can't say Messi isn't professional. now that time has passed and the truth has come out, we now know it's the organizers who were not professional and mislead the crowds into believing that they can low-ball an all star player and tried to bully him into performing whilst not paying him to do so!
that is power and skills and talent and beauty all in ONE. GEM deserves an international audience and fans, beyond just Chinese China or overseas Chinese. Her singing and voice have reached top-tier levels compared to other world-class performers.
As a Spanish native speaker I am deeply moved for listening to G.E.M. singing in my mother language in such an impressive venue: Xièxiè G.E.M. She sings Gloria so fluently in Spanish that you can perfectly understand every single word and sentence: great, great, great G.E.M. I felt in love with the artist four years ago, listening to her singing in Chinese, I must say that both Cantonese and Mandarin sound nice for me. She has a gifted and unique voice and spreads happiness all around, although it is not only how she sings, but the deep meaning of the lyrics of her songs; furthermore her music is light years away ahead this time. Thank you G.E.M. for being yourself. Xièxiè.
Apreciado @@youpihat , sí, es así. También he de decir que conozco bien la canción y eso me ayuda. Hay que tener presente que está cantando, no hablando, y las palabras y frases tienen que seguir las notas y el ritmo de la canción, lo cual complica el entender la letra; pero resumiendo, sí, entiendo cada palabra que dice. Ahondando en la cuestión de entender las letras de las canciones, a algunos cantantes hispanohablantes (bolivianos, colombianos, mexicanos, peruanos, argentinos, uruguayos, cubanos, guatemaltecos, españoles, panameños, salvadoreños, costarricenses, hondureños, venezolanos, ecuatorianos, paraguayos o chilenos - y que me disculpen si falta alguno) no les entiendo cuando cantan, y eso que pongo atención. Por lo demás, las cualidades vocales de G.E.M. son extraordinarias y la calidad de su música es suprema, por ello le agradezco realmente que cante en español. Hoy en día ningún cantante español alcanzaría ese nivel cantando en chino.
@@ndec5139 Entonces conoces bien la canción y eso te ayuda. De lo contrario, algunas palabras son incomprensibles debido a su dificultad con la lengua. ¡ Por favor presta atención a su lengua cuando habla ! ¡ Hay muchos cantantes en todo el mundo que "no se articulan" cuando cantan y también algunas personas no se articulan cuando hablan ! Have a great day to you and your family wherever you are in the world !
Wow. Singer is so beautiful and her voice really is outstanding. I could listen to her singing tirelessly. Love her and love her voice very much. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Canada
Gem you deserve to be heard by a lot more others than you already have been. Really look forward to listening to the English version of Gloria and seeing the love spread to the globe.
I said it years ago when she first stepped on the scene Gem is the best female singer Hong Kong has nurtured in the last decade. Due to the political divide in Hong Kong some have turned their backs against her trying to smear her accomplishments as a great singer and performer. To those people who are so woke as to Gems talent no one in their right minds will heed your smearing of one of the brightest talents Hong Kong has seen in the last decade. You may not agree but if you have a better candidate bring it to the table and we can discuss rationally. Gem is literally the pride of Hong Kong whether you agree or not. Her live performance here is just outstanding even Beckham seem fairly impressed from his facial expressions. Just a fan that’s proud of Gem for all her accolades and accomplishments during her years as singer and performer.
歌星对球星;大家先會收歛丢那聲 如果冇咗好歌聲;當日大家好易變猩猩;球星當埸被人踢上星! Thanks our Hong Kong jewels "G.E.M." 這首歌意義重大;may God spirits moves the crowd many will be saved via the gospel message.
1 Amazing grace (how sweet the sound) that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see. 2 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved; how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed! 3 Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come: 'tis grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.
我從來無聽她的歌,但今次另我 驚喜,冇得頂聽完再聽都咁舒服❤❤
鄧紫棋是難得的歌唱創作家,無論唱粵語,國語,英語,西班牙,葡萄牙語都咁好聽,又懂作詞,作曲,編曲,mv創作,華語樂壇應該從未有過這樣全面有才華的音樂人, 因為要湊合很多因素~家庭音樂背景.教導.天份.努力.心態…等等,鄧之後未必再有來者,請珍惜和欣賞她🙏
Ela canta em português? Uau!!
@@璇-u1e 對👍
GEM 選這兩歌是代香港人感謝球隊。雖然美斯唔專業,GEM 仍然沒被美斯和現場氣氛影響她的專業水準,由始至終都保持笑容唱歌,以感動人的歌聲感染現場球迷。謝謝GEM。
can't say Messi isn't professional. now that time has passed and the truth has come out, we now know it's the organizers who were not professional and mislead the crowds into believing that they can low-ball an all star player and tried to bully him into performing whilst not paying him to do so!
