I live in Greece. I hated the way Yiannis was abused by the Greek Govt. I am so glad he is backing Jeremy Corbyn. He should be involved in British politics now as I'm sure he won't forget his roots. He needs to help UK as later UK will help Greece.
I love Yanis's playfulness and quick mind. But this is my first time to hear Corbyn at length and I am thrilled to hear how his arrow is focused on the good for the people. Definitely Corbyn and other such leaders like Bernie could coordinate this level of critical thinking and awareness to help connect us internationally.
Nice talk but all fluff really. They never addressed the core of the problem which is usury in the banking system! Typical socialists. Different system. Same masters.
but those are the windbags commited to the EU being still a neo-liberal, and 'European or Western European first' institution which Yanis although I admire him wanting to reform the EU, I'm losing hope that can ever be achieved hence why Brexit or Lexit happened the latter we are still waiting hehe!
@@TrevKen agreed Trevor. Some Blairites will support this project. It is perfectly possible for people to change their minds and I've seen the most avid ex-Blairites do so. But I'd just say, beware of those in your local party who are faking it. They are everywhere. The game is, be kind to them, then beat them
Imagine.... Corbyn in 10 Downing Street and Sanders in the White House! We could undo and mitigate so much damage done by neo-"liberalism "and neo conservatism
but the whole point of Diem25 ( and Corbyn?) is for power to be at local level not central; it's up to ordinary folk to change things around, not leave it to Prime Ministers who, yes, can easily be shot down! More difficult for the elite to shoot local populations!
Ireland is so rarely discussed by people from other EU countries even though one of the biggest robberies in history took place before our very eyes, and we were powerless to stop it. THANK YOU FOR ACTUALLY MENTIONING THAT.
Such a refreshing take on politics. An inspiring meeting of two genuine politicians without games and complicated confusing messages .Inspired me and hope others as well to wish to learn more to be more aware and responsible in UK politics and society and to feel the need of joining forces with the world because we can't do it alone. Its important to listen to people with this degree of passion and authenticity not being a puppet; clarifying and pushing people to be active participative and to aim to understand and change what is wrong.Thank you so much for your dedication.
Social democracy is about having the economy embedded in society to serve the needs of communities and people. Neoliberalism is about embedding society in an economic system and having people and communities serve economics.
Me too, my favourite political thinkers, I am currently working my way through Yanis' books and drive round the South East in my company van with a face mask of Jeremy on the passengers headrest. LOL it gets some funny reactions
I am looking at Jeremy in a new light. Fair. A small but inportant word. A fairer society where we as a country look after each other rather than tread on each other trying to raise ourselves up. Keep talking, i am listening.
Watching this talk gives me a bit of optimism. There were a lot of things mentioned that gives me hope that the Tory, Globalist, Neo Con, Sell Out Arseholes will be defeated in the next election.
I have never spent any time auctualy listening to Jeremy Corbyn,, I was always to very ready to dismiss the man as a terrorist supporter. However after watching this I see that he is a highly intelegent and above all humanist individual. When he spoke out about Henry Kissinger and the CIA's involvement and actions in Chili and him auctualy going there,,, I'm impressed, he'll get my vote !
Irene C: Corbyn is far from being the only politician that has interacted with former terrorist, political leaders from Thatcher to Bush have done exactly the same. Just because a politician meets and speaks with terrorists or former terrorists does not make them a terrorist sympathiser, and if politicians fail to open up lines of communication with such people, peaceful treaties like the Good Friday Agreement would never be reached. In fact such diplomacy is the essence of practical politics. Moreover, given your flawed perspective Britain's entire political system and all its MPs can be considered sympathetic towards terrorists, given that people linked to terrorism such as Martin McGuiness and Gerry Adams were able to become Members of the British Parliament. I can only surmise that your flawed perspective is the product of one or two potentials, either you have a professional political bias and your smearing of Corbyn is therefore by design, or that you form your opinions upon the basis of what your inculcate from the rabidly right wing mainstream media and that your judgement is due to a lack of political insight.
Irene C, Politics is always a complicated and very twisted subject that tends to be viewed acording to ones outlook and background. Today it is clear that the Tory goventments policys are failing the majority of the people in the UK, so I suppose the outlook will likely be Mr Corbyn and a Labour govenment.
Who's backing and funding Al'Qaeda and other terrorist organisations in Syria, Yeman, Iran, Iraq?... Oh shit its us, the UK & US... And you have the balls to suggest JC is a terrorist supporter?...LOL...
Naz, I know that Henry Kissinger is up to his eyes in it,, and I'm quite sure Hillary Clinton was instrumental in it. It is well known that Tony Blair at least was and probably still is involved,, probably Mr Cameron aswell. I know that Margaret Thatcher and her family were very involved in international arms dealing. Certaintly the present president of the USA is less than nutral when it comes to certain international affairs,, of course when we look at his big funders it tells a story that explains what may be causing his very weighted support of Palistinian oppression which everyone in the world is aware of. I suppose if he was not in support of the ethnic clensing of Palistine he might likely be accused of Anti-Semitisim, it seem's one cannot speak the truth today about what is going on in Palistine or that is the instant accusation.
And just you wait for your socialist utopia brought to you by your messiahs Jeremy and Yannis. It will be great for them not you....when they send you the bill LOL
As we’ve discovered now 4 years later, the Tory leadership has been utterly disastrous for the U.K. economy and especially for U.K. citizens and the impoverished working class. These gentlemen were right all along!
One gobshite meets another and all they talk about is a one world commie fluffy republic. The Rothschild bankers are not worried. They are looking forward to this
For years I have spoiled my ballot paper at elections, but I will go out of my way to vote Labour at the next opportunity... I am expecting a landslide.
I never voted for Labour under Blair/Brown. They'd lost my progressive heart before 2001. Unhappy with my options I ended up Lib Dem locally, and after having moved to take up employment found myself squarely in Tory territory (with UKIP in 2nd place). In the Miliband Election. I felt so dissatisfied I spun a coin in the booth. It came down tails and accordingly, I spoiled my ballot and scrawled "none of the above". Apparently I was part of a movement as that election saw the labour vote collapse and the resulting leadership election ushered in Coybyn. And for the first time, in what feels like forever, I feel like there is a chance my politics is being represented. What an odd prospect hope is. Accordingly, I voted Labour in May's hasty catastrophe that resulted in the parlimentary arithmetric that has dogged her ever since. I voted to remain in the EU despite harbouring several concerns about it's undemocratic beauocratic nature (vis a vis Greece etc) and have basically been horrified every day since as the Brexit disaster unfolded entirely predictably. I refuse to join a political party I am far too cynical to trust even Corbyn's brand. But I watch and am broadly pleased with what I see, minus the whole Brexit thing - puzzled by the attacks, and generally approving of the socialist politics under discussion My hope is that Labour's ultimate destination is to support a remain second vote on the terms offered which are sure to be miserable. (Meanwhile plans are underway to apply for Irish Citizenship - because I can - and remain an EU Citizen.) I plan to vote Labour again the first chance I get.
