ขนาดวิดีโอ: 1280 X 720853 X 480640 X 360
Call the fire department killed me ahahah
Brinx btw that was for comedy purposes
currently in a lot of pain still go follow me on instagram and twitter: gingereasnapchat: camhallerlove you
Vids where you're fucking around with Jonny and Landon are the best lowkey
your saddd
CUFBOYS I'll be the shit out of home bro don't let urself get hurt btw he also hit u like wtf
I just felt sorry for the supreme jacket that's all
Landon's scream is so cute and funny at the same time
"someone help me! anyone got napkins!?" lmao
i genuinely don’t think i can go a day without watching one of these old vlogs, so crazy to see everything you’ve accomplished
Fr dude they’re classic. I wish he still made vlogs :(
johhnys sister is funny af with her dance moves ahahahha
sooo fucking funny
Guys don't step on my new jacket
Fctr "Guys please don't touch my RAF"
M Agboro L
Jay 😂
An the fact that it was on the ground outside 😂
Landon and Jonathan are obviously stoners and then there's cameron who is the exact opposite
Evan Brosnan ong😂
Evan Brosnan nah that nigga cam be off then thrax too
Cameron is the mom
Cameron wearing a $400+ outfit and still look homeless lol
Lol but 400 isnt that much for a whole Outfit
Balzu 14 yes that is
@@baltzu1722 for most people it is.
@@driftinghighenough6429 i depends how much are you wearing
If youd have like only shorts and tshirt lol
9:00 I'm dead
"Anyone got napkins"
" don't step on my new jacket " ... sis why is it on the ground if it's new
corect it is on the ground
At least now you don't have a mole.
so this is what sober kids do...
Nick smits cams the only one sober prolly tbh😂
nah this is what happens when stoners hang out with a sober and have a taser
peter roday lmao
5:07 "I thought you were gonna hurt me" funny as sh*t
Love coming back to the old vlogs, so amazing to see how far the CUFBOYS have come
Landon having no reaction to Cam walking up to him wid the tazer was the funniest shit I've seen in a while! Gotta love that man Landon
The way Landon looked at the taser after he grabbed it 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 like, "I have the powwwerr!" Lmfao hella years later binge watching all da vlogs high as fug 💀
These old vlogs are amazing
Landon’s personality is gold
It’s crazy how far they’ve all come
omfg was i the only person to burst out laughing at 2:14 lmfao!!!
Joe Nolan yes
Yes because I didn't get what was funny
Wait what was funny
little pump oo little pump ya
I laughed so hard when you gave Landon the tazer 😂😂😂😂😂
I think I would cry and hug Landon if I saw him 🤣❤️
3:28 he said "i-it didn't even hurt that bad" it was so cute but at the same time he sound like he was drunk😂 why was he whispering
is the ftp shirt okay though?
watching this bc im in love with landon
I miss these vlogs
I swear chilling in your homies drive way really be the best time.
landon wanted that taser soo bad 😂
10:02 anyone got any napkins???!?!???!!?!?
Who just binge watching the trio in 2019!!!?? Can't wait to see them hang out some more
I love landon and Johnny in the vlogs
"guys don't step on my new jacket"
5:04 landon‘s scared af bruh xDNever saw hin sober on 4 „Interviews“/ Vlogs now 😂😂👍🏼
Lil Icy he flinches off the board lmao then then Johnny just flosses I’m dead laughing so hard
I love watching the evolution of Cam slowly becoming his mom.
“ it didn’t - IT DIDNT HURT THAT BAD “
“It’s gone! My mole got ripped off.”I don’t know why but that kills me every time
this was like the best vlog in a while hahaha
“Guys don’t step on my new jacket”And it’s in the fucking ground
Amazing memories proud of you all ❤
"My mole got ripped off!" 😂😂😂
This is my favorite cut vid
Is it me or does these old videos have such a pure vibe? Like reminds you of childhood
The way he looks around saying “Does anyone got napkins”😂😂
Tazing landon is probably one of my favorite videos ever
Love all the videos with Landon cube
Damn you were so pissed when he traded you again the look on your face had me dyin lmaooo
He's so concerned about napkins 😂😂
Landon’s scream an 8:59 😂😂😂
This is one of my favorite vids no cap
Cammy Cuf~"Bleeding everywhere", lol small ass patch of blood!
