PEL needs to organize itself better to avoid this conflict with the global pubg championships. NOVA is completely out of focus after qualifying for the world championship. The team does not have time to prepare for Brazil and it is clear that this issue damage the team's performance in the PEL as well.
correct nova playing global pubg again playing pel mechanics recoil zone is different it will ruin both of their gameplay pel and pubg too better should have not played this week for nova to be prepared for global
PEL needs to organize itself better to avoid this conflict with the global pubg championships. NOVA is completely out of focus after qualifying for the world championship. The team does not have time to prepare for Brazil and it is clear that this issue damage the team's performance in the PEL as well.
Good point. Pel clasing with pubg global tournaments only gonna put pel teams at loss both by mentally & gameplay wise
correct nova playing global pubg again playing pel mechanics recoil zone is different it will ruin both of their gameplay pel and pubg too better should have not played this week for nova to be prepared for global
they still making money (a lot) so i don't think nova or pel cares plus they still practicing global every day
@@kagamitaiga7055 so they should just miss out on possibly 69k which is more than half of pmgo's prizepool for 1st (100k)
@@blitzyt1342 It's a little bit more than money.
can i have king youtube channel
4Am big fen but not best playing