This is such a fabulous conversation. I had to watch it twice to make sure I absorbed everything. Please, Yanis & Jeremy, have a three-way with Bernie!!!
how the mainstream media can go after decent human beings like these 2 just says it all too me, the powerful are shitting themselves and thowing everything they have in their arsenal at destroying the credibilty of people like jeremy corbyn. Hopefully the zombies who read and watch the rubbish on TV will eventually wake up and realise they are being played... Really enjoyed this conversation, and when you watch corbyn, in an environment like this, you realise why you never seem him at any length on the mainstream media...
Yeah these guys will save the world and bring us into a socialist utopia. And who is going to pay for it? Not Jeremy or Yannis. No...you will....as you barely survive in your social housing micro living space with cameras and microchip technology watching every move you make. These guys are espousing Communism 2.0 with a slightly gentler face.
Excellent discussion--this is what adults should do when discussing politics. Note that it's animated, sometimes politely and supportively dissentious, often even funny--but these are real adults really concerned with the real world, not just their own personal motherfucking brands or careers or money or status alone.
True!! This is how I imagined adults to be until I became 15 or 16 years old and I realised that they act like children! But not these two! Great minds!
Indeed. I don't know about you, but I as a millennial (1990) see myself as part of the generation that never experienced anything other than neoliberalism. Never experienced anything other than this stifling and viciously destructive ideology. It has permeated absolutely every single aspect of my life and like many others I am forever scarred. I have devoted my life to fighting its sickening trends and facets everywhere I go. If I lose my tools, I will fight with my nails, if I lose my nails I will fight with my hands, if I lose my hands I will fight with my bones and if I break my bones I will fight with my life. This is a battle to the death.
Oh Jeremy Corbyn!! Oh Jeremy Corbyn!!! Oh Jeremy Corbyn!!!! I'm a home owner, I have money in the bank, Jeremy Corbyn will no-doubt cost me some cash if he gets in. But I'm one of the lucky one's cruising through life because of this Tory government, I'd rather be worse of with the minority if the majority get a better standard of living. I hope I haven't said anything here that comes across as antisemitic.. I'm a Jedi & know what it feels like to be persecuted, my faith is not even recognised.
Don't worry. Jeremy will allow you to stay in the home that you paid for as long as you allow a Nigerian family to move in and take everything you got. Be careful not to get annoyed about that though because you could be called a racist and be sent to the gulag for "re-conditioning".
You are clearly a tory troll, paid to disrupt and skewer a sensible conversation between people who have bothered to watch this video, you have added absolutely nothing to this conversation. You are either a nerdy teenager or, more likely a paid tory troll, sent here be tory hq to stifle any serious debate.
Very very good jam-session. So clean, understandable, truthful, but intelligent and clear. I would really like that politicians like those two lead my country.
This small 'historical' snapshot in time when these two highly intelligent and human people were in conversation showed me what was possible for the future. Sadly we let the criminals win and now the fight back is so much harder.
Corby get my vote, 100%. This is a matter of saving the world from greedy despots. I just wish others would get it. But unfortunately many are watching TV and getting faulty information.
How about this: Jeremy Corbyn as UK PM and Bernie Sanders as U.S. Pres. with a Democratic Congress. I have a dream. Brits are so lucky to have Jeremy! Wish we had him. But once he becomes PM, people here will be able to see what a Western-style Socialism could do for us and then we will get it too and the world will become a much safer, more livable place! So please -- HURRY!
@5:38 Did I just here one of my heroes say "the good people of Wisconsin"!! Wow, what an honor. I have been listening to Yanis for years and really love his thoughts and ideas and everything about him. With everything going on in Europe, I never thought I would here him bring up my home state of Wisconsin!! Okay, now I better continue listening to see what he has to say ...
Oke people! Please post this conversation on your Twitter and Facebook. This is a very positive conversation. People must know that there is an alternative for the corrupt idiots that are in power now! And offcourse retweet it everywhere you see things like this... Come on!!!
Don’t underestimate the critique of being sophisticated. The problem is indeed that these guys are too civilised to win the argument against demagogues who work with slogans and appeal to ignorance.
Speaking of oligarch money running up housing prices in London, the same is done in NYC. Wealthy foreigners are parking their cash, much of it laundered, in high rise luxury units that mostly sit empty and drive up pricing for people who actually work to keep the city running. They are also given tax breaks the other people aren't. It's disgusting.
"Be more ambitious" is the quote to actually consider from this conversation. We need to fight for revolution against capitalist hegemony. Not to adapt it, not to negate it but destroy it. Everything for everyone.
I still don't know who Jeremy Corbyn is or does but that was the most mature, level-headed, charming discussion I've ever heard that also had substance.
You ought to see some extract of his books, he's maybe well intentionned, but he's naive as hell, under tipras, he was buddying up with oligarch because he believed they would help him secure a good deal for Greece..... We know how that worked out
US media is run by neo Liberal or Conservative agendas. They would never let anyone on with an outside and new perspectives on things like economics and politics. The only recent time that this was not the case was Bernie Sanders, and he was cheated for the democratic vote by Hillary as she was more neoliberal than sanders and this satisfied their capitalist agendas more than anyone else.
It really isn't complicated. If we do not orient the economy towards human needs and away from human wants we are cooked. Resource depletion, environmental degradation, environmental toxins and climate change mean one thing above all others. We can fulfill human needs with the resources of this one planet. Human wants on the other hand will require four or five or six more planets of this size.
everything is about the END USER. without a market you have nothing, your market is your end user!!! any real business, not some tax fabrication for shuffling money, should have its customer in direct sight and should fight to the teeth for meeting their needs. when they are protected they don't need to do that
it's a shame to me that the corporate media in the uk never allowed the public the chance to get to know corbyn's personal side. he is actually a supremely affable, likable personality who i think, had he been given the opportunity, could have been an effective leader for the country.
Varoufakis is so smart and has a great overview of global economics and politics. The international new deal is badly needed and I hope when Corbyn becomes Prime Minister he will build the international connections of progressives the world so badly needs.
Ironically, if we are being objective, Jeremy would have been able to do nothing. Considering the pandemic happened and would have been annihilated by the right-wing press, for not being able to achieve precisely that.The only Silver lining would have been that he undoubtedly would have resulted in the death of fewer people, because he would have locked down earlier like the sensible EU governments did, which would have resulted in needing to lockdown fewer times and for less durations later. People need to try to be positive here, because if Jeremy had been elected, then after he next 18 months there would be an almost certain fascist Tory government elected, but now, we have had one for the last couple of years and within 18 months, we have the chance to get rid of them. Even though that involves voting for a centre-left party, who were so indecent to Jeremy, it is still a preferable choice to the alternative and also the parties that the incensed publics, across Europe are voting for right now and who they will be stuck with for the next 5 years Having said this, that is wishful thinking, because, following recent history, I expect the British public to make a similarly stupid decision and re-elect this virtually fascist Tory government, again next time. Consequently, within 5 years. I expect Britain to be a millionaire's playground, where there is a state offering no services to common citizens because and there will be homelessness everywhere Please British public - wake up and ensure this dystopia doesn't happen
whenever i heard Jeremy being interviewed on British TV , it was just a hellish nightmare..complete nonsense as the absurd right wing onslaught (andrew neil et al) did not allow him to breathe..this is excellent..
