If you cut the onions guys as thin as a piece of paper... like a news paper... oh! My wow... Cuz the onion should be "cooked" for the lime and vinagre... You know... Taste different believe me.... Thanks for share lady!!! Oh almost forget... ADD SOME THIN SLICES OF HAVANERO... CHANGE THE FLAVOR A LOT WHIT A LOT OF "O".... I MEAN A "LOOOOOOOOOOOOT" 😂🤣😂
Me gusta mucho tus videos de buñuelos,he hecho todos gracias❤
que bonitos te quedaron se no me gustaran tanto no me los comería de verlos tan bonitos , pero me encantan jiji así que a prepararme unos , gracias
Hola,una pregunta de que medida son tus moldes,y cuantos buñuelos te salen ,gracias
If you cut the onions guys as thin as a piece of paper... like a news paper... oh! My wow... Cuz the onion should be "cooked" for the lime and vinagre... You know... Taste different believe me.... Thanks for share lady!!! Oh almost forget... ADD SOME THIN SLICES OF HAVANERO... CHANGE THE FLAVOR A LOT WHIT A LOT OF "O".... I MEAN
Te complica mucho la existencia
Que colorante husas?
Les cambia el sabor?