There has been too much study of male bodies and functions, and not enough study of Womens bodies and functions. And far too many doctors and scientists think that the data and information learned from studying males, easily translates into the function of female anatomy. This continues to cause great harm to women whose anatomy and physiology is different from males. We do not have enough data on Womens health!
I can relate to this as it resonates with me. I only eat once a day at noon and then fast until the same time the next day. I don't eat vegetables, rice, or bread strictly. Instead, I eat only meat. In the morning, I drink a 4-ounce cup of espresso with heavy cream but no sugar. I have never craved sugar and have never been a fan of soda or sweet foods. I prefer salty foods instead. I am healthy with no cholesterol or heart problems, and my doctor has told me that he has never seen cholesterol levels like mine. I only drink soda once in a blue moon. If I go out, I will have lemonade instead.
They call this "OMAD," or one-meal-a-day diet. That's great that it works for you! Years ago I lost dozens of pounds by dietary restriction and pure willpower, it was months of agony, and once I achieved my goal I abandoned it: because it was torture. I gained back everything though it took awhile. Lately I have been doing "alternate-day intermittent fasting" which is a hassle, but only for 24 hrs at a time. So far I've lost about 4.5 gallons of fat (7.5 lbs = 1 gallon). I feel I can keep this up pretty much indefinitely, because although I didn't eat a bite yesterday, today I eat pretty much whatever I feel like. Just one more gallon to lose and I'm back to my high school weight. I can do this "diet" for the rest of my life, I'll never be fat again! keyhole(dot)compy(dot)ca
I'm always against body shaming for any reason. in general people don't think enough about how what they say might affect or influence others negatively. for health, weight is an independent health risk factor though. maybe reevaluate what you see as a healthy diet. protein sources are also very important. just because it's considered "lean" doesn't mean it's actually healthy. research more, delve deeper. omnivore diets are a health risk.
р It is time for the Anglo-Saxons to pay the price. What do the Anglo-Saxon strikes on Yemen have in common, the trial at the UN International Court of Justice on charges of genocide against Israel, the visit of British Prime Minister Sunak to Kiev to sign an agreement on security guarantees for Ukraine and concern about the outcome of today's elections in Taiwan? That they happened to coincide in time? Of course not: all these are signs of the degradation and dismantling of the Anglo-Saxon world order. And the fact that the Anglo-Saxons are trying to stop this process with provocations only spurs it on. Why did the United States and Britain launch missile strikes on Yemen? To stop the shelling of tankers going to the Red Sea, they say in Washington and London. But Yemen is threatening ships going to Israel in order to stop the massacre in Gaza - so maybe it would be more effective for the Anglo-Saxons to put pressure on Israel to force it to stop the operation against the Palestinians. Which the other day even the International Court of Justice of the United Nations is likely to recognize as an act of apartheid and genocide, because there is so much independent and objective evidence in support of South Africa's claim that it is simply impossible to ignore them without prejudice to the reputation of international organizations. But neither the United States nor the United Kingdom can, nor do they really want to force Israel, because it is part of their global project and they are doing everything to "ensure its security", and in reality - for its impunity: they have brought a fleet to the region, supply weapons, threaten Muslim countries with retaliation in case their attempts to help Gaza. Only a beggar, but a fighting Yemen is not afraid of anything: after years of civil war combined with the war against the Saudis, the Yemenis have nothing to lose (and the moral support of the entire Arab world and material support from the Iranians is provided to them). It is impossible to force Yemen to abandon attempts to create problems for navigation in the Red Sea - no missile strikes will do anything, and