It’s weird how people talk as if a PM who works for a minimum of 4years within the context of a Capitalist country with a Queen in a big house and a private bank that prints paper money can change the wickedness inflicted by the British system and bring about lasting good.
So depressing watching this 3 years later. The hatchet job done on Yanis and Jeremy since then was incredible. That buffoon Boris is now pm! Go figure? At least that other clown Trump is gone although his stench has overpowered the Republican Party.
Is it not interesting how well this video has aged. But if you spoke to Labour in 2023, they would deny knowing this in 2018. Rather say the man was antisemitic. Money rules UK politics.
Most unfortunate non antisemite in history. Reported saying Jewish people don't understand English irony. Reported defending blood libel Muslim cleric, questioned removal of “antisemitic" mural, reluctant to adopt full Holocaust Alliance definition of antisemitism, wrote forward to book claiming finance was controlled by men who are in a unique position to control the policy of nations, attended wreath-laying at cemetery containing graves of alleged terrorists who massacred Israeli Olympic athletes. Knowingly shared a conference platform with former leader of rabidly antisemitic Hamas’s military wing, Husam Badran. Badran oversaw a number of bombings including the 2001 bombings of Sbarro Pizza in Jerusalem which killed 15 people, and the Dolphinariam Discotheque in Tel Aviv, which killed 21. He's the Mr Bean of non antisemitism......
In December 2019 the British public decided that it did not want an end to capitalism but wanted more of it in the U.K. whatever the level of child poverty and insecure work for millions of families who spend most days trying to make ends meet.COVID will not change this majority viewpoint whilst they believe there is no alternative to being ruled by those who want the political, economic and social order to remain skewed in their favour with little prospect of mobility between them and the rest.
One word of advice for Mr Corbyn, as soon as you win the next election sign this guy up as your financial advisor....head & shoulders above any other economist in the western world
It's true, the entire world people who want things to change for the better, are looking to you. It is a giant burden, but you are only hope in these dark times.
IN UK, has her past super colonial power still haunts the thinking of its population today when riches were easily created by her colonies? Remember the story that a Scottish doctor was able to amass great riches just he had the free one cubic meter of shipping space whenever he traveled from Scotland to Hong Kong? To-day with competition from the Far East in term of work and productivity, they could hardly find this competition "fair" hence decided to join the US with propaganda instead of real work competition. As they say: Just you wait!
Just seen this after the first campaign day for general election 2019. Labour supporters out in thousands all over UK! We're going to smash all records this time round! I'd also say that this interview, especially as it's well over a year old and without the influence of Bojo-led turmoil, does Jeremy absolute credit, and shows him NOT to be ambivalent in his opinions on our membership of Europe. He also shows himself to be compassionate (notice the tears at certain points) and as having real integrity in everything he stands for.👏👏👏👍🙏
He's one of them. A nice well dressed dude who travels all over the place talking socialist shite and stays in the best of hotels. I never hear him criticize George Soros and that's maybe because George pays his bills??
I voted for Corbyn to lead Labour but fell out with him over Brexit. However, I am back in his camp after watching this as Varoufakis is profoundly astute about the economics of Europe and the pan european argument. The sophisticated answer is the rational direction.
So funny really, there's really NOTHING to smear him with, so funny watching them scurrying about looking for something, and they have to figure out a way to make something up. Maybe a very few are taken in with their nasty rubbish, most of us just yawn and think, 'here they go again' it's all becoming so transparent and predictable. It'll stop working completely soon. Our natural resistance to their smears, keeps getting stronger, it all works in much the same way as our immune system.
They are so pathetic (BBC). I've taken to saying, "Off with their heads". They need to remember how history has panned out, and how this kind of situation usually ends.
@@luciatilyard2827 It's interesting seeing lefties saying the BBC are a lying pack of hunger games capitol residents - it's almost as if in the same way rent-seekers can make dupes of both the left and the right they can also be attacked from both directions in turn - welcome to the start of identifying the real enemy, once we've deconstructed this symbio-parasitic financial system perhaps we can go back to having civilised differences of opinion... ...only took us 6 fucking years post-Occupy and the rise of this rabid divide and conquer SJW intersectionality horseshit...
IA BP Not sure what you're saying here. Of course it's not only the Beeb. Last night, it suddenly occured to me, that the BBC probably have spent the last 30 to 40 years worrying that they may be the next in line for privatisation! They were brilliant once, it's been sad to see them following the government line, when they used to be far more independent and were quite capable of putting out things that criticized the Gov, and helped to change things.
Tim Woodger, would you like to become a world voting citizen with Global People Power. We are using Democracy Earth’s blockchained app Sovereign to create global policies for peace, justice, equality, sustainability and prosperity. We are organising demonstrations for their global cooperative implementation and only voting for politicians who become active members of our movement.
UK: we have to leave the EU and take back sovereignty!!! also the UK: How dare scotland want independence and sovereignty....don't they know things are better when we trade together and coexist...
@tony tiochta oh I don't blame the EU. Pretty much every country has benefitted from opening trade compared to where we would have been without the EU. It feels like greece is getting shafted or spain etc, but in reality we've still advanced more than if we stayed closed.
" How dare scotland want independence and sovereignty - So we should be grateful for the ethnic cleansing & near Genocide known as the Highland clearances that led to both the Scottish Diaspora & winning an empire for you - "don't they know things are better when we trade together and coexist" - Better for the English as they play an obviously rigged game ETC !
Two of the saner voices on the radical left. Good talk. What hurts the electability of Labour is perhaps the problems of radical ethno-religious diversity, things that fly in the face of natural human tribal instinct, the natural tendency to self-segregate, cultural disrespect towards the English in particular in their own homeland, all which feed the far-right like crazy. It's fine to have humanist ideals as long as they respect underlying human nature. But this is a process of discovery, let's just get on with it and do our best.
CORBYN has always been my man, this discussion reinforces my thoughts and investment in Labour. We desperately need to spread this Political Philosophy around the world!!!
I've always voted with my heart AND brain engaged. So thus far, I've always voted GREEN. Mostly because, as a socialist, a very RED socialist, no UK mainstream party was worthy of my vote. Let us face it, no party of the past four decades has remotely resembled a true socialist party and obviously, as the environment is my prime focus, voting Green was a no-brainer. I've never had any truck with tactical voting, I tend to be strategic in my world view. However, we DO have to put capitalism to bed... FOREVER. We cannot allow the continuation of the rise of right-wing politics to shape our futures, such as they are. We cannot close our doors to those migrants in need, we cannot continue to march to the tune of infinite growth, on a planet with finite resources. We now have a duty to keep Farage, Johnson et al, out of Downing Street. We need a real paradigm shift. If Jeremy Corbyn's form of Labour Party is on that course, then finally, I'm in. In the US, a BLUE wave is rising. Let us here in the UK raise a RED wave.
