Different reactions when petting Siamese, Ragdoll and Russian Blue cats

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024
  • Anyone wondering about the peace lily in the beginning of the video: Yes, it is mildly toxic to cats. We have moved it to a new place so the cats don’t get as close to it. Thank you for telling me.
    Turns out Nisse is probably an Applehead Siamese cat, not a Burmese! Updated title to reflect this.

ความคิดเห็น • 750

  • @TheVerbalVolley
    @TheVerbalVolley 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1134

    We have had Siamese cats since I was 12 years old. All had special qualities, none more so than the first one we owned, a Seal Point Siamese, whom we named SuLyn. (We had no idea when we named her that SuLyn translated into "something special" in English. How appropriate that we unknowingly gave her that name). SuLyn was indeed "something special". She would sit on the steps when it was time for me to arrive home from school via the school bus. She seemed to have an internal clock. She would wait for me, and I would come home, pick her up and carry her like one would carry a baby. She was very family oriented but I was her favorite and she followed me around like a dog would (or a small child). At night, we always slept together. She would sleep, under the covers, in the nook of my arm, pressing herself against my side. Like all Siamese, she knew she was 'special' and would let out a low meow when I moved because it disturbed her. This was another character trait that I found so endearing about her, and it made me smile. She passed away two weeks before her 23rd birthday, and I miss her to this day.

    • @denisekinzle1672
      @denisekinzle1672 2 ปีที่แล้ว +39

      Yes like a dog.I just got one from kill shelter with 3 legs.She is beautiful & loves to be danced with like my 15 yr old.I love the breed for being so smart & loving

    • @dinavienna
      @dinavienna 2 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      My Burmese boy was exactly like you described only he slept pressed against my lower leg .. I miss him so much

    • @jcabb1
      @jcabb1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      My Siamese would follow me around like a dog too, just his presence around home was comforting. Half of his nose was pink & he’d sit in the sun all day & had developed nose cancer. He was very affectionate only when he wanted to be. Miss him so much.

    • @magmat0585
      @magmat0585 2 ปีที่แล้ว +60

      I had to put my cat down 5 days ago, not a siamese, just a mut that my family and i had rescued from the kennel when he was about 1-2 years old. I ended up having him almost 20 years, from when i was in 8th grade all the way till i was 31. He would wake me up in the mornings and would push me to go to bed at night, where he would always hop up onto my stomach, give me a little headbop goodnight, and then snuggle either next to me or on my lap until i went to sleep. Now every day I get up and he's not there, I keep checking my surroundings thinking he'll be sleeping on the couch behind me, or expecting him to come and jump up on my lap for a hug

    • @TheVerbalVolley
      @TheVerbalVolley 2 ปีที่แล้ว +28

      @@magmat0585 What a beautiful post. We were both so lucky to have our beloved "children" in our lives for as long as we did.

  • @jackiesparrow919
    @jackiesparrow919 2 ปีที่แล้ว +384

    We had a Russian Blue when I was a kid and he was the sweetest. He’d let us put baby doll bonnets on him, stick him in a doll stroller and roll him around the house! He also played fetch! He’d always bring the ball back and drop it at our feet. He didn’t like being carried so much, he loved snuggles and pets instead. The best kitty ever!

    • @faithworldleader6891
      @faithworldleader6891 2 ปีที่แล้ว +31

      Mine was a cuddler too. He loved opera, especially Puccini, and would run upstairs to watch Poirot with me. A highly cultured kitty.

    • @theangriestcatintheworld
      @theangriestcatintheworld 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Mine liked to play fetch as well. Lovely wee boy, and he had no fear-- adventure cat!

    • @glorial1569
      @glorial1569 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Every little girl needs a kitty like that.

    • @barbaraarnzen5181
      @barbaraarnzen5181 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Power to you!

    • @carolm4545
      @carolm4545 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      My Russian Blue loved pets and brushing. He also opened the doors! I miss him!😻

  • @Lotusblume.8
    @Lotusblume.8 2 ปีที่แล้ว +293

    I don’t think it has that much to do with breed. I think it really just is their personalities. I had a Siamese who was the cuddliest ever and was glued to me and on my shoulders whenever I cooked, cleaned or anything. He had to be there. 💗

    • @julierawlins5984
      @julierawlins5984 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      True it is the given temperament also the mood also the hand that was stroking the other two cats may influence behavior. Who knows

    • @Bassbarbie
      @Bassbarbie 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I agree that much is to do with their personalities, and also their age. My current cat would never sit on our lap in her early years (her brother from the same litter was the opposite). At 16yrs she wants cuddles all the time.

    • @erynn9968
      @erynn9968 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      You don’t know much about breeds if you think that the breed has nothing to do with personality. Character is one of a breed’s characteristics, along with the appearance and gene history (say, hairy Sphynxes don’t look like Sphynxes but they are 100% Sphynxes by genes). Btw the one in the vid is not Siamese - at its best it’s a breed now called Thai, but maybe just a color-pointed stray. Though some branches of Thai have ‘defected’ aggressive character. Many ppl think the breed doesn’t matter cause they are fast to incorrectly label breeds just based on similarity, without a good knowledge of breed’s standard. ‘Blue coat? It’s Russian Blue! Flat nose? It’s Persian!’ No it doesn’t work like this.
      The only exception is traumatised cats - they’d behave differently from their breed. But that’s psychological disorder rather than character.