“Someone help me! Anybody got napkins?!”
* puts jacket on the ground *“Guys don’t step on my new jacket”
I remember watching that video from last may, can't believe how far you've come man
The beginning tho 😂😂😂
8:49 Jonny said "accreate" 😂
How far u guys have come is crazy...
I immediately like the video when I heard the intro song
"Bro my mole ripped off!"😂😂
Landon screaming in a tree is my aesthetic
9:56 kinda made me tear up with that sad face when you say that wasent cool
this vlog is actually the best video
0:00 when ur friend is acting weird so u act weird too
'Call the fire dEpaRtMenT ma!😂
Your funniest vlog so far lmao
When he said “my mole got ripped off” I lost my shit😂😂
"Not again" lmao
Lmfao he sounded like he was about to bawl his eyes out at the end hahahahaha
So this is what landon was doing before skies
I always come back to older videos to make me laugh 🙌🏻
This video had me weak 💀😂
Probs the best vlog so far
Bruh y johnny so hype in this vid lmao
Who else revisits Cams old vlogs while laying down all day?
Hanging with Landon seems cool
ahahahah this made my day boy
I didnt knew that Landon was from the Philippines. A fellow Filipino lmao
“Stop dude”
Lmfaooooo “my mole got ripped off” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
9:12 after I saw that shit I was out
Jonny needs to clean his fish tank
5:36 When your friend makes fun of you for the dumbest reason
Funniest blog yet😂😂
" I need napkins for my mole " anybody have any napkins" 😫
On behalf of Native Americans...You good homie
what a delightful intro
"dont step on my new jack" *has it on the grass*
I like how he has to put Landon’s full name so he can get clout
Why did I laugh so fucking hard when they were stomping out the tree.
Did anyone else notice that Landon got scared when jonny went to do the floss with him?
Most funniest vlog ever
9:14 💀
Was that real
“Don’t step on my new jacket” *steps on jacket*
He sounded like a little kid in trouble " I didn't mean to I swear"
Call the fire department killed me ahahah
Brinx btw that was for comedy purposes
currently in a lot of pain still
go follow me on instagram and twitter: gingerea
snapchat: camhaller
love you
Vids where you're fucking around with Jonny and Landon are the best lowkey
your saddd
CUFBOYS I'll be the shit out of home bro don't let urself get hurt btw he also hit u like wtf
I just felt sorry for the supreme jacket that's all
Landon's scream is so cute and funny at the same time
"someone help me! anyone got napkins!?" lmao
i genuinely don’t think i can go a day without watching one of these old vlogs, so crazy to see everything you’ve accomplished
Fr dude they’re classic. I wish he still made vlogs :(
johhnys sister is funny af with her dance moves ahahahha
sooo fucking funny
Guys don't step on my new jacket
Fctr "Guys please don't touch my RAF"
M Agboro L
Jay 😂
An the fact that it was on the ground outside 😂
Landon and Jonathan are obviously stoners and then there's cameron who is the exact opposite
Evan Brosnan ong😂
Evan Brosnan nah that nigga cam be off then thrax too
Cameron is the mom
Cameron wearing a $400+ outfit and still look homeless lol
Lol but 400 isnt that much for a whole Outfit
Balzu 14 yes that is
@@baltzu1722 for most people it is.
@@driftinghighenough6429 i depends how much are you wearing
If youd have like only shorts and tshirt lol
9:00 I'm dead
"Anyone got napkins"
" don't step on my new jacket " ... sis why is it on the ground if it's new
corect it is on the ground
At least now you don't have a mole.
so this is what sober kids do...
Nick smits cams the only one sober prolly tbh😂
nah this is what happens when stoners hang out with a sober and have a taser
peter roday lmao
5:07 "I thought you were gonna hurt me" funny as sh*t
Love coming back to the old vlogs, so amazing to see how far the CUFBOYS have come
Landon having no reaction to Cam walking up to him wid the tazer was the funniest shit I've seen in a while! Gotta love that man Landon
The way Landon looked at the taser after he grabbed it 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 like, "I have the powwwerr!" Lmfao hella years later binge watching all da vlogs high as fug 💀
These old vlogs are amazing
Landon’s personality is gold
It’s crazy how far they’ve all come
omfg was i the only person to burst out laughing at 2:14 lmfao!!!