Housing is the biggest issue in the UK. Labour will do nothing to change that problem. Neither will the Conservatives. The UK needs its political system totally reformed. Not just tax and spend, and not just handouts, it changes nothing.
seeing corbyn mention the 'criticisms' of the EU (21st minute) without mentioning the thousands of deaths in the Mediterranean that are directly a result of the EU's policies highlights the whole hypocrisy of the endeavour.
@@kailashpatel1706 I was involved in the refugee solidarity movement, if a group of 200 people in Athens can do more work than the entire EU to help people then I think I was being far too polite. Look up frontext and the push back deal they made with turkey. It's not just that they didn't do anything, their policies actively led to thousands of people drowning
@@kailashpatel1706 2 different issues. The fact that some EU countries refused to take their 'fair share' has nothing to do with policies that all EU countries voted for that resulted in crossing the Mediterranean being so deadly. What you are referring to relates to after the act of surviving the crossing, whereas the comment you responded to referred to how difficult the EU has made the very act of crossing.
A very good conversation . I find that the way he talks and the words he says are very calmly given , unlike many other politicians . All the crap put to them by the media is tiresome and the way the PLP have trird to undermine him to be terrible
@Wurzelbert84 How is than relevant? Do we now punish others because someone is bright ? Trust me it's not the rich there targeting it has always been the middle class
Corbyn sounds great and talks good. But do watch out for the 'power speech', that's out of character and sounds a bit silly. The media corporations seem to know that, for that is all that (at least I) see. I don't know whether the angrish speech (like: "We will win this!!") is real power speech, or made up - and that's the problem. Stay chill, and it'll be fine :-)
I agree, Both his greatest strength and greatest weakness. He is a great authentic talker, but as soon as he goes into "media mode" he seems less authentic. But having said that, he is a much better "power speech" person than May. She has a frog in her throat and sounds like she's gonna burst into tears when she tries to be stern and authoritative.
Daniel Hohle There's not much choice but for him to do that, (have to have a bit of drama to focus attention), he means it, and it's made up. It's a bit like when one gets choked up over music, you can't help but feel embarrassed about it, yet the emotion is 100% genuine.
"...to revive Socialism...". Why is it in need of being revived? Not 'why revive it' but how has it gotten into such a parlous state as to require such help?
IIRC it had a lot to do with "Teflon Tony " Blair selling out to the right wing to get into power - something which Thatcher considered to be her greatest victory !
+I Ka That doesn't make any sense. He is in opposition to the oligarchy, but like Sanders he is somewhat toothless and obviously in the wrong party considering Labors bourgeois nature.
Regarding technology. When we bought an i-phone and later an i-pad, we thought we were the customer. We now realize we are only facilitators for the real customers. In effect, we do not own these instruments but only use them for some personal benefits.
I live in Greece. I hated the way Yiannis was abused by the Greek Govt. I am so glad he is backing Jeremy Corbyn. He should be involved in British politics now as I'm sure he won't forget his roots. He needs to help UK as later UK will help Greece.
I love Yanis's playfulness and quick mind. But this is my first time to hear Corbyn at length and I am thrilled to hear how his arrow is focused on the good for the people. Definitely Corbyn and other such leaders like Bernie could coordinate this level of critical thinking and awareness to help connect us internationally.
But those holding the power will never let that happen so we, the people, have to.
Isn't Corbyn still a bit of a tramp though?
Never judge a book by its cover, you though reflect an attitude that has bought this country to its knees, image is not a sign of intelligence.
Nice talk but all fluff really. They never addressed the core of the problem which is usury in the banking system! Typical socialists. Different system. Same masters.
Resource Based Economy now! Scientific, humane and sustainable solution!
Disclaimer - When Yanis speaks of uniting progressives , he does NOT mean the blairites or liberal democraps.
How about Blair-lites? I'm sure we can take a few converts. Weren't we all Blairites at some point? "Things can only get better"... and all that?
but those are the windbags commited to the EU being still a neo-liberal, and 'European or Western European first' institution which Yanis although I admire him wanting to reform the EU, I'm losing hope that can ever be achieved hence why Brexit or Lexit happened the latter we are still waiting hehe!
@@TrevKen agreed Trevor. Some Blairites will support this project. It is perfectly possible for people to change their minds and I've seen the most avid ex-Blairites do so. But I'd just say, beware of those in your local party who are faking it. They are everywhere.
The game is, be kind to them, then beat them
Blairites?? That’s history? Should have been on other side of house!!
Trevor Kenwrick But Blaire did lie?( a lot!)
Imagine.... Corbyn in 10 Downing Street and Sanders in the White House! We could undo and mitigate so much damage done by neo-"liberalism "and neo conservatism
please, i can only get so excited 😄
they would be rubbed out 2nd day. just like jfk was
but the whole point of Diem25 ( and Corbyn?) is for power to be at local level not central; it's up to ordinary folk to change things around, not leave it to Prime Ministers who, yes, can easily be shot down! More difficult for the elite to shoot local populations!
Excellent statement.
Zanni000 - And more will come!
Ireland is so rarely discussed by people from other EU countries even though one of the biggest robberies in history took place before our very eyes, and we were powerless to stop it. THANK YOU FOR ACTUALLY MENTIONING THAT.
Such a refreshing take on politics. An inspiring meeting of two genuine politicians without games and complicated confusing messages .Inspired me and hope others as well to wish to learn more to be more aware and responsible in UK politics and society and to feel the need of joining forces with the world because we can't do it alone. Its important to listen to people with this degree of passion and authenticity not being a puppet; clarifying and pushing people to be active participative and to aim to understand and change what is wrong.Thank you so much for your dedication.
Social democracy is about having the economy embedded in society to serve the needs of communities and people. Neoliberalism is about embedding society in an economic system and having people and communities serve economics.
At least here in Germany social democracy is dead now. They archived all their goals and now nobody knows what they are standing for…
Double fan here. Love you two. Heroes both.
@mjt1658 *you're
That is because you are an idiot.
Me too, my favourite political thinkers, I am currently working my way through Yanis' books and drive round the South East in my company van with a face mask of Jeremy on the passengers headrest. LOL it gets some funny reactions
I am looking at Jeremy in a new light. Fair. A small but inportant word. A fairer society where we as a country look after each other rather than tread on each other trying to raise ourselves up.
Keep talking, i am listening.
Watching this talk gives me a bit of optimism. There were a lot of things mentioned that gives me hope that the Tory, Globalist, Neo Con, Sell Out Arseholes will be defeated in the next election.
pitu toup Can you elaborate?
It should make you think too
According to him he thinks that he could reform the EU. Their plan is set in stone.
I hope they are defeated but they still have a lot of dumb fucks and corporate boot lickers voting for them.
Glad too see that Communism 2.0 that these two banker controlled clowns are espousing is making you optimistic. Enjoy the gulag!
Resource Based Economy now! Scientific, humane and sustainable solution!
I have never spent any time auctualy listening to Jeremy Corbyn,, I was always to very ready to dismiss the man as a terrorist supporter. However after watching this I see that he is a highly intelegent and above all humanist individual.