the United States does not even think about a ground operation (due to its extremely high price and futility). So the Anglo-Saxons just want to intimidate Yemen? But to do this, they will need to bomb it for many months in a row, and with very high intensity. Such an operation will not only lead to a large number of civilian casualties, but will also completely blow up the Arab world: hatred of the Anglo-Saxons for the murder of Yemenis will be added to the outrage over what is happening in Gaza. That is, this option is not suitable for the Anglo-Saxons either.It turns out that we are dealing simply with a demonstrative strike, which may have a continuation, but will not definitely change the situation in the Red Sea. But it will increase the risks of new fronts and the fomentation of a major regional war - primarily in Lebanon, where Israel continues to provoke Hezbollah. The United States constantly talks about Iranian proxies in Lebanon and Yemen, warning Tehran about the inadmissibility of interference, that Israel should not be distracted from the showdown with Gaza. Iran maintains maximum restraint, while it is constantly being provoked in Lebanon, Syria, and on its own territory. Now the Anglo-Saxons believe that they are fighting with Iranian proxies in Yemen, not realizing that the behavior of the Houthis is much more explained by the situation in the Arab world than by their ties with the Iranians. In the Middle East tangle, the Anglo-Saxons simply do not have good moves now - the whole situation is developing in an extremely unfavorable direction for them. Just as it is impossible to combine the declaration of Taiwan's independence with the preservation of peace between China and the United States. The point is not that the PRC is asleep and sees how to seize Taiwan faster, but that the Anglo-Saxons are deliberately provoking Beijing by throwing in the topic of a possible declaration of independence of the island. The United States has dealt a devastating blow in Yemen - on its own. There is still the last blow in China)))). And after that, the death of the USA will come.
Body shaming is just a specific form of appearance shaming. You can feel psychological pressure over any aspect of your appearance: dusty trousers, messy hair, big nose, birth marks, hair loss, “inappropriate” fashion, skin color, yes, even body weight. Most of that psychological pressure is self-induced, by the way. As a matter of fact that pressure is largely a consequence of your own judgments. So, what makes you so critical about appearances? Address that issue, and “body shaming” becomes more and more irrelevant.
You are all fat! Body shaming does not work on you because you are not motivated to change. If I’m an alcoholic and someone tells me YOU NEED HELP. But I have no desire or I don’t recognize I’m an alcoholic then nope not changing. So I’m sorry for those fat people that have a food addiction. But you need to accept it.
@@barbe.robertsmsrdnldn3243 Asshole. Her fellowship is in obesity medicine. Emphasis is obesity medicine. Your degree is in dietitics. You plans meals for everyone from ICU to just everyone. Pretty much broad and there's absolutely nothing that makes you an obesity specialist. You know absolutely nothing about obesity medicine nor the gritty details. That's why when it comes to obesity she's well knowledgeable than you. You'll recommend fruits and vegetables for the obese just as you'll recommend for a cancer patient😂😂. You'll not know how to factor in other biochemical, genomic and functional part of the patient to make a decision on obesity. That's why your training isn't equal to hers in obesity. Your 2 years masters degrees after your BSc is not equal to her 2 years fellowship in obesity medicine (which is specific) after her BSC and 5 years of internal medicine and peds residency. Go and have a backseat.
And you think someone who did a bachelors, 2 masters degrees, a joint internal and pediatrics medicine residency plus obesity medicine and clinical nutrition fellowship...and who's at the number 1 hospital on the planet isn't experienced 😂😂. Y'all allied health do too much. I can't stand Y'all. 😂😂
All patients in the weight clinic at Mass General see a nutritionist or dietitian (I’m one of her patients and saw one when I started in the clinic). I just don’t remember which it was.
