You are definitely the best tutor for these paracord creations. The way you explain them is just the most clear and concise out of any of the Channels Ive watched. Plus the nice jazzy fusion soundtrack is chilled out. It's helped massively with my mental health. Doing these just takes my mind off things. Thanks alot :)
Thank you so much for the kind words, I'm glad you appreciate the work and the details! Glad it could also benefit your mental health. Take care and keep crafting in good health!
Just a thought and something you could try. “But what if you ran that rusty paracord up through the center and loop it over the top and bring it back down through a couple holes in the cardboard. So it looks as if it has that top part you see on axes and hammers. Then make your knots for the handle from there. Hope that makes sense....?
I am making 2 of these right now for my boyfriend's birthday. I am using leather for the lacing part of the handle and it looks freaking amazing. Thank you so much for this tutorial. Also, I used cut up craft sticks instead of cardboard for the hammer head. So I'm thinking if I ever do another one of these then I am going to incorporate a dial-rod somehow for the handle and glue it to the craft sticks. I'll then maybe silicone dip those and then paracord it from there.
I make survival braclets from paracord. This would be a nice little survival kit if you could replace the cardboard with a small box. Add all kinds of stuff in there. I will be trying it to see how it works. Thanks for the idea. :)
I made one but instead of using super glue where head attaches to handle, i just threaded the start of the handle around the 3 center turns of the head. Works pretty well to take away the floppy.
Would it be better to use a cork or wood core plug for longevity? If this is going to get wet what is gonna happen to the whole project. Very nice video, well explain and very simple to follow. It's only a suggestion I made here.
Hey there, yes wood or cork would definitely be better for longevity. I just used cardboard because that's what I had available at the time. Thanks for watching and commenting!
You can finish the handle by tying a diamond knot instead. It's tricky but it's a nicer presentation. This one looks awesome Tim. 😁 you just gave me the idea to make a battle mace with similar knots.
I made one similar a while back, but used scrap cord inside, using the square braid (can't remember the correct name for it right now). This tutorial is great!
Love the project, thank you for the walk-through. Projects like this do well with a little explanation on the techniques used. i must say watching it come together gave me goosebumps, and the micro-cord threading was the icing on the cake. little bits of detail like that is what makes projects like this pop.
I am new here and I started to love this. I would make everything but I don’t have so much “strings” and maybe some of them are complicated. Love from Croatia 🇭🇷.
Balsa wood will work for sure and will be much better. I mentioned in the video that you can use wood or whatever material you want. I just used cardboard because it's something that almost everyone will have on hand in their household or what not.
Great tutorial I only changed a couple things. First the tie offs, I pre melted all my ends and just pulled them through til they were out of sight. (loose or visible ends beg to be fiddled with) Second with the handle I secured it more to the head of the hammer and tweeked the keyring hold a bit.
Wanted to let everyone know that IF you plan on doing this project and it is NOT going to ever be deployed, the super glue in each joint is absolutely perfect. My boyfriend absolutely loves his 2 that I made for his birthday.
instead of using cardbox you could use two matchboxes and fill them with things you might need in a survival situation (small carabiner / firestarter ...) seal that up in a watertight bag and then put the paracord around
I mainly use paracord from Bored Paracord, I have link in the description for that. Whatever brand you use, try to get nylon paracord it's much softer and smoother feeling. Polyester tends to be stiff and harder to work with.
If you use something Synthetic in the hammer head (plastic or rubber?) you can dip it in boiling water, to shrink tighten your knot. Looks excellent, love the idea. TY for sharing.
I haven't tried opening the bifrost yet, but I think it should work, albeit on a smaller scale. As for Cap's shield, I've thought about that, but I feel like it might end up being a coaster lol
I think I'm gonna try this with a couple ball bearings in the hammer and a 1/4" steel rod in the handle, make a fun little tool with some weight to it.
If you wanted it to be stiffer, you could always get a thin aluminum dowel welded to a small block of aluminum and then wrap the paracord over top of the block for the fist, then wrap the burnt orange color around the dowel. Just depends how much work you want to do.
At that point why even use paracord for the top. If youre going to use aluminum then just take the center strings out of the burnt orange and wrap the handle with it
i hear tickin in the background, is that your wallclock or something :) Btw great vid, I am a very rookie to this but I will someday do a thors hammer :D
I thought of the magnet idea a while after making this version. Would definitely be cool if it could stick to stuff. Might have to gut the cord for it to work properly though.