    • @madmatt2024
      @madmatt2024 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@erynn9968 My grandmother had two purebred Siamese, one liked to be petted and the other didn't. You would pet the one that didn't like it and she would just look at you like "How dare you touch me, peasant!" Other aspects of their personalities were vastly different as well.

    • @dunxy
      @dunxy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I agree, all cats have their own personalities. Some breeds do have likely traits but even in those breeds there will be completely different personalities.

  • @tampa_native8457
    @tampa_native8457 2 ปีที่แล้ว +166

    Yep, that's exactly how my neighbors Ragdolls are. They just flop over and enjoy the moment.

  • @Rextum
    @Rextum 2 ปีที่แล้ว +450

    1.Siamese: ”I don’t like it, but I will tolerate it”.
    3.Russian Blue: ”Yeah dude whatever”
    2.Ragdoll: ”RubSie tImeS…. LuVin iT!”

    • @vanessaandreatta9098
      @vanessaandreatta9098 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ahahah I adopted both! One was given to me, the siamese cat was rescue.
      They are both females, 2 years apart...
      Imagine you have in the same room Snoop Dogg and Chris Rock... Guess which one is which 😅

  • @joesmith201212
    @joesmith201212 2 ปีที่แล้ว +417

    I used to have a ragdoll and oh man she was the sweetest damn cat ever!!!! She always wanted you to pet her and she always wanted to be right by you, she was like a little dog. I really was so luck to have had her and even til this day she is still my favorite. They really do just enjoy human company..... sadly she passed away due to age when she was 16 years old.

    • @serinadelmar6012
      @serinadelmar6012 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      sounds gorgeous. bless her, they are so beautiful too, inside and out. I’ve a rescued Tonkinese, less in love with affection but so sweet. if the shelter ever has a ragdoll I think I might have to home it!

    • @BreMue
      @BreMue 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      I adopted a ragdoll kitten a couple years ago and I will be hard pressed to want another breed after her. She is the sweetest thing and is such a little snuggler

    • @joesmith201212
      @joesmith201212 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@BreMue it so true I've had about 3 other cats before my ragdoll kitty and they were all so much more different and more independent... my ragdoll always wanted to be by my side or another family member and always wanted to be petted... it was so strange to see a cat act like that.

    • @smokingcrab2290
      @smokingcrab2290 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Ragdolls are just so happy to be touched

    • @HughLlewellyn
      @HughLlewellyn 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Aww. I'm so sorry you lost your baby. I have two 13 year old ragdolls and they both have different personalities. One doesn't really like being picked up but she's learned to relax as she's gotten older... but, she needs to always be with me. I call her my puppy girl. She's always near me, and follows me from room to room. The other one is more independent, but she does the true ragdoll thing of going completely limp when I pick her up. Both of them sprawl when they're lying down and I pet them. These are the first purebred cats I've ever had (all my others were rescues) and they are definitely different from any cats I've had (I've had a lot). I really love my ragdoll's unique personalities. 💖

  • @Esiaa
    @Esiaa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +76

    Yup, that's how ragdolls behave. They just flop in front of you and roll on their backs. I used to grab my roommates cat, kiss him all over and then let him go. His face expression as he looked at me was hilarious. The audacity of me! But he always came back for more affection. Or to complain. He was a very vocal kitty.

  • @dietergoldschmitt9651
    @dietergoldschmitt9651 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1559

    I have a Tonkinese cat for about 6 years now. I adopted him from a kill shelter that said his time was up in 2 days. He didn't respond well to people that looked to adopt him so no one did. I felt bad for the little guy so I did. He still responds the same way but he did warm up to me he just doesn't like to be patted. But he loves to be brushed. I can live with that. I love the little guy and would miss him if he wasn't here with me.

    • @CHRISTINE162004
      @CHRISTINE162004 2 ปีที่แล้ว +72

      Thank you for doing that 💕🙏

    • @denisekinzle1672
      @denisekinzle1672 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      They have bind with you Usually only one person I have 15 yr old & a 7 Mon. old three legged one They are my fav breed for being more like a dog.

    • @dietergoldschmitt9651
      @dietergoldschmitt9651 2 ปีที่แล้ว +55

      @@CHRISTINE162004 The pleasures been all mine. He is a little odd and cowers when I first come home but comes out of it in a few seconds. I don't know what his life was like before I adopted him. I'm assuming not very good. He is skittish at best but is very sweet and will lay next to me on the couch as long as I don't pet him. I can here him run around when I'm not in the same room. But he is my little buddy while watching tv.

