scammer.Countries where you can make money? Why should the state tax the population? Even though people cannot make money. What does the state make money for?why don't you go to school to learn how to make money? After graduating from school, why should you earn money?Why doesn't the state set up a school majoring in design and printing money? After graduating, why are you required to earn money?
Penjelasan Narasumbernya mudah dipahami, saya orang biasa yg tidak ada latar belakang ekonomi ini bisa paham
Parah! █DEWADORA█ bikin nagih banget, susah berhenti!
Modal kecil aja bisa untung besar di █DEWADORA█, luar biasa!
semoga ihsg ngacir january sampe maret
saham judi woy! kata bapak presiden! gimana sih, tutup aja bursa efek!
Jakpot hari ini bikin hidup makin semangat, cuma di █DEWADORA█!
Tapi kurang off tahun 2025 2099 pengemis kurang off
IHSG baru bisa naik kalau prabowo sudah tidak jadi presiden lagi
gile gile mantul ▒░░█DEWADORA█░░▒▒▓ jepeeee lagi 5 jt !
█DEWADORA█ benar-benar yang terunggul, sangat saya rekomendasikan!
scammer.Countries where you can make money? Why should the state tax the population? Even though people cannot make money. What does the state make money for?why don't you go to school to learn how to make money? After graduating from school, why should you earn money?Why doesn't the state set up a school majoring in design and printing money? After graduating, why are you required to earn money?
Jakpot hari ini bikin aku makin semangat, cuma di █DEWADORA█!
Mantap pol main di █DEWADORA█, cuan terus setiap hari!
Keberuntungan saya bener-bener gacir di █DEWADORA█, nggak nyangka!
Modal kecil aja bisa untung besar di █DEWADORA█, luar biasa!