Joe Nolan yes
Yes because I didn't get what was funny
Wait what was funny
little pump oo little pump ya
I laughed so hard when you gave Landon the tazer 😂😂😂😂😂
I think I would cry and hug Landon if I saw him 🤣❤️
3:28 he said "i-it didn't even hurt that bad" it was so cute but at the same time he sound like he was drunk😂 why was he whispering
is the ftp shirt okay though?
watching this bc im in love with landon
I miss these vlogs
I swear chilling in your homies drive way really be the best time.
landon wanted that taser soo bad 😂
10:02 anyone got any napkins???!?!???!!?!?
Who just binge watching the trio in 2019!!!?? Can't wait to see them hang out some more
I love landon and Johnny in the vlogs
"guys don't step on my new jacket"
5:04 landon‘s scared af bruh xD
Never saw hin sober on 4 „Interviews“/ Vlogs now 😂😂👍🏼
Lil Icy he flinches off the board lmao then then Johnny just flosses I’m dead laughing so hard
I love watching the evolution of Cam slowly becoming his mom.
“ it didn’t - IT DIDNT HURT THAT BAD “
“It’s gone! My mole got ripped off.”
I don’t know why but that kills me every time
this was like the best vlog in a while hahaha
“Guys don’t step on my new jacket”
And it’s in the fucking ground
Amazing memories proud of you all ❤
"My mole got ripped off!" 😂😂😂
This is my favorite cut vid
Is it me or does these old videos have such a pure vibe? Like reminds you of childhood
The way he looks around saying “Does anyone got napkins”😂😂
Tazing landon is probably one of my favorite videos ever
Love all the videos with Landon cube
Damn you were so pissed when he traded you again the look on your face had me dyin lmaooo
He's so concerned about napkins 😂😂
Landon’s scream an 8:59 😂😂😂
This is one of my favorite vids no cap
Cammy Cuf~"Bleeding everywhere", lol small ass patch of blood!
“Someone help me! Anybody got napkins?!”
* puts jacket on the ground *
“Guys don’t step on my new jacket”
I remember watching that video from last may, can't believe how far you've come man
The beginning tho 😂😂😂
8:49 Jonny said "accreate" 😂
How far u guys have come is crazy...
I immediately like the video when I heard the intro song
"Bro my mole ripped off!"😂😂
Landon screaming in a tree is my aesthetic
9:56 kinda made me tear up with that sad face when you say that wasent cool
this vlog is actually the best video
0:00 when ur friend is acting weird so u act weird too
'Call the fire dEpaRtMenT ma!😂
Your funniest vlog so far lmao
When he said “my mole got ripped off” I lost my shit😂😂
"Not again" lmao
Lmfao he sounded like he was about to bawl his eyes out at the end hahahahaha
So this is what landon was doing before skies
I always come back to older videos to make me laugh 🙌🏻
This video had me weak 💀😂
Probs the best vlog so far
Bruh y johnny so hype in this vid lmao
Who else revisits Cams old vlogs while laying down all day?
Hanging with Landon seems cool
ahahahah this made my day boy
I didnt knew that Landon was from the Philippines. A fellow Filipino lmao
“Stop dude”
Lmfaooooo “my mole got ripped off” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
9:12 after I saw that shit I was out
Jonny needs to clean his fish tank
5:36 When your friend makes fun of you for the dumbest reason
Funniest blog yet😂😂
" I need napkins for my mole " anybody have any napkins" 😫
On behalf of Native Americans...
You good homie
what a delightful intro
"dont step on my new jack" *has it on the grass*
I like how he has to put Landon’s full name so he can get clout
Why did I laugh so fucking hard when they were stomping out the tree.
Did anyone else notice that Landon got scared when jonny went to do the floss with him?
Most funniest vlog ever
9:14 💀
Was that real
“Don’t step on my new jacket” *steps on jacket*
He sounded like a little kid in trouble " I didn't mean to I swear"