that`s an awesome ability to have when i finally get all three paladin decks I'm going to add those quintet protection cards to my Gold Twilight Paladin Deck
MasterOfGTAAndRacing there 1 more card that is more better than quintet wall and is not a sentinel. I forgot its name. Its from the gold paladin liberators
Sick! Awesome bro
Kai VS Aichi
ethics buster reverse is so OP! 23000 WTF
haha kamui lost to quintet wall twice in a row.
that`s an awesome ability to have when i finally get all three paladin decks I'm going to add those quintet protection cards to my Gold Twilight Paladin Deck
MasterOfGTAAndRacing there 1 more card that is more better than quintet wall and is not a sentinel. I forgot its name. Its from the gold paladin liberators
fair enough
Bullet-Sky O'Connor its this card :D,_Guinevere
MonkeyTrusts AMV
That is a ridiculously good shield card.
Aichi VS Kai