I haven’t ate meat in 5 years and 8 months yesterday I seen a video where they had a barn show in the country and when I tell you those animals look so depressed the show was actually a pic and take type of thing so when I seen how the animals just look defeated like they know what’s to come deep down I was hurt I didn’t stop eating meat because of animals it was more of a health choice but after seeing that yeah it’s f’d up what those animals have to go through I’m vowing to stay this way for the rest of my days all living things and people deserve respect
That’s crazy in the Gullah Geechee culture here in South Carolina the old people use to say Bukrah as well….i truly believe ppl from New Orleans and Charleston are from the same tribe as Caribbean ppl
A man said to me years ago that 5 years of poverty is worse than 5 years in prison. This statement made me thinks that many in JA rather good to prison because they can be fead because there's zero earning in there daily life: no job; no money and the government have no solution. See, no love for humanity of the people.
I watched the documentary what the health and the interviewer talk to a little girl and she playing with a pig calling the animal her friend or brother and the person ask her something and she said we eat it it sent chills monsters we are I didn't come into this world eating food to keep the body and soul right by I am going to leave doing so 💯 to the elder it has to be in you not to want the b.s food cow,pig goat,duck or whatever (they) call meat. Peace&love
So hold on, today we see locks in all kind of forms, shaped up, shaved at the back and sides etc. Personal choice is a thing and locks do not make you a Ras. When I hear the tribulation of Rasta in JA ie Pro I's testimonies, I'm lost for words. There is something more than just acknowledging HIM & HER majesties but a personal journey inwards that can have a profound affect on your life more than any book/s. I heard Muta say that the Rasses he was around in the early days many couldn't read or write but gathered their strength from being around and learning about nature. There are many philosophical utterances that never came from HIM but from Rastas both male & female that put into practice can have an affect on day to day life. Any chance of speaking to Rastas in Dominica, St Croix?. They all have a different story to tell.
Lol. He befriended his dinner. Traumatizing. Lol, that happened to my pet piggy, that acted like the dog. They castrated piggy and piggy gave up the ghost.
@@bongoikno4994 that wasn't the question neither the answer I was expecting if he eats everything raw then green bananas and dashine , potatoes, green plantain yam, all those ground vegetables should eaten raw people are interviewed to bring their point across studying the logics it doesn't make sense not at. As a linguistic major I have analyze what I listen to and how it should make sense to me personally farless when I have to teach to students what this man is saying some of what he has said does makes but the rest it just doesn't add up. So when people speak get the pros and cons first. The rest will make no sense at all.
Lmao yes tf you do. If you got to a garden and pick fruits and veggies then you just killed them!!! Lawd have mercy bombaclaat common sense left the chat
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Most people wanna be like the super stars I’d rather be like him ✊🏾
Or you can be yourself!
@@Foreign84 read again, I didn’t say I wanted to be this man
i love when he does interviews!🔥
🔥 🚫🍃🍓🍉💪🏽
I could listen to his stories and testimony all day🤔
Never wiser words aspoke. Personslly have done 10 days only water several occasions. And know 1 person personally doing 30 days. Jah Bless❣️🔥🦁❤️💛💚
Prof I is an amazing man . The Incient of day. 1❤
I'm sold he's very inspirational.
I could watch this video 100 times
He looks like pure electricity
The sun takes energy from him
I beg God to help my reach this level.
Wow! Great Spirit….
Blessings up..
I haven’t ate meat in 5 years and 8 months yesterday I seen a video where they had a barn show in the country and when I tell you those animals look so depressed the show was actually a pic and take type of thing so when I seen how the animals just look defeated like they know what’s to come deep down I was hurt I didn’t stop eating meat because of animals it was more of a health choice but after seeing that yeah it’s f’d up what those animals have to go through I’m vowing to stay this way for the rest of my days all living things and people deserve respect
That’s crazy in the Gullah Geechee culture here in South Carolina the old people use to say Bukrah as well….i truly believe ppl from New Orleans and Charleston are from the same tribe as Caribbean ppl
A man said to me years ago that 5 years of poverty is worse than 5 years in prison. This statement made me thinks that many in JA rather good to prison because they can be fead because there's zero earning in there daily life: no job; no money and the government have no solution. See, no love for humanity of the people.