When he spoke out about Henry Kissinger and the CIA's involvement and actions in Chili and him auctualy going there,,, I'm impressed, he'll get my vote !
thats good to hear but please stop believing what the gutter press say! look into things yourself dont take there scummy word for it.
Irene C: Corbyn is far from being the only politician that has interacted with former terrorist, political leaders from Thatcher to Bush have done exactly the same. Just because a politician meets and speaks with terrorists or former terrorists does not make them a terrorist sympathiser, and if politicians fail to open up lines of communication with such people, peaceful treaties like the Good Friday Agreement would never be reached. In fact such diplomacy is the essence of practical politics.
Moreover, given your flawed perspective Britain's entire political system and all its MPs can be considered sympathetic towards terrorists, given that people linked to terrorism such as Martin McGuiness and Gerry Adams were able to become Members of the British Parliament.
I can only surmise that your flawed perspective is the product of one or two potentials, either you have a professional political bias and your smearing of Corbyn is therefore by design, or that you form your opinions upon the basis of what your inculcate from the rabidly right wing mainstream media and that your judgement is due to a lack of political insight.
Irene C, Politics is always a complicated and very twisted subject that tends to be viewed acording to ones outlook and background. Today it is clear that the Tory goventments policys are failing the majority of the people in the UK, so I suppose the outlook will likely be Mr Corbyn and a Labour govenment.
Who's backing and funding Al'Qaeda and other terrorist organisations in Syria, Yeman, Iran, Iraq?... Oh shit its us, the UK & US... And you have the balls to suggest JC is a terrorist supporter?...LOL...
Naz, I know that Henry Kissinger is up to his eyes in it,, and I'm quite sure Hillary Clinton was instrumental in it. It is well known that Tony Blair at least was and probably still is involved,, probably Mr Cameron aswell.
I know that Margaret Thatcher and her family were very involved in international arms dealing. Certaintly the present president of the USA is less than nutral when it comes to certain international affairs,, of course when we look at his big funders it tells a story that explains what may be causing his very weighted support of Palistinian oppression which everyone in the world is aware of. I suppose if he was not in support of the ethnic clensing of Palistine he might likely be accused of Anti-Semitisim, it seem's one cannot speak the truth today about what is going on in Palistine or that is the instant accusation.
I was waiting longingly for this !
And just you wait for your socialist utopia brought to you by your messiahs Jeremy and Yannis. It will be great for them not you....when they send you the bill LOL
You seem very concerned bythe possibility of a a democratic socialist government, perhaps you could explain what you are worried about.
If you are spinoza I am Moses on mount Sinai getting the TEN COMMANDS.
As an American seeing these two doing what they're doing is really inspiring and uplifting. And,
As we’ve discovered now 4 years later, the Tory leadership has been utterly disastrous for the U.K. economy and especially for U.K. citizens and the impoverished working class. These gentlemen were right all along!
Rock-star economist meets rock-star politician - Discussions that will never appear mainstream media.
only idiots will spawn this kind of vomit out of their mouth. welcome to UK millennial
rockstar as in lots of mistakes in life
One gobshite meets another and all they talk about is a one world commie fluffy republic. The Rothschild bankers are not worried. They are looking forward to this
Cipher- Skunk# No. Evil economist meets idiot politician but they are both tied together by believing in marxism.
For years I have spoiled my ballot paper at elections, but I will go out of my way to vote Labour at the next opportunity... I am expecting a landslide.
I never voted for Labour under Blair/Brown. They'd lost my progressive heart before 2001.
Unhappy with my options I ended up Lib Dem locally, and after having moved to take up employment found myself squarely in Tory territory (with UKIP in 2nd place).
In the Miliband Election. I felt so dissatisfied I spun a coin in the booth. It came down tails and accordingly, I spoiled my ballot and scrawled "none of the above". Apparently I was part of a movement as that election saw the labour vote collapse and the resulting leadership election ushered in Coybyn.
And for the first time, in what feels like forever, I feel like there is a chance my politics is being represented. What an odd prospect hope is.
Accordingly, I voted Labour in May's hasty catastrophe that resulted in the parlimentary arithmetric that has dogged her ever since.
I voted to remain in the EU despite harbouring several concerns about it's undemocratic beauocratic nature (vis a vis Greece etc) and have basically been horrified every day since as the Brexit disaster unfolded entirely predictably.
I refuse to join a political party I am far too cynical to trust even Corbyn's brand. But I watch and am broadly pleased with what I see, minus the whole Brexit thing - puzzled by the attacks, and generally approving of the socialist politics under discussion
My hope is that Labour's ultimate destination is to support a remain second vote on the terms offered which are sure to be miserable.
(Meanwhile plans are underway to apply for Irish Citizenship - because I can - and remain an EU Citizen.)
I plan to vote Labour again the first chance I get.
In the immortal words to Rick in Casablanca "welcome back to the fight"
the way Varoufakis says "capitalism" is so phonetically satisfying
Κaaa-- pi-TAl-lismmmmm
This is such a fabulous conversation. I had to watch it twice to make sure I absorbed everything. Please, Yanis & Jeremy, have a three-way with Bernie!!!
> Please, Yanis & Jeremy, have a three-way with Bernie!!!
Bernie would come off as a Republican next to these guys.
how the mainstream media can go after decent human beings like these 2 just says it all too me, the powerful are shitting themselves and thowing everything they have in their arsenal at destroying the credibilty of people like jeremy corbyn. Hopefully the zombies who read and watch the rubbish on TV will eventually wake up and realise they are being played... Really enjoyed this conversation, and when you watch corbyn, in an environment like this, you realise why you never seem him at any length on the mainstream media...
Yeah these guys will save the world and bring us into a socialist utopia. And who is going to pay for it? Not Jeremy or Yannis. No...you will....as you barely survive in your social housing micro living space with cameras and microchip technology watching every move you make. These guys are espousing Communism 2.0 with a slightly gentler face.
Pooka McPhellimy haha someone doesnt like the poor having stuff :)
Excellent discussion--this is what adults should do when discussing politics. Note that it's animated, sometimes politely and supportively dissentious, often even funny--but these are real adults really concerned with the real world, not just their own personal motherfucking brands or careers or money or status alone.
True!! This is how I imagined adults to be until I became 15 or 16 years old and I realised that they act like children! But not these two! Great minds!
Indeed. I don't know about you, but I as a millennial (1990) see myself as part of the generation that never experienced anything other than neoliberalism. Never experienced anything other than this stifling and viciously destructive ideology. It has permeated absolutely every single aspect of my life and like many others I am forever scarred. I have devoted my life to fighting its sickening trends and facets everywhere I go. If I lose my tools, I will fight with my nails, if I lose my nails I will fight with my hands, if I lose my hands I will fight with my bones and if I break my bones I will fight with my life. This is a battle to the death.
42 wretched 0=
Oh Jeremy Corbyn!! Oh Jeremy Corbyn!!! Oh Jeremy Corbyn!!!!
I'm a home owner, I have money in the bank, Jeremy Corbyn will no-doubt cost me some cash if he gets in. But I'm one of the lucky one's cruising through life because of this Tory government, I'd rather be worse of with the minority if the majority get a better standard of living. I hope I haven't said anything here that comes across as antisemitic.. I'm a Jedi & know what it feels like to be persecuted, my faith is not even recognised.
why would a labour gov...cost more then a tory gov....