If you used 2 cords for the handle & double prussik it to both sides of the cord you tied the handle to instead. then 4 cord braid handle it would make the handle sturdier & the head needs more mass to create any force. You could use 2 steel balls for the hammer head for mass solution.
Why not just poke a shish skewer through the cardboard with a touch of glue on the tip after wrapping the hammer and wrapping the snake knots around the stick the create a bit more rigidity in the project?
Está lindo tu forma de aser tu martillo de thor yo lo hise un poco difícil pero lo logre muy bueno soy ángel de argentina bay y gracias por enseñar métodos de aser figuras muy bueno
Bro, where did you come from, I was not expecting you to pop on my feed, but I'm glad you did, I had thoughts of making this too, I actually make custom earrings and necklaces. I wonder if I could use hemp rope instead, it's got healing or some type of healing properties in it I believe, and it's better for your skin, but you did an excellent job on the hammer, thank you for sharing.
Having a white background as you're doing your work would have been a lot better than having a dark background which made it very difficult to watch what you were doing. Please in the future use a white sheet laid down or a white tablecloth so that your product that you're working on pops out so that it can be seen clearly. Thank you and I thoroughly enjoyed your video.
WOE Online Paracord Shop ▶
I think I'll do this but use magnets as the hammer filling. If they're strong enough you throw the hammer at a metal board and have it stick :D
That would be cool!
Could make a game out of it like darts
attach it to your keys and throw it on the wall when you come home
Make a video you making it would want to watch
Yes. It would be so cool. It just like thor's hammer.
You're welcome and thank you very much for your support!
You could also do this with a little LEGO block, the filling will be more weather resistant that way.
I don't know how I ended up here but I don't regret it.
Happens every time.... I started off watching music...ends up watching some dude shoot bacon out a ak
Yup I agree
Glad I'm not alone
I just dont get how anyone could thumbs down this video. Great diy.
You are definitely the best tutor for these paracord creations. The way you explain them is just the most clear and concise out of any of the Channels Ive watched. Plus the nice jazzy fusion soundtrack is chilled out. It's helped massively with my mental health. Doing these just takes my mind off things. Thanks alot :)
Thank you so much for the kind words, I'm glad you appreciate the work and the details! Glad it could also benefit your mental health. Take care and keep crafting in good health!
Not sure how I missed this one.. 2 years late.. owell... never gunna give you up..
Amazing guide, thank you. I added some rectangular magnets instead of carboard and a metal rod down the base of the handle.
Just a thought and something you could try. “But what if you ran that rusty paracord up through the center and loop it over the top and bring it back down through a couple holes in the cardboard. So it looks as if it has that top part you see on axes and hammers. Then make your knots for the handle from there.
Hope that makes sense....?
That sounds interesting! I am pretty new to paracord knotting though - but I might make this for my Younger brother.
Pretty cool keychain
I am making 2 of these right now for my boyfriend's birthday. I am using leather for the lacing part of the handle and it looks freaking amazing. Thank you so much for this tutorial. Also, I used cut up craft sticks instead of cardboard for the hammer head. So I'm thinking if I ever do another one of these then I am going to incorporate a dial-rod somehow for the handle and glue it to the craft sticks. I'll then maybe silicone dip those and then paracord it from there.
I make survival braclets from paracord. This would be a nice little survival kit if you could replace the cardboard with a small box. Add all kinds of stuff in there. I will be trying it to see how it works. Thanks for the idea. :)
That's a great idea Ron! A Thor's Hammer survival kit would be really cool!
Nice idea
Would be a nice survival tool if you replace the card board with a small fire starter or use only paracord to get max length.
I made one but instead of using super glue where head attaches to handle, i just threaded the start of the handle around the 3 center turns of the head. Works pretty well to take away the floppy.
Thanks ,, i upscaled this using two pool balls with some Fimo in the center to keep them steady , in to an impact tool
Dunno how people can dislike this video
Would it be better to use a cork or wood core plug for longevity? If this is going to get wet what is gonna happen to the whole project. Very nice video, well explain and very simple to follow. It's only a suggestion I made here.
Hey there, yes wood or cork would definitely be better for longevity. I just used cardboard because that's what I had available at the time. Thanks for watching and commenting!
You can finish the handle by tying a diamond knot instead. It's tricky but it's a nicer presentation. This one looks awesome Tim. 😁 you just gave me the idea to make a battle mace with similar knots.
The diamond knot would look great too! Thanks for the comment! Hope your mace turns out great, be sure to share it on IG or FB!
