Palestinians but are suddenly concerned about the Syrians & people in Yemen) also have nothing to say about Syria or Yemen, and never have!
when his voice is heard and i hope by the grace of Allah it does reach influential people, i do hope for he will be blessed by the pope and gets a peace prize.
@@hannaelfar4271they love to cope so bad its insane I remeber some zionist getting angry when people said that jesus was palestineian and they started saying philistine was a roman word and it became a region after jesus death,but by their logic why was goliath a philistine this was during king David's Time way before jesus.
May Allah grant you of Palestine entry to Jannatul Firdaus, your children, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, community members. May you enter Paradise without account. insha'Allah Ameen.
My father was a Lutheran pastor and he and my mom had been to the Holy Lands. I wish they could have heard him speak. They would have been so proud. ❤️🇵🇸🙏
my uncle was a Lutheran pastor and built the first Lutheran church in a city west of me in Michigan - he would have loved to meet and talk with him - 2 men of strong faith and conviction
Are Lutherans followers of martin luther who hated jews and ordered his christian followers to kill, torture and loot jews and not allow them to even pray to God of israel and keep his commandments as ordered in the bible?
@@carlkuss And, to think, this pastor never brags of having been " a chosen one." "Traditional Americans " who never supported the agenda of the fake administration in conjunction with the global elite are PRAYING FOR THE GENOCIDE TO END! PLEASE STOP! February 26, 2024: PRAYING today's ICJ 's most eloquent speaker CAUSES A CEASEFIRE. There's brainwashing, and the IDF, then, there's the concept of "fighting for a cause" There's paranoia and relentless revenge; There's " partnering up "for a specific goal, and the military industrial complex; Then there's defending oneself and standing up for the underdog, as the U.S. used to; I watched them pretending to be protecting their people terming themselves " The Chosen Ones" Then I watched them shut off the water to all inhabitants of the land they invaded; Then I heard the bombs and saw the fires they created; Then I noticed they wanted MY children to fight for their greed and said, "This is not right"... " But there was no one left to hear me. من آنها را تماشا کردم که وانمود می کردند از مردم خود محافظت می کنند و خود را "برگزیدگان" می نامیدند. سپس آنها را تماشا کردم که آب را به روی همه ساکنان سرزمینی که به آنها حمله کردند، بستند. سپس بمبها را شنیدم و آتشهایی را دیدم که ایجاد کردند. سپس متوجه شدم که آنها می خواهند فرزندانم برای طمع خود بجنگند و گفتم: "این درست نیست.." اما کسی نبود که صدایم را بشنود. Condolences to ALL who are being "used" for this genocide; WE UNDERSTAND Israel' is using its young soldiers-sacrificing its own for the hatred and extreme resentment of a particular FEW. It's not a Microsoft war game &,we're sick of hearing the NUMBERS and the MASSACRE might just have been totally unnecessary; IDF GET FUNERALS, Palestinians get SHOVED INTO MASS GRAVES. To add insult to Traditional Americans' injury, Joe continues to $upport the paranoid, relentless NittenWhatWho, and with OUR money! GREED KNOWS NO SHAME. We aren't antisemitic, we're ANTI- HIS ANGER & policies ! يعتقد المنتجون أننا بحاجة إلى تحسينات الخلفية الموسيقية الدرامية بشكل مفرط ؟؟ تعازينا لجميع الذين "يتم استخدامهم" في هذه الإبادة الجماعية؛ نحن نتفهم أن إسرائيل تستخدم جنودها الشباب، وتضحي بجنودها من أجل الكراهية والاستياء الشديد لدى قلة معينة. إنها ليست لعبة حرب تابعة لشركة Microsoft، وقد سئمنا سماع الأرقام وربما كانت المذبحة غير ضرورية على الإطلاق؛ الجيش الإسرائيلي يقيم جنازات، والفلسطينيون يُدفعون إلى مقابر جماعية. ولإضافة الإهانة إلى إصابة الأمريكيين التقليديين، يواصل جو دعم NittenWhatWho المصاب بجنون العظمة والذي لا هوادة فيه، وبأموالنا! الجشع لا يعرف الخجل. نحن لسنا معاديين للسامية، نحن ضد غضبه وسياساته! نساء عالميات ضد الحرب! "لماذا الحرب؟" و"أعطاهم الله يومًا آخر!" اسطة فريد جولد وليندا فاي GLOBAL WOMEN AGAINST WAR! "Why War?" and " God Gave Them One More Day!" Videos to Inspire Humanity,Copyrighted 2024ByFredGold&LyndaFaye "A Love Song for Joe Biden" because he'll be in desperate need of one when his handlers realize voting becomes uncorrupted!
Great interview with this wonderful priest, a man of peace. It was interesting and revealing that Netanyau, in his shameful address to The US Congress, referred to the American university students protesting the Israeli IDF brutal war crimes in Gaza as "useful idiots", as that is the exact same phrase Netanyahu is on record several times in the past calling American evangelical Christians "useful idiots" for their naive political and financial support of Israel.
Hamas only existed till 1987 ,israel killed more than 50 thousand palestinians between 1948 to that according to israeli historien illan pappe so calm down@@srsmopar3808
Im paraphrasing but the fact that democrats for Israel, associated w aipac, recently said "we have to get cozy with the nazi right wingers to get what we need done" in order to beat pro Palestinian congress people, shows you all you need to know too
@Lenayeret4854 There is only ONE country that is doing this now .... USA .... giving billions of dollars for US made weapons .... the so-called allies (esp NATO) are being bullied into supporting the USA. The only solution is to vote against all AIPAC funded candidates (D & R) in US elections up & down the ballot to stop zionists buying up (with US tax payer dollars) corrupt politicians.
It's so good to see people like Isaac. Unfortunately, the American people are not ready to listen to him. Their sense of superpower made them abnormally arrogant. They have started losing all sense of humanity. Togetherness, peaceful co-existence, and human rights are textbook words for them.
