#10 Haftarah Mikketz - Parallels of Wisdom from Yosef and Solomon for us Today!
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.พ. 2025
- This week's haftorah from I Kings 3:15-4:1 opens with the words "And Solomon awoke, and behold it was a dream," echoing this week's Torah portion which opens with Pharaoh's dreams. Though not included in the haftorah, in this dream God granted King Solomon his legendary wisdom. The haftorah then relates a famous episode that made all of Israel aware of their new monarch's keen intellect. Two harlots approach King Solomon to adjudicate their dispute. They lived together in the same house, and each had given birth to an infant three days apart. One night, one of the infants was accidentally crushed to death by her mother, and one woman accused the other of switching infants in order to have a live baby. Each woman claimed that the live child is theirs and the deceased child was the other's. King Solomon asks that a sword be brought and orders that the child be cut in half with each woman receiving one half. At this point, the mother of the living child exhorts the king to give the child to the other woman so that he may live, while the other woman says, "Let it be neither mine nor yours, divide!" The king ruled: "Give her the living child, and by no means slay him: she is his mother!"
We draw inferences in our D'var Torah prophetically between these two woman... one true woman, one false woman with end-time prophecy about the true pure woman keeping God's commandments versus the false woman called a harlot in Revelation... Watch and learn the deeper message for us today!
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My search 4the truth ended when i found your channel may continue 2shower his love upon you .love shalom 💖
May God bless you to reach every corner of the world 🌍 salvation everyone
Your teaching has taken me on such Journey. I'm so juicy on Yah, that it's spilling over ...I am so hungry, yet not for food, but his word..
As a servant in the field of hairdressing I have a great platform to plant seeds.
There has been great healing in my chair. Also, I have gotten deep Understanding of his word..
My clients have notice serious change in there hair.There is healing and ministering at work I know he is with me.
I was raised a Roman Catholic but the LORD delivered me. Now, as a minister, I teach people the difference between "the holy and the profane" especially when it comes to the Roman Catholic as I am familiar with this. I am going through your teachings one by one. You have so much wisdom to impart, things that we could never learn in most Christian churches. My son has led a Messianic Passover in his home for a few years! However, How do you explain this Scripture? "Col 2:16 So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, 17which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ." Shalom!
Rabbi Shaul (Paul) was addressing new Messianic Colossian converts who lived among the heavy influence of pagan Greek and Roman cultural influences (Colossians 1:1-2). The culture of the time, which the new Colossian converts came out of, consumed all manner of unclean creatures, celebrated pagan festivals, and observed the first-day of the sun instead of Yah's holy moedim. Rabbi Shaul was instructing the Colossian converts to not be concerned with those pagans who judged (mocked / ridiculed) them in eating food and drink according to God’s dietary laws (Leviticus 11; Deuteronomy 14), or regarding God’s festivals (Leviticus 23), or new moon celebrations (Numbers 29:6), or the seventh-day Sabbath (Exodus 31:16). Unfortunately many people twist Paul’s words to do away with God’s perpetual laws (2 Peter 3:16).
One of your teachings from 3 years ago popped up in my feed. I learned so much, and the detail you point out and cross reference in such a humble manner! Wow. You are Blessed from the Most High.
Real meat!!!!
Thank you
Thank you so much for the lessons. I am truly grateful for your sharing. May Yah bless you!
Always get so much out of your teachings. I had already been learning more about Josef and the Women Harlot church in the past week. This brought it all together
Shalom praise Yah!
@31:00 minutes approximately Amen & Amen. Indeed YHWH has been fulfilling this prophecy in Joel 2:28-29 since 2010 and 2012, in my own life... By this verse I continue to remind myself and keep myself firmly rooted and grounded in the imminent expectation and the return of Mossiach. 🙏🏾
HelleluYAH! Shalom brother Isaac, inspired teaching once again, you are a gift from YAH, although. the body of the assembly is given the gift, you are HIS chosen vessel :)
Another 3 E teaching...edifying, enlightening, and educational, thank you, AoCoB! HalaluYa!!!