@@TheWeaversofEternity will do. I'll tag you on that when I get around to it.
I made one similar a while back, but used scrap cord inside, using the square braid (can't remember the correct name for it right now). This tutorial is great!
That's a great idea too David! I felt like using cardboard or wood would just be faster haha
This stuff is therapeutic
My favorite Marvel character my favorite Marvel first weapon will be making this tonight when I get home from work
Have fun making it Kamal!
Because this is what heroes do
Erasers are great to use for the core, they add a little weight and are waterproof :)
Love the project, thank you for the walk-through. Projects like this do well with a little explanation on the techniques used. i must say watching it come together gave me goosebumps, and the micro-cord threading was the icing on the cake. little bits of detail like that is what makes projects like this pop.
I am new here and I started to love this. I would make everything but I don’t have so much “strings” and maybe some of them are complicated. Love from Croatia 🇭🇷.
This is awesome! I'm getting that jig!!
Thanks for sharing this, just made my first one. Work in progress, I'll make some more to better myself. Thanks again.
Why not use a small block of balsa wood ? The cardboard will degrade over time after getting wet
Balsa wood will work for sure and will be much better. I mentioned in the video that you can use wood or whatever material you want. I just used cardboard because it's something that almost everyone will have on hand in their household or what not.
Wayne D l
Or some plastic
use a steel block instead
At 1:20 he says you can use wood.
Great tutorial I only changed a couple things. First the tie offs, I pre melted all my ends and just pulled them through til they were out of sight. (loose or visible ends beg to be fiddled with) Second with the handle I secured it more to the head of the hammer and tweeked the keyring hold a bit.
How did you change the handle?
i love youur work.may i ask why not use a.chop stick.or a.round kids coloring.pencil.for stability
My jaw literally dropped when I saw the thumbnail. Can’t wait to make this!!
Wanted to let everyone know that IF you plan on doing this project and it is NOT going to ever be deployed, the super glue in each joint is absolutely perfect. My boyfriend absolutely loves his 2 that I made for his birthday.
This project is not made for any practical purposes, so one would not deploy this one. Glad you bf likes it!
instead of using cardbox you could use two matchboxes and fill them with things you might need in a survival situation (small carabiner / firestarter ...) seal that up in a watertight bag and then put the paracord around
It's amazing. I like this so much 😎😎😎😎😎😎👍👍👍👍👍👍
I like your channel nice one
What brand of paracord do you use? Im just getting into stuff like this but find cheap cord is a pain to work with.
I mainly use paracord from Bored Paracord, I have link in the description for that. Whatever brand you use, try to get nylon paracord it's much softer and smoother feeling. Polyester tends to be stiff and harder to work with.
This video is great
Muy bonito pero donde se consigue esa aguja ??? Y su aparato u instrumento para sostener el cartón ??
If you use something Synthetic in the hammer head (plastic or rubber?) you can dip it in boiling water, to shrink tighten your knot. Looks excellent, love the idea. TY for sharing.
That material for the core would be ideal, but probably harder to come by in the average household.
Great DMT stash idea,thanks a dope load!!
Could put a small emergency kit in it instead of cardboard. Or mold a lead weight.
But can it open the Bifrost?
Can you do Cap's Shield too!!??
I haven't tried opening the bifrost yet, but I think it should work, albeit on a smaller scale. As for Cap's shield, I've thought about that, but I feel like it might end up being a coaster lol
Bored paracord I believe has caps sheald
If not him then another but it exists
Cbysparacordandmore has a tutorial for it
I'm going to make one for my dad for fathers day
I think I'm gonna try this with a couple ball bearings in the hammer and a 1/4" steel rod in the handle, make a fun little tool with some weight to it.
I was thinking maybe some pinballs in heat shrink tubing, with some heavy card stock to square it out.
@@2000freefuel I didn't even think of heat shrink, that would be great for keeping them together.
@@2000freefuelI glued dominos together
Paracord makes it manly
Where can I buy a jig that you have like that and that sewing needle
Great video! I hope to try this soon!
You could put some razors and a nice roll of fishing line and hook flints and the cardboard for kindle in the hammer..survival Thor hammer
Can u do caps shield I think itd be interesting to see, or keychain figures using the Lego characters head piece
can you use wire or wood to stiffen the handle.
I think that's possible. You could always tie a snake knot around a nail or something to make it stiffer.