Much respect Reverend Munther for your sincerity and deep faith in your religion from a Muslim.
from LBGQ and Communists?
@@PingPong-wr1clCalling you a moron would be a compliment... so I'm not going to compliment you...
@@anastylishrock481 proves your noggin is filled with rock... just like the lost profit
Archaeologists have discovered Sodom and Gomorrah.
It's every Christians duty to try and stop that from happening again.
@@PingPong-wr1cl yep. profit is definitely the word
*Silence is complicity in genocide.* 💯
LOL, what a fascist statement, twisting the basic definitions of words.
iden/Harris just approved another $20Billion towards the Biden/Harris-backed genocide Israel is committing. Harris and Biden are war criminals
So is the events of the Palestinian/Hamas October 7th Abomination in murdering, 1,200 innocent villagers and taking 250 hostages to hide behind. If it had been any other country there would not be anything left of Gaza not even a stick. In Fact Hamas ended their 300 miles of tunnels in Hospitals, Schools, crowded Palestinian markets and gathering places, and "Holy Mosques," all to maximize their own peoples Deaths first to save themselves from the Israeli Defense Forces response and also as stated maximize the casualties to solicit International criticism against Israel. Negotiate with who? Animals?
LOL, nice soviet logic there.
😂🤣😂🤣😂 there nothing funnier than seeing someone displaying willful ignorance and thinking others don't see through it. 😂🤣😂🤣😂
Thank you for your brave stand and speaking out for true justice and the Jesus's true Christianity
I could listen to him for hours. His voice is so powerful & I think that’s why they keep him down. They’re afraid of the influence that he could have.
His will be heavenly blessings
Much respect Reverend Munther for your sincerity and deep feelings for human beings!
Reverend Munther, the people heard you the first time and it was so powerful. I hope you know that, nothing was in vain ❤ Thank you for not giving up, thank you for your eloquence and fight for the truth ❤
Have you Reverend covered/spoke about the civil wars in Yemen or/and Syria? Hundred of thousands MUSLIMS have died in these conflicts.
@@olgam601 I dint know Olga, he's probably occupied with the babies dying around him and the terrorists you call settlers abusing and stealing from his people? He's a Christian and spoke to Christian leaders, I'm glad he did since Evangelical Christians and Israel market this as a conflict between Muslims and Jews, a dishonest way in the quest to manufacture consent amongst Islamophobic racists
Have you spoken on my breakfastorder this morning, where I got tea instead of coffee Olga? No? Then why fo you speak on my opinion on this.
@@olgam601 both are also partialy funded by US. who you think arms saudi military? the kurdish army in syria? someone also funded ISIS, funny how they used to be a big thing expands across iraq and syria doing bombing here and there. suddenly just gone. other group like hezbollah they're extremist, well equiped and organized but they can't seem to touch the west, no? like they way ISIS has.
Thank you for having Rev. Munther on. I believe he is a man of peace who gives an accurate account of what is happening.
A great Reverend whose plea needs to be heard across the world.
Actually, it just needs to be heard at the White House.
@@cassiusdhami9215 White House is filled with zionists
AIPAC won't let you hear it
@@KL1212-ck9ky so true!
across the world of deluded replacement theologians?
Democracy Now is amazing. Thank you for reporting the truth! Thank you for interviewing Rev. Munther Isaac. He is very inspiring. I'm thankful for him and how he has always spoken out against this genocide. He's not afraid to stand for life and what's right.
CNN & other western media would never inteview such a man.
Thank you, Democracy Now for the Lords job!
Biden/Harris just approved another $20Billion towards the Biden/Harris-backed genocide Israel is committing. Harris and Biden are war criminals
@@FM-ln2sbthe house of representatives and the senate approved the money.
@@Keepthepeacesharethelove hahahahaha! nice attempt at Harris/Biden decision.. Harris and Biden are war criminals
Thank you from Islamists Communists and LBGQIT
@@Keepthepeacesharethelove Joe Biden and the democrats approved the money. He wants to give the Jews some money that we don't have.
When is this evil going to stop shame on us
When the United States is freed from the control of pro-Israel lobby such as AIPAC over its policies, financial and military resources
When the United States is freed from the control of pro-Israel lobby such as AIPAC over its policies, financial and military resources
Biden/Harris just approved another $20Billion towards the Biden/Harris-backed genocide Israel is committing. Harris and Biden are war criminals
Shame on the hidden ruling class that wanted this war! The people that wants that beautiful oceanfront property as Jared Kushner said the son-in-law of former president Donald Trump. Those people are responsible not us shame on them. We have no power. That’s why they are rewriting the protesting laws because we have no power. That’s why we can’t get Clarence Thomas and Anthony Alito off of the Supreme Court because we have no power. That’s why we can’t get money out of politics. We have no power.
"Traditional Americans " who never supported the agenda of the fake administration in conjunction with the global elite are PRAYING FOR THE GENOCIDE TO END! PLEASE STOP!
February 26, 2024: PRAYING today's ICJ 's most eloquent speaker CAUSES A CEASEFIRE.
There's brainwashing, and the IDF, then, there's the concept of "fighting for a cause"
There's paranoia and relentless revenge;
There's " partnering up "for a specific goal, and the military industrial complex;
Then there's defending oneself and standing up for the underdog, as the U.S. used to;
I watched them pretending to be protecting their people terming themselves " The Chosen Ones"
Then I watched them shut off the water to all inhabitants of the land they invaded;
Then I heard the bombs and saw the fires they created;
Then I noticed they wanted MY children to fight for their greed and said, "This is not right"...
