Also, I’m an intersectional activist too, I have a poem called Black Lives For Mother Earth ( among others) would you be interested in it? I specialize in race and repro rights and disabled rights . Plz reach out if interested. I’ve wanted to share my stories and my voice forever pretty much.
Beautiful !!!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU HAVE BEEN DOING FOR YEARS !!!!💗🙏🌏 (from an 84 year old in France)
Such a beautiful and powerful set by X
Beautiful Story teller. 💛🙏
this is BEAUTIFUL!
He is a beautiful boy.
This is live? Sounds so amazing!
Testing the suns power
Jon Bellion and the young 🐺
I’m like number 69 lol
Also, I’m an intersectional activist too, I have a poem called Black Lives For Mother Earth ( among others) would you be interested in it? I specialize in race and repro rights and disabled rights . Plz reach out if interested. I’ve wanted to share my stories and my voice forever pretty much.
grandson of a known and noted pretendian
Elon musk is blowing up the sun and the moon with atomic bombs.
when did native mexicans ever wear braids like that? panindianism is colonialism
THIS RIGHT HERE. X and his manager/photographer both lie about their ancestry to get clout
I’ve heard of panafrican ( I am) but what is panindianism? I have an idea of what it means based on my own one, but how is it colonialism?
When Mexico included all of Khalifornia and Texas and New Mexico and Colorado and Arizona and Utah and Nevada.
wearing 2 braids isn't a sign of panindianism... Northern natives weren't the only indigenous people on this continent with long hair... lol...