I learned the other day that the Spanish Inquisition, considered a hallmark of Catholic brutality, ended the lives of between 3,000 and 5,000 people over 400 years. That's in the range of about 10 per year. The first proto communist state, the French Republic with Robespierre running the Committee on Public Safety, ended of the lives of over 50,000 people in one year. The death toll of Islam in India alone surpasses that of the Great Leap Forward in China under Chairman Mao, though the elimination of 80 million by the Communist resume and its eager lackeys was much quicker. The so-called genocide in Gaza is estimated at 20,000 terrorist militants and possibly 20,000 civilians, with the militants never in uniform dressed as civilians, and the ordinary civilians in various professions acting as militants, including hostages kept in bondage by people with middle-class professional careers, and ordinary Gaza people engaged in a violent militant operations. But the decade of World War 2 had 1000 people killed PER HOUR. In less than 2 days of that war, the death toll exceeded an entire year of Israel's justified and necessary retaliation in Gaza.
God forgives you if you forgive others (Quran 39:53, Quran 42:43, Quran 45:14 and Quran 64:14). Love your neighbour (Quran 42:43). Love your enemy (Quran 41:34 - 41:36, Quran 42:43 and Quran 60:7). Forgive your enemy (Quran 41:34 - 41:36 and Quran 42:43. God will forgive even those who mocked Prophet Muhammad and those who plotted to kill Prophet Muhammad if they repent and ask God for forgiveness in Quran 8:30 - 8:33). Forgive your neighbour (Quran 42:43). Forgive disbelievers (Quran 45:14). Forgive believers (Quran 49:10). Forgive Jews (Quran 5:13). Forgive the killer (Quran 5:45 and Quran 85:10). Exploding bombs in crowds is forbidden by God (Quran 48:25). Fighting today is not in the cause of God (Quran 48:25 comments). If you pardon what people have done and overlook the faults of people and forgive people then God is forgiving and merciful to you (Quran 39:53, Quran 42:43, Quran 45:14 and Quran 64:14).
Some people leave Islam because they are taught to believe false hadith stories are true stories. About Hamas. The Hamas charter starts "Israel will exist until Islam removes it" and quotes a hadith story about talking stones and talking trees which is not in the Quran. If trees and stones will talk then everyone will know the hour is coming and no one will be surprised which contradicts Quran 7:187 where everyone will be surprised when the hour arrives meaning this is a false hadith story. Quran 4:82 says God does not contradict the Quran. The problem is that some Muslims believe every hadith story they read because they are not taught that God tests Christians with teachings from Paul which contradict the Tanakh Jewish scriptures in the same way as God tests Muslims with hadith stories which contradict the Quran. Some Muslims accept every hadith story without asking the question, “does this hadith story contradict the teachings of God in the Quran?”
The Holy Land of Canaan (Israel) in the Quran. 1. In Quran 5:20 God gave you (the children of Israel) what God had not given to anyone else in the world (the Holy land of Canaan) and said "O my people (the children of Israel), enter the Holy Land (Canaan) which God has given to you in Quran 5:21. . 2. The Quran confirms the Torah. Deuteronomy 30:3 so that the LORD your God will bring back your exiles (to Jerusalem), and He (God) will have mercy on you (the exiled children of Israel). He (God) will again gather you (the exiled children of Israel) from all the nations, where the LORD your God had scattered you. . 3. The Quran confirms Tanakh Jewish scripture. Ezekiel 37:21 And (Prophet Ezekiel Zulkifl) say to them, so says the Lord God: “Behold I (God) will take the children of Israel from among the nations where they have gone, and I (God) will gather them from every side, and I (God) will bring them to their land.” . 4. The Quran confirms Tanakh Jewish scripture. Ezekiel 37:22 “And I (God) will make them into one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be to them all as a king; and they shall no longer be two nations (Judah and Israel), neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms (the southern Kingdom of Judah and the northern Kingdom of Israel) anymore.” . 5. The Tanakh and the Quran foretell a final battle between Israel and those called Gog who reject what God told Gog and Magog in the Torah and the Quran.
