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- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
- Welcome to this video! We managed to create these mobs and objects using Artificial Intelligence with 16 hours of work.
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🎵 Song: DEAF KEV - Invincible [NCS Release] 🎵
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🎵 Song: Elektronomia - Sky High [NCS Release] 🎵
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Watch: • Elektronomia - Sky Hig...
..These are AI generated....😢
Edit: oh my gosh, thanks so much for the heart!!! I don't usually get hearts since I'm usually late to videos
They should put these mobs in the minecraft movie then it will look perfect
Thanks for giving me a like
I’m sorry but these mobs in real life does not look similar at all
Thanks 😊👍🏻
The creeper is a jerk. 😂😂😂
I Really Love Minecraft!❤🔥
Great video as always!🔥❤
Lets all take a moment to realise he put MAGMA CREAM, WITCH IS CLEARLY AN ITEM, in the video.
they look kinda cool
my favourite was glow squid
my least favourite was easily the witch, she's chopped asf
gardian, wardan, breeze, eye of ender, heart of the sea, wither, strider bottle o' enchanting
bogged, allay, endermen, emerald, slime, drowned, monster spawner, vex, command block, cactus, stray, baby zombie, diamond block, villager, ravager and wither skeleton are my favorite
The creeper really matters it’s name is really creepy. So As a zombie horse in the weather
Ok why is the ended dragon in real life actually so cute 💜🖤
Edit: imagine if these were real though 💀
The breeze is 😎
I like the green Axolotl the most.
Time to see the amazing green axolotl that doesn’t exist
ender dragon,mooshroom,breeze,brown mooshroom, gardian,ender pearl,spider jockey,heart of the sea,wither,strider,zombie horse, wither skeloton jockey,botle o chanting,bogged,allay!!!
Wich is least
Mostrou is best
The dragon was sooo cute the gast was cool but scared me a bit the iron golom looked like the wild robot I liked the ally the evoker looked like a Harry Potter caricher(i know i spelled that wrong but idc)
The ender dragon is cute🐉😊
Warden is the coolest ender man scariest
I love the breeze
Is a green axolotl actually in Minecraft though???
Dragon ❤❤
I think the silverfish is to big No offense
Ender dragon is cute 🥰
Where’s the wither storm?💜
To attract views, Ahmed, but you must never lie.
Ender pearl golden apple eye of ender heart of the sea elder guardian wither strider hoglin iron golem piglin brute
that AI😂
The green axolotl and the illusioner didn't even get to add it to Minecraft😂😂😂😂
Well yeah da illousiner can be summoned with commands but not the green axotl
Same with ravager
I don’t like the elder guardian or the wither
Yes sir
My favorite is Warden and the ender dragon and the illusioner
This is not real 😮😮😮😮
It is an Edit.
I am doing Kumon so I am sooo smart.
By the way Kumon Is at cressex school
I joined for wither storm, WHERE IS IT!!
Exactly 🤨
By the way is actually cave spider not spider cave how could you mess up something that badly I mean like it's very obvious.😂
My favorite Minecraft mob Is the Ender Dragon in my own opinion
Not real at all Bro???? What were you thinking Bro????
The fact that they are all AI generated🤣
Spider cave is not a mob cave spider 🕷️ is
nice one video
saya suka❤
I think I like the ender dragon and the heart of the sea 🌊
Ayo sus
Ender dragon warden ghast guardian blaze
Not the wich I love ender dragon axolotl and breze bottl o enchanting
Bro I remember watching these 10 years ago lol
the real life allay. it is better then how i make the drawing.
I love the Enders drogon
I think wither storm is alian in war of the world film
The blaze is so cool in real life
the illusioner looks like AN ALIEN
In objects I like dimound blocks
And in mobs I like wither
I love minecraft so much
My least favorite Minecraft mob is the cave spider in my own opinion
My 2 faveorite are the warden and strider
i think that the warden and the dragon look the best
I do not like the fast the tentacles need to be white an on the bottom
vex blaze wither skeleton jockey allay wither skeleton
I like the command block but its not a mob
Esto merece una segunda parte
But the warden doesn’t have eyes.
And the warden's "horns" aren't actually horns, they're suposed to be antlers as far i know (sorry bad english :v)
That blaze looking op😂
Endre dragon❤❤😊
Warden & Enderdragon & Ghast & Wither & Command Block & Green Axolotl Are Good 💚
Yes, they are beautiful!
@@ObsidianCraft-er3zz I agree
@@ObsidianCraft-er3zzThanks Obsidian Craft, You're The Best!
I Have 1.1K Videos And Listen To Them Just Now. I Have Minecraft Videos Too & Don't Worry, Come And Enjoy!
Quiero que demuestres cómo es la vida de la torre en la vida real
i liked the mushroom cow The most And I liked The Witch the
My fave is the ender dragon
Green axolotl green axolotl it’s blue axolotl pink axolotl I don’t care why green axolotl
To glow octopus not as glow squid
Brrruh green axolotl was in the caves and cliffs trailer while that was a SQUID
Brown and gold to and I never heard of a green axolotl in Minecraft I only think there is blue,pink,brown,gold or white.
I like the wardin the best
My favorite Most guardians one is the guardian,
Ngl ai always gets guardians and elder guardians horribly wrong😂😂😂
Favourite:wither not Favourite:enderman
The emerald looks so cool
My favorite was the ender dragon and my least favorite is the guardian
I love warden and enterdragon
Command blocks do spawn mob so it should be a mob
I LOVE MINECRAFT❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Creeper na 17 srdíček❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ender dragon best creeper needs work
Warden Wither Storm Wither Ender dragon
They where the best
Botel os enchanting
It’s a spider jockey
I really like the alley
I like the Warden the most
The mooshroom cow does not have a lot of mooshroom on is neck
Bro the green axolotl didn't even get added to Minecraft
Allay is my favorite/
spider is not my favorite
Green axolotl ender dragon my least favourite is the warden
Are you Robot?
No bro, you?
Warden and the dragon and mushroom magma cream piglin breeze gaurdiAn blaze
I like the warden
warden is cool