" But there was no one left to hear me. من آنها را تماشا کردم که وانمود می کردند از مردم خود محافظت می کنند و خود را "برگزیدگان" می نامیدند. سپس آنها را تماشا کردم که آب را به روی همه ساکنان سرزمینی که به آنها حمله کردند، بستند. سپس بمبها را شنیدم و آتشهایی را دیدم که ایجاد کردند. سپس متوجه شدم که آنها می خواهند فرزندانم برای طمع خود بجنگند و گفتم: "این درست نیست.." اما کسی نبود که صدایم را بشنود. Condolences to ALL who are being "used" for this genocide; WE UNDERSTAND Israel' is using its young soldiers-sacrificing its own for the hatred and extreme resentment of a particular FEW. It's not a Microsoft war game &,we're sick of hearing the NUMBERS and the MASSACRE might just have been totally unnecessary; IDF GET FUNERALS, Palestinians get SHOVED INTO MASS GRAVES. To add insult to Traditional Americans' injury, Joe continues to $upport the paranoid, relentless NittenWhatWho, and with OUR money! GREED KNOWS NO SHAME. We aren't antisemitic, we're ANTI- HIS ANGER & policies ! يعتقد المنتجون أننا بحاجة إلى تحسينات الخلفية الموسيقية الدرامية بشكل مفرط ؟؟ تعازينا لجميع الذين "يتم استخدامهم" في هذه الإبادة الجماعية؛ نحن نتفهم أن إسرائيل تستخدم جنودها الشباب، وتضحي بجنودها من أجل الكراهية والاستياء الشديد لدى قلة معينة. إنها ليست لعبة حرب تابعة لشركة Microsoft، وقد سئمنا سماع الأرقام وربما كانت المذبحة غير ضرورية على الإطلاق؛ الجيش الإسرائيلي يقيم جنازات، والفلسطينيون يُدفعون إلى مقابر جماعية. ولإضافة الإهانة إلى إصابة الأمريكيين التقليديين، يواصل جو دعم NittenWhatWho المصاب بجنون العظمة والذي لا هوادة فيه، وبأموالنا! الجشع لا يعرف الخجل. نحن لسنا معاديين للسامية، نحن ضد غضبه وسياساته! نساء عالميات ضد الحرب! "لماذا الحرب؟" و"أعطاهم الله يومًا آخر!" اسطة فريد جولد وليندا فاي GLOBAL WOMEN AGAINST WAR!
"Why War?" and " God Gave Them One More Day!" Videos to Inspire Humanity,Copyrighted 2024ByFredGold&LyndaFaye "A Love Song for Joe Biden" because he'll be in desperate need of one when his handlers realize voting becomes uncorrupted!
God Bless Amy Goodman for always spreading the truth.
Reverend Munther Issac, great respect to your courage and honesty🙏🏼❤️❤️
Have you Reverend covered/spoke about the civil wars in Yemen or/and Syria? Hundred of thousands MUSLIMS have died in these conflicts.
It's way past time to scream.
It's way past time to cry.
But all I want to do is scream and cry.
From Ireland 🇮🇪
True Christians can't be silent when the Bible is weaponized. We must not fall for the false prophets of our time. ❤Thank you Reverend for speaking out!
Now is the time for all good people everywhere to speak truth to power. Peace now!
May Allah be kind to Reverend Munther Isaac.
I always love to hear Revernd Munther speak. Mashallah he is so well spoken, humble, and kind.
Masjid alaqsa in danger so is bethlehem in Gaza
Have you Reverend covered/spoke about the civil wars in Yemen or/and Syria? Hundred of thousands MUSLIMS have died in these conflicts.
Thank you Reverend Munther Isaac for being on the right side of history. Thank you Democracy Now channel for your great journalism🙏
Have you Reverend covered/spoke about the civil wars in Yemen or/and Syria? Hundred of thousands MUSLIMS have died in these conflicts.
Bless you, Reverend…
As a non believer….God bless him and he’s put it perfectly!! Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
No such place exists or ever existed.
Only Isnotreal? 😂😂😂
Palestine, always was always will be
@@beccssmith6285 you are ignorant of history.
@@okigi-wo5zmgenesis 21 34
@@ketleonetwothousand2059 The promised land promised to the Israelites.
Have you actually read the Bible or are you cutting and pasting?
Congratulations to DN for giving this Palestinian Pastor from Bethlehem another opportunity to speak about the Gaza Obscenity, and the total deceit and falsehood of the Christian Zionist movement.
The universal message of Christian faith will only serve as a living impulse if individuals like Rev. Munther Isaac continue to denounce the
religious bigotry and intolerance.
No such things as a "universal message of christian faith".
Some people use that faith to justify merking, roping or enslaving people, others to fearmonger about sex, critical thinking and gay folk, others to collect vast riches, and others again to help the weak and needy.
They _all_ call themselves christian, they all justify what they do by the "holy" book.
And no, YOU dont get to decide who is a "real" christian, because they all do that, too.
There is no such thing as a "universal message" to that faith.
People feel motivated to everything from saintly self-sacrifice over shameless self-serving to bloody atrocity by that faith (and others) . And they all can justify it by the scripture.
And no, you cannot simply say "those are not real c´s" - because they all do that too.
It is truly unbelievable that this can continue so long @@FischerNilsA
The Reverand Also stressed What has been going on in the West Bank and how the Illegal Settlements are strangling more & more Palestinian Communities.
Well said , bravo !
It is intolerable to witness the horror without doing anything, but being complicit is something even worse.
Much respect for Dr. Munther. 💔
Isaac Munther ❤
Lot of pain in his voice. May Allah ease their pain. Ameen
Silence is complicity
LOL, nice soviet logic there.
Have you Reverend covered/spoke about the civil wars in Yemen or/and Syria? Hundred of thousands MUSLIMS have died in these conflicts.
@@olgam601 BY MUSLIMS.
Rev. Munther Isaac is a good friend and has never told a lie that I have heard in 20 years. He is a support to the Christian and Palestinian community in the West Bank. He is always kind to me, an Israeli Jewish woman working towards peace for over 20 years in Israel.
before 1947 Palestine was a peaceful land of Christians, Jews, and Muslims and must return to that - research it
Thank you for being a diamond in the rough 💜
Keep working for peace 🙏
Bless you for your good work. People on the outside need to hear the truth. So many are still under the delusion that the Zionist political movement is Israel and who are in denial of the genocide and 76 years of murder
As a Christian, I stand for peace in Palestine and to our Palestinian brothers and sisters each of whom are created by the same God who created all human kind. Peace be upon Minister Munther Isaac as he speaks truth to power.
