Team Thailand that EXO Surprised!😮👍
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- Team Thailand all in Perfect Synchronization!
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#kcontentsvoyage #kpop #stageK #exo #monster #dancecover
What's the program in the video?
【Stage K】
JTBC 190407 broadcast
Kai finding it hard to keep still and doing the arm movements - Baekhyun saying that's me 😂😂😂
1Kim Jungin Kai A. Phương 2 ❤ 3:06 Byun Baek Baekhyun Nguyễn Sỹ Toân 3 ❤ 3:11 Lộc Hàm Luhan Trung Quốc 4 ❤ 3:21 Do Kyungsoo D.O
I can relate 😅😂
New EXO-L and it's insane how much EXO content I've been consuming these past few months! Monster is my favourite hype song of EXO's and this group did an amazing job covering the choreography! I'd be so nervous dancing in front of the legends their song!
Me toooo!!!! Haha
3 Kim Lisa Lisalisa Solo 4 ❤ 1:10 Park Chanyeol Hánh Quốc
This is a contest but fanchant is amazing
Love the loyalty of eris , the fanchant got me ! 😮❤❤❤
1Byun Baek Baekhyun Nguyễn Sỹ Toân 2 ❤ 6:41 Do Kyungsoo D.O 1990 ❤ 6:36 Ðan Nguyên Nguyễn Sỹ Phương 2 ❤ 6:41 Lam Trương Nguyễn Sỹ Huv
Gotta be the best dance cover of Monster I have ever seen 😮😮😮😮😮😮👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 saving this video because they are awesome!! And what an honour to dance in front of the members ❤
I secretly wanted them to krump during Chanyeol's part 😂
4 Kim Taehyung V Hướng 💜 UN Village 5 ❤ 6:41 Byun Baek Baekhyun Nguyễn Sỹ Toân 6 ❤ 6:41 Do Kyungsoo D.O
Update : one of the members was debuted in a boy group called Laz1. Unfortunately, they disbanded, but he still has projects to follow. His name is Geler❤
1Lộc Hàm Luhan Trung Quốc 2 ❤ 6:41 Byun Baek Baekhyun Nguyễn Sỹ Toân 3 ❤ 6:41 Do Kyungsoo D.O 4 ❤ 6:41 Oh Sehun Hánh Quốc 5 ❤ 6:41 Suho Kim Jung Myeon
People think that EXO has unsync choreography but of you look at the whole
Group they had a lot of formation and choreo and it looks like unsync of they are taken one by one video. But im not being bias but they look so cool and amazing. Hard choreo + stable vocals= my kings❤
I like how exo-l supports them❤❤
They nailed that! 💕
Also Sandra is 100% spot on with Kai and his 'facial expressions' 😄
I’m from Thailand and I’m so proud of them just had me shock for a sec
The fanchant❤
1Park Jimin 2 ❤ 6:41 Zhang Yixing Lay Trung Quốc 3 ❤ 6:41 Oh Sehun Hành Quốc 4 ❤ 6:41 Suho Kim Jung Myeon
Woww they are lit🔥🔥😮like idols like fans 🔥💓
Expressions, dance and acrobatics were all fancy, like how exo do exactly🗣️
They are the ones that should of danced with exo . They were really impressive
Gilaaa keren bangatttt. Bangga gua sama exo L
Exo L indonesia in here❤❤❤
Wow they are super good and they killed it. 👏😲🔥
이날 우리엑소오빠들 다 심사위원에 있는게 낯설고 어색한데 너무 사랑스러워 진심으로 다 리액션을 해주고 팬서비스가 애정넘쳐....😍😍
EXO saranghaja
5 Kim Lisa Lisalisa Solo 6 ❤ 6:41 Kim Taehyung V Hướng
Press like if exo is yr faborite kpop group❤❤
Que bien que hicieron la preformance los chicos ❤ me encantaa
Kalo yg juri exo sih udah yakin dah ,dari awal expresi mereka sangat takjup padti sih mereka banyak mendapat masukan dari para member exo untuk kedepannya .semog suks
always i love exo 😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Dara is so cute and on point tho 😅😂 this show is great cos i get to see EXO seeing how much their discography is being loved and appreciated and still have a strong impact. I got goosebumps and tearful seeing all the amazing participants. Love seeing them happy, especially Jongdae 🥰
gosh, they nailed it
Scary how accurately Sandara caught that move. Only a person who watched this mv multiple times and actually focusing on it will notice it. She really wasnt kidding when she said Exo was her last idol (the last group she'd watch). Although I'm guessing her bestfriend Anna had a lot to do with this keen observation since she is an exol and KaiBaek biased 😅 the Thailand group did an amazing job. Aratom did a great job too. Same intensity, however it wasnt the same for all the members. Some lacked the fierceness but all in all it was a great performance
¡QUÉ ESPECTACULAR! Buen trabajo muchachos.