美斯欺場, 但鄧紫棋絕無欺場, 佢震撼既歌聲完全征服了民心, 真係估唔到聽佢唱歌仲開心過睇果場波, 驕小既身軀但歌聲卻擁有咁超級強大既氣場, 真係好利害。
Exactly Messi is 🐀🐀🐀
一開口清唱把正喧鬧的現在安靜下來, 這就是實力, 還有專業就是為了兩首歌還是會彩排還是會努力,就是對身份嘅尊重
@@魚蛋刀鋒 這是完場才唱
@@emilyz3673 你的基本標準有點高喔哥哥
@@a0925147209 正常來說 能當歌手是要有一定的水平與唱功的
其實很多歌手都是不及格的 因為他們都有修音 唱現場很多都不行。
而JOLIN G.E.M. 都是有達到真正可以說是歌手的位階了!
that is power and skills and talent and beauty all in ONE. GEM deserves an international audience and fans, beyond just Chinese China or overseas Chinese. Her singing and voice have reached top-tier levels compared to other world-class performers.
As a Spanish native speaker I am deeply moved for listening to G.E.M. singing in my mother language in such an impressive venue: Xièxiè G.E.M. She sings Gloria so fluently in Spanish that you can perfectly understand every single word and sentence: great, great, great G.E.M. I felt in love with the artist four years ago, listening to her singing in Chinese, I must say that both Cantonese and Mandarin sound nice for me. She has a gifted and unique voice and spreads happiness all around, although it is not only how she sings, but the deep meaning of the lyrics of her songs; furthermore her music is light years away ahead this time. Thank you G.E.M. for being yourself. Xièxiè.
¿ Realmente entiendes toda la letra de la canción palabra por palabra ?
Apreciado @@youpihat , sí, es así. También he de decir que conozco bien la canción y eso me ayuda. Hay que tener presente que está cantando, no hablando, y las palabras y frases tienen que seguir las notas y el ritmo de la canción, lo cual complica el entender la letra; pero resumiendo, sí, entiendo cada palabra que dice. Ahondando en la cuestión de entender las letras de las canciones, a algunos cantantes hispanohablantes (bolivianos, colombianos, mexicanos, peruanos, argentinos, uruguayos, cubanos, guatemaltecos, españoles, panameños, salvadoreños, costarricenses, hondureños, venezolanos, ecuatorianos, paraguayos o chilenos - y que me disculpen si falta alguno) no les entiendo cuando cantan, y eso que pongo atención. Por lo demás, las cualidades vocales de G.E.M. son extraordinarias y la calidad de su música es suprema, por ello le agradezco realmente que cante en español. Hoy en día ningún cantante español alcanzaría ese nivel cantando en chino.
Entonces conoces bien la canción y eso te ayuda. De lo contrario, algunas palabras son incomprensibles debido a su dificultad con la lengua.
¡ Por favor presta atención a su lengua cuando habla !
¡ Hay muchos cantantes en todo el mundo que "no se articulan" cuando cantan y también algunas personas no se articulan cuando hablan !
Have a great day to you and your family wherever you are in the world !
願 主祝福妳!🙏👍💖💯
G.E.M は香港で最高の歌手です。 彼女はすべての曲を自分で作曲しました! 彼女の TH-cam チャンネルにアクセスして、彼女のすべての曲を聴くことができます。
說 Amazing grace 是一首喪歌的真無知, 這是一首讚美上帝的聖詩, 在各大福音傳遞都會唱, 包括在教堂, 感恩會, 聖誕, 閣下在喪事中偶而聽到, 是以它安慰心靈受創的家人, 有上帝的同在與安慰.
係don't bother those naive persons.