Your body will fight you to prevent you from loosing weight. It will make you tiered, so it is harder to move around. It will make you hungry, so you will eat more, and more poorly. So if you want to say that it take MORE willpower for a fat person to loose weight and keep it off than it takes for a healthy weight person that has never been fat to maintain their healthy weight, I'd agree with you. But to say that it has nothing to do with willpower, well that is a straight up lie. If I don't sleep well, I have less willpower, I'm more likely to forgo a workout or to eat poorly, or more likely, both. We also get into bad habits/routines, that make it harder to loose or maintain our weight. So there is a lot of responsibility on each of us when it comes to getting to and then maintaining a healthy weight. Telling people it isn't their fault gives them the green light to indulge and to stop exercising, which is the exact opposite of what you should be promoting. Also, seeing that one woman in the grocery store DOES NOT MEAN SHE IS FOLLOWING THE PLAN. You do not know if she stops off at a coffee shop every morning to get high fat, high sugar coffee that is a desert, not a healthy pick me up. You don't know if she works at a company that provides Danishes for every meeting before noon. You don't know if their husband is bringing home ice cream and potato chips, which she indulges in. You also don't know if she orders from door dash every other night. In short, you don't know shit about what she is really eating. Unless you put her in a controlled environment where you control every calorie she consumes, and monitor every exercise she does, you don't know if she is following the plan. Shame on you for letting your guest claim that this person (a single case, another mark against this being anything you can claim to be generally true) is doing everything right and still isn't loosing weight and represents most (everybody) that is obese. Once again, your body is fighting you, the overweight and obese have my sympathy, and those that do manage to loose and keep weight off have my upmost respect. They need far more willpower and discipline than those that have always kept the weight off. But stop telling them that they have no control over their weight. They do. They have a lot of agency when it comes to weight loss. Lastly, these drugs are a miracle. They are a solution to many people that have not been able to muster the willpower to overcome their body's desire to stay fat, and to loose and keep their weight off. Unless we discover some long term side effects, and those side effects are worse than obesity, which is at the level of smoking with regards to be unhealthy for you, we should work to get the costs down and give them to everybody that needs them.
Maybe the number people should be concerned about is your waist size number or your body fat percentage. Why havent they mentioned this? I agree that BMI isn't necessarily a good indicator nor is the number on the scale.
It’s not about Food! It’s not about What you eat. It has never been about that. It’s also not about exercise. Restrictive Dieting, fasting, keto, and overexercising to attain a smaller body is not long-term sustainable. It’s a head thing.
People eat too much, well, it is an evolutionary imperative after all. If food is medicine, and any medicine becomes toxic if the dose gets too large.. then too much food causes toxic effects. I tried vigorous exercise to limited effect. Restrictive dieting worked, but was torture (because it takes months and months). Lately I have taken up "alternate-day intermittent fasting" which is a hassle, but only for 24 hrs at a time. Yeah, I've lost 4.5 gallons of fat! (1 gallon = 7.5 lbs) Once you can fast for a day, that's it, you can lose however much fat you want. It really isn't a problem anymore.
To lose weight you have to be in calorie deficit. Eating healthy is never going to be the key to lose weight. You can eat the right things and consume a lot of calories. You can eat vegetables and fruits and still consume 2000 calories and another person eats one burger and consumes 800 cal/day. If you decrease calorie intake, then you won't need Ozempic because Ozempic simply works by decreasing your intake. There are calorie amounts for every category of person. Normal active human should get 2k cal. If you're sedentary and eating 2k cal, then you'll be obese.
There has been too much study of male bodies and functions, and not enough study of Womens bodies and functions. And far too many doctors and scientists think that the data and information learned from studying males, easily translates into the function of female anatomy. This continues to cause great harm to women whose anatomy and physiology is different from males.
We do not have enough data on Womens health!
I can relate to this as it resonates with me. I only eat once a day at noon and then fast until the same time the next day. I don't eat vegetables, rice, or bread strictly. Instead, I eat only meat. In the morning, I drink a 4-ounce cup of espresso with heavy cream but no sugar. I have never craved sugar and have never been a fan of soda or sweet foods. I prefer salty foods instead. I am healthy with no cholesterol or heart problems, and my doctor has told me that he has never seen cholesterol levels like mine. I only drink soda once in a blue moon. If I go out, I will have lemonade instead.
They call this "OMAD," or one-meal-a-day diet. That's great that it works for you!
Years ago I lost dozens of pounds by dietary restriction and pure willpower, it was months of agony, and once I achieved my goal I abandoned it: because it was torture. I gained back everything though it took awhile.
Lately I have been doing "alternate-day intermittent fasting" which is a hassle, but only for 24 hrs at a time. So far I've lost about 4.5 gallons of fat (7.5 lbs = 1 gallon).