Don't worry. Jeremy will allow you to stay in the home that you paid for as long as you allow a Nigerian family to move in and take everything you got. Be careful not to get annoyed about that though because you could be called a racist and be sent to the gulag for "re-conditioning".
Pooka McPhellimy The nurse who cared for my mother before she died was from Nigeria, I don't see the point you failed to make.
You are clearly a tory troll, paid to disrupt and skewer a sensible conversation between people who have bothered to watch this video, you have added absolutely nothing to this conversation. You are either a nerdy teenager or, more likely a paid tory troll, sent here be tory hq to stifle any serious debate.
actually ,you'll be getting better services. Jeremy won't cost you cash, it's the zionist bankers that will be rounding on us.
Very very good jam-session. So clean, understandable, truthful, but intelligent and clear. I would really like that politicians like those two lead my country.
Both bla bla radicals that if on power will destroy the world.
if you want your country to become poverty stricken then well....yes
@@yoramstein They aren't war hawks and they aren't climate change deniers so they'd do the opposite.
@@marcokite Haha moron
@@yoramstein Lots of babblin indeed but the ideas are simply not radical in the sense of unusual.
The first economist I here making sense and telling the truth I am from Costa rica and is a honor to listen Janis
This small 'historical' snapshot in time when these two highly intelligent and human people were in conversation showed me what was possible for the future. Sadly we let the criminals win and now the fight back is so much harder.
The duo legends extraordinaire 👍😎👌. Now this is what I call leadership. The best brains are overlooked by the UK and Greece.
How wonderful, how refreshing to hear two intelligent, caring politicians discussing issues that impact the lives of the majority of people.
Thank you for speaking the truth.we need a better way for all
JEREMY CORBYN CANNOT BE BOUGHT thats what scares them
@@wallonmcwoolworth819 Congratulations you have just passed your "A" Level in "Expletive Abuse" - your certificate will be in the post.
@@BernieHollandMusic thanks nobber
@portlandstone3mw yes, I'm intolerant of moronic comments.
portlandstone3mw .. You speak like you know him? On a personal level, if not, your comment is ridiculous.
Funny, Islam seem to own him.
Corby get my vote, 100%. This is a matter of saving the world from greedy despots. I just wish others would get it. But unfortunately many are watching TV and getting faulty information.
How about this: Jeremy Corbyn as UK PM and Bernie Sanders as U.S. Pres. with a Democratic Congress. I have a dream. Brits are so lucky to have Jeremy! Wish we had him. But once he becomes PM, people here will be able to see what a Western-style Socialism could do for us and then we will get it too and the world will become a much safer, more livable place! So please -- HURRY!
thank god they were wiped out in2019
@5:38 Did I just here one of my heroes say "the good people of Wisconsin"!! Wow, what an honor. I have been listening to Yanis for years and really love his thoughts and ideas and everything about him. With everything going on in Europe, I never thought I would here him bring up my home state of Wisconsin!! Okay, now I better continue listening to see what he has to say ...
Thank you for uploading this!
Well, at least you tried being funny.
Better luck next time.
Thanks for this :) Loved it. Vote Labour.
How to be Dave Long:
1. Have absolutely no idea what you are talking about
2. Post ignorant comments on TH-cam
3. Hate foreigners.
How to be Dave Long:
1: Say the same thing 10 times.
Who i.g.n.(beézrat hashem) is Dave Long.
if you want to bankrupt this country and increase poverty Vote Labour!
Oke people!
Please post this conversation on your Twitter and Facebook. This is a very positive conversation. People must know that there is an alternative for the corrupt idiots that are in power now! And offcourse retweet it everywhere you see things like this...
Come on!!!
Don’t underestimate the critique of being sophisticated. The problem is indeed that these guys are too civilised to win the argument against demagogues who work with slogans and appeal to ignorance.
We need a Labour/ Green alliance with Caroline Lucas as the Environment Minister
Here in Germany there is even a chance that we will get a green chancellor after the next election!
this comment section strangely free of haters 🤔
why would I hate Corbyn?
Yeah, if you don't count in all the anti-Jewish keyboard warriors spamming their hate
Blue what do you mean?
Speaking of oligarch money running up housing prices in London, the same is done in NYC. Wealthy foreigners are parking their cash, much of it laundered, in high rise luxury units that mostly sit empty and drive up pricing for people who actually work to keep the city running. They are also given tax breaks the other people aren't. It's disgusting.
Wow - fantastic Conversation! Thanks for the upload!
"Be more ambitious" is the quote to actually consider from this conversation. We need to fight for revolution against capitalist hegemony. Not to adapt it, not to negate it but destroy it. Everything for everyone.
What an enjoyable conversation.
I still don't know who Jeremy Corbyn is or does but that was the most mature, level-headed, charming discussion I've ever heard that also had substance.
formor leader of the opposition Uk 201? -2019
Yanis is really fantastic. Would love to see him booked more on US tv.
What's "TV"? Haven't had it for 12 years now.
You ought to see some extract of his books, he's maybe well intentionned, but he's naive as hell, under tipras, he was buddying up with oligarch because he believed they would help him secure a good deal for Greece..... We know how that worked out
US media is run by neo Liberal or Conservative agendas. They would never let anyone on with an outside and new perspectives on things like economics and politics. The only recent time that this was not the case was Bernie Sanders, and he was cheated for the democratic vote by Hillary as she was more neoliberal than sanders and this satisfied their capitalist agendas more than anyone else.
Claritas, humanitas, and courtesy = #GetCorbyn
It really isn't complicated. If we do not orient the economy towards human needs and away from human wants we are cooked. Resource depletion, environmental degradation, environmental toxins and climate change mean one thing above all others. We can fulfill human needs with the resources of this one planet. Human wants on the other hand will require four or five or six more planets of this size.
everything is about the END USER. without a market you have nothing, your market is your end user!!! any real business, not some tax fabrication for shuffling money, should have its customer in direct sight and should fight to the teeth for meeting their needs. when they are protected they don't need to do that
it's a shame to me that the corporate media in the uk never allowed the public the chance to get to know corbyn's personal side. he is actually a supremely affable, likable personality who i think, had he been given the opportunity, could have been an effective leader for the country.
Hear hear. He is a magnitude of several thousand times better than the scum that masquerade as Tory Politicians, put there by brain washed sycophants.
Varoufakis is so smart and has a great overview of global economics and politics. The international new deal is badly needed and I hope when Corbyn becomes Prime Minister he will build the international connections of progressives the world so badly needs.
I am so with you I love the strength, TRUTH and dialogue - thank you.
Who else is watching this after reading the Jacobin article on the sabotaging of the Corbyn campaign?
It's very sad to see this considering how the character assassination of Corbyn finally played out with his replacement by one of the establishment.