Institutionalization. Real talk Prof I.
"Taste good to de mouth but bad for de belly."
I watched the documentary what the health and the interviewer talk to a little girl and she playing with a pig calling the animal her friend or brother and the person ask her something and she said we eat it it sent chills monsters we are I didn't come into this world eating food to keep the body and soul right by I am going to leave doing so 💯 to the elder it has to be in you not to want the b.s food cow,pig goat,duck or whatever (they) call meat. Peace&love
So hold on, today we see locks in all kind of forms, shaped up, shaved at the back and sides etc. Personal choice is a thing and locks do not make you a Ras. When I hear the tribulation of Rasta in JA ie Pro I's testimonies, I'm lost for words. There is something more than just acknowledging HIM & HER majesties but a personal journey inwards that can have a profound affect on your life more than any book/s.
I heard Muta say that the Rasses he was around in the early days many couldn't read or write but gathered their strength from being around and learning about nature. There are many philosophical utterances that never came from HIM but from Rastas both male & female that put into practice can have an affect on day to day life. Any chance of speaking to Rastas in Dominica, St Croix?. They all have a different story to tell.
I know how it feels when u cut things and when u have to go back it will make u feel away when u have to break it
He done at a piece of chicken with a biscuit😏
He look like the lord Jesus
There is recent news of a Russian influencer who died of malnutrition from eating a fresh-fruit only diet.
Dem white ppl an black ppl have to different type of genetics mi bredda
She died from a eating disorder not cuz she was raw ...raw is nature law and god/jah law
@@raskofi8406💯💯 absolutely right
Russia is a artic country.very cold .They need more protein cos of their climate
he's 39 yrs old
This man prob in his 70’s and prob got more hair than u…clearer skin than you and prob would please your girl better than you
Lol. He befriended his dinner. Traumatizing.
Lol, that happened to my pet piggy, that acted like the dog. They castrated piggy and piggy gave up the ghost.
I wonder if he eats dashin green bananas raw???
That's not food why eat green banana when u can just allow it to ripen then eat it
@@bongoikno4994 that wasn't the question neither the answer I was expecting if he eats everything raw then green bananas and dashine , potatoes, green plantain yam, all those ground vegetables should eaten raw people are interviewed to bring their point across studying the logics it doesn't make sense not at. As a linguistic major I have analyze what I listen to and how it should make sense to me personally farless when I have to teach to students what this man is saying some of what he has said does makes but the rest it just doesn't add up.
So when people speak get the pros and cons first. The rest will make no sense at all.
He didn't answer the question, how long did you go without eating, also this video didn't move my spirit
Bakrah...Surinam for White man
I grew up in the Virgin Islands and the old people called the white man "bukra", when I was a child.
@@teadrinker839 same in the Bahamian dialect and even in the Gullah Geechee dialect here in South Carolina
People be saying they don't want to slay animals but forget everything we eat even fruits and veggies is Alive and Male and Female 🤦🏾🤔🤔🤔...
You don't have to "kill" fruits and veggies tho so what are you talking about?
@@kaveedajackson6134foolishness is what you call what he/she just said
@kaveedajackson6134 um yes you do 🤣😂🤣 cut a plant in half and see how much life left after you pull roots. 🤔🤔 please use your brain
Lmao yes tf you do. If you got to a garden and pick fruits and veggies then you just killed them!!! Lawd have mercy bombaclaat common sense left the chat
@lamarrsutton3668 facts 😂😂🤣. They be tryna confuse ppl wit dat BS.
Whomp whomp whomp😠
Haile Selassie eat meat and cooked food…..