I feel I can keep this up pretty much indefinitely, because although I didn't eat a bite yesterday, today I eat pretty much whatever I feel like.
Just one more gallon to lose and I'm back to my high school weight. I can do this "diet" for the rest of my life, I'll never be fat again!
Why did you Lie about Joe Rogan????
For money. He lied for money.
Please add or enable captions. The discussion was really great 👍
Wow I wish more doctors were like her!
I'm always against body shaming for any reason. in general people don't think enough about how what they say might affect or influence others negatively. for health, weight is an independent health risk factor though. maybe reevaluate what you see as a healthy diet. protein sources are also very important. just because it's considered "lean" doesn't mean it's actually healthy. research more, delve deeper. omnivore diets are a health risk.
If Body Shaming worked, everyone would be in smaller bodies.
It is time for the Anglo-Saxons to pay the price. What do the Anglo-Saxon strikes on Yemen have in common, the trial at the UN International Court of Justice on charges of genocide against Israel, the visit of British Prime Minister Sunak to Kiev to sign an agreement on security guarantees for Ukraine and concern about the outcome of today's elections in Taiwan? That they happened to coincide in time? Of course not: all these are signs of the degradation and dismantling of the Anglo-Saxon world order. And the fact that the Anglo-Saxons are trying to stop this process with provocations only spurs it on. Why did the United States and Britain launch missile strikes on Yemen? To stop the shelling of tankers going to the Red Sea, they say in Washington and London. But Yemen is threatening ships going to Israel in order to stop the massacre in Gaza - so maybe it would be more effective for the Anglo-Saxons to put pressure on Israel to force it to stop the operation against the Palestinians. Which the other day even the International Court of Justice of the United Nations is likely to recognize as an act of apartheid and genocide, because there is so much independent and objective evidence in support of South Africa's claim that it is simply impossible to ignore them without prejudice to the reputation of international organizations. But neither the United States nor the United Kingdom can, nor do they really want to force Israel, because it is part of their global project and they are doing everything to "ensure its security", and in reality - for its impunity: they have brought a fleet to the region, supply weapons, threaten Muslim countries with retaliation in case their attempts to help Gaza. Only a beggar, but a fighting Yemen is not afraid of anything: after years of civil war combined with the war against the Saudis, the Yemenis have nothing to lose (and the moral support of the entire Arab world and material support from the Iranians is provided to them). It is impossible to force Yemen to abandon attempts to create problems for navigation in the Red Sea - no missile strikes will do anything, and the United States does not even think about a ground operation (due to its extremely high price and futility). So the Anglo-Saxons just want to intimidate Yemen? But to do this, they will need to bomb it for many months in a row, and with very high intensity. Such an operation will not only lead to a large number of civilian casualties, but will also completely blow up the Arab world: hatred of the Anglo-Saxons for the murder of Yemenis will be added to the outrage over what is happening in Gaza. That is, this option is not suitable for the Anglo-Saxons either.It turns out that we are dealing simply with a demonstrative strike, which may have a continuation, but will not definitely change the situation in the Red Sea. But it will increase the risks of new fronts and the fomentation of a major regional war - primarily in Lebanon, where Israel continues to provoke Hezbollah. The United States constantly talks about Iranian proxies in Lebanon and Yemen, warning Tehran about the inadmissibility of interference, that Israel should not be distracted from the showdown with Gaza. Iran maintains maximum restraint, while it is constantly being provoked in Lebanon, Syria, and on its own territory. Now the Anglo-Saxons believe that they are fighting with Iranian proxies in Yemen, not realizing that the behavior of the Houthis is much more explained by the situation in the Arab world than by their ties with the Iranians. In the Middle East tangle, the Anglo-Saxons simply do not have good moves now - the whole situation is developing in an extremely unfavorable direction for them. Just as it is impossible to combine the declaration of Taiwan's independence with the preservation of peace between China and the United States. The point is not that the PRC is asleep and sees how to seize Taiwan faster, but that the Anglo-Saxons are deliberately provoking Beijing by throwing in the topic of a possible declaration of independence of the island. The United States has dealt a devastating blow in Yemen - on its own. There is still the last blow in China)))). And after that, the death of the USA will come.
