Great PC: Splitting the party in your RPG Game? How not to die!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ค. 2016
  • We all know that moment well when it seems like a good idea to flank the Orcs and split the party in your role playing game... We also know the moment when we die :P This video discusses splitting the party and how to survive.
    Bacon Battalion
    Our GM also chats about being a better player in his videos on this channel called How To Be A Great PC.
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ความคิดเห็น • 66

  • @sazdx
    @sazdx 7 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Last session I played, my character had to go on a mission with an allied NPC to recover a lost vehicle while leaving my friend's PC (a Druid) recovering from battle in our base. When my character comes back, she finds out that the druid had been stuck as a bird while recovering... and one of the NPCs that stayed in the base didn't know that was her power... and tried hunting her for dinner XD.

    • @GreatGMLive
      @GreatGMLive  7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Lol - the dangers of being a druid I guess! Thanks for sharing

  • @TheSiwert
    @TheSiwert 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I like how his face suddenly turned red after shutting up the dogs.

  • @JacoShow
    @JacoShow 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was watching this video with my Chihuahua. "Why is the GM trying to bring the party back together? (Dog barks) Because there are packs of wild dogs." The look on my pooch's face. Great ad-libbing!

  • @diego2112gaming
    @diego2112gaming 6 ปีที่แล้ว +54

    Don't you know? You never split the party! Clerics in the back, keep those fights hale and hearty! Wizards in the middle, where they can shed some light, and you NEVER LET THAT DAMN THIEF OUT OF SIGHT!

    • @sprindraconis631
      @sprindraconis631 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Diego2112Gaming We have an issue atm were the Warlocks cant tell the party exactly why we need to kill a certain thing and for the first time in the entire campagin they decided to not immediatly kill a thing
      then they tied us up for going crazy
      now we undid our bonds and ditched the group that clearly wont help us

    • @warrenokuma7264
      @warrenokuma7264 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@sprindraconis631 , wait. Why didn't you fight to avoid being tied up? You let anyone tie you up? If that was your character's thing though, not judging...

    • @sprindraconis631
      @sprindraconis631 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@warrenokuma7264 one of us was on 1 hitpoint and I was unconcious

    • @sprindraconis631
      @sprindraconis631 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      it was after a hard fight

    • @warrenokuma7264
      @warrenokuma7264 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Never give up, never surrender.

  • @gaoth88
    @gaoth88 7 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    they´re good dogs tho

  • @HunterDaggers
    @HunterDaggers 7 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Had a party decide to split up inside a haunted mansion. We partywiped later that day. But not even for the reason you'd think... Basically one player saw a ghost and decided to go follow it without telling anyone, and then our 2 other players went down into the basement. When they went down into the basement (this manor is on a hill, which is important because only half the basement is actually underground), they found that it was filled with a borderline lake of foggy mucus. Earlier in the campaign they had encountered this stuff before and learned that its highly volatile. Even the smallest addition of heat can set it off, within reason. They search the room, wading through the mucus, and found a closed door on one side behind the stairs and a massive hole in the wall on the opposite wall that opened up into a cave that went downwards. They decided to split up. One player went into the room behind them, and the other went down the cave entrance they found. A river of the mucus flowed down the cave entrance to a pool at the bottom, so this stuff was EVERYWHERE. So while he's heading down, and the one following the ghost was half way up the grand staircase, which has a massive glass chandelier above it. The player who checked out the mysterious room, a room he didnt check very well because there was an enemy inside that he never noticed, and searched it. He found a book on a table by a chalice and became interested in what it said. But he couldnt see because of the dark. SO HE LIT A TORCH. Thankfully it didnt turn the place into a second Pripyat, but all the mucus changed color to signify it was primed. He read the book, immediately realizing that it was in another language and he couldnt translate. So he pocketed it and, after checking out the chalice that was actually a neat device i made that converts liquids into highly addictive alcohol, he left the room. This is where this one player killed everyone. He thought it would be badass to toss the torch into the room and burn the "evidence". Me and everyone else at the table immediately looked at him and asked, "really??" And he was adamant, cause it would be "cool". Well a few moments later and many failed reflexes the player in question was cooked alive in his full plate, the player who went into the cave was smashed with a wave of fire, and the one on the grand staircase was skewered alive by a glass chandelier. There's quite a bit more that happened, but thats the gist of it. And, post party wipe, the entire manor was sent crashing down the hill and demolished a quaint farming community just down the hill. Wasnt a good session.

  • @Bigslam1993
    @Bigslam1993 8 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I had a Player "metagame" last session, but the he had a more or less valid incharacter reason and it turned out to create a great situation to end the session on a cliffhanger. And maybe saved another characters life - or soul.
    I loved it.