I agree wholeheartedly with all of this tuition & value it enormously. The area of confusion I have is around the issues to become doers of the word & other Biblical truths maybe not touched on in this video eg One baptism, one faith.. not to neglect gathering with fellow believers etc. to contribute to a disciple making work, the in gathering or great harvest work of the last days, faith without works is dead. etc ( apologies for lack of scriptural reference at this moment) Having departed from what is commonly called a cult with the Jehovahs Witnesses religion although never being a baptised member conflicted for decades with the same truths & doctrines that are taught here ie the non participation in pagan holidays Xmas, Easter & so forth. The recognition of a non - triune God & Son of God, The soul that sleeps at death rather than living on. The Messianic Government on the earth. The vital making God's name known & restoring that name even if the English pronunciation Jehovah is a little off beam. As you can tell the similarities are high, I am yet to find videos on the 144, 000. These are the reasons I kept going back, I could tell these elements were the truth. I hopefully am right to stay away due to the false prophecies regarding the arrival of Armageddon , generation teaching of 1914, Michael archangel depicted as Yeshua,. Coming up to date a callous disregard for victims of child sex abuse. But I am struggling to see how to follow the true faith on the earth & become a 'doer' or have works of faith when there is no congregations anywhere in my country. No baptism which is a requirement to bring ourselves & others into faith . I am sincerely looking for workable answers if anyone can help me with these questions. Thank you in advance
Please pray for me and I will pray for you.
Dream come true 💖💖💖💖
Have a difficult time to hear speaking and my volume is set to the maximum. Loud fan kind of drowns it out too. Could even be TH-cam sound suppressing?
This particular video does have very low audio as something went wrong with our mics and audio video equipment... Our apologies 🙏
Here's some interesting information tzion
As always great teaching. I offer you two quotes that you might find interesting that applies to the "harlot" (false religious system) and how she came to "ride" (control) the "beast" (civil law governments of earth) from a secular legal perspective:
“The civil law arose from the ashes of the old Roman Empire and added to its emperor worship the cloak of nominal Christianity. By the tenth century, the imperial Roman Church had become the chief carrier of the old Roman Empire’s civil law tradition; the visible trappings and ceremony of its religious-political doctrines, through deceitful, lent an air of intimidation, respectability, and prestige. Thus, by the canon law, ancient Rome’s civil law persisted, not only in its continental presence but also by its tentacles -reaching, groping, grasping, throughout the world. By the seventh century, Roman law again reached into Britain. This time, however, not by Rome’s legions but by Rome’s priesthood. Thus began in earnest the struggle between the common law and the civil law, between Scriptures and Justinian’s Code. That struggle came to dominate, define, and determine the history of Britain, her colonies, North America, and the United States.” - - Brent Winters, The Excellence of Common Law: Compared & Contrasted with Civil Law In Light of History, Nature & Scripture; p. 38
“If we search out the origins of Roman law, we must study Babylon…” - Pollack & Maitland, The History of the English Law Before the time of Edward I. p.561
Gen.10:3 breaks it down but not many people discuss Revelations concerning the synagogue of Satan? Thanks
Thus were does Rev. 2:9 & 3:9 come into play in prophecy as you see it please? Thank you Shalom
Many people ask who or what are the “synagogue of satan” mentioned in the Book of Revelation, as they get a wrong impression of Jews from a statement made in the Book of Revelation chapter 2 verse 9 where it mentions a certain phrase that was understood 2000 years ago in the first Century persecution that is no longer understood today by readers without the cultural context of the language and persecution 2000 years ago and thus it causes many misunderstandings!
The phrase used 2000 years ago was originally “an assembly of Beliel” which in Greek got written as “sunagōgē to satanas” or literally in English “a synagogue of adversaries” but in Revelations is translated “synagogue of Satan” unfortunately causing people to think negatively of Jews and our synagogues as everywhere else in scripture the Christian translators translated the word for “assembly” erroneously as church where it had a positive connotation, but in two places in Revelation where it has a negative association with an assembly doing wrong they sadly chose to use “synagogue” to disparage the Jews, when in fact this term “an assembly of Beliel” (i.e. “a synagogue of Satan”) was simply a common term referring to a group of “so called Jews” who persecute other Jews like Saul (Paul) did… Or like other elitists with evil agendas today…
In Revelation 2:8-9 it says,
“And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of the first and the last, who was dead and came to life: I know your affliction and your poverty, even though you are rich. I know the slander on the part of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. (the key word here to understanding this is the Assembly of Messianic Jewish believers in Smyrna’s were being afflicted or persecuted - Smyrna being the description of Messianic Jews who are willing to die for their faith.)
…and in Revelation 3:7-9
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write… “I know your works. Look, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but are lying-I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.” (The inference here is that “true” Jews are loving to all, emulating the Divine attributes, and anyone who claims to be a Jew but is not Loving (like the Assembly of Philadelphia is representing) are not “true” to the Jewish faith and thus called of the “assembly of Satan”.
As mentioned above, the Greek word translated “synagogue” literally means “an assembly” and the word “Satanas” means “adversaries.” So John was told that the believers in Smyrna and Philadelphia would suffer persecution from “an assembly of adversaries”. The term satan from it’s earliest use in Psalms is further understood to be the inner adversary of the ego, i.e. the selfish nature which causes division and persecutes others who are different!
Note: The phrase does not mean that Jewish people are satanic or that synagogues are bad! It is simply a phrase to describe those who persecute others!