6. The Tanakh says Arabs in Isaiah 60:6-60:7, Jews and others in Isaiah 59:20-60:12 will all be saved by God and will all worship together with the Jewish people in Israel meaning Jews and Muslims have the correct teaching that God is one and not three in one. . 7. Quran 34:13 is the first temple in Jerusalem. Quran 17:4 - 17:7 is about the first and second temples in Jerusalem. The future in Quran 17:8 is the future in Jerusalem in Deuteronomy 30:3. The mercy of God was on the children of Israel when God chose them from among all the people in the world 1800 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 44:32 and Quran 45:16. God gave the children of Israel the Holy land of Canaan today Israel and Palestine in Quran 5:20 - 5:21. The children of Israel built the First Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1500 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 34:13. God explains the destruction of the first Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1150 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:4 - 17:5. Then came the mercy of God which again established the Jews and the second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1080 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:6. Then came the destruction of the second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 500 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:7. Then God through Prophet Muhammad foretold the future, “It may be that your Lord (God) shall have mercy on you" (which happened when the children of Israel the Jews the Hebrews were returned to Jerusalem Al-Quds 1300 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad as foretold in Quran 17:8). . 8. The prophecy in Quran 17:8 revealed by God to Prophet Muhammad and given to the Jewish people in Arabia 1300 years before it was fulfilled in 1367 AH 1948 CE is confirmed in Deuteronomy 30:3. . Deuteronomy 30:3 so that the LORD your God will bring back your exiles (to Jerusalem), and He (God) will have mercy on you (the exiled children of Israel). He (God) will again gather you (the exiled children of Israel) from all the nations, where the LORD your God had scattered you. . See. Rabbi Tovia Singer explains why both the Torah & Koran describe God meeting Moses at a burning bush.
Shalom, you are a mitzvah from God in Heaven above. In Aramaic schlama means peace. Schlama to you and yours. I'm just a Jew born March 11th in Bethlehem
Because the government is worried the Muslims will revolt and break everything in the country. Because they'll be " offended" and will label us Islamophobic
With respect, all our governments know everything she is saying. They are lying to us. The Abraham accord is the last chance for Islam. Else it will die away. All non muslim countries are growing closer together concerning a common enemy. We are the majority.
I had a Islamic colleague that use to work with me and everyday he would mention his religion as if he was stating his religion was the best. Every conversation we had some way somehow he brought religion into it and I could tell you he’s probably the worst person I’ve ever worked with
This is so informative, thank you so much for smashing out! I never cease to be amazed just how deeply hateful and dysfunctional Islam is, and it's time that people wake up!
Thanks for telling the true story about your life and the cult that you left. You're a brave and smart woman. God protect you from the people that try to hurt you. It's unbelievable that these cases are happening in this 21 century. The people that should stop these are doing nothing.
This Woman’s spirit will be in Heavon for ever with our Angels, Saints & God. 🙏❤️🇱🇧🇦🇺🎄 Jesus is King & I am only less than a piece of dust compared to our lord
Wow! The truth keeps flowing from various quarters. I love this one. My prayer remains that the truth prevails in the minds of the misguided crowds across the globe.
When I was going to convert to Islam, my father who fought in the IDF and saved Israel in two wars, he didnt ask “how could you do this?” He said “well ok if thats what you want.. but are you feeling ok? Are you feeling suicidal? Then he laughed at me and said, just dont combust right here” 😂 good thing I studied Islam and saw what it is
My mum once said when I was about to interview a couple of fanatical christians: 'keep it dark please, one daughter that has seen the light is quite enough, thank you'. I just read your comment to my mother on the phone and we both had to laugh. Thanks for sharing. * my sister became a reborn christian in her twenties very fundamentalist/enthousiastic.