    • @GreatGMLive
      @GreatGMLive  8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Metagame is great if used correctly. If used incorrectly it sucks! thanks for sharing :)

    • @Lilitha11
      @Lilitha11 8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I wish the people in my current game understood that. I got hit by a trapped that knocked me out and made it look like I was dead. So one player who was worried I might turn into an undead stopped in the middle of the battle to desecrate(ie murder) my body. OOC he knew I was alive, it didn't stop him. There are a lot of ic reasons not to desecrate the corpse of your friend, in the middle of a battle. He could say something like, "Oh I am worried about them being undead maybe I should burn them after the battle is over." In which case I would of likely woke up by then. But nope instead he killed me. And he didn't even do it properly so he murdered me and then turned me into an undead.

    • @GreatGMLive
      @GreatGMLive  8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Are you sure IC that's not what they had planned all along? To create you as undead? CE anyone. It's a tough line to draw when it's your characters life that forms part of the meta albeit the fact that this was mid battle does lend me to believe it was their plan the whole time... But that's my humble opinion

    • @Lilitha11
      @Lilitha11 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I am pretty sure, since I was the cleric and the only one who could heal him. If he was evil and wanted to do evil stuff, I am pretty sure he would betray everyone else in the party but not me. And he had said as much several times that keeping the cleric alive is super important.
      That said he might be an evil character. I thought he was neutral but I can't say for sure. Even if evil I know icly he wanted me around for his own sake though.

    • @GreatGMLive
      @GreatGMLive  8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Mmm... if stuff like that happens often I would suggest finding a different group. Maybe they just like have a different and in my mind unbalanced way of running their games?

  • @NRaah
    @NRaah 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Most of the video isn't about metagaming, but the part he talked about the subject reminded me of something. The biggest case of metagaming my group had was when my character was on his own and got a job to bomb a theater.I had a few other assassin types with me but I still got my group to help because we had a bard merchant. The bard went to every effort to get into the giant "wine" cask that we were hauling and trying to get in the front gate. He asked who the employer was and what the pay was (that was ok). He asked for a taste, of the wine that we were supposed to deliver and have stored away in a wine cellar in the theater and wondered why we said no. At this point everyone in the group beside him was against him, but he sill tried. He tried to insight me to see if I was telling the truth even though our characters have never asked each other questions about little jobs we brought to each other before. When we were at the gate and got the wine in, he still tried to follow it in to have a taste even though his job was done and was supposed to leave. At this point it was my job to try and save the life of my super metagamey pal's character. So I paid my fighter companion to take the stubborn bard to the tavern. The scuffled and one of the other assassin types helped and had them all removed by guards. They went to the tavern (most of them dragging our almost hysterical bard) while I helped see the explosion finish. After the explosion, he ran back and tracked my footsteps. At that point I had already collected my payment at a dead drop (belt of haste and 1200g in gems) and another of the assassin guy's gems (he got some other magic thing). The assassin also gave me a spider that would let me summon him. And I was initiated into an assassin guild. The bard questioned me, but I was already at the tavern with our ill boss. A clean getaway and everyone kept a close eye on our pal to prevent further metagaming. It all worked out cuz I always win.

  • @jmhorn06
    @jmhorn06 8 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Now I want a bagel. 😀

  • @CrimsinTheShaman
    @CrimsinTheShaman 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Another excellent video! Thank you for providing these excellent insights into the game. I'm very new and watching these videos has helped immensely!

    • @GreatGMLive
      @GreatGMLive  7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      That is all I could hope for! Knowing that a little improvement was made to someone's game is the whole reason I started this channel. So thank you for sharing!

  • @crystaltriforce64
    @crystaltriforce64 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    one idea i have if i ever DM is a scenario where they have to sneak into a noble's/king's ball/party. but none of them are invited and the easiest way for them to get in is to split up and find their own ways to get past and/or overwhelm security. because it's a lot easier for a single person or two to sneak in or blend in with other guests then a full party of 6 or so. doing it as several mini ten minute sessions over discord whenever they're free before the next session. rewarding their creativity with advantages or "good timing" or making it more likely that no one asks questions if something goes missing ect. and then having them all meet up in the party after successfully infiltrating

  • @Mr.Yell0w
    @Mr.Yell0w 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've recently found your channel and am loving your content. Is there any chance you can do a video on Strongholds? They have always interested me but the DMG just glances on them. Many thanks and keep up the fantastic work.

