I love Trevs optimism and jusy purity he has in every video consistently, it makes it a safe place for everyone. Even those going through tough times. Thank you Trev!! Keep up the good work and I'm really looking forward to this series! Thank you Trevvv!! :D
@@GodAtum no, (or adleast im not aware if he is) but it just generates a really nice feeling safe place when watching his content which just helps people who are going through tough times and I was just showing my appreciation for it as someone who has gone through several hard times in the time I've been subscribed to Trev
I literally CRIED when I seen you finally started doing this series again. I'm soooooo glad. Make sure you get the extended pack cause apparently there's so many more things with it 🥺
@@korndog81 ah yes, dinos totally only became knowledge because of jurassic park, and there is totally not a gigantic collection of fossils and other evidence that proves dinos existed before, yep
This game would benefit a lot from more diverse options for plants. A combo of this and Planet Zoo would be fantastic. They could have options to research prehistoric flora. Because as it stands, there are limited options for making the pens unique outside of the shape you make the water source. Still, your series for the first game is among my favorite lets plays ever so any improvements are really just gravy.
Dude I Love Watching Your Content Also Jurassic Park is My Child Hood Movies of All Time Thank you So Much For Doing Jurassic World Evolution 2 This Means Alot To Me & Other's!
I love Dinosaurs and so this game is awesome and I can't wait for the third and final Jurassic World movie to come out as this game looks like it takes elements from the movie. I love watching your series and the ones all about your boys and Bella. I can't wait for more videos from you.
Trev I like your videos soo much, and your videos are better than many of those youtubers out there. And best of luck to you for many other videos to go in the future !!!
Heyo Tman with the trikes they can live with the baryonyx they are just more sociable so they need more of their kind p.s it's a tip for everyone also btw love your videos man you're the best
I love Trevs optimism and jusy purity he has in every video consistently, it makes it a safe place for everyone. Even those going through tough times. Thank you Trev!! Keep up the good work and I'm really looking forward to this series!
Thank you Trevvv!! :D
@@GodAtum no, (or adleast im not aware if he is) but it just generates a really nice feeling safe place when watching his content which just helps people who are going through tough times and I was just showing my appreciation for it as someone who has gone through several hard times in the time I've been subscribed to Trev
Jesus loves u and died for u
Ohhh yess. I loved this a few years ago. Can’t wait for this series!
Been waitin all day for someone to say that
Really hope you haven’t abandoned this series Trev, I know there is a lot of really good games that have come out recently
He just uploaded a new episode of it
Jesus loves u and died for u
@@Cody-wu5px allah wu ackbar. we muslims also belive in Saidina Isha (PBUH) aka Jesus
@@thehybrid4334 💥
trev pls we all want more of this series it's amazing. I watched all your jwe 1 vids so please let us watch your jwe 2 vids. pls don't abandon
I really aprecciate how many great videos you have made this week!
18:36 about said fibrous leaves .... RIP stranded deep
I can't wait to see more of these episodes 😭😭
That is really cool they used the scenes from the first 2 Jurassic World movies.
This game looks so cool. Want to see more of this for sure!
I literally CRIED when I seen you finally started doing this series again. I'm soooooo glad. Make sure you get the extended pack cause apparently there's so many more things with it 🥺
Wtf...u cried over a game ? Grow tf up
@@ryanjames6831 😂
Why did you cry? Its just a game, and dinosaurs never existed either lol
@@korndog81 if you really think dinosaurs 🦕 never existed...💀
@@korndog81 ah yes, dinos totally only became knowledge because of jurassic park, and there is totally not a gigantic collection of fossils and other evidence that proves dinos existed before, yep
This game would benefit a lot from more diverse options for plants. A combo of this and Planet Zoo would be fantastic. They could have options to research prehistoric flora. Because as it stands, there are limited options for making the pens unique outside of the shape you make the water source. Still, your series for the first game is among my favorite lets plays ever so any improvements are really just gravy.
Agreed! The Planet Zoo engine with this game would be amazing!
Dude I Love Watching Your Content Also Jurassic Park is My Child Hood Movies of All Time Thank you So Much For Doing Jurassic World Evolution 2 This Means Alot To Me & Other's!
plz continue this series I loved watching the first game and planet zoo
This is one of my favorite series I just finished watching the battle Royal from a few years ago From the 1st game
Need more episodes of this!
26:48 "I just love like driving AROUND VIBING WITH THESE THINGS" they do too Trev...they do too
This is super fun to watch Trevor, always love your enthusiasm, keep it up!
So many good games out right now, hard to choose which Tmartn2 play through to watch!
You know we'd want an episode two of this game Trev!!
didnt happen...
Thanks for keeping us entertained while dealing with covid trevor.