Ironically, if we are being objective, Jeremy would have been able to do nothing. Considering the pandemic happened and would have been annihilated by the right-wing press, for not being able to achieve precisely that.The only Silver lining would have been that he undoubtedly would have resulted in the death of fewer people, because he would have locked down earlier like the sensible EU governments did, which would have resulted in needing to lockdown fewer times and for less durations later.
People need to try to be positive here, because if Jeremy had been elected, then after he next 18 months there would be an almost certain fascist Tory government elected, but now, we have had one for the last couple of years and within 18 months, we have the chance to get rid of them.
Even though that involves voting for a centre-left party, who were so indecent to Jeremy, it is still a preferable choice to the alternative and also the parties that the incensed publics, across Europe are voting for right now and who they will be stuck with for the next 5 years
Having said this, that is wishful thinking, because, following recent history, I expect the British public to make a similarly stupid decision and re-elect this virtually fascist Tory government, again next time. Consequently, within 5 years. I expect Britain to be a millionaire's playground, where there is a state offering no services to common citizens because and there will be homelessness everywhere
Please British public - wake up and ensure this dystopia doesn't happen
whenever i heard Jeremy being interviewed on British TV , it was just a hellish nightmare..complete nonsense as the absurd right wing onslaught (andrew neil et al) did not allow him to breathe..this is excellent..
What a fantastic listen.. thanks for the upload
These two....are the best
If it was allowed Jeremy as Prime Minister with Yannis as Chancellor, would be amazing
Wow I learnt alot. And became a Corbyn supporter
can you convince aunt sally?
Two of my favourites together in Edinburgh. Wish I'd have known!!!
Wonderful and inspiring
you guys are the voice of the new progressive generation, the hope from Pandora's Box
It’s weird how people talk as if a PM who works for a minimum of 4years within the context of a Capitalist country with a Queen in a big house and a private bank that prints paper money can change the wickedness inflicted by the British system and bring about lasting good.
Absolute proof that "Never have the many been so conned by the few"
Yep. Look at the Tories.
Absolutely. This is what political and economic illiteracy produces. Outcomes that with an educated population would never occur.
@@jf9979 Thank you John. Recent results have proved it. I greatly appreciate your acknowledgement of my comment.
@@antediluvianatheist5262 And now......................a majority of 80. Are you an Atheist in politics too....Ha Ha Ha
So depressing watching this 3 years later. The hatchet job done on Yanis and Jeremy since then was incredible. That buffoon Boris is now pm! Go figure? At least that other clown Trump is gone although his stench has overpowered the Republican Party.
So much respect for truly intellectual human beings 💯🙏
Is it not interesting how well this video has aged. But if you spoke to Labour in 2023, they would deny knowing this in 2018. Rather say the man was antisemitic. Money rules UK politics.
Most unfortunate non antisemite in history.
Reported saying Jewish people don't understand English irony.
Reported defending blood libel Muslim cleric, questioned removal of “antisemitic" mural,
reluctant to adopt full Holocaust Alliance definition of antisemitism, wrote forward to book claiming finance was controlled by men who are in a unique position to control the policy of nations, attended wreath-laying at cemetery containing graves of alleged terrorists who massacred Israeli Olympic athletes.
Knowingly shared a conference platform with former leader of rabidly antisemitic Hamas’s military wing, Husam Badran.
Badran oversaw a number of bombings including the 2001 bombings of Sbarro Pizza in Jerusalem which killed 15 people, and the Dolphinariam Discotheque in Tel Aviv, which killed 21.
He's the Mr Bean of non antisemitism......
Very nice guys. Hope they never change once they get power,like everyone else.
In December 2019 the British public decided that it did not want an end to capitalism but wanted more of it in the U.K. whatever the level of child poverty and insecure work for millions of families who spend most days trying to make ends meet.COVID will not change this majority viewpoint whilst they believe there is no alternative to being ruled by those who want the political, economic and social order to remain skewed in their favour with little prospect of mobility between them and the rest.
I wish Yanis could narrate my GPS directions.
As long as you don't mind taking 3 lefts to make a right turn ;)
One word of advice for Mr Corbyn, as soon as you win the next election sign this guy up as your financial advisor....head & shoulders above any other economist in the western world
It's true, the entire world people who want things to change for the better, are looking to you. It is a giant burden, but you are only hope in these dark times.
A surprisingly superior interview, marvellous, way of self education. Thanks gang.
This will never be shown on the BBC, very insightful.
IN UK, has her past super colonial power still haunts the thinking of its population today when riches were easily created by her colonies? Remember the story that a Scottish doctor was able to amass great riches just he had the free one cubic meter of shipping space whenever he traveled from Scotland to Hong Kong? To-day with competition from the Far East in term of work and productivity, they could hardly find this competition "fair" hence decided to join the US with propaganda instead of real work competition. As they say: Just you wait!
How can you not vote for Jeremy Corbyn, unless you're one of the 1%???
Just seen this after the first campaign day for general election 2019. Labour supporters out in thousands all over UK! We're going to smash all records this time round!
I'd also say that this interview, especially as it's well over a year old and without the influence of Bojo-led turmoil, does Jeremy absolute credit, and shows him NOT to be ambivalent in his opinions on our membership of Europe. He also shows himself to be compassionate (notice the tears at certain points) and as having real integrity in everything he stands for.👏👏👏👍🙏
Yanis has met these EU elites, how does he suppose we reform from within? I honestly can't see a way.
Via local asertiveness, hence Diem25; local power putting demands back up to the central authorities.
He's one of them. A nice well dressed dude who travels all over the place talking socialist shite and stays in the best of hotels. I never hear him criticize George Soros and that's maybe because George pays his bills??
Will Lawrence Doesn't work in France, why would it work at EU level? Maite Macron is showing his dictator side quite clearly.
I voted for Corbyn to lead Labour but fell out with him over Brexit. However, I am back in his camp after watching this as Varoufakis is profoundly astute about the economics of Europe and the pan european argument. The sophisticated answer is the rational direction.
Varoufakis now believes brexit was evidently the best outcome for britain
So funny really, there's really NOTHING to smear him with, so funny watching them scurrying about looking for something, and they have to figure out a way to make something up. Maybe a very few are taken in with their nasty rubbish, most of us just yawn and think, 'here they go again' it's all becoming so transparent and predictable. It'll stop working completely soon. Our natural resistance to their smears, keeps getting stronger, it all works in much the same way as our immune system.
They are so pathetic (BBC). I've taken to saying, "Off with their heads". They need to remember how history has panned out, and how this kind of situation usually ends.
@@luciatilyard2827 It's interesting seeing lefties saying the BBC are a lying pack of hunger games capitol residents - it's almost as if in the same way rent-seekers can make dupes of both the left and the right they can also be attacked from both directions in turn - welcome to the start of identifying the real enemy, once we've deconstructed this symbio-parasitic financial system perhaps we can go back to having civilised differences of opinion...
...only took us 6 fucking years post-Occupy and the rise of this rabid divide and conquer SJW intersectionality horseshit...
IA BP Not sure what you're saying here. Of course it's not only the Beeb. Last night, it suddenly occured to me, that the BBC probably have spent the last 30 to 40 years worrying that they may be the next in line for privatisation! They were brilliant once, it's been sad to see them following the government line, when they used to be far more independent and were quite capable of putting out things that criticized the Gov, and helped to change things.