This is an amazing, well articulated speech and explanation of facts and history that my intuition says has been and is actively attempted to be hidden from people. It may be controversial as the relatively high likes and views vs low comments might suggest but Jesus said the path to heaven is narrow. And many walk the wide path snd and are led astray. I hope those lost in darkness may find the truth in Christ Jesus words and reject their natural sinful nature they have thus far been deceived into believing was just.
Wow, this lady is a Godess! This speach is the very best I ever heard, telling the trueth about Islam's plans. God prootect her please, she is a Saint for humanity!
@@StoriesToInspire brave and bold woman. Jesus put your angels over her. In Jesus name and blood we pray. Amen. Thank you Lord for your goodness and faithfulness to us.
Nonie Darwish, you are brave and so smart to be able to see the good in life. You are amazing. Keep up the fight! We must protect judea-christian believers.
very detailed explanation and that's the point, thanks to this woman more and more people understand about this cult, ironically most of the followers don't understand the contents of the holy book, they just obey and believe what their ustad says, no more than that, thank you ma'am.
Obey the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Yeshua the Messiah. His kingdom is coming. Seek him while he is near. There’s only one true God!! Thank you Nonie for your faith and courage and for speaking the truth.
Even if you’ve been in Islam religion, Jesus loves you and God loves you. He will forgive you and make you whole. He has a good plan and purpose for you. Come to him and he will not cast you out. He gives eternal life. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and forgive your sins. He will. No matter what you’ve done. He loves a humble and contrite heart. Flesh and blood does not inherit the kingdom of God. This body is not eternal, but the spirit in you is. You will live eternally, either eternal life or eternal death-separation from God. Today is the day to choose. Don’t fear him who can only kill the body. Fear him that after you are killed can cast your soul into eternal death. That’s who you should fear.
Someone should show this in parliament question time .There has to be one almighty big agenda by our government .What could it possibly be I keep asking myself . Where are all those in government going to move to if Europe falls? I also ask myself .This lady puts us all to shame .how brave for her to speak out .
Chaos is not the same as anarchy. Chaos is a tool of the top oligarchs. Anarchy simply means NO RULERS. It doesn't mean no law, no rules, no representatives, no leaders. It is anathema to totalitarianism left right & center. It is anathema to Monarchy, dictatorshit, mob rule (dictatorshit of the majority), statism, fascism, oligarchy. Oligarchy determines majority (bolshevik) opinion by controling the news & education. There are only two forms of government: Oligarchy & Republican. Oligarchy is rule by whim of persons. Republican is rule of law, such as US Constitution.
I learned the other day that the Spanish Inquisition, considered a hallmark of Catholic brutality, ended the lives of between 3,000 and 5,000 people over 400 years. That's in the range of about 10 per year.
The first proto communist state, the French Republic with Robespierre running the Committee on Public Safety, ended of the lives of over 50,000 people in one year.
The death toll of Islam in India alone surpasses that of the Great Leap Forward in China under Chairman Mao, though the elimination of 80 million by the Communist resume and its eager lackeys was much quicker.
The so-called genocide in Gaza is estimated at 20,000 terrorist militants and possibly 20,000 civilians, with the militants never in uniform dressed as civilians, and the ordinary civilians in various professions acting as militants, including hostages kept in bondage by people with middle-class professional careers, and ordinary Gaza people engaged in a violent militant operations.
But the decade of World War 2 had 1000 people killed PER HOUR. In less than 2 days of that war, the death toll exceeded an entire year of Israel's justified and necessary retaliation in Gaza.
Christianism / coran / garbage
God forgives you if you forgive others (Quran 39:53, Quran 42:43, Quran 45:14 and Quran 64:14).
Love your neighbour (Quran 42:43).
Love your enemy (Quran 41:34 - 41:36, Quran 42:43 and Quran 60:7).
Forgive your enemy (Quran 41:34 - 41:36 and Quran 42:43. God will forgive even those who mocked Prophet Muhammad and those who plotted to kill Prophet Muhammad if they repent and ask God for forgiveness in Quran 8:30 - 8:33).