Body shaming is just a specific form of appearance shaming. You can feel psychological pressure over any aspect of your appearance: dusty trousers, messy hair, big nose, birth marks, hair loss, “inappropriate” fashion, skin color, yes, even body weight. Most of that psychological pressure is self-induced, by the way. As a matter of fact that pressure is largely a consequence of your own judgments.
So, what makes you so critical about appearances?
Address that issue, and “body shaming” becomes more and more irrelevant.
You are all fat! Body shaming does not work on you because you are not motivated to change. If I’m an alcoholic and someone tells me YOU NEED HELP. But I have no desire or I don’t recognize I’m an alcoholic then nope not changing. So I’m sorry for those fat people that have a food addiction. But you need to accept it.
Verry intresting video, i'd liked to watch it :)) Cheers
“We don’t need farmers since we can just buy our food from the grocery store” - AOC
This is a false statement. It has variously been attributed to several people. But it is false.
@@brysonwest93 I thought so too at first as it is such a ridiculously stupid thing to say
She should refer her patients to a Registered Dietitian. RDN are recognized nutrition experts and covered by most insurance.
She did an obesity medicine and clinical nutrition fellowship. Dieticians are not experts in obesity medicine. She's talking about obesity.
Yes we are.
A fellowship is not equal to a masters degree. 1 year , internships and years of experience in nutrition.
Educate yourself
@@barbe.robertsmsrdnldn3243 Asshole. Her fellowship is in obesity medicine. Emphasis is obesity medicine. Your degree is in dietitics. You plans meals for everyone from ICU to just everyone. Pretty much broad and there's absolutely nothing that makes you an obesity specialist. You know absolutely nothing about obesity medicine nor the gritty details. That's why when it comes to obesity she's well knowledgeable than you. You'll recommend fruits and vegetables for the obese just as you'll recommend for a cancer patient😂😂. You'll not know how to factor in other biochemical, genomic and functional part of the patient to make a decision on obesity. That's why your training isn't equal to hers in obesity. Your 2 years masters degrees after your BSc is not equal to her 2 years fellowship in obesity medicine (which is specific) after her BSC and 5 years of internal medicine and peds residency. Go and have a backseat.
And you think someone who did a bachelors, 2 masters degrees, a joint internal and pediatrics medicine residency plus obesity medicine and clinical nutrition fellowship...and who's at the number 1 hospital on the planet isn't experienced 😂😂. Y'all allied health do too much. I can't stand Y'all. 😂😂
All patients in the weight clinic at Mass General see a nutritionist or dietitian (I’m one of her patients and saw one when I started in the clinic). I just don’t remember which it was.
Your body will fight you to prevent you from loosing weight. It will make you tiered, so it is harder to move around. It will make you hungry, so you will eat more, and more poorly. So if you want to say that it take MORE willpower for a fat person to loose weight and keep it off than it takes for a healthy weight person that has never been fat to maintain their healthy weight, I'd agree with you. But to say that it has nothing to do with willpower, well that is a straight up lie. If I don't sleep well, I have less willpower, I'm more likely to forgo a workout or to eat poorly, or more likely, both. We also get into bad habits/routines, that make it harder to loose or maintain our weight. So there is a lot of responsibility on each of us when it comes to getting to and then maintaining a healthy weight. Telling people it isn't their fault gives them the green light to indulge and to stop exercising, which is the exact opposite of what you should be promoting.
Also, seeing that one woman in the grocery store DOES NOT MEAN SHE IS FOLLOWING THE PLAN. You do not know if she stops off at a coffee shop every morning to get high fat, high sugar coffee that is a desert, not a healthy pick me up. You don't know if she works at a company that provides Danishes for every meeting before noon. You don't know if their husband is bringing home ice cream and potato chips, which she indulges in. You also don't know if she orders from door dash every other night. In short, you don't know shit about what she is really eating.