    • @dietergoldschmitt9651
      @dietergoldschmitt9651 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@denisekinzle1672 good luck with the little guy. He just a normal 3 legged cat. I agree that they are dog like. I've had Tonkinese in the past that would play fetch and retrieve. Just not this time around and as I mentioned I'm o.k. with that. He's a big spoiled baby I can tell you that and he is adorable with his little blue eyes.

    • @Cattitude48
      @Cattitude48 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      We had two Tonks years ago. They are the best. One of ours fetched too. Great personalities. Hard to find them though.

  • @mindyenglish5305
    @mindyenglish5305 2 ปีที่แล้ว +150

    I have a Ragdoll. They will let anyone touch them, they're so docile and trusting. The Russian Blue knows how gorgeous he is, he's just checking to see that your hands are clean before you touch him. They are so beautiful. I've never had two Siamese cats with the same personality, though. They're just like my regular, sturdy mixed breed house cats. Some are sweet, some are snobs, some are scared of everything. But even the nastiest cat I know is still better than the nicest human I know.

    • @wildHEARTwarriorXD
      @wildHEARTwarriorXD 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I couldn't agree more with that last sentence!

    • @rmp7400
      @rmp7400 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Oh dear human - you do need to meet a better quality of people!
      Most thoughtful and heartfelt I've met have all fled persecution in other countries ( Iraq, Poland, Syria) and are relying on Holy God to help them with their new chances at life here in the USA. They know what grief and terror is, and exhibit gracious, heroic friendship.

    • @Marlaina
      @Marlaina 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Maybe if humans valued each other more there would be less wars in the world, which are escalating at a drastic speed.

    • @Princess_Katherine
      @Princess_Katherine 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Last part of your comment is right on point. And then they will call you “a crazy cat person” lol

  • @rkdazet
    @rkdazet 2 ปีที่แล้ว +217

    Your Siamese reminds me of my late best friend, Max. He was the most gentle cat ever and even if they didn't want to be pet, he would never act aggressively as some cats do when they don't want to be touched. Also important to note that male and female cats of the various species will react differently. From my experience male cats tend to be more affectionate and "teddy bear-like" and female cats a bit more fussy may not always like to be touched or pet. But that is just my experience. Our family have had Siamese cat family members over many years. Max was the best of them all! 🥲

    • @clnacats
      @clnacats  2 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      When our siamese acts like on this video, it’s usually a sign he needs to be brushed. Right after we brush him (or take him for a walk) he’s usually much happier about getting pets.

    • @susannakaram5410
      @susannakaram5410 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      Hello, My Madeline is an 'Applehead' Siamese. She is extremely affectionate, loves to be petted, and, until very recently loved to be brushed, full body.
      Sadly, at a late age to develop this, she now has FHS Feline Hyperesthasia Syndrome. This is why some cats will no longer want you to touch them past their shoulders. Their backs will sometimes look ripply, fur not smooth.
      Siamese who can be a bit OCD with preening,
      will begin to lick themselves excessively, and, as they accelerate, moving toward their hind quarters, they will go into a seizure. They latch on and will flip off of furniture, window sills, kitty trees etc. I had to buy soft, padded cones for Maddy (14 and 8 mos), so if she went into a seizure when I was asleep or not home she wouldn't get hurt.
      FHS also causes their brains to manifest neuropathy in their back and sides , making them painful to touch.
      Internet will tell you this syndrome is extremely rare happening mostly to purebreds with Siamese at the top of the list. It will also say that it starts at about age 5. Maddy was 12 and 8 mos at onset.
      There is no cure. Some vets will use Gabapentin. The most important thing is to keep them as Calm as possible. CHEWY carries Homeopathic anxiety medication. CBD for Cats is also good for Anxiety.

    • @kmwk5c
      @kmwk5c 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I have the same experience. My male cats are more like "babies" and my female cats are more independent.

    • @thegirlglaceon
      @thegirlglaceon 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I had a Siamese mix named Max too! He was such a sweetie, he loved pets so much and he liked to lick a lot!

    • @CelesticCF
      @CelesticCF 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      This is common in Maine Coons as well. Males are very "goofy" and females tend to be more prim and proper. But both are extremely affectionate.

  • @meowingfurfacelover4099
    @meowingfurfacelover4099 2 ปีที่แล้ว +66

    It can depend on the purrsonality too. But I own 2 Raggies and yeah that’s them. They’re super clingy follow me everywhere, always sleep next to me and love affection.

  • @thaliacrafts407
    @thaliacrafts407 2 ปีที่แล้ว +46

    Got two cats from a shelter. I think they are either fully Siamese or at least 95% or so. Never had more affectionate cats in my life ❤️

  • @lolacookie453
    @lolacookie453 2 ปีที่แล้ว +72

    All your babies are lovely!
    I had two Siamese babies who were like Velcro, they couldn’t get enough attention, pets, belly rubs from me or anyone who walked into the house. When people would come over they would go from person to person to say hello and keep doing it on loop. One of them would go from room to room, wake everyone up with tender head butts then come back to bed with me 😂
    I miss them both so much but I am so grateful I have so many great memories with them. Amazing amazing cats 🥰🥰🥰

    • @dinavienna
      @dinavienna 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      My cat did the exact same thing. He felt it was necessary to be just with humans around .. also the going from bed to bed and waking people to make sure they knew kitty was with them again for an hour or so 😂😂

  • @haachamachama7
    @haachamachama7 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The Siamese cat was like "OH! Thank you that feels nice... Okay... Okay that's enough!"