Forgive your neighbour (Quran 42:43).
Forgive disbelievers (Quran 45:14).
Forgive believers (Quran 49:10).
Forgive Jews (Quran 5:13).
Forgive the killer (Quran 5:45 and Quran 85:10).
Exploding bombs in crowds is forbidden by God (Quran 48:25).
Fighting today is not in the cause of God (Quran 48:25 comments).
If you pardon what people have done and overlook the faults of people and forgive people then God is forgiving and merciful to you (Quran 39:53, Quran 42:43, Quran 45:14 and Quran 64:14).
Some people leave Islam because they are taught to believe false hadith stories are true stories.
About Hamas. The Hamas charter starts "Israel will exist until Islam removes it" and quotes a hadith story about talking stones and talking trees which is not in the Quran.
If trees and stones will talk then everyone will know the hour is coming and no one will be surprised which contradicts Quran 7:187 where everyone will be surprised when the hour arrives meaning this is a false hadith story. Quran 4:82 says God does not contradict the Quran.
The problem is that some Muslims believe every hadith story they read because they are not taught that God tests Christians with teachings from Paul which contradict the Tanakh Jewish scriptures in the same way as God tests Muslims with hadith stories which contradict the Quran. Some Muslims accept every hadith story without asking the question, “does this hadith story contradict the teachings of God in the Quran?”
The Holy Land of Canaan (Israel) in the Quran.
1. In Quran 5:20 God gave you (the children of Israel) what God had not given to anyone else in the world (the Holy land of Canaan) and said "O my people (the children of Israel), enter the Holy Land (Canaan) which God has given to you in Quran 5:21.
2. The Quran confirms the Torah.
Deuteronomy 30:3 so that the LORD your God will bring back your exiles (to Jerusalem), and He (God) will have mercy on you (the exiled children of Israel). He (God) will again gather you (the exiled children of Israel) from all the nations, where the LORD your God had scattered you.
3. The Quran confirms Tanakh Jewish scripture.
Ezekiel 37:21 And (Prophet Ezekiel Zulkifl) say to them, so says the Lord God: “Behold I (God) will take the children of Israel from among the nations where they have gone, and I (God) will gather them from every side, and I (God) will bring them to their land.”
4. The Quran confirms Tanakh Jewish scripture.
Ezekiel 37:22 “And I (God) will make them into one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be to them all as a king; and they shall no longer be two nations (Judah and Israel), neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms (the southern Kingdom of Judah and the northern Kingdom of Israel) anymore.”
5. The Tanakh and the Quran foretell a final battle between Israel and those called Gog who reject what God told Gog and Magog in the Torah and the Quran.
6. The Tanakh says Arabs in Isaiah 60:6-60:7, Jews and others in Isaiah 59:20-60:12 will all be saved by God and will all worship together with the Jewish people in Israel meaning Jews and Muslims have the correct teaching that God is one and not three in one.
7. Quran 34:13 is the first temple in Jerusalem.
Quran 17:4 - 17:7 is about the first and second temples in Jerusalem.
The future in Quran 17:8 is the future in Jerusalem in Deuteronomy 30:3.
The mercy of God was on the children of Israel when God chose them from among all the people in the world 1800 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 44:32 and Quran 45:16.
God gave the children of Israel the Holy land of Canaan today Israel and Palestine in Quran 5:20 - 5:21. The children of Israel built the First Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1500 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 34:13.
God explains the destruction of the first Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1150 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:4 - 17:5.
Then came the mercy of God which again established the Jews and the second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 1080 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:6.
Then came the destruction of the second Jewish Temple of God in Jerusalem Al-Quds 500 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 17:7.
Then God through Prophet Muhammad foretold the future, “It may be that your Lord (God) shall have mercy on you" (which happened when the children of Israel the Jews the Hebrews were returned to Jerusalem Al-Quds 1300 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad as foretold in Quran 17:8).