Unless you put her in a controlled environment where you control every calorie she consumes, and monitor every exercise she does, you don't know if she is following the plan. Shame on you for letting your guest claim that this person (a single case, another mark against this being anything you can claim to be generally true) is doing everything right and still isn't loosing weight and represents most (everybody) that is obese.
Once again, your body is fighting you, the overweight and obese have my sympathy, and those that do manage to loose and keep weight off have my upmost respect. They need far more willpower and discipline than those that have always kept the weight off. But stop telling them that they have no control over their weight. They do. They have a lot of agency when it comes to weight loss.
Lastly, these drugs are a miracle. They are a solution to many people that have not been able to muster the willpower to overcome their body's desire to stay fat, and to loose and keep their weight off. Unless we discover some long term side effects, and those side effects are worse than obesity, which is at the level of smoking with regards to be unhealthy for you, we should work to get the costs down and give them to everybody that needs them.
Basically if you're eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise you're probably ok regardless of your weight.
Maybe the number people should be concerned about is your waist size number or your body fat percentage. Why havent they mentioned this? I agree that BMI isn't necessarily a good indicator nor is the number on the scale.
Dr Cody and Dr Gupta you should evaluate The History Channel series Alone in reference to weight lose.
I have lipoedema. You can work your behind off but its still progressive and painful. It seems like effort is hardly worth it.
Ban rapists and adulterers 🐖💩
Отдыхать нужно качественно лучше. Рекомендую красное море
It’s not about Food! It’s not about What you eat. It has never been about that. It’s also not about exercise. Restrictive Dieting, fasting, keto, and overexercising to attain a smaller body is not long-term sustainable. It’s a head thing.
Everything you said is incorrect lol
People eat too much, well, it is an evolutionary imperative after all. If food is medicine, and any medicine becomes toxic if the dose gets too large.. then too much food causes toxic effects.
I tried vigorous exercise to limited effect. Restrictive dieting worked, but was torture (because it takes months and months).
Lately I have taken up "alternate-day intermittent fasting" which is a hassle, but only for 24 hrs at a time. Yeah, I've lost 4.5 gallons of fat! (1 gallon = 7.5 lbs)
Once you can fast for a day, that's it, you can lose however much fat you want. It really isn't a problem anymore.
@@PabloTheThinker Decades of First-hand experience. Diets do not work.
It's also about what you eat. You cannot be healthy if you eat junk.
People are told to consume, and so they do.
So you do what people tell you 🤔 😂
@@JustinOldman-y4h Madison Ave. tells you how to live.
A shorter life
Where is all the talk about Amazons AWT77K coming from? It is everywhere and in each comment section
To lose weight you have to be in calorie deficit. Eating healthy is never going to be the key to lose weight. You can eat the right things and consume a lot of calories. You can eat vegetables and fruits and still consume 2000 calories and another person eats one burger and consumes 800 cal/day. If you decrease calorie intake, then you won't need Ozempic because Ozempic simply works by decreasing your intake. There are calorie amounts for every category of person. Normal active human should get 2k cal. If you're sedentary and eating 2k cal, then you'll be obese.
Host and parasite
I have a washing machine, and it goes gupta gupta gupta gupta when running
So how in the hell is everyones favorite topic Amazons AWT77K ?
Na you gotta give some credits to Amazons AWT77K saving all our butts in 2024 while nobody else is even willing to give it a shot, seriously man
Trump 2024, LET'S GO, I'm voting trump, and 90% of everyone I know in Minnesota.
Getting my hopes back with Amazons AWT77K who is joining the crew?
Chasing ad revenue for Ukraine
Defund Ukraine NAZI'S 🇺🇦
Sanjay Gupta, the name, the look, he is as American as apple pie, baseball, John Wayne. Um, um,... kinda? um ,um.... I think?
Screw this! Where was this advice during corona lockdowns! No credibility