  • @susiealavi1425
    @susiealavi1425 2 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    My rag doll Persian mix is completely relaxed and rolls around giving head bumps purring and full of ❤️

  • @beggar1015
    @beggar1015 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    First cat: Okay, that's enough. I said that's enough.
    Second cat: Yes, worship me, human. Worship me!
    Third cat: Eh, whatever.

  • @nadinewilliams6465
    @nadinewilliams6465 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I have a ragdoll and one cat is Maine Coon. They act like a dog. The Rag thinks I am his. He is very attached. The MC makes everyone giggle and love him. Even non cat people. But all of my pets have lovely, unique personalities.

  • @donnaleeah5075
    @donnaleeah5075 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I have a simple tabby rescue. She's very loving and will go to anyone though she prefers me. I'm so happy she adopted me. Sweet baby girl.

  • @princessmelvin5098
    @princessmelvin5098 2 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    this makes me love rag dolls even more

  • @Lookup33
    @Lookup33 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    That first cat was ambivalent but the second cat looked at you like “oh word? 👁👁 It’s petting season? Ok cool let me just go on head and lay down then” 😂

  • @FacheChanteDeux
    @FacheChanteDeux 2 ปีที่แล้ว +47

    Omg, the expression on your Russian Blue's face! She would say wtf dude? if she could speak. Lol! Beautiful kitties.

  • @Junitunes
    @Junitunes 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I’m holding one right now.
    When I’m not holding her she’ll meow and sound so upset, but once I hold her she flops completely in my arms, her head hangs and it’s fricken adorable

  • @amandamcgowan8558
    @amandamcgowan8558 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I havr a 4yr old rag doll. A 6yr tuxedo. A 13 yr tortoise calico. & a 2yr solid black. Used to have a blue Russian. But she passed 10 yr ago. They r so beautiful!!💚😍😘

  • @balthasardenner5216
    @balthasardenner5216 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Yeah Applehead Siamese! I love to see it!

    • @clnacats
      @clnacats  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I have some more videos featuring him scheduled to be published in the coming days! :)

  • @lennylennardson6115
    @lennylennardson6115 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I got 2 Ragdoll Boys, Brothers. They are so adorable and I love them more than anything. If they sleep you have heaven, but when they play it’s like American Gladiators. They don’t hurt each other, but play very wild.

  • @agiles6483
    @agiles6483 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This is exactly how our little Siamese mix three year old girl acts when petted. I thought I was doing something wrong. When it’s her idea she can be very loving and even asks for pets.

  • @Gencoil
    @Gencoil 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I love how the second one is like "alright, here she comes, assume the position".

  • @patriciawalters6778
    @patriciawalters6778 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    So typical! LOL!
    Siamese: Ok, you can touch me. Well maybe not. Ok, go ahead. But...no. Ok, then, if you must.
    Ragdoll: Yes! Yes! Yesssssss! AAAAAH!
    Russian Blue: Oh, you wish to touch me? Fine, but don't get in the way.

  • @dawnadriana1764
    @dawnadriana1764 2 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    My Burmese looks exactly like this cat but with long hair. I've found most cats prefer short strokes, esp on their backs, so I give her more of a gentle massage which she loves. She's 15 and every day with her is precious to me.

    • @Misticasorellaraissa
      @Misticasorellaraissa 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      So my cat Vicky is a burmese lol. She only likes my brothers attention but she shows her butt to be petted. 🤭

  • @briannehawks613
    @briannehawks613 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Yeah, between my boyfriend and I, we have five cats. All mixed and they all react differently to being petted. I doubt it's the pedigree and is more personality.

  • @rochelimit55555
    @rochelimit55555 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Ragdoll is the best name for a breed with the best petting reaction

  • @clicheguevara5282
    @clicheguevara5282 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    My girls, Mochi and Sushi are a Ragdoll and a Russian blue. They’re absolute sweethearts.

    • @Misticasorellaraissa
      @Misticasorellaraissa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Lovely names. My Mia is a russian blue, she loves being with us. Ragdolls are amazing. 💜

    • @angiekay6874
      @angiekay6874 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My Snowshoe Siamese are Mochi and Suki 💗 So cute!

    • @honey988
      @honey988 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      My cats name is sushi too 😂😂

  • @gulfmarine8857
    @gulfmarine8857 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Yup. Rags just go "raggy". I love 'em.

  • @Markworth
    @Markworth 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Good ol' Siamese. Every interaction is like starting over from scratch, always ending with "Now see? You like attention!"