The context of this phrase only meant to convey that certain Messianic Jewish Assemblies (described as Smyrna and Philadelphia, the two symbolic two candles of the Menorah who also represent God’s witnesses in the last days) were persecuted by other so called Jews instilled in leadership by Rome. The proof of this is confirmed in the fact that similar cultural language of that day is found used in the Dead Sea Scrolls, where a small persecuted Jewish sect considered those engaged in the falsely imposed Greco/Roman leaders of Judaism apostate, and called its persecutors “the lot of Belial” (Satan), as the sect at Qumran held to a belief that those on the side of good were elected by God and governed by the power of light, while the wicked were seen as “the lot of Belial” and constrained to do evil. (War Scroll 1:142)
There is not much difference between the unbelieving Jewish persecutors in Revelation and the unbelieving Saul of Tarsus, who persecuted the church unto death (Acts 9:1-2; 22:20). Saul, in his unregenerate state, thought the followers of “the Way,” were against the “system” so he attacked it and sought to destroy it. This was because the persecutors like Saul were being prejudiced by their teachers and Roman imposed rulers of the day, who being uninformed, were encouraged to oppose the early Believers, similar to those who persecute believers today. In fact the book of Acts claims twice that Paul was a Roman citizen ( Acts 16:37-38 Acts 22:25-28 ) who spoke Greek (Act 21:37), and as such, he bore the Latin name “Paulus” , which in Greek is shown in the NT as Παῦλος. (Note: Many false leaders and false priests and false teachers in Judea were put into place by the Greeks to Hellenize and assimilate the Jews, and this is why the true Zadok priests hid themselves and their identity in Qumran as “the Essenes”.)
Later, when Shaul/Paul heard the voice on the Damascus Road, his life was transformed and he ceased persecuting the body of believers and became an apostle and believer God had sent Yeshua as Messiah ben Joseph.
Unfortunately, these two verses in Rev. 2:9; 3:9 have led to much anti-Semitism down through the centuries and sadly some Gentiles (including some Christians), have used them to speak negative of the Jewish people or to go so far as to even deny that Yeshua himself was Jewish. However, such people do so because of personal prejudice, blind hatred, and ignorance concerning whom the Bible is identifying in these two verses… and I write this article hoping to enlighten so this ignorance and negativity does not continue as Israel is the Apple of God’s eye and He does not desire that any should think negative, speak negative or act negative against any of His people! For more information see our article on our website at www.calledoutbelievers.org/what-or-who-are-the-synagogue-of-satan/
This question was asked 3 years ago and I have been informed by The Messiah Yahusha Ha'Mashyach from Yahuah Tseva'oth El Elyon that one race of people does not make up 12 tribes and
The Jews admit that they are not the descendants of the Ancient Israelites in their own writings.
Under the heading of "A brief History of the Terms for Jew" in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following:
"Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew."
(1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3).
“Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860″ -Encyclopedia Judaica 1971 Vol 10:23
Moreover, I don't agree with you that Ashkenazi Jews Are the indigenous ethnic Hebrews according to the Scriptures and not anyone's opinion or conjecture in all humility. Please read (Gen. 10:1-3, 1Chron. 1:6 & Jerm. 51:27) the 3 witnesses in scripture tells us the truth concerning this matter. Also if I may suggest speaks for Rev. 2:9 & 3:9
Let the records show I have nothing against races I am against Demons! And does who allow themselves to do Satan's dirty work.
Love does no harm to it's neighbors beloved Tzion please seek truth prayerfully Shabbat Shalam Yashar'el
HalleluYah 🕎
I understand that 10 tribe's I believe have been scattered across the world; I guess we're it says that Jerusalem's WILL be trampled underfoot
Because they were the nation's of the Isles...other nations...greeks...indo European?
Thank you everyone
Thus Esau=[Edom] and Ishmael=[Arabs] mixed marriages... *Saudi Arabia...Bozaroh, Teman, Dedan...etc...Edom.
I guess Solomon purpose to have many wives and GOD allowed it so his lineage will be spread and kept the ways learned from Kingdom of Solomon which was kept by some like keeping records of lineage and some Nations did ways of Solomon having many wives or women without knowing that the enemy will not notice from where lineage Yeshua will came from, which the Enemy always watchful to destroy the seed of the woman who is a Threat in His ways..
And He failed..Even after 3 Kings the Magis arrived and became a way to Herod to seek the child.
Thank GOD for his ways that He can come in this world for his purpose to Save his People and End the curse the wage of sins which is DEATH.
God bless .
Would you say that Solomon had that many wives so that they could sacrifice all the babies during the Easter festival?
No there is nothing in history or the scriptures to suggesting this.
Who educates this person kinda strange zeen
Thank you