IA BP I sort of think that SJWs are a construct, hard to genuinely believe that there could really be a group complaining about such silly stuff.
Its not hard to smear Corbyn, but some helpfull advice its nothing to do with your immune system its called self hypnosis.
Thanks for the upload. Nice talk.
Internationally connected(what a thought:) love not war, anyone else up for that?
Tim Woodger, would you like to become a world voting citizen with Global People Power. We are using Democracy Earth’s blockchained app Sovereign to create global policies for peace, justice, equality, sustainability and prosperity. We are organising demonstrations for their global cooperative implementation and only voting for politicians who become active members of our movement.
Oh Yanis oh Yanis & Jeremy Corbyn. Awesome people!
UK: we have to leave the EU and take back sovereignty!!!
also the UK: How dare scotland want independence and sovereignty....don't they know things are better when we trade together and coexist...
@tony tiochta oh I don't blame the EU. Pretty much every country has benefitted from opening trade compared to where we would have been without the EU. It feels like greece is getting shafted or spain etc, but in reality we've still advanced more than if we stayed closed.
" How dare scotland want independence and sovereignty - So we should be grateful for the ethnic cleansing & near Genocide known as the Highland clearances that led to both the Scottish Diaspora & winning an empire for you - "don't they know things are better when we trade together and coexist" - Better for the English as they play an obviously rigged game ETC !
Two of the saner voices on the radical left. Good talk. What hurts the electability of Labour is perhaps the problems of radical ethno-religious diversity, things that fly in the face of natural human tribal instinct, the natural tendency to self-segregate, cultural disrespect towards the English in particular in their own homeland, all which feed the far-right like crazy. It's fine to have humanist ideals as long as they respect underlying human nature. But this is a process of discovery, let's just get on with it and do our best.
Yanis seems to be arguing for a new Workers/ Socialist International, a Fifth Socialist International?
Excellent idea.
CORBYN has always been my man, this discussion reinforces my thoughts and investment in Labour. We desperately need to spread this Political Philosophy around the world!!!
I've always voted with my heart AND brain engaged. So thus far, I've always voted GREEN. Mostly because, as a socialist, a very RED socialist, no UK mainstream party was worthy of my vote.
Let us face it, no party of the past four decades has remotely resembled a true socialist party and obviously, as the environment is my prime focus, voting Green was a no-brainer.
I've never had any truck with tactical voting, I tend to be strategic in my world view. However, we DO have to put capitalism to bed...
We cannot allow the continuation of the rise of right-wing politics to shape our futures, such as they are. We cannot close our doors to those migrants in need, we cannot continue to march to the tune of infinite growth, on a planet with finite resources.
We now have a duty to keep Farage, Johnson et al, out of Downing Street.
We need a real paradigm shift. If Jeremy Corbyn's form of Labour Party is on that course, then finally, I'm in.
In the US, a BLUE wave is rising. Let us here in the UK raise a RED wave.
Housing is the biggest issue in the UK. Labour will do nothing to change that problem. Neither will the Conservatives. The UK needs its political system totally reformed. Not just tax and spend, and not just handouts, it changes nothing.
Two fantastic and truly admirable men
Everyone in society matters! Thank you Jeremy and Yanis for this highly intelligent debate.
seeing corbyn mention the 'criticisms' of the EU (21st minute) without mentioning the thousands of deaths in the Mediterranean that are directly a result of the EU's policies highlights the whole hypocrisy of the endeavour.
Your being harsh, the refugee crisis would have been a tall order for anyone...
@@kailashpatel1706 I was involved in the refugee solidarity movement, if a group of 200 people in Athens can do more work than the entire EU to help people then I think I was being far too polite. Look up frontext and the push back deal they made with turkey. It's not just that they didn't do anything, their policies actively led to thousands of people drowning
I salute that...yet one of the issues facing the EU was a lack of refugee burden sharing no?
@@kailashpatel1706 2 different issues. The fact that some EU countries refused to take their 'fair share' has nothing to do with policies that all EU countries voted for that resulted in crossing the Mediterranean being so deadly. What you are referring to relates to after the act of surviving the crossing, whereas the comment you responded to referred to how difficult the EU has made the very act of crossing.
@@screamzfromthepit Sorry, what should the EU have done?, there was EU led Operation Sophia?..that had some initial success in saving peoples lives?
A very good conversation . I find that the way he talks and the words he says are very calmly given , unlike many other politicians . All the crap put to them by the media is tiresome and the way the PLP have trird to undermine him to be terrible
lead by example jeremy then rest will follow .
Dream on,Corbin's a fucking wanker
steel ssstu, you must be either a troll or simply looking in the mirror and confusing you reflection with Corbyn.
@@steelssstu6515 wow, how profound! You should write a memoir.
They won't as shown in the last election
Steel SSStu
You can't even spell his name.
Jeremy is not for the worker , we are not all equal. Some work harder than some
How is than relevant? Do we now punish others because someone is bright ? Trust me it's not the rich there targeting it has always been the middle class
Corbyn sounds great and talks good. But do watch out for the 'power speech', that's out of character and sounds a bit silly. The media corporations seem to know that, for that is all that (at least I) see. I don't know whether the angrish speech (like: "We will win this!!") is real power speech, or made up - and that's the problem. Stay chill, and it'll be fine :-)
I agree, Both his greatest strength and greatest weakness. He is a great authentic talker, but as soon as he goes into "media mode" he seems less authentic. But having said that, he is a much better "power speech" person than May. She has a frog in her throat and sounds like she's gonna burst into tears when she tries to be stern and authoritative.
Daniel Hohle There's not much choice but for him to do that, (have to have a bit of drama to focus attention), he means it, and it's made up. It's a bit like when one gets choked up over music, you can't help but feel embarrassed about it, yet the emotion is 100% genuine.
Pooka McPrick
You realise you have sppent an entire day posting you neo-liberal bull? You are obviously paid to do this.
Looking forward to Sanders/Varoufakis Progressives International Nov. 30 Vermont launch. Wondering if Corbyn might also attend.
"...to revive Socialism...". Why is it in need of being revived? Not 'why revive it' but how has it gotten into such a parlous state as to require such help?
IIRC it had a lot to do with "Teflon Tony " Blair selling out to the right wing to get into power - something which Thatcher considered to be her greatest victory !
Wonderful work both gentlemen.
Very nice.
What is? The bullshit from the Soros puppet? Oh,yes,very nice indeed!!
alexander 323 konstantinos greek medias have brainwashed you greek fella in order to make you think that he's a puppet of the establishment..
Workers of the world unite!
Cobryn sounds as a demagogue most of time.
+I Ka
That doesn't make any sense. He is in opposition to the oligarchy, but like Sanders he is somewhat toothless and obviously in the wrong party considering Labors bourgeois nature.
This talked needed a mediator.
Regarding technology. When we bought an i-phone and later an i-pad, we thought we were the customer. We now realize we are only facilitators for the real customers. In effect, we do not own these instruments but only use them for some personal benefits.