    @DOLRED 2 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    My impression: Cats clean themselves and some do not want human scent/oil on their fur. Petting one cat and then another transfers a scent to the other cat's fur. Some object. Another thought, maybe cats have the impression you are marking them just as they mark you by rubbing their bodies across your legs. That Chocolate point was not enjoying it but being Siamese, he /she restrained responding--good kitty. It does not matter if you wash your hands with soap. They may not like the soap odor either.

  • @GeneralChangFromDanang
    @GeneralChangFromDanang 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    We've got a dilute tortie that we think might be part rag doll. This video definitely lends more evidence to it. She will lay on her side and then roll over on her back and expect belly rubs.

  • @jennifercarter9047
    @jennifercarter9047 2 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    I breed ragdolls. They are one of the most affectionate and loving breeds. My babies are beyond loving since they are treated like my kids. My parents can't get over how much their new kitten adores them. Best cat ever!

    • @cindylutz7442
      @cindylutz7442 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I have to agree. We inherented two Ragdoll brothers from my in-laws. They are hairy to the max and can be incredibly loud, but besides being super loving, very humorous (especially the one with the "close set eyes" (just a tiny bit cross-eyed?)) and great company for each other, at nearly 16 years old, they've been outstandingly healthy.

    • @annarae2396
      @annarae2396 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cindylutz7442 the amount of hair can be a bit overwhelming. 😳 I swear I sweep up the equivalent of my ragdoll everyday.

  • @Claudi771
    @Claudi771 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I love your cats; I still think due to the overflowing amount of cats (& dogs) I’m VERY aware OF from my volunteer work in shelter:ADOPT DONT SHOP!!!!!!😻

  • @thefunkiestswag
    @thefunkiestswag 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Russian Blues and Ragdolls are my favourite cats but I think all cats are beautiful 🐈💗🐱

  • @princeapoopoo5787
    @princeapoopoo5787 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The ragdoll reminds me so much of my old Persian. Little guy just loved to flop over for pets. He was so loveable.

  • @Johnny_Is_Dead
    @Johnny_Is_Dead 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    A few years ago, I eagerly rescued a Siamese. He was a stray who hung around our neighborhood with rotten teeth, scars on his head, a chunk missing from his ear. He HATED people. After some much needed dental treatment, feeding and love, he’s now such a love bug. He’s also a very special boy! I suffer with Depression, Anxiety and PTSD. He KNOWS when I’m unwell in my mind, and will lovingly sit on my chest and won’t leave my side until I’m feeling better. I’ve owned many cats who were all special in their own ways, none were this in tune with me! He’s such a wonderful cat. I’m so grateful he’s part of my family, as he really does help me feel better when I feel alone ❤️

  • @anthonymunn8633
    @anthonymunn8633 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I once had a Siamese.I had always heard they would tear you to pieces if you touched him,he was just the opposite.If I was reading a paper or book,you'd see paws knocking it out of the way so he could clamp his paws on either side of your face and he would "groom" you nonstop!

  • @Janelou42
    @Janelou42 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    We had a shy/nervous siamese-oriental mix.. who ran off in the beginning, changed to what the siamese does and us totally like that ragdoll now (but only towards us)

    • @clnacats
      @clnacats  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It seems like they change what they like when they grow older, it’s fun to see their development! 😄

  • @AmberU
    @AmberU 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    They are all beautiful i had a Siamese as a kid and a rescue for 17 years my he rest in peace but the Russian blue is stunning and the rag doll of course is the most loving. Siamese are pretty vocal.

  • @elenafoleyfoley168
    @elenafoleyfoley168 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Beautiful cats 🖤🐈🐈🐈🖤 Ragdolls are supposed to be the most lovable and cuddliest breed. Great family cats as they love to interact with their humans alot 🖤🖤🖤

  • @shelby-st1to
    @shelby-st1to 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I have a Fire Point Siamese and he's a jerk! He will not let me pick him up, hold him, pet him with my hands, but can pet him with my feet. Eats his food in his food bowl only, he's so cross eyed he has a hard time distinguishing object..but, by golly he can spot a fly on the ceiling.. he's a good cat. He doesn't tear up my furniture or mini blinds, he has one wood chair he uses as a scratch post (I pulled it from the garbage) , he doesn't jump upon kitchen cabinets or tables.. he will not go outside.. he loves yogurt..

    • @clnacats
      @clnacats  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Haha, he sounds like a nice cat :) Have you tried petting him with a hair brush, furminator (or similar), a comb and so on? Our siamese has a favourite brush that he almost always allows us to pet him with, and often times he even lays flat on the ground to relax while he’s brushed.

  • @tonidozier4573
    @tonidozier4573 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I had a bluepoint Siamese mix male who was adorable. He was my “soulmate” through elementary, middle, and high school. When young children were over, he hid under my bed. I would check on him while the kids were there. I would call him once and he would come out because he knew I wouldn’t have kids with me. He knew he was safe with me.