  • @WhistlePigZILLA
    @WhistlePigZILLA 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In the game i play in, we have "arcane tech" (modern style things like radios, street lights, robotic prosthetics, cameras, etc which use magic to operate) communications up at all times. It's extremely convenient to have the ability to share information with my character's friends at all times. Especially since he's a fisherman and he's often out at sea and needs information quickly. The DM will make this unavailable at times, which gives us a feeling of loneliness and desolation and really challenges everyone. What's more, it opens up lots of great RP options and interactions, such as the time one of the characters forgot to turn off his coms before having... relations with his wife or the time we had to give dating tips to a shy character in real time. It might be a bad thing at times, but from my perspective it's an excellent thing to include of your campaign allows for arcane tech.

  • @murraylindsay4163
    @murraylindsay4163 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Well said! ABSOLUTELY have some ideas ready for when the GM's attention returns to you. The general flow of a game is better if the PCs have proactive role-playing clever ideas to help the story. This is doubly emphasized when the GM is madly juggling multiple stories for each party segment. Any creative contribution a PC can make to feed a starving GM is gold beyond price.
    I would amend one bit; after you have an idea or three for when the spotlight shifts to your sub-group, don't sit quietly. I say be an appreciative, encouraging audience. As a PC on my own, attempting some derring-do, nothing is more demoralizing and flat than the rest of the players around the table studying their phone, reading a rule book or picking lint out of their belly button.

    • @GreatGMLive
      @GreatGMLive  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Agreed one hundred percent! I hate lint bearing players. :) Being a proactive player is being a good player in my opinion.

  • @Ausferius
    @Ausferius 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I would love to see a video on the GM contract. I think this is something that is understood very differently by different players and groups. It can even seem to change a lot depending on whether someone is a GM or a player.

    • @GreatGMLive
      @GreatGMLive  8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's added to the list!

  • @nreed200
    @nreed200 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    this episode basically every episode of the adventures of the windswift

  • @edschramm6757
    @edschramm6757 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    the only time i have split off from the party was we needed some files from a base, but the rest of the group blew the mission while i was maintaining the airship(i missed that session, and as one of two characters that could pilot the ship, it made sense). Someone used an incediary device, not knowing the next level of the building was the munitions storage, and it went "boom". so i went to the town alone to finish out the mission. which i did in the cover of night, with a little help from a grappling hook. so where the group had failed to infiltrate, because we had 2 non-stealth characters on an infiltration mission, a single character who had not been involved with the incidents the day before succeeded. if i gone with the group, the lack of stealth on our fighter and bard would have made it much more difficult. being a Draconic sorcerer, i keep my dexterity high for the sake of my defensive stats, and as such, i have a good stealth. without that, it would have been much harder to continue the story, as the files i stole from the base were needed for the next step of the quest. im guessing one of our rogues could have done it, but whereas i would get a "who are you, what are you doing here", they would have gotten attacked right away, similar to if they had a wanted poster with that players face posted around town.

  • @caos1925
    @caos1925 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I guess my first oc is going to be a DMs best friend, in this regard, he has a fear of being alone, so no splitting off from everyone else.

  • @cookies23z
    @cookies23z 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    I see you switched back to the style :) the "meta game the story" tips seems very handy if anyone is found seperated :)

    • @GreatGMLive
      @GreatGMLive  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sometimes you gotta help them help themselves...

  • @xeltanni8999
    @xeltanni8999 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Oh no. Bacon! Your son got hold of your camera and he's posting videos. I mean he's cute and all, but I'm not taking gaming advice from a little baby...

  • @jugenmusugenmegosugebumbok7960
    @jugenmusugenmegosugebumbok7960 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have a fellow D and D member who recently stated that he was unhappy with how his character is shaping in the campaign and brought an interesting question. Is it a bad idea to have a character betray the party so the player can create a new character -with the GM's permission? In case it sets a precedent.

    • @GreatGMLive
      @GreatGMLive  8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      If you watch Agents of Shield in season one and two... SPOILER ALERT...
      A character turns on the group. For me it rang so untrue and so forced that I stopped watching the show for a while. So I would say that if a player asked that of me, I'd suggest working it into the character over time, or simply have the character leave the party to go an have babies with a milk-maid/milk-man. By working it into the character - having them make suspicious actions, questionable motivations etc. the betrayal will feel right and good. Simply having them betray the party is going to feel hollow. That's my thinking.

    • @warrenokuma7264
      @warrenokuma7264 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Depends on the group. My group is really unforgiving on betrayals really unforgiving. Just retire him to a happy ending. Rich uncle died an left him a castle or something.

  • @timothymyers8185
    @timothymyers8185 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In my game it comes down to PC ingenuity for them to survive as they know their playing in a horror:esc game and the adverserys are plenty and very much capable.