Rt retrying I don't to
Can u make storm breaker it will be challenging for u
Looks impressive
Harbor freight sells these small, pretty powerful shop magnets that are almost the exact same size as that hammer head. Just saying 😬
That would be cool to use one of those for sure.
Cool 😎 👍😎👍😎👍😎👍
If you wanted it to be stiffer, you could always get a thin aluminum dowel welded to a small block of aluminum and then wrap the paracord over top of the block for the fist, then wrap the burnt orange color around the dowel. Just depends how much work you want to do.
At that point why even use paracord for the top. If youre going to use aluminum then just take the center strings out of the burnt orange and wrap the handle with it
Thats an excellent work mister and i give you a big round of applause here.
I love your fid..i want one
Took me the better part of 3 hrs and loads of cramps but worth it!
Love the tutorial. Thank you.
What a great little project. Thanks
You're welcome!
Are you kidding me, I was searching up "how to tie a truckers knot" and for unknown reasons I somehow ended up on this hidden gem of a channel, sweet!
Thankyou for your pretty creashon. Have a Nice aftenum. Bye.
link to purchase a nice fid?
Thanks for making this. I have been up all night and this put me right to sleep
how can i make it if i dont have the jig like yours?
Hi what colour paracord did you use for each part. Looking to make these as gifts
It's in the beginning of the video
Hi, when I try to make the head of the hammer, the corners of the cardboard stick through. Can you recommend a way to avoid this, please?
Amei. Vou fazer pra dar de presente. 🎁❤
Saudações do Brasil. 🤗🇧🇷❤
i hear tickin in the background, is that your wallclock or something :)
Btw great vid, I am a very rookie to this but I will someday do a thors hammer :D
Could I use ball bearings for the hammer or would it make the hammer round and bubbly?
I would think stacked magnets of the correct the type and size would make an awesome center. Also a solid magnet would possibly be even better.
I thought of the magnet idea a while after making this version. Would definitely be cool if it could stick to stuff. Might have to gut the cord for it to work properly though.
I was thinking wrap the handle around 2 or 3 strands of the hammer to keep it more rigid.
You are great...
Hola por casualidad el ancla ⚓ la puedes hacer
Miserable is a genius o miseraveu e mesmo um genio
What is the length that you use in this for each of the chords?
hi, i wonder what do this for ? just for fun ,or any purticular use?
4 years late to the party but itd be neat to use some metal as the core so prolly aluminium so it could maybe be like a little soft mallet.
If you used 2 cords for the handle & double prussik it to both sides of the cord you tied the handle to instead. then 4 cord braid handle it would make the handle sturdier & the head needs more mass to create any force. You could use 2 steel balls for the hammer head for mass solution.
Hey man is very well
Heyyyyy muy bonito martillo de Thor. I like
Why not just poke a shish skewer through the cardboard with a touch of glue on the tip after wrapping the hammer and wrapping the snake knots around the stick the create a bit more rigidity in the project?
Bro did you make neck accessories
Can you make stormbreaker?
I'm planning on doing Stormbreaker, stay tuned!
Está lindo tu forma de aser tu martillo de thor yo lo hise un poco difícil pero lo logre muy bueno soy ángel de argentina bay y gracias por enseñar métodos de aser figuras muy bueno
Bro, where did you come from, I was not expecting you to pop on my feed, but I'm glad you did, I had thoughts of making this too, I actually make custom earrings and necklaces. I wonder if I could use hemp rope instead, it's got healing or some type of healing properties in it I believe, and it's better for your skin, but you did an excellent job on the hammer, thank you for sharing.
Glad you found the video and thanks for the comment! I think hemp Mjolnir earrings would be really cool!
Nice work, tks for sharing ! How can i purchase the handicraft tools ?
this was impossible to make without fid (i tried and 2 hours further, my hammerhead looks deformed)
I’m doing mine with a Alan wrench
And now make a 1:1 scaled hammer :D
I think I would use wood or plastic for the core of the hammer. If one was worried about getting it wet..🤷♂️🧐
👍🏻. Hemsworth would be proud for that... What length is it???
You are the best paracord weaver of all time love this video
😍 😍😍😍
Awesome hammer! Thanks for sharing the tutorial!
I'm an oilfield worker and wana make it as a backpack ornament, and hang one from my truck lol
Having a white background as you're doing your work would have been a lot better than having a dark background which made it very difficult to watch what you were doing.
Please in the future use a white sheet laid down or a white tablecloth so that your product that you're working on pops out so that it can be seen clearly.
Thank you and I thoroughly enjoyed your video.
How long of paracord did you need for each color?