8. The prophecy in Quran 17:8 revealed by God to Prophet Muhammad and given to the Jewish people in Arabia 1300 years before it was fulfilled in 1367 AH 1948 CE is confirmed in Deuteronomy 30:3.
Deuteronomy 30:3 so that the LORD your God will bring back your exiles (to Jerusalem), and He (God) will have mercy on you (the exiled children of Israel). He (God) will again gather you (the exiled children of Israel) from all the nations, where the LORD your God had scattered you.
See. Rabbi Tovia Singer explains why both the Torah & Koran describe God meeting Moses at a burning bush.
I was born in a Shia Family that hates Israel but I'm an ex muslim and support Israel with all my heart.
Shalom, you are a mitzvah from God in Heaven above. In Aramaic schlama means peace. Schlama to you and yours. I'm just a Jew born March 11th in Bethlehem
@jacovawernett3077 I've met Israelis before, they were very nice, that's how I changed my mind about Israel, now I see my community as hateful.
May God bless you!
May the God of Yisra'el bless you richly! ❤
Thank you to Nonie Darwish for speaking out. It had to be so frightening.
Too insecure and also ignorant ... she is like having a vendetta and is taking it personal
It is so obvious if you observe history & politics. Statism, a big unlimited government, is the problem.
She is so brave God bless you Nonie
Protect this brave courageous lady❤
Nonie I read your book “Now They Call Me Infidel”. You are a very courageous woman with moral clarity.
These jokers call people infidel, they just want to sleep in their 7th centuery cocoon.
What a Lady ! ! Why have our governments not paid attention to people like this Lady ? She’s 100% correct . I God Bless Nonia !
Because the government is worried the Muslims will revolt and break everything in the country. Because they'll be " offended" and will label us Islamophobic
With respect, all our governments know everything she is saying.
They are lying to us.
The Abraham accord is the last chance for Islam.
Else it will die away.
All non muslim countries are growing closer together concerning a common enemy.
We are the majority.
Big government Statism is criminal.
This woman is very knowledge. Her insight is valuable. I can’t believe this video is not viral!
What an amazingly brave woman. So glad you found the real God and forgiveness and love,
I respect this woman for standing for the truth even if it cost her life.
Such a different standard from our so called journalist.
She is speaking so clearly, in a language the ordinary person on the street can understand. This is great! Well done and God bless you, Nonie Darwish
You are an amazing woman of Yeshua. Thank you for speaking the truth. God’s blessings rain on you every day. Love you Sister.
Loving kindness and Forgiveness matters a whole lot
Thanks for the information on islam.
Fantastic explanation
You are telling the true, God bless you. God bless also the IDF and Israel
I had a Islamic colleague that use to work with me and everyday he would mention his religion as if he was stating his religion was the best. Every conversation we had some way somehow he brought religion into it and I could tell you he’s probably the worst person I’ve ever worked with
he probably felt holier than the pope
standard arrogance to justify their violence
Welcome to life in everyday India
Sweeet!! Keep her in our prayers
Amen! Thank you for watching!
Brave lady🎉God bless her.
IN other words - they are forced into the religion. Afraid to leave.
God bless you, courageous woman. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
And still we are criticized for being "Islamophobic"!!!!!!!
The TRUTH cannot be cloaked
You're great Noni! Could you tell it like it is? Yes! No lies from Noni.
The part she talked about the visit to the synagogue and the realization just brought tears to my eyes.
May she be blessed and safe❤
Everything we need to know about the religion of peace.
What a revelation To God be the glory
Thank you nodie norwish for your conversion from islam to the truth about real God's love' compassion and forgiveness
This is so informative, thank you so much for smashing out! I never cease to be amazed just how deeply hateful and dysfunctional Islam is, and it's time that people wake up!