    • @GreatGMLive
      @GreatGMLive  8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes - though there is a different between PC ingenuity, and PC 'glory-stealer'.

    • @timothymyers8185
      @timothymyers8185 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah I see what you mean!

  • @silverseth7
    @silverseth7 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Oh! I got a decent question I'm sure a fair few players ask but I'm not sure exists here yet. I'm not a religious person. At all. Though I've wanted to play a Paladin or Cleric. Doing the religious thing feels unnatural the few times I've tried with other classes and characters. Any tips on how to go about being less awkward about it? And by extension... any advice for players that have characters that go against their OOC characteristics and values? Goodie Goodson kind of person playing a Chaotic Evil character kind of thing.

    • @warrenokuma7264
      @warrenokuma7264 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      For a Cleric, just tell the DM you are praying every morning (just general prayers), give last rites to corpses and follow your god's tenants whatever they are. If good, do charity work and heal the poor, and remember to ask do I get any XP for that and then preach to the peasants (not PCs) every other scenario and ask do I get any XPs for that? Ask the locals if any present needs to get married, charge them or do it for free and then ask do I get any XP for role playing? Heh. Also you are a therapist, and help people with their problems, etc... for role playing XPs of course, or ask why are you not giving role playing XPs if not getting any. Clerics if done right can mine for XPs out of combat if you play them right.
      Remember clerics, have a high wisdom, so think before you act. Secondly you have one job keep the party alive. When you have used up all your healing spells, and the party if fully healed, call for a retreat. High wisdom is common sense so remember that.

    • @warrenokuma7264
      @warrenokuma7264 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Secondly if you need more XPs do a fundraiser, build a marketplace, or watch tower to prevent raids, and or an orphanage. Leave the place better than it was for even more XP.

  • @kookopola
    @kookopola 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    u r the best u tuber evr

    • @GreatGMLive
      @GreatGMLive  7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Best commenter ever! Gratitude thank you

  • @101jir
    @101jir 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    6:45 However, if it is a legitimate question, it is perfectly fair if your character is only a short distance off to ask "can my character hear that?" I do it quite often when my character is doing nothing where he is at. Though I assume that we are talking about situations where party members are pretty far apart.
    Also, the last rule about cutting the GM some slack is always a good idea I find, provided the GM has demonstrated reasonable emotional and practical competence to be a GM up to that point. Once you are maybe 3 sessions in, I tend to think that if you aren't seriously annoyed by the GM by that point, you probably shouldn't complain after that point as it just creates a negative atmosphere and if you are still in it at that point, there is probably a lot of promise in continuing. D&D is fun, especially if you keep an eye out on the story. The GM has that, and once trust has been built you need to put it to use.

  • @Lilitha11
    @Lilitha11 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wish my current GM knew about the gm contract. My current game the GM basically lets everyone do what they wish and none of the players care overly much about the story. So it is pure chaos, people kill each other and stuff.

    • @GreatGMLive
      @GreatGMLive  8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Well share this video or direct your GM to my How to be a good GM channel! It doesn't sound like much fun? Unless it is?

  • @nothingelsetodoZ
    @nothingelsetodoZ 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is pretty close to the perfect video layout. Maybe if the text doesn't stay behind Guy but in front.
    That's a small nitpick but who knows...

    • @GreatGMLive
      @GreatGMLive  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks for the feedback! I can put the text in front I just thought maybe it looked cooler behind? Will play with the layout some more! :)

    • @djr742
      @djr742 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      layout looks cool. I kinda liked the text passing behind you though.

    • @GreatGMLive
      @GreatGMLive  8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Now we are confused lol Thanks for the feedback

  • @BlackZer00
    @BlackZer00 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I use to splite up the group as a player. Then they made me the GM. Now, they won't me have a playable character .

  • @greatcarcharodon7366
    @greatcarcharodon7366 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    If they split it tpk time boys

  • @robertnett9793
    @robertnett9793 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Depending on the setup of the adventure ahead, sometimes I would really appreciate that the party splits up.
    My problem isn't how to get them back together - but how to split them in the first place, without let it feel forced.

    • @warrenokuma7264
      @warrenokuma7264 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      You have a smart group that knows never to split up the party. Nice!

  • @fhuber7507
    @fhuber7507 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Easy... let one part of the party run int a combat meant for the whole party...
    Its not going to be pretty but it will be fun for the DM.
    Then the rest of the party gets to meet the victors who have looted the losers' corpses.

  • @williamturner6192
    @williamturner6192 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Telling your bear to grow up. Please, you know more people skill theory than that, convince it to want to grow, treat it like one of those annoying PCs you help us know how to get under control.