Team Thailand wins, they were on point with every move, i ❤ them👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾 Comment by Tracy Iraia 🇳🇿🌏🇳🇿 NZ 😎
The ending is so ...😘💛👍🏻
Me encantó la forma en la que captaron cada parte de ma coreo de exo h como agrapo a mos bicos sin dudas Kai esta a que se .egia a bailar con ellos❤❤
أدائهم حلو❤❤
WoW just WOW
Wow wow wow 😮❤
Proud Exo L fan
I feel like Thai people are so talented, they want to succeed so much and they’re so great at everything they do, just look at Lisa.
HOW KAI😉 Monster🙂 EZGİ
kai spolier şarkı Hli Helo 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Proud Kai 🎉🎉
Ganteng ganteng srigala
Bravo 👏 👏 👏
Lay' s part 😮😊
Exoooo seni çok özledim
بيكهيون : هذا أنا 😂❤️
1Park Jimin 2 ❤ 6:41 Zhang Yixing Lay Trung Quốc 3 ❤ 6:41 Byun Baek Baekhyun Nguyễn Sỹ Toân 4 ❤ 6:41 Kim Lisa Lisalisa Solo 5 ❤ 6:41 Do Kyungsoo D.O
3:25 3:48 EXO
1Kim Taehyung V Hướng 2 ❤ 6:41 Kim Jungin Kai A. Phương 3 ❤ 6:41 Byun Baek Baekhyun Nguyễn Sỹ Toân 4 ❤ 6:41 Do Kyungsoo D.O
Sehun 2:03 you should be illegal 🤤😳
To one cover dance just like pond Thai bl.... didn't just only me think??exo reaction the best😊
omg they r totally same
can i ask were i can watch this or whats the name of the show
Kal are you love❤
I suggest they shud invite them tgth as their backup dancer is really so good
Mungkin, anggota exo merasa mereka seperti melihat dirinya sendiri.😅
Is that geler from laz1?????
Th brp ini?😮
Exo 🫰🫰♥️ 👑💋👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑
How can I find this band?
Which show is this?
Поджог, ожог, зажигалка.... тукир.
What show is this? Where to watch?
Judul stage k exo apa sih aku mau nyari yg full😢
Ada team invasion dc ngg nh
Allah rızası için exo bölümlerini Türkçe altyazılı yapan sayfa yok mu 🥹
Вгасы топ екен ала
Kon judge kar rha h ..oh god😂😂😂😂after uncel 😝😝😝
1Park chaeyoung Kim Rose 2 ❤ 6:41 Park Chanyeol Hánh Quốc 3 ❤ 6:41 Oh Sehun Hánh Quốc 4 ❤ 6:41 Byun Baek Baekhyun Nguyễn Sỹ Toân 5 ❤ 6:41 Do Kyungsoo D.O 6 ❤ 6:41 Chen Kim Jung Dae
Топ топ топ етип
Топ менин, битиспес, жауын
Фллллфлу деген не ал?
Acara apa ini kenapa juri exo semua
Салем бердик
Its 2024
ВОт именно е
ПАлауым, палауга, ма,
АЛ шыгардык
Тажикше, шынымен, билесиз,ба, ( а ? Кандай, ), уйииди).
Казактардан, тасы,
Мынаны кра
ТУсиндин ба канат
Сизге, женщины, слабые деп , каркарк, именно, сенин, карамаганын, кушти, болды....
Вот, именно, кришня, емес, адемииикойлектер, кришня ханым, аллах, тагала, в деле...
Фукус асылымнын журимин кара
Анашын ия
Отырсын ба
Се немессин,
Саг ан канистер мазактап атыр
КОРОче, мен, топтын, кызымын, ба, не, ар, ( мынау, лидерликке, жарамайт, а ,мысан, кемпир, маа, жылама, ( аят пен, сосын ( сандуаш, серик, кызы, семиз, дау, кара катын, болдым. Кимди, кайда, акетип, бара, жатыр?
Кришня ма неол