❤🎉 ExMuslims 💕
Bless you all and your families. ❤
She is so brave
Thanks for telling the true story about your life and the cult that you left. You're a brave and smart woman. God protect you from the people that try to hurt you. It's unbelievable that these cases are happening in this 21 century.
The people that should stop these are doing nothing.
A brave lady, God bless you
This Woman’s spirit will be in Heavon for ever with our Angels, Saints & God. 🙏❤️🇱🇧🇦🇺🎄 Jesus is King & I am only less than a piece of dust compared to our lord
As a Christian I would not hurt people who criticized my faith or blasphemed my God because I know that my God has his own ways to deal with them.
The same with Hinduism.
Without the macabre protections, this cult is toast
Wow! The truth keeps flowing from various quarters. I love this one. My prayer remains that the truth prevails in the minds of the misguided crowds across the globe.
When I was going to convert to Islam, my father who fought in the IDF and saved Israel in two wars, he didnt ask “how could you do this?” He said “well ok if thats what you want.. but are you feeling ok? Are you feeling suicidal? Then he laughed at me and said, just dont combust right here” 😂 good thing I studied Islam and saw what it is
Wise father glad you studied .xx
Wait a minute what if u r a Muslim n u tell ur father u want to convert to Jew or Christianity what do u think his rxn wl b...
Haha 😂
My mum once said when I was about to interview a couple of fanatical christians: 'keep it dark please, one daughter that has seen the light is quite enough, thank you'.
I just read your comment to my mother on the phone and we both had to laugh. Thanks for sharing.
* my sister became a reborn christian in her twenties very fundamentalist/enthousiastic.
Thank you for speaking and educating us. Please visit the universities and churches to educate them too.
Nonie is a heroine of the West ❤
Well done!
Be safe dear sister. The Lord Has a Great Plan for you as you are His precious child. Love from the Netherlands. We ll stay strong together❤
This is an amazing, well articulated speech and explanation of facts and history that my intuition says has been and is actively attempted to be hidden from people. It may be controversial as the relatively high likes and views vs low comments might suggest but Jesus said the path to heaven is narrow. And many walk the wide path snd and are led astray. I hope those lost in darkness may find the truth in Christ Jesus words and reject their natural sinful nature they have thus far been deceived into believing was just.
Thats just it taught to hate till today.
Grazie mille ❤ per quello che fai conoscere ad un mondo malato di islamici fuori di testa . Sei una donna ma soprattutto una madre coraggiosa ❤
Che cosa dire della sinistra italiana che va a braccetto con gli islamici 😢
Then they are deceived by Mohammad and Allah..
Wow, this lady is a Godess! This speach is the very best I ever heard, telling the trueth about Islam's plans. God prootect her please, she is a Saint for humanity!
May God of Abraham, Isaac and Yaacb bless you and covered you and your family, where ever you go,🙏🙏👏👏🌹🌹🌹🌹♥️♥️
N. Darwish has been talking about this for 20 years or more. The distance she walked from her upbringing to where she is now is impressive.
Thanks a lot for the message.God Bless and protect you in Jesus's Name of Nazareth. Mark 10:27..
The truth matters !!!
Did you learn anything new from Nonie Darwish? Do you agree or disagree? Please comment below 👇🏻
I 100% agree.
@@StoriesToInspire brave and bold woman. Jesus put your angels over her. In Jesus name and blood we pray. Amen. Thank you Lord for your goodness and faithfulness to us.
Wonderful Brave woman
I've learnt many disgusting things about islam this past year
And she said the truth
God bless you Noni
She needs to speak at government meetings - to warn those who tolerate the violence and flag burning.
More grace mamm and more wisdom
❤️ 🌹 👌 ✔️ 💯 👏👏God bls this lady exceedingly & protect her. 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
She has stated th problem wonderfully. She s on point. 👍
Well express
As time gets shorter, the light of truth gets brighter everywhere on earth. The rebellious cling to the hate of Satan's System-1John 5v19
It's not about religion. It's all about our relationship with our CREATOR through JESUS CHRIST who died to forgive our sins.❤❤🙏🙏
Nonie Darwish, you are brave and so smart to be able to see the good in life. You are amazing. Keep up the fight! We must protect judea-christian believers.