Thank you Reverend 🙏🏽❤️❤️
from LBGQ and communists and Islamists
انسخ و انشر:
Copy and publish:
Do you think it all momen Started on OCTOBER 7th?
هل ظننت أن كل شيء بدأ في 7 اكتوبر؟
مجزرة دير ياسين 1948
Deir Yassin massacre 1948
Tantura Massacre 1948
Qibya massacre 1953
Kafr Qasim massacre 1956
Rafah massacre 1956
مجزرة الطنطورة 1948
مجزرة قبية 1953
مجزرة كفر قاسم 1956
مجزرة رفح 1956
مجزرة بحر البقر 1970
مجزرة صبرا وشاتيلا 1982
Bahr El-Bakar massacre 1970
Sabra and Shatila massacre 1982
Khalil massacre 1994
Jenin massacre 2002
Gaza war 2008
Gaza war 2012
Gaza war 2014
Gaza war 2021
Gaza war 2023
مجزرة الخليل 1994
مجزرة جنين 2002
حرب غزة 2008
حرب غزة 2012
حرب غرة 2014
حرب غزة 2021
حرب غزة 2023
اقرأ عن الإبادة الجماعية للفلسطينيين
لقد كرر التاريخ نفسه مرات عديدة على مر العصور
Read about the genocid of the Palestinians
History has repeated itself many times throughout the ages
Do you still think that it all started on October 7th?
هل لازلت تعتقد أن كل شيء بدأ في 7 اكتوبر ؟
@@zackhruska 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Have you Reverend covered/spoke about the civil wars in Yemen or/and Syria? Hundred of thousands MUSLIMS have died in these conflicts.
Our ❤'s and prayers are with all Palestine
LOL, no.
@@srsmopar3808shutup evil u
When will Allah free Palestine?
@@mohammedkassim6053 no such place.
@@Princesspeacelovetruth You should read it. Might make you less narcissistic.
It's so strange I was just thinking about Munther Isaac yesterday its so good to see and hear him again God Bless him. He Himself been Palestinian is suffering along with all his brothers and sisters in the Holy Lands of Palestine. We all need to pray morning noon and night every where in this world for the Oppressed Palestinian People and Their Families. 🙏💔😢🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴🍉🇮🇪🇯🇴🇮🇪🇯🇴
We lacked religious leaders like reverend Munther in former Yugoslavia. When tensions rose, the priests from the Catholic and Orthodox church and Imams chose power and money over peace and beliefs and stood under their respective national flags. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."
Agreed brother
So who are the children of god?
Now it becomes apparent whose puppets and controlled oppositions both branches are. They think they pray to a different god it turns out they misinterpreted the script.
@@zuubanzuban the peacemakers ...all that believe in humanity & Love
I’m a Palestinian Christian from the area of Bethlehem. I grew up in a town where most were Christians! I identify with the way that Munther sounds beaten & let down! The American Christians welcome anyone but not the Palestinian Christian! True story!
I have to like & reply to my own post, so it will post!
@@wolfsheepclothing yeah YT cens0rship is ridiculous. Zi0n!sts are afraid the truth is coming out
It's not only in America,it's the world over,99%of the Christians of the world have left Palistinian Christians down and worship the Israelis and they will insult one and scream all kinds of filthy things at you in social media to protect what Israel is doing..
I have finally accepted how much the Christians supports all this evil..and yet the Israelis call them polytheists.
And to think that Palestinian Christian lives just next door to the historical sites of Jesus rather than the American Christians and they don't welcome Palestinian Christian.
The most moving interview I've watched concerning this Jew - Palestine standoff. Very touching and hearing directly from someone born in Bethlehem, the same birthplace of Yeshua The Messiah makes it even more touching. I'm dripping in tears listening to Dr.Isaac speak. May The LORD console us all and strengthen him in his fight and struggle. Thanks Amy for this soul searching and revealing interview.
Jesus, peace be upon him, was born in Bethlehem, grew up in Nazareth, and left this world from Jerusalem, all Palestinian towns. He was a Palestinian Jew. Modern day Palestinians are the direct descendants of his people. His people are being slaughtered by a settler colonial entity practicing genocide and ethnic cleansing and supported by ignorant Christians.
Thank you for recognizing that
Unfortunately many Christian’s are fooled into this and support Israel treatment of Palestinians because the lobby comes to church give free trips and buy support
Any1 with a heart can see this Horrifying Barbaric Injustice is Evil - Regardless of Race or Religion I don't know how any1 supporting this dare talk about God whichever 1they pray 2 💔
@@cheryllines4106they like to say God has let Palistinians down and support seems more like Israel is doing Satans work..
@@cheryllines4106true I was aware of the palestineian struggle ever since I was a litle child I didn't think poor muslims or Christian I thought poor people
Thank you, Dr. Isaac
So sad. Pure evil shame on those people poor children shame on the world
Biden/Harris just approved another $20Billion towards the Biden/Harris-backed genocide Israel is committing. Harris and Biden are war criminals
LOL, maybe you would agree that hamas shouldn't have started this latest war?
@@srsmopar3808 israel started this before 1948.
@@Scottishsal LOL, are saying the october attack was not an act of war because they were already at war? That it was justified?
Thank goodness this is being spoken about openly.
Unbridled greed will never allow our world to know peace!
Free Palestine 🇵🇸 ❤ so much love for Reverend Munther🙏❤️ we won’t stop speaking up and fighting for the freedom of Palestinians!
When will Allah free Palestine?
Yes. And as a Christian I know that God is great and that only He stands up for those who seek justice. He alone determines the moment and how he will do it. 🇵🇸 Free Free Palestine 🇵🇸.