John newton 因感動基督的赦免罪行而作的歌曲,背後牽涉偉大波瀾壯闊的廢除黑奴運動歷史的事跡。與喪事無關。了解一下歷史與歌曲的宗教背景才說事吧
Justin Bieber 唱的也很感動人心,他們是真實的被上主解救後而唱出的心聲
Gem, I’m so proud of you….你係我哋嘅香港之光❤
@@d4kwok66 最有实力係關淑怡
GEM 你唱得好好,唔好讓否定嘅聲音否定你自己,你係香港嘅驕傲🎉🎉 多謝你為香港帶黎祝福
清唱都壓到場,好聽好感動 🥹
GEM 姐姐,是你的聲音感動了全港,是你的聲音感動了全球。
Wow. Singer is so beautiful and her voice really is outstanding. I could listen to her singing tirelessly. Love her and love her voice very much. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Canada
Tears just flow hearing GEMs' Amazing Grace❤🙏
68 / 5,000
G.E.M は香港で最高の歌手です。 彼女はすべての曲を自分で作曲しました! 彼女の TH-cam チャンネルにアクセスして、彼女のすべての曲を聴くことができます。
You will ❤
Praise the lord 😇 greetings from Indonesian 🇲🇨
全場MVP, 球場上陣同跑動距離,都遠超美斯.....成為,球王鄧紫棋
真正有唱功, 能壓場的年青頂級歌手, 帶來了兩首極有意義的歌曲
She is a my heaven all ways 🙏🙏 peace
歌声百转千回,情感丝丝入扣。GEM技术娴熟,情感丰盛,声声入心,让人沉浸沐浴其中,感受故事的娓娓道来。歌单又多了一首无限循环。她都是在与过去的自己比较,不断带来进步的惊喜,谢谢GEM !💕💕💕聽起來很順很舒服!讚👍,謝謝提供好聽的歌-谢谢GEM...
大家正憤怒一刻走個GEM 出來,佢個樣一向都好cute還對著你笑有兩個酒凹那種,心情高低起伏😬
Thank you, GEM, for your amazing voice
May this song dedicated to our beloved HK ppl . May the Lord bring peace and salvation to all ppl by faith through Jesus Christ ❤
開始從由魔鬼帶來的萬人的憤怒可能引發的暴動,而由一個柔弱女子的天使歌聲安慰平復下來, 主呀你真係厲害!
@@chinwaito4439 原來是在籠子裡面。知道Amazing Grace是什麼背景嗎
@@cr7ckd0wn 唔知呀!說來聽吓。
當日本來場來充滿怨氣, 因為她的歌聲而化解, 由她賜下天使般的歌聲
(Charles Kar) Puerto Rico USA
Gem you deserve to be heard by a lot more others than you already have been. Really look forward to listening to the English version of Gloria and seeing the love spread to the globe.
若是由GEM自己選唱這二首經與典之歌曲 ,她對香港情深義重 、是大愛❤。若由編導團隊策劃 ,亦如是呀!政府必須嘉獎! 外部襲港鬼計弄巧反拙,卻為香港增加「凝聚力」和「正能量」動力。
I said it years ago when she first stepped on the scene Gem is the best female singer Hong Kong has nurtured in the last decade. Due to the political divide in Hong Kong some have turned their backs against her trying to smear her accomplishments as a great singer and performer. To those people who are so woke as to Gems talent no one in their right minds will heed your smearing of one of the brightest talents Hong Kong has seen in the last decade. You may not agree but if you have a better candidate bring it to the table and we can discuss rationally. Gem is literally the pride of Hong Kong whether you agree or not. Her live performance here is just outstanding even Beckham seem fairly impressed from his facial expressions.
Just a fan that’s proud of Gem for all her accolades and accomplishments during her years as singer and performer.
Thanks our Hong Kong jewels "G.E.M."
這首歌意義重大;may God spirits moves the crowd many will be saved via the gospel message.
GEM 唱功真係冇得輸 勁壓場 真正代表香港嘅歌手👏👍
佢幾時唔認? 上NASA表演自己講come from hong kong. Are you BLIND?@@henrylau1798
@@henrylau1798唔太明白,她幾時講過自己唔係香港人?唔好有係D我覺得我認為就可以當原因9 up ar
what a spanish omg!!, that was an amazing performance, and the domain of both languages is incredible, well done. A TRUE artist.
奇異恩典,超棒的恩典!這首歌安撫生命,“Gloria 不要害怕~”,解解唱《Amazing Grace》+《Gloria》這兩首組合太棒了🥹
God bless her. She is salt and light of Asia.
一個老歌迷想分享對GEM的睇法~gem嘅天份係幾十年一遇嘅歌后級數~香港七八九十年代出了很多好歌手-但能稱得上神级后級级數嘅唔超過二十人(不是以當紅程度作指標,因有些曾經很紅的唔代表唱功好只因其他市場價值而走紅)是以其唱功天份作指標~GEM雖然唔係出道於那個人材輩出的年代~但要選香港歷幾十年最好歌手GEM,必入二十大內, 可惜唔知什麼原因香港近代人唔好話唱歌~連講嘢都咬字懶音兼冇氣~作為一個樂迷見到近年果d五音不全,聲線唔入咪,冇氣,睇住歌詞先知佢唱乜嘅所謂歌手我覺好唏噓😢如果要互相比較-近年果d係災難級~而GEM係歌后级,係龍自然會飛上天你打壓佢都照紅擋都擋唔住~另一d係蟲嘅就算好彩比佢紅幾年-但運過即止唔會長久之後會比人忘記🙏
Meu coração enche de alegria em ver vc ganhando tantas pessoas para Jesus….