Your voice is very important, thank you for speaking up. The world needs more people like you.
Thank you noni❤️
God bless you stay strong and keep safe
Thing is, the Quran is a compilation of the Christian/Judeo and Zoroastrian liturgies with Arab paganism.
more power to you!! Teach what is good!
That's what's happening in the UK. Starmer is allowing it in my opinion based on what is happening.
Canada also. Keep pressuring......its unacceptable.
This is so so powerful. I hope her message gets out there. She must be so scared for her life.
Jesus says fear not - for I will never leave you.
Brave lady. Praying for her safty may she be hiden and given police protection. . If you dont believe her read the quoran for your selves.
Thank you Nonie❤🔥
It was really great, our brave sister. May God bless you.
We are non Muslims but we don’t kill other people, it’s scary 😱
Thank you lady for the awareness
✝️❤️Thank u Jesus for saving Muslims in masses. Million thanks for ur wonderful testimony sister👍❤️💐
We need more Brave people like her to tell the truth..
Thank you God for this truth
very detailed explanation and that's the point, thanks to this woman more and more people understand about this cult, ironically most of the followers don't understand the contents of the holy book, they just obey and believe what their ustad says, no more than that, thank you ma'am.
Islam is like the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"
Obey the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Yeshua the Messiah. His kingdom is coming. Seek him while he is near. There’s only one true God!! Thank you Nonie for your faith and courage and for speaking the truth.
Even if you’ve been in Islam religion, Jesus loves you and God loves you. He will forgive you and make you whole. He has a good plan and purpose for you. Come to him and he will not cast you out. He gives eternal life. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and forgive your sins. He will. No matter what you’ve done. He loves a humble and contrite heart. Flesh and blood does not inherit the kingdom of God. This body is not eternal, but the spirit in you is. You will live eternally, either eternal life or eternal death-separation from God. Today is the day to choose. Don’t fear him who can only kill the body. Fear him that after you are killed can cast your soul into eternal death. That’s who you should fear.
Wait for real Muslims end prayers in the mosque with curses on non Muslims?
When you mixed up religion and politics you are in chaos your government is definitely in trouble.
💐💐Hats off to you..
May God bless you to be successful in your mission 💐💐
Awesome thanks ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤, u r a an honest human
G-od bless this lady for the truth.
Love her T-shirt 👕 free lions on her T-shirt 🦁🦁🦁🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🏴🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🏴🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Thank you❤
Terrific speech. So informative.
I'm so glad I subscribed to your channel. 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️
Well said ❤❤
a very brave woman 🎉
Wonderful story
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤TENK YOU LOVE FROM ISRAEL❤❤❤❤❤❤
Someone should show this in parliament question time .There has to be one almighty big agenda by our government .What could it possibly be I keep asking myself . Where are all those in government going to move to if Europe falls? I also ask myself .This lady puts us all to shame .how brave for her to speak out .
God bless you mam. Jesus loves you, He is your future.
Can't take my eyes off👁️🗨️👁️🗨️
She’s right 120%
Almighty God is my Saviour and Protector, not the other way around. "Vengence belongs to me"
The #1 enemy of Islam is the Truth. Likewise for any type of Statism.
Chaos is not the same as anarchy. Chaos is a tool of the top oligarchs.
Anarchy simply means NO RULERS. It doesn't mean no law, no rules, no representatives, no leaders. It is anathema to totalitarianism left right & center. It is anathema to Monarchy, dictatorshit, mob rule (dictatorshit of the majority), statism, fascism, oligarchy.
Oligarchy determines majority (bolshevik) opinion by controling the news & education. There are only two forms of government:
Oligarchy & Republican. Oligarchy is rule by whim of persons. Republican is rule of law, such as US Constitution.