Tmartn, nice that your posting all this content, keep your health in check too
omg its back, thank you trev for this, i loved it 3 years ago, i played it, now we have this, thanks so much trev
I’m really glad you didn’t forget this series!
When Trev cut out the part where he says “Peace out”😭😭😭
I love Dinosaurs and so this game is awesome and I can't wait for the third and final Jurassic World movie to come out as this game looks like it takes elements from the movie. I love watching your series and the ones all about your boys and Bella. I can't wait for more videos from you.
I LOVE how Cooper lit-up Trevor's face!
Couldn't decide what new game to get but this video made my choice pretty easy, great video 👍
Really hope this is going to be a long term series!!
Can’t wait for this series!
This is gonna be so epic. Can't wait for more. Keep up the hard work
Cooper is like hey you already got a Dino at home.
Trev I like your videos soo much, and your videos are better than many of those youtubers out there.
And best of luck to you for many other videos to go in the future !!!
Trev i reckon you should focus on this series cause its gonna be so awesome
FINALLY, TMARTN2 IS PLAYING JURASSIC WORLD 2. Love this guy, and love this game.
Let’s gooooo! So pumped for this series!
THANK YOU for this! No one has shown the complete controls or game play from noob point of start. Awsome
Thanks again!
Love your vids tmartn, and i love science, paleontology and dinosaurs so you playing this now is a dream lol
so excited for this new series Trev!!!
You know it’s a good day when we get the legendary title "the beginning"
Been waiting on episode 2 already
Bro, thanks for the vid, it was amazing, hope you get better and keep the great work up! 👍👍
4 mins into video
*high pitched excited squealing* YES!!! One of my all time favorite games I've ever watched you play!
All the voice acting gigs Chris Pratt is getting, and he still can't voice himself in the Jurassic World games...
I see what you did there 😌😂
Jesus loves u and died for u
Love it can’t wait for the series to come out
I’m so excited for this happy it’s finally here
man i was so excited.... this series did not age well so far 😂
excellent vid man, look forward to seeing more
This series is going to be 🔥🔥🔥🔥.
I mean he hasn’t posted part 2 in a month so I doubt there will be a series lol
@@sirchase2787 there is
Oh man this brings back memories from your 2018 let’s play
Just needed 3 more seconds for 33 minutes and 33 seconds 😄
Looking forward to the rest of the series!
Amazing! Game already looks so much better than the first one, which is saying a lot considering how great JWE was!!
cant wait for part 2
Can't wait to see more of this
Love the first episode hope to see more soon
Looking forward to playing this,I loved the first one,glad ya feeling better Trev
Looks so good I loved the first one and I have a feeling I’m going to love this one
I love your videos 💗
Gosh, these two days have been legendary, 2 more for us and we’ll have it guys!!
Yessssss, he plays THE GAME🥳
I am glad you're fleeing better trev
Yess! So glad your plating this game. I've tried it out a few weeks ago and its amazing! Hope you continue with these series❤
Tmartn2 your an amazing TH-camr I hope you have a fantastic day
I love how you have COVID but still you are trying to entertain us, thank you
*giant sandstorm is destroying the facility*
Tmar: “wow look at the trees, flowing in the wind”
This is like planet zoo for dinosaurs 🔥
Shout out to all of us who are waiting on episode 2......
Super great vid bro good job
Keep em coming Trev!
No one:
Literally No one:
Awesome series looking forward to new episodes
Love this series
Enjoying the series, don't stop :)
This man be starting 100 series in a week
Hyped for the series!😃
The game’s gonna be awesome!😃😁
Wasn't here for this in 2018 but I'm sure here now for this 💪💪💪
Life finds a way to another beginning episode
Cooper is best boi
I’m just here to say I’m glad this game is here I’ll be back to watch it later
Trevor:I love driving around vibing with these things
The dinosaur: haha no
Dude i can just see the dino breaking the fence right there lol 29:45
A tip to contain baryonyx feed it fish and lots of water
Heyo Tman with the trikes they can live with the baryonyx they are just more sociable so they need more of their kind p.s it's a tip for everyone also btw love your videos man you're the best
I've been waiting for this to being for forever
Man this campaign is awesome Trev you will like it and even the chaos theory and good night
Great video and I hope you’re feeling better!
Loved Jurassic World Evo 1, hopefully 2 is just as good if not better!
Awesome dude! Hope you are feeling better!
please continue this series !!1
Can we just take a moment to appreciate TREV’S grind
This is pretty awesome!
Let’s go!!! Forza and Jurassic world. So hype for the next few months
Hey have you seen Fallen Kingdom (Jurassic world 2)?
I can’t wait for this series let’s gooooo
I can’t wait for this series I really want the game