@@OliveTree-dd5vp Palestine was a region
Never a country.
@@tomceman4451god is great you me all of us will eventually meet our maker and justice will be done for everyone’s actions on earth
You can tell who truly exemplifies the love and courage of Jesus Christ by their stance on Gaza. God bless the Palestinians
Pastor Munther is a true man of God. Lots of respect
Silence from Catholic leaders is nothing new or surprising: look at how silent there were - and are in many cases - regarding child sexual abuse by their own priests.
Hmm...State and Church...
@@bobiel9048. You misunderstand. Church is part of state and vice versa. Example, I cannot marry four women at once... Utah sanctions the Mormon church and multiple wives.
Look up Dum Diversas. The papal bull of 1452 by Pope Nicholas V.
It will tell u everything you need to know about WHY, WHY, WHY, THEY R SILENT.
"The devil divided against himself can not stand". So silence prevails.
The US Catholic church hierarchy is incredibly racist and has been poisoned by anti-abortion politics much like US rabbis have been poisoned by zionism. Actually they're not silent. The leading catholic publication regularly posts apologia for both Israel and Biden.
Good Guy/Bad Guy Negotiating
Negotiating in Good Faith is an international norm and in some cases a treaty requirement.
Good Guy - Religion, Bad Guy - State.
The Reverend is a beautiful human voice. We want a peaceful change to the Israeli Apartheid State but patience is running out.
Love ❤️ Isaac Munther!
Im disgusted with 9/10 of the christians i know irl. I can share with them about the Scofield bible and they flat refuse to educate themselves. Bless you, Reverand. May Palestine be free.
You should be disgusted with hamas.
it is deeply upsetting
The heresy of Christian Zionism has done incalculable damage.
@@srsmopar3808 HAMAS is already world-wide; murdering innocent Palestinian children and families won't help the Nittenwhatwho ."Traditional Americans " who never supported the agenda of the fake administration in conjunction with the global elite are PRAYING FOR THE GENOCIDE TO END! PLEASE STOP!
February 26, 2024: PRAYING today's ICJ 's most eloquent speaker CAUSES A CEASEFIRE.
There's brainwashing, and the IDF, then, there's the concept of "fighting for a cause"
There's paranoia and relentless revenge;
There's " partnering up "for a specific goal, and the military industrial complex;
Then there's defending oneself and standing up for the underdog, as the U.S. used to;
I watched them pretending to be protecting their people terming themselves " The Chosen Ones"
Then I watched them shut off the water to all inhabitants of the land they invaded;
Then I heard the bombs and saw the fires they created;
Then I noticed they wanted MY children to fight for their greed and said, "This is not right"...
" But there was no one left to hear me. من آنها را تماشا کردم که وانمود می کردند از مردم خود محافظت می کنند و خود را "برگزیدگان" می نامیدند. سپس آنها را تماشا کردم که آب را به روی همه ساکنان سرزمینی که به آنها حمله کردند، بستند. سپس بمبها را شنیدم و آتشهایی را دیدم که ایجاد کردند. سپس متوجه شدم که آنها می خواهند فرزندانم برای طمع خود بجنگند و گفتم: "این درست نیست.." اما کسی نبود که صدایم را بشنود. Condolences to ALL who are being "used" for this genocide; WE UNDERSTAND Israel' is using its young soldiers-sacrificing its own for the hatred and extreme resentment of a particular FEW. It's not a Microsoft war game &,we're sick of hearing the NUMBERS and the MASSACRE might just have been totally unnecessary; IDF GET FUNERALS, Palestinians get SHOVED INTO MASS GRAVES. To add insult to Traditional Americans' injury, Joe continues to $upport the paranoid, relentless NittenWhatWho, and with OUR money! GREED KNOWS NO SHAME. We aren't antisemitic, we're ANTI- HIS ANGER & policies ! يعتقد المنتجون أننا بحاجة إلى تحسينات الخلفية الموسيقية الدرامية بشكل مفرط ؟؟ تعازينا لجميع الذين "يتم استخدامهم" في هذه الإبادة الجماعية؛ نحن نتفهم أن إسرائيل تستخدم جنودها الشباب، وتضحي بجنودها من أجل الكراهية والاستياء الشديد لدى قلة معينة. إنها ليست لعبة حرب تابعة لشركة Microsoft، وقد سئمنا سماع الأرقام وربما كانت المذبحة غير ضرورية على الإطلاق؛ الجيش الإسرائيلي يقيم جنازات، والفلسطينيون يُدفعون إلى مقابر جماعية. ولإضافة الإهانة إلى إصابة الأمريكيين التقليديين، يواصل جو دعم NittenWhatWho المصاب بجنون العظمة والذي لا هوادة فيه، وبأموالنا! الجشع لا يعرف الخجل. نحن لسنا معاديين للسامية، نحن ضد غضبه وسياساته! نساء عالميات ضد الحرب! "لماذا الحرب؟" و"أعطاهم الله يومًا آخر!" اسطة فريد جولد وليندا فاي GLOBAL WOMEN AGAINST WAR!
"Why War?" and " God Gave Them One More Day!" Videos to Inspire Humanity,Copyrighted 2024ByFredGold&LyndaFaye "A Love Song for Joe Biden" because he'll be in desperate need of one when his handlers realize voting becomes uncorrupted!
@@srsmopar3808why hamaas? What they did hamaas? They want only to stop their own land stealing from them, how shame you’re complaining hamaas ?
God/Allah wa taala bless you Reverend Isaac!
The real Christians stand with Palestine
"The real Christians stand with Palestine" LOL, no.
Yes ~ if you are a true follower of the Way and embodied teachings of Jesus.
@@srsmopar3808you are almost there. Keep on going. HELL FIRE can't wait to hug people like you.
@@agibosanac6343 "HELL FIRE can't wait to hug people like you." LOL, I choose not to participate in your silly fairytale.
I respect reverend Munther Isaac
Have you Reverend covered/spoke about the civil wars in Yemen or/and Syria? Hundred of thousands MUSLIMS died in these conflicts.
