#How To grow onions and garlic on the #terrace, keep the #following points in #mind: #Onions have deep #roots, so choose a #deep pot or basket. #The pot should be at #least 12 inches deep. #Keep the onions in full #sunlight. #Enrich the soil with #compost or compost #manure. #Onions grow best in #mounded rows or raised beds. Plant onion plants at a distance of 20 cm. Cover the area with netting to prevent birds from uprooting small plants. Use good quality garden soil to grow vegetables. To prepare compost of good fertility, household waste (peelings of fruits and vegetables), buttermilk, cow dung, dry and green leaves etc. can be mixed and prepared. Keep the green onion roots upright, covering the base with soil. Water lightly to keep the soil moist, but not wet. Place the pot in a sunny spot, like a windowsill or balcony. #This video also #explains #how to grow 🪴 #onions on #the #terrace 😢
#In many gardens, #there’s that one spot #where nothing seems to grow well. The soil just doesn’t support #healthy plants, no #matter what you do. It’s a common problem for gardeners, and it can be frustrating. But here’s a method that can completely transform poor soil into a rich, microbe-packed environment in just a few days. We’re going to break down how to turn an unproductive garden bed into a thriving spot, using simple steps and natural materials. The first step involves charcoal. Charcoal might not seem like the obvious choice for gardening, but it’s actually perfect for soil health. Charcoal has a unique structure that makes it an ideal home for beneficial microbes, and these microbes are #what we want in our #soil. They improve the #soil’s health, help #plants #absorb #nutrients, and #can #stay active for #years, #making your bed #richer #over time. To #prepare the charcoal, #we need to break it #down into small #pieces. #This might #take some #time, but it’s a crucial #step. The #smaller the #charcoal #pieces, the #more #surface area for #microbes to settle on.
#How To grow onions and garlic on the #terrace, keep the #following points in #mind:
#Onions have deep #roots, so choose a #deep pot or basket. #The pot should be at #least 12 inches deep.
#Keep the onions in full #sunlight.
#Enrich the soil with #compost or compost #manure.
#Onions grow best in #mounded rows or raised beds.
Plant onion plants at a distance of 20 cm.
Cover the area with netting to prevent birds from uprooting small plants.
Use good quality garden soil to grow vegetables.
To prepare compost of good fertility, household waste (peelings of fruits and vegetables), buttermilk, cow dung, dry and green leaves etc. can be mixed and prepared.
Keep the green onion roots upright, covering the base with soil.
Water lightly to keep the soil moist, but not wet.
Place the pot in a sunny spot, like a windowsill or balcony.
#This video also #explains #how to grow 🪴 #onions on #the #terrace 😢
#In many gardens, #there’s that one spot #where nothing seems to grow well. The soil just doesn’t support #healthy plants, no #matter what you do. It’s a common problem for gardeners, and it can be frustrating. But here’s a method that can completely transform poor soil into a rich, microbe-packed environment in just a few days. We’re going to break down how to turn an unproductive garden bed into a thriving spot, using simple steps and natural materials.
The first step involves charcoal. Charcoal might not seem like the obvious choice for gardening, but it’s actually perfect for soil health. Charcoal has a unique structure that makes it an ideal home for beneficial microbes, and these microbes are #what we want in our #soil. They improve the #soil’s health, help #plants #absorb #nutrients, and #can #stay active for #years, #making your bed #richer #over time. To #prepare the charcoal, #we need to break it #down into small #pieces. #This might #take some #time, but it’s a crucial #step. The #smaller the #charcoal #pieces, the #more #surface area for #microbes to settle on.