  • @bufnyfan1
    @bufnyfan1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Other than their "special person" Russian Blue's are very skittish around anyone they don't know. My Russian Blue would run and hide when someone they didn't know came to visit. Forget about trying to pet/interact with her. If I had the misfortune of holding her when someone came to the door she would dig her claws into my arm out of anxiety

    • @TheLucidLuxray
      @TheLucidLuxray 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My orange shorthair tabby does the same. I think it has more to do with their personality traits and history than breed.

    • @suelyons531
      @suelyons531 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Exactly the same as my Russian Blue. It was such an honor to be her special person.

  • @jenniferquackenbush7458
    @jenniferquackenbush7458 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    All so beautiful with different personalities. 🐾❤️🐾

  • @alessiadesanctis3614
    @alessiadesanctis3614 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I had 5 Russian blue in my life. Now I have 3. They are like humans. Everyone has his own personality. When I cuddle them, Tito starts to kiss with his tongue then jumps on my shoulders, Jimbo lies down stretching out, rolling and shows off his belly, Nena talks and start to push her head against my body walking around me.

    • @wolfiesasha887
      @wolfiesasha887 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I have one too, she has such an amazing and strong personality

    • @alessiadesanctis3614
      @alessiadesanctis3614 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@wolfiesasha887 Lot of happiness with your blue princess! 😍

    • @wolfiesasha887
      @wolfiesasha887 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@alessiadesanctis3614 true !! ❤️❤️❤️

    • @alessiadesanctis3614
      @alessiadesanctis3614 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@wolfiesasha887 May your life always be full of love, sweetheart 😍

    • @wolfiesasha887
      @wolfiesasha887 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@alessiadesanctis3614 thank you ! Same with yours 🔮and with lots of cats 💜

  • @dianathomas7592
    @dianathomas7592 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I have owned 3 Siamese, two females and a male. Never had any of them refuse to be petted. I currently own a Russian Blue male. He wasn't so much into petting when I got him, but after 3 years with me he is very friendly and often comes to me for loving. I currently also own a Calico (female of course) and she hates being held, but will often let me scratch her tummy, just don't try to hold her...

  • @sandramoore8903
    @sandramoore8903 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Siamese are wonderful cats!

  • @SC-de5to
    @SC-de5to 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you for sharing your three beautiful kitties. What gorgeous creatures they are, melts my heart.
    I grew up with Siameses, brother and sister who were both so friendly and very cuddly, always wanting pets from anyone.
    I have a Maine Coon now. She is soft and gentle but only likes pets on her terms sadly so I cherish the rare occasions she sits on me.
    All cats are individuals and such great companions. I wouldn't be without one at home, makes life seem complete.

    • @hayliabrown5886
      @hayliabrown5886 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maine Coon's are my favorite! I had one until he was 20, just the absolute best cat in the world. He was always there for me, so sweet and beautiful! 😍

  • @alm5693
    @alm5693 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Siamese: "I find this bothersome."
    Ragdoll: "I shall appear indifferent."
    Russian Blue: "I am not of a mood. Begone!"

  • @mariakristinahawl1640
    @mariakristinahawl1640 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Ragdoll..... acts just like my own. Russian blue..... also acts the same way when petted. ♡

  • @DTJKS
    @DTJKS 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    All stunning cats 💕… Great owner, much respect.

    • @clnacats
      @clnacats  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you very much!

  • @tbelding
    @tbelding 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    We have two cats - both rescues. One's Russian Blue, but pretty obviously not pure. Fur is longer, but still that double layer coat, and same mannerisms as yours. He likes being body petted, but after a certain number, flips over and turns into a 'let's play, I want to rip your arm apart' mode. However, the only punctures and tears I've received were from pulling my hand away suddenly. He's never done more than dent the skin with all his clawing and gnawing. Dumped in a park at less than 8 weeks old. The other is a Tuxedo cat (probably american shorthair), and he acts like your siamese. Put your hand over his head to pet him, and he drops it down to the floor to try to escape (yet he demands constant petting, and being in your lap). The russian blue? He will jam his head into my hand as I lower it to his head.

  • @christinejohnson2839
    @christinejohnson2839 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    We had a 6 week old Siamese kitten dumped at the emergency room where I work. It took me two weeks to catch her. I introduced her to my Ragdoll after two weeks quarantine. It's two months later now and the two of them love each other so much. Tinka - the ragdoll - is such a good "mother" to Rosie - the Siamese - when they aren't ripping through the house chasing each other, that is.
    You have three beautiful babies there.

    • @clnacats
      @clnacats  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It’s so nice to see when cats accept kittens and help raise them when needed.

  • @hilde6811
    @hilde6811 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Beautiful cats 🐈 😻.. I had 0nes a siamese .. Tobby.. he was a sweetheart ❤️ 💕.. I mis him ...

  • @LisaCooper-thevegan-123
    @LisaCooper-thevegan-123 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The second one looks just like my Robin! So cute!😁😁♥️♥️♥️

  • @cato.732
    @cato.732 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    All your cats are beautiful. I have 2 ragdoll sisters who I adore. They are 3 months and extremely affectionate with every member of our family.