@@olgam601 He is not a major politician or a geopolitical expert/pundit.
Just a Palestinian reverend, I guess he's talking about what he knows best.
Rev. Isaac is the right person to address the Congress .. not Netanyahu.. for God's sakes
Great respect for the reverand❤
Have you Reverend covered/spoke about the civil wars in Yemen or/and Syria? Hundred of thousands MUSLIMS have died in these conflicts.
The Christ in the Rubble was so sad but had an important message, I can't believe this is still happening. My grandmother was a Holocaust survivor from Poland. I have family in Israel, and they do not support Netanyahu. Israel has become a genocidal maniac, worse than the Axis powers in WWII who carried out the Holocaust. People get upset when I say that Gaza is worse than the Holocaust. It is worse because Israel has, STILL has, the full support of the US. We're on the wrong side of a genocide, and it makes me sick. WWII lasted six years, this has been going on for just 10 months and so much of Gaza is totally destroyed. I don't get it, what has to happen to end this? The US and Israeli governments just keep telling us the reports show no evidence of war crimes, but we are watching war crimes being committed. Our government is telling us not to believe our own eyes. I hope that Kamala Harris is sincere when she says she wants to work towards a ceasefire. Thank you, Reverend Munther Isaac, I won't be silent.
💚 from Ireland 🇮🇪 x
She is not sincere at all. She repeats ALL of the Israeli propganda, including saying that there is “nuance” in this genocide, and the killing will only stop if Hamas surrenders to be tortured in Israeli prisons and releases the Israeli hostages. She has no concern for the 10,000 Palestinian hostages, or the children Israel is killing.
your relatives were/are also on the wrong side of the nakba; this is not a 'netanyahu bad' problem
"I have family in Israel, and they do not support Netanyahu" LOL, then they are fools, who do not understand the true nature of their genocidal enemies.
Brilliant comment, thank you for your compassion & Humanity💖 it's so sickening especially on Al Jazeera channel the amount of Vile comments from Evil Iz Trolls
Thank you so much for this! I am posting and writing!
Let Munther address congress
the voice of Christ speaks through this good man.
And, to think, he never brags of having been " a chosen one."
"Traditional Americans " who never supported the agenda of the fake administration in conjunction with the global elite are PRAYING FOR THE GENOCIDE TO END! PLEASE STOP!
February 26, 2024: PRAYING today's ICJ 's most eloquent speaker CAUSES A CEASEFIRE.
There's brainwashing, and the IDF, then, there's the concept of "fighting for a cause"
There's paranoia and relentless revenge;
There's " partnering up "for a specific goal, and the military industrial complex;
Then there's defending oneself and standing up for the underdog, as the U.S. used to;
I watched them pretending to be protecting their people terming themselves " The Chosen Ones"
Then I watched them shut off the water to all inhabitants of the land they invaded;
Then I heard the bombs and saw the fires they created;
Then I noticed they wanted MY children to fight for their greed and said, "This is not right"...
" But there was no one left to hear me. من آنها را تماشا کردم که وانمود می کردند از مردم خود محافظت می کنند و خود را "برگزیدگان" می نامیدند. سپس آنها را تماشا کردم که آب را به روی همه ساکنان سرزمینی که به آنها حمله کردند، بستند. سپس بمبها را شنیدم و آتشهایی را دیدم که ایجاد کردند. سپس متوجه شدم که آنها می خواهند فرزندانم برای طمع خود بجنگند و گفتم: "این درست نیست.." اما کسی نبود که صدایم را بشنود. Condolences to ALL who are being "used" for this genocide; WE UNDERSTAND Israel' is using its young soldiers-sacrificing its own for the hatred and extreme resentment of a particular FEW. It's not a Microsoft war game &,we're sick of hearing the NUMBERS and the MASSACRE might just have been totally unnecessary; IDF GET FUNERALS, Palestinians get SHOVED INTO MASS GRAVES. To add insult to Traditional Americans' injury, Joe continues to $upport the paranoid, relentless NittenWhatWho, and with OUR money! GREED KNOWS NO SHAME. We aren't antisemitic, we're ANTI- HIS ANGER & policies ! يعتقد المنتجون أننا بحاجة إلى تحسينات الخلفية الموسيقية الدرامية بشكل مفرط ؟؟ تعازينا لجميع الذين "يتم استخدامهم" في هذه الإبادة الجماعية؛ نحن نتفهم أن إسرائيل تستخدم جنودها الشباب، وتضحي بجنودها من أجل الكراهية والاستياء الشديد لدى قلة معينة. إنها ليست لعبة حرب تابعة لشركة Microsoft، وقد سئمنا سماع الأرقام وربما كانت المذبحة غير ضرورية على الإطلاق؛ الجيش الإسرائيلي يقيم جنازات، والفلسطينيون يُدفعون إلى مقابر جماعية. ولإضافة الإهانة إلى إصابة الأمريكيين التقليديين، يواصل جو دعم NittenWhatWho المصاب بجنون العظمة والذي لا هوادة فيه، وبأموالنا! الجشع لا يعرف الخجل. نحن لسنا معاديين للسامية، نحن ضد غضبه وسياساته! نساء عالميات ضد الحرب! "لماذا الحرب؟" و"أعطاهم الله يومًا آخر!" اسطة فريد جولد وليندا فاي GLOBAL WOMEN AGAINST WAR!
"Why War?" and " God Gave Them One More Day!" Videos to Inspire Humanity,Copyrighted 2024ByFredGold&LyndaFaye "A Love Song for Joe Biden" because he'll be in desperate need of one when his handlers realize voting becomes uncorrupted!
Silence is just as destructive as the violence
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
"Silence is just as destructive as the violence" LOL fascist bullshit.
heart breaking...
Oh God , among the few clear and accurate explanation of the different theologies existing around the zionism theory
Thank you Reverend Munther.