What a beautiful song 😢. I cried from the beginning to the end...
怨氣中的清泉,尤其是SOLO的那一段,相當難得,GEM 辛苦了。
She is a real singer. Very proud of her being a Hong Kong Singer🎉🎉🎉
1 Amazing grace (how sweet the sound)
that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
was blind, but now I see.
2 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
and grace my fears relieved;
how precious did that grace appear
the hour I first believed!
3 Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come:
'tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
and grace will lead me home.
好感動 Gem的勇氣和甜美的笑容 全世界都可以被看到了❤謝謝妳❤
真是現时最强的創作全能天后了! 能唱!能作曲!能作詞!👍👍👍
Gloria a Dios, que hermoso adora al señor Dios te bendiga gem Saludos desde Venezuela !! Cristo viene pronto
She is awesome. God bless her.....
Amazing grace 歌唱在很對的時刻!His timing are Great !
Que Dios te bendiga mucho GEM..... muchas gracias por la traducción de Gloria al español
Gospel song is always the sweetest music to hear❤❤
戰績的樂譜,你可以聽聽看秋庭 伶子唱的,名偵探柯南
É pq a graça que ela canta na música significa Jesus Cristo Salvador
God bless you girl! I pray HE gives you so much more faith, courage, grace and straight to do what HE want you to do!
Amazing GEM sings amazing grace.
Beautiful, beautiful, very beautiful. Well done.
Hong Kong and China's pride. True GEM...
@@AN-zx1wm美斯沒下場 球迷不高興
《Our Hong Kong greatest Glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time We fall ! 》 香港正在暴刧後重生,東方之珠一向光亮,它的光芒是不能被遮、亦不可被擋❗🧧🇭🇰 🇨🇳
冥冥中自有彌光及定數,這是香港被喻為福地的底蘊。 由 Gem 唱 Amazing Grace 在壓軸表演成為「壓魔」(壓死一群來襲魔「鬼」),真是天時地利人和全配合,乃香港「福」之表現! 是「西方玩完」,香港繼續是「東方之珠」。❤🎉🙏
@@danny.choi.Amazing grace 係西方英國帝國主義的歌曲。真愛國應該聽東方紅,太陽升,中國出了個毛澤東。及無沒共產黨就沒有新中國!!👺🤡
「宗教自由」在中國被百分之一百尊重。 我信佛拜觀音,亦尊敬其他渡人向善的宗教。 你的立場得到我的尊重,各自修行。
@@danny.choi. 無錯啊,中國係有宗教自由真係好好!支持你返上去宣揚佛教啊!幫助更多人信佛教!加油啊師兄!
为什么每一首歌都写的这么真实 都这么真情流露 你 唱的时候 感觉自己仿佛置身于同样的场景中 去感受每一个音符 真的很感动 一直支持鄧紫棋!
before I didn't know why she was so famous, I now know her talents are brilliant!!!!
Simplemente hermoso. Thanks Got, the Glory is for you around the world
Gem, 你是我們的驕傲,用歌聲把全港市民的傷口撫平,你的尊業把美斯比下去🙏🙏🙏
其實對您無咩感覺,但您唱得真係好!係咁既環境,氣氛下,唔知有幾多歌手做到:show must go on ! ❤🎉
A top class performance with a most heartfelt and emotional singing 😍😍😍
而不是 那不顾球迷感受的球王 😢😢😢
好爱她 我要保护她❤
How do u expect so much from a player who is already injured n can't play?u have to understand sometimes..Messi is not a machine he is also a human
let's go GEM!! love that you whispered hallelujah after amazing grace. X
Preciosa interpretación, especialmente "Gloria" en español 🫶 simplemente perfecto! Dios te bendiga G.E.M 🙏
過多十年廿年當GEM退休後,都唔知仲有咩女歌手咁全能😢😢😢 曲詞唱完美又靚又可愛
@@kenpo3229 GEM係曲詞唱RAP,一手包辦
@@kenpo3229 你不要害死gigi,gigi有自知自明的,全能不是亂吹出來的
到時歌手分兩類,AI 歌手和真人歌手
平心而論,佢真係唱得好好,確係勁,可以令全場企係到唔郁聽佢唱歌,真係要好勁好犀利啲人先會企定,gem 做到喎!連碧咸都聽晒
@@lovesofie619 搞笑😁
@@lovesofie619 真係要好吸引, 完美演譯我唱歌, 你一定會聽
你而家做佢fans 都未遲