Another great video. So much fun watching you have fun on a e-bike. You really got me smiling. I know you like it hard and fast on the asphalt but I think you’re turning into a dirt biker. Reminds me of an old 70s/80s T-Shirt “Do it in the Dirt” Never get tired of your bunny-bunny’s. Off roading is a good workout for sure. . The scenery tends to be nicer off road even if you have to watch for tiny animals. Or in some cases large animals like Buffalo or heaven forbid Range Bulls! They don’t move for anything. Please take care of your self. Don’t want to see you sick. Your the best 👍😉
Howdy Electrified Latina 😊 That is a powerful bike, looks like you had a great time with the lowered tire pressure and 350lbs. shock. You do go off the beaten path, I hope you don't go launching into the water anytime soon.😅 Sorry to hear about your walking pneumonia. I had pneumonia once, no fun at all! Do you still have any effects from the Lyme disease? I hope your immune system has not been compromised. Please take care of yourself. I know you filmed this before Halloween and it was still warm but please take care of yourself and bundle up this winter. We don't need a sick Electrified Latina on our hands! We need a healthy Electrified Latina that likes it hard and fast and conquers the bunny hops with ease! You take care of yourself and enjoy the trails! 🚲-------Steve.
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Can't wait to see new videos coming!!
Another great video. So much fun watching you have fun on a e-bike. You really got me smiling. I know you like it hard and fast on the asphalt but I think you’re turning into a dirt biker. Reminds me of an old 70s/80s T-Shirt “Do it in the Dirt” Never get tired of your bunny-bunny’s. Off roading is a good workout for sure. . The scenery tends to be nicer off road even if you have to watch for tiny animals. Or in some cases large animals like Buffalo or heaven forbid Range Bulls! They don’t move for anything. Please take care of your self. Don’t want to see you sick. Your the best 👍😉
Let’s roll the……bunny hop headquarters, here I come! ……..intro! The bunny hop Queen has arrived! 😉😘
Howdy Electrified Latina 😊
That is a powerful bike, looks like you had a great time with the lowered tire pressure and 350lbs. shock. You do go off the beaten path, I hope you don't go launching into the water anytime soon.😅
Sorry to hear about your walking pneumonia. I had pneumonia once, no fun at all! Do you still have any effects from the Lyme disease? I hope your immune system has not been compromised. Please take care of yourself. I know you filmed this before Halloween and it was still warm but please take care of yourself and bundle up this winter. We don't need a sick Electrified Latina on our hands! We need a healthy Electrified Latina that likes it hard and fast and conquers the bunny hops with ease!
You take care of yourself and enjoy the trails! 🚲-------Steve.
Billy goat vs Ccells 5 star. That be a good comparison, hill test, high speed test, 0-30 test.
Is it just the camera or is that battery pack really jumping around that much ?