    • @clnacats
      @clnacats  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you! We try to care for them as best we can! It is so much fun to see their personalities develop when they grow

  • @KeysFlavour
    @KeysFlavour 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Such a beautiful cute Cat ,im lovin it 😍😊.

  • @markrichards6863
    @markrichards6863 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was adopted by two stray tabbies. One is a clown, loves to be carried around but doesn't like being petted. The other cat is made of velcr,, live being petted, groomed, cuddled. I've always been a dog person, bur these cats are great company.

  • @CR-wk2re
    @CR-wk2re 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Such beautiful babies!!!

  • @juliekoot7739
    @juliekoot7739 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I was going to say , that the lily in the video is toxic to cats and animals. Im so Happy you have moved it

  • @mplwy
    @mplwy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That's about right for a Ragdoll, even some mixes. Lol!

  • @mandysimmons2769
    @mandysimmons2769 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Last year I got a black fluffy boy ( with ragdoll qualities ) his mom was a common black short hair but I think his dad was a Maine coon? He looks at his sister and he growls over food issues. It's so cute to see a Muppet growl! His half-sister from the same litter is a brown point Siamese with a round face not the long one. She hates body pets and will only let herself be petted if she gets up on my chest...but it has to be her choice. It's been so hard to not take that personally. She does like head scratches though. Adjustments!

  • @janesaunders8001
    @janesaunders8001 2 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Our Russian Blue loves being stroked, loves tummy strokes and loves head scrunches, the more the merrier.

  • @r25012501
    @r25012501 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I used to have a russian blue, he was my best pal they are the most handsome critters smart and loving.

  • @desireepaulplummer4386
    @desireepaulplummer4386 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Those cats remind me of an old kid TV show I used to watch Sagwa the Chinese palace cat😆👍🏾

  • @melancolie83
    @melancolie83 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Gorgeous cats, all of them! 🥰

  • @zephirinedrouhin3735
    @zephirinedrouhin3735 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    We had a Russian Blue once. We got him from a shelter. I have loved every cat I ever met. I LOVE cats! This one was thee most annoying cat I ever met! He wouldn’t stay out of our plants in the house and I worried he’d get sick or dump the pots over. I tried tin foil and tried citrus scented essential oil, but neither deterred the cat. You couldn’t go to the bathroom without him climbing all over you. If I shut the bathroom door, he shredded the carpet trying to get in. He was super talkative and I tried to hurry and feed him so he’d be quiet and not wake my baby up in the morning. He was good to my baby though and he never scratched me. He was extremely, extremely, extremely affectionate and extremely, extremely, extremely needy. I couldn’t have him in bed with me or he’d rub his face all over my face, which is really sweet, but he wouldn’t stop and I didn’t like his snot all over my face either. It hurt me to see how much he really wanted to be outside, but I couldn’t let him because we lived in town. He would look out the window and scratch the window frame. We have areas of our home he’s destroyed trying to get close to us. I just couldn’t handle it anymore and we found someone who was willing see if they could handle him. I just have never met a cat like him before, but he sure was beautiful. He needed his freedom to go outside if he wanted to and needed a person who doesn’t mind getting cat snot rubbed all over their face.

    • @niagara6015
      @niagara6015 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      He was feeling insecure because he was traumatised by being dumped at the shelter which resulted in separation anxiety. It takes a lot of patience and time with rescued pets. My most recently adopted pet took 3 years (he was way worse than your cat) to recover from the mental and and emotional trauma and many need to see a behaviourist, but now he feels secure and has his confidence back and is the sweetest, most loving and a funniest boy - it would be exactly the same with an adopted child, time, patience, counselling.

  • @njkpopper
    @njkpopper 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lucky bastard is surrounded by beautiful cats!

  • @Efsaaneh
    @Efsaaneh 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Siamese: hey man you think uh, you think you could stop that?
    Ragdoll: ooh pets gimme
    Russian blue: ...aight cool

  • @cultural_lifeguard_3
    @cultural_lifeguard_3 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Adorable kitties! I don’t know if someone else has commented this but lilies are toxic for cats. You have one next to your Siamese when you’re petting it. Wouldn’t want anything to happen to the cuties so I thought I’d pass it along. They obviously love you very much

    • @clnacats
      @clnacats  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks for the warning, it’s moved now as mentioned in the video description 😊

  • @flowersinherhair3930
    @flowersinherhair3930 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    They are such lovely cats

  • @amilcareschettini5881
    @amilcareschettini5881 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Awesome setup. Ragdoll, Siamese, and Russian blue

  • @AmberL709
    @AmberL709 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I love my Russian blue 💙 he is the best cat I've ever had. Great friendly outgoing personality

    • @jasonluvsyou4287
      @jasonluvsyou4287 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree. I have a Russian blue as well .he loves to play and also loves pets

  • @anniek3866
    @anniek3866 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I've had Russian Blues my whole life
    They are neurotic babies, I love them

  • @davidtatro7457
    @davidtatro7457 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Beautiful kitties.