Blessings to you Pastor Munther! I’ve watched your talk on Middle East Eye. I pray that God keeps you close and your endurance high. I pray that he helps to take your words and land them on the ears of our Christian leaders. I pray that eyes would be opened and heart postures would be changed. God help us to remain focused on your goodness and help us to never lose faith in your peace and justice and righteousness to prevail. We have seen a horrible evil done against our brothers and sisters in Palestine…. I do not accept this evil. I do not normalize this evil. The devil is a cheap trickster. You are the light and you are working things out for our Good. You will make a way where there seems none. You will keep us steadfast. May you grant the fighters of freedom steadfastness and faith. Protect our truth tellers - bless them Lord! God I pray that Gaza will see an overflow of aid and food entering. I know that you can restore Gaza. You can unify people in Gaza and around the world in truly perfect ways and with your guidance we can overcome anything. Thank you democracy now team for bringing R.Isaac!
Thank you Reverend. There are many of us Christians lifting you guys up in prayer, writing emails to our Congress people & the White House demanding a ceasefire & an end to military aid. Not a day goes by you aren't present in our hearts & minds. God bless ❤
Have you Reverend covered/spoke about the civil wars in Yemen or/and Syria? Hundred of thousands MUSLIMS have died in these conflicts.
@@olgam601 Millions of us have been speaking about those conflicts for years, & considering Israels involvement in both Syria & the support of the US for what has been also done in Yemen, it's no surprise the pro Israel people (who never speak about the Palestinians but are suddenly concerned about the Syrians & people in Yemen) also have nothing to say about Syria or Yemen, and never have!
Reverend Munther is doing the most important work. Lobbying the Christians of the USA is a major game changer.
when his voice is heard and i hope by the grace of Allah it does reach influential people, i do hope for he will be blessed by the pope and gets a peace prize.
With gratitude & respect Rev Isaac.. the silence & absence of Western religious leaders is devastating & revealing.
I pray that American Christians can have their eyes opened to see as Rev Isaac sees.
I wish i could attend the sermon.
How can anyone call oneself a peeson of faith and support the American and Israeli governments?
Very articulate.
Great coverage. Thank you Democracy Now
Thanks you Reverend Munther Your mother did all the right things in raising you and your brave to live in Gaza
So many Christians in the West, but very few Christianity.
So well humanity..
Christians are not powerful.
Most Christians in the west are only Christian in name, not practice.
US Christianity is a sad joke very far from true Christians (Orientals, Orthodox, Catholics, Coptics, Ethiopians, Lutherans)
SHAME ON THE LEADERS who have the power to stop this.
Those kind of people have no ability to feel shame. Greed. Greed. Greed.
But honestly who puts these people into power?
@@maggie1128 ❤
@@heididickens9924 They are toying with people's lives.
Reverend Isaac is right.The Church is quiet while the genocide continues in Palestine.
LOL most christian churches pray every day for peace in the middle east. Unfortunately, there can be no peace with hamas in power.
Reverend Isaac is right. Allah is quiet while the genocide continues in Palestine.
@@srsmopar3808 LOL most Muslims pray every day for peace in the middle east. Unfortunately, there can be no peace with Netanyahu in power.
@@srsmopar3808there is no hamas in west bank chill out karen
The church was very vocal about the non-genocide in China! They now seem to support this genocide!
Grazie di cuore Reverendo Munther, Palestina libera🙏💪💖
catastrophic , the world we're living in 💔💔💔💔💔
I’m another non believer but love listening to this guy…..Free Palestine 🇵🇸
@@hannaelfar4271 Palestine was not a country. It was a region.
@@okigi-wo5zm sure thing
@@hannaelfar4271they love to cope so bad its insane I remeber some zionist getting angry when people said that jesus was palestineian and they started saying philistine was a roman word and it became a region after jesus death,but by their logic why was goliath a philistine this was during king David's Time way before jesus.
I am a Mennonite and I am totally against what Israel is doing in Palestine. Thank you for Speaking the truth
God bless you, Reverend. As a Muslim, I want to express my highest respect for you.
This is horrible 😭😭😭
It's so disgusting it's almost incomprehensible
Wow. Im in tears!!
Munther Isaac is a very great and brave man.
I agree
@@srsmopar3808 You are a fool!
@@srsmopar3808 You are a fool
May Allah grant you of Palestine entry to Jannatul Firdaus, your children, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, community members. May you enter Paradise without account. insha'Allah Ameen.
My father was a Lutheran pastor and he and my mom had been to the Holy Lands. I wish they could have heard him speak. They would have been so proud. ❤️🇵🇸🙏
I'm a Muslim and I listened to his Xmas morning christ under the rubble sermon and was so touched..he is an amazing human being..
my uncle was a Lutheran pastor and built the first Lutheran church in a city west of me in Michigan - he would have loved to meet and talk with him - 2 men of strong faith and conviction
@@mogamadgreyson143me too
Are Lutherans followers of martin luther who hated jews and ordered his christian followers to kill, torture and loot jews and not allow them to even pray to God of israel and keep his commandments as ordered in the bible?
Thank you for telling true Munther Issac
Thank you🌎✊🗽🌹☮️
I am a Roman Catholic. I worship Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. Free Palestine.
Ditto. Amen.
Palestine chose this crap over freedom. Toughen up and get clear on the facts
@@carlkuss And, to think, this pastor never brags of having been " a chosen one."
"Traditional Americans " who never supported the agenda of the fake administration in conjunction with the global elite are PRAYING FOR THE GENOCIDE TO END! PLEASE STOP!
February 26, 2024: PRAYING today's ICJ 's most eloquent speaker CAUSES A CEASEFIRE.
There's brainwashing, and the IDF, then, there's the concept of "fighting for a cause"
There's paranoia and relentless revenge;
There's " partnering up "for a specific goal, and the military industrial complex;
Then there's defending oneself and standing up for the underdog, as the U.S. used to;
I watched them pretending to be protecting their people terming themselves " The Chosen Ones"
Then I watched them shut off the water to all inhabitants of the land they invaded;
Then I heard the bombs and saw the fires they created;
Then I noticed they wanted MY children to fight for their greed and said, "This is not right"...
" But there was no one left to hear me. من آنها را تماشا کردم که وانمود می کردند از مردم خود محافظت می کنند و خود را "برگزیدگان" می نامیدند. سپس آنها را تماشا کردم که آب را به روی همه ساکنان سرزمینی که به آنها حمله کردند، بستند. سپس بمبها را شنیدم و آتشهایی را دیدم که ایجاد کردند. سپس متوجه شدم که آنها می خواهند فرزندانم برای طمع خود بجنگند و گفتم: "این درست نیست.." اما کسی نبود که صدایم را بشنود. Condolences to ALL who are being "used" for this genocide; WE UNDERSTAND Israel' is using its young soldiers-sacrificing its own for the hatred and extreme resentment of a particular FEW. It's not a Microsoft war game &,we're sick of hearing the NUMBERS and the MASSACRE might just have been totally unnecessary; IDF GET FUNERALS, Palestinians get SHOVED INTO MASS GRAVES. To add insult to Traditional Americans' injury, Joe continues to $upport the paranoid, relentless NittenWhatWho, and with OUR money! GREED KNOWS NO SHAME. We aren't antisemitic, we're ANTI- HIS ANGER & policies ! يعتقد المنتجون أننا بحاجة إلى تحسينات الخلفية الموسيقية الدرامية بشكل مفرط ؟؟ تعازينا لجميع الذين "يتم استخدامهم" في هذه الإبادة الجماعية؛ نحن نتفهم أن إسرائيل تستخدم جنودها الشباب، وتضحي بجنودها من أجل الكراهية والاستياء الشديد لدى قلة معينة. إنها ليست لعبة حرب تابعة لشركة Microsoft، وقد سئمنا سماع الأرقام وربما كانت المذبحة غير ضرورية على الإطلاق؛ الجيش الإسرائيلي يقيم جنازات، والفلسطينيون يُدفعون إلى مقابر جماعية. ولإضافة الإهانة إلى إصابة الأمريكيين التقليديين، يواصل جو دعم NittenWhatWho المصاب بجنون العظمة والذي لا هوادة فيه، وبأموالنا! الجشع لا يعرف الخجل. نحن لسنا معاديين للسامية، نحن ضد غضبه وسياساته! نساء عالميات ضد الحرب! "لماذا الحرب؟" و"أعطاهم الله يومًا آخر!" اسطة فريد جولد وليندا فاي GLOBAL WOMEN AGAINST WAR!
"Why War?" and " God Gave Them One More Day!" Videos to Inspire Humanity,Copyrighted 2024ByFredGold&LyndaFaye "A Love Song for Joe Biden" because he'll be in desperate need of one when his handlers realize voting becomes uncorrupted!
Ditto and Amen. Free Palestine
Great interview with this wonderful priest, a man of peace. It was interesting and revealing that Netanyau, in his shameful address to The US Congress, referred to the American university students protesting the Israeli IDF brutal war crimes in Gaza as "useful idiots", as that is the exact same phrase Netanyahu is on record several times in the past calling American evangelical Christians "useful idiots" for their naive political and financial support of Israel.
I feel sick, how can this horror just continuing? We must stopp the murders. Are we all so numb. I just can not fathom this not being stopped
Shame on the countries supplying the weapons to do this.
It's just us here in the USA but most don't agree or voted for this .
LOL, but it's ok for Iran and Russia to supply weapons to hamas?
Really? Where are the tanks, fighter jets, drones to defend the people of Gaza? tm@@srsmopar3808
Hamas only existed till 1987 ,israel killed more than 50 thousand palestinians between 1948 to that according to israeli historien illan pappe so calm down@@srsmopar3808
شكراً منذر إسحاق، احد ابناء فلسطين الأبرار كل الحب 💙
I thought the Naz!s no longer existed until I realized that they are rebranding themselves as the NAtional Zlonism of Israel.
They do come from Europe like they say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree the tree.
They exist in forms of Neo nazis and Zionists.
The are 100 times worse than Nazi
Im paraphrasing but the fact that democrats for Israel, associated w aipac, recently said "we have to get cozy with the nazi right wingers to get what we need done" in order to beat pro Palestinian congress people, shows you all you need to know too
@@alicecunningham3837 they are same. If you look into the documentaries about holocaust, you would know how horrifying Nazis were.
Shame to all countries that are doing nothing or even helping. Shame shame shame
@Lenayeret4854 There is only ONE country that is doing this now .... USA .... giving billions of dollars for US made weapons .... the so-called allies (esp NATO) are being bullied into supporting the USA. The only solution is to vote against all AIPAC funded candidates (D & R) in US elections up & down the ballot to stop zionists buying up (with US tax payer dollars) corrupt politicians.
"Shame shame shame" LOL islamic fundamentalist totalitarians also have no shame.
Thank you for having Rev Isaac. His voice needs to be heard.
If you are silent. You are complicit. That’s right.
If you still don't think that israel is evil, it's because you are too.
absolutely true.
Or just ignorant and warped by propaganda.
"If you still don't think that hamas is evil, it's because you are too."
@@srsmopar3808 so it’s evil to resist occupation? Right…
@@jaysonturner-williams8490 LOL, Israel completely left gaza in 2005, so they weren't 'occupied'.
The anxiety in his voice is heartbreaking 😢
Watch your back, Sir. You are in the land of psychopaths. May your God go with you.
It's so good to see people like Isaac. Unfortunately, the American people are not ready to listen to him. Their sense of superpower made them abnormally arrogant. They have started losing all sense of humanity. Togetherness, peaceful co-existence, and human rights are textbook words for them.
Reverend munther Isaac ❤
The killing of newborn twins and their mother and grandmother is horrendous. What a horrific tragedy for the father of the twins. 😪
I hope the politicians hear this!