  • @bieassialaw6832
    @bieassialaw6832 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    All are lovely but I’m drawn to the Russian Blue 🤍

  • @AvengerII
    @AvengerII 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    @1:44 -- The Russian Blue looks like he (or she?) is saying, "Tovarisch -- keep doing that. I like it!"
    They look like little Russian men with those smiles! Friendliest Russians on the planet!
    If I ever got a cat again, let alone a pedigreed one, I'm thinking a Russian Blue might be an interesting furry companion..

  • @paradigm_sh1ft532
    @paradigm_sh1ft532 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    "I'll allow it."
    "I'll also allow it."

  • @sherryjohnson3804
    @sherryjohnson3804 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Yep, specially the Russian Blue, not big on allot of affection, keep it to their heads or they seem to get bored, looks exactly like my Russian Blue..built size

    • @mischiefmanaged2842
      @mischiefmanaged2842 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      same, i love how they try so hard to feel bored but there is this subtle wriggling of the tip of their tail to betray them

    • @sherryjohnson3804
      @sherryjohnson3804 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@mischiefmanaged2842 lol exactly 💯

    • @dianathomas7592
      @dianathomas7592 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      That Russian Blue is a youngster. The eyes haven't changed to the adult colors yet. It took my boy nearly 3 years to become affectionate. But you go near his tummy, expect to be shredded. If your petting is kept to the head, ears and cheeks the Russian Blue will be much more tolerant. They are very easily startled cats, but can be very loving.

    • @bufnyfan1
      @bufnyfan1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@dianathomas7592 My Russian Blue ("Natasha") will follow me everywhere and become vocally upset if I'm not in her view. She actually once urinated on my suitcase when I returned from a trip which my vet told me was because she "blamed" the suitcase for taking me away. I agree-when she exposes her belly to me I take it only as a compliment that she trusts me BUT I don't rub/scratch it-she would get upset and I know that

  • @kaylalezabeth7175
    @kaylalezabeth7175 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    They're all so precious! 😍

  • @911theanonymous
    @911theanonymous 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I had a male and female Siamese. The male could not keep his paws off me or my face. We were in love. The female, his sister, is very quiet and love has to be on her terms but she is very sweet.

    • @detamoretj
      @detamoretj 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sounds exactly like my pair! My male Siamese, Johnny, is a lover boy and always wants my attention. The female, also his sister, is the same way as your female. She’s a lilac point and very shy with other people but not me. Too cute!

  • @j.frankparnell6195
    @j.frankparnell6195 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ragdolls are masters of the stop, flop and roll.

  • @2Bad4YOUuu
    @2Bad4YOUuu 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Such beautiful little babies! 😍 💕😻🤗

    • @clnacats
      @clnacats  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think so too!

  • @spoolspool6278
    @spoolspool6278 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I like orange tabby cat boys, the kind that want to be held to fall asleep. Such big babies.

  • @Jaysontheraven
    @Jaysontheraven 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Such cute cats! Do you know if your houseplants are cat-safe?

    • @kathrynreilly3377
      @kathrynreilly3377 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Peace lilies are mildly toxic to cats - probably not the best plant for a multi-cat household

  • @malicahamilton
    @malicahamilton 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My Ragdoll kitten is the exact same when I pet her she just lays there all chilled and comfy

  • @GaspareCastelli
    @GaspareCastelli 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Cats wonderful!! l adore🐱🇮🇹❤

  • @angellystarry
    @angellystarry 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The Siamese: "Whatever... Ok go away human."
    The Ragdoll: "OH yeah THAT'S WHAT I NEEDED ALL DAY oooooooh ah so relaxing~"
    The Russian Blue: "Uhm... Okay bro. Actually... This is quite good..." *Starts speaking Russian*

  • @deed5811
    @deed5811 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    My Siamese mix is a cuddle bug! She rarely turns down petting.

  • @wendygore2709
    @wendygore2709 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    We have a Chocolate Point Balinese (rescued at 4 weeks old from a car crusher in junkyard) Only myself & my roommate can pet & love on him. He is the biggest goofball 🤣 He's deathly afraid of any guests. Not mean, just runs & hides.

  • @biddiemutter3481
    @biddiemutter3481 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The Burmese: "if you want to, I will allow you to pet me, but I don't need you to " . The Siamese: I'm too polite to say anything, but please go away!" The Ragdoll: " this is very nice, thanks "

  • @MDKE114
    @MDKE114 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I had a Siamese who was very affectionate and would sprawl on me regularly. He loved the other cats and every human he met. The vet said he was her favorite cat.

  • @cutepumpkin4744
    @cutepumpkin4744 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Siamese tolerates.
    Ragdoll welcomes.
    Russian Blue plans escape.

  • @lisapoe888
    @lisapoe888 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    wow first cat, the Siamese really hated being petted😅grumpy cat

  • @CelticDruidess1
    @CelticDruidess1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The first kitty looks like my Himalayan-BurmeseTasha - she was a snuggler. She always slept with me and lived just shy of 19 years.