To all the english folks out there : This is not for cutting wood, its a demonstrator for chainsaw handling courses. They explain how to cut wood under tension without being injured by a rupturing log or your chainsaw beeing trapped in the log. There is no actual use in cutting wood using the machine. I hope that helps understand it, like this if you want others to know.
Been a forester and tree surgeon for 25 years. always read EVERY piece of wood. They all have their own stresses internally even before they are felled and caught up with others. great video for anyone attempting to use a chainsaw!
Das habt ihr gut gemacht, auch schön erklärt! Euer handeln macht auf mich einen professionellen Eindruck! Ich habe mich vor Jahren gegen die eigene Holzbearbeitung entschieden und nach drei Jahren Kaminofen auf Pellets umgestellt. Hier im Arnsberger Wald und Umgebung ist vor einigen Jahren das selbst Fällen nicht mehr statthaft. Holz gibt es nur noch ab Wegesrand. Dabei passiert aber immer noch genug, selbst mit der Axt können viele nicht sicher umgehen. Hinzu kommt das Hobby Anwender nur wenige Tage im Jahr mit den entsprechenden Geräten arbeitet und somit das Unfallrisiko doch erheblich steigt. Mir war das ganz ehrlich gesagt zu gefährlich und deshalb habe ich es sein gelassen. Aber Videos vom Fällen sehe ich trotzdem noch sehr gerne. LG
Vielen Dank für das Video, super erklärt, hatte gestern zu weit in die Druckseite hinein gesägt... Aber Gott seit Dank es war ja nur ein bereits abgesägter Zweig so daß ich die Säge problemlos rausholen konnte .
Very good teaching aid so many people have no clue how much energy is stored in wood that is under great tension! I had a storm come through my farm last year and it turned about 50 big trees into one giant tangled up mess you had to look hard at every cut to identify what the exact situation was BEFORE touching the wood with a saw it can be extremely unforgiving to folks out trying out their first chainsaw!
ich hab vor vielen Jahren den Lehrgang "Motorsäge" Der Feuerwehr besucht. Dieses Thema wurde kurz angesprochen in Form von: An Windwurf gehen wir im Einsatz nicht ran, weil man nie weiss ob da nicht Spannungen auf den Bäumen sind." Mag ja stimmen. Aber mit ein wenig mehr Initiative wäre das Thema Druck- und Spannungsseite schnell und sicher erklärt gewesen. Eindrucksvolles Video von dem ich jetzt schon einiges gelernt habe. Als Lehrling in Eurer Firma würde ich mich sicher und gut aufgehoben fühlen.
I get a laugh at the folks calling this useless. It's a training too, to teach how to deal with trees under different stresses. It's all fun and games till someone catches a tree or a chainsaw in the face.
Michael Durkin even though I didn’t understand the dude explaining it I sure kno what message he was conveying!!! Too many pick these Things up and have not a clue how quick this shit happens always study how the cut may or may not go good info!!!!
This is a training tool. "The video gives an insight into the workings of the simulator. This unit , to exercise the correct woodcut technique , various printing and mock situation are produced artificially in a tree trunk ."
We all learned this by trial and error and injury. At least that way you won't forget. Wir haben das durch die Praxis gelernt und davonstammenden Verletzung und dann wird es nicht vergessen. Aber vieleicht gut das es sowas gibt.
schaut ja schön aus und für Grundkenntnisse sicherlich hilfreich -- NUR die Praxis im Schadholz (Schnee- oder Sturmbruch) sieht anders aus da man meistens nicht 100%ig erkennen kann wo Zug- und Druckseite ist. Das allerwichtigste ist eine perfekt gefeilte Kette da sofort erkennbar ist was der Stamm bzw. der Schnittfuge macht. Erlernen kann man das mit einem alten Holzknecht der einem das in der Praxis zeigt -- meine Meinung dazu.
wow what a great teaching tool !! that set was abolutely amazing thank you so much for a great video, you dont need to speak that launguage to understand the point of safty ...
This is actually useful. Never in my life have I actually used a chainsaw and when I first did it recently the tree was a bit in the air and every time I would try to cut it,it would trap my chainsaw so I had to use an axe to get it out. Nice little trick that I will for sure try - the only thing that doesnt look that safe is him not going to the otherside and then finishing the cut.
What are all those english comments about? This is a safety advice, they are not making firewood. Its usefull to learn how to cut wood when its under tension. A Chainsaw is a legal weapon and you should know how to use it, otherwise you harm yourself or other people.
Ohhh I get it. It's a training video, explaining how to cut a tree that's under tension because of gravity bending it one way, and how to avoid it snapping up and launching the blade into your damn face or other problems.
Spades Neil: NIOC630 NIOC630 vor 4 Jahren To all the english folks out there : that statement is written on top of the first comments...if one can read...
So interesting, I did the chainsaw course a few years back. I would of loved to have had this machine to demonstrate how to cut timer safety under pressure
I’m really interested in building a smaller lift system like unloaded the device with. What weight is is rated for? What type of metal did you use? I want to make a tree lift one person can set up and operate.
All the trees or limbs I ever cut down in my yard(s) all demonstrated these problems to my surprise (ahah). I would assume examples of bending moments (tension or compression) are easy enough to find in nature that one doesn't need to simulate them. But this must be for a school for lumberjacks?
Wood-voltage simulator The work-up of damaged wood after a storm requires a lot of attention and expertise. A voltage Simulator (tree bending simulator) makes the often underrated risk aware and used to practice for loggers. With the PEFC numerous forest enterprises have committed to high standards of work safety. Dealing with a chainsaw, the different cutting techniques - especially the cutting a tree that is in tension - can be practiced efficiently and practically to the voltage simulator.
From what I understand, it's a simulator that teaches cutters how to deal with trees/logs that are in different states of tension. Safer than just turning them out in the woods and hoping they don't get killed, get their teeth knocked out, lose a leg, etc.
People who won't remember from watching videos, listening to lectures, or reading books will need to be trained on a simulator or they will risk injury on the job. Learning to do by doing to learn.
it's a training tool which teaches proper cutting technique on stressed limbs - he shows that a beginner or whatever would get their chainsaw caught, then shows the proper way to cut a stressed limb
I haven't a clue as to what was said but I think they were simulating different tree tensions. Some people don't realize that a tree or large limb lying on the ground or suspended just a few feet above ground is still dangerous if there is high tension due to unbalanced weight factors. Identifying where the tension and knowing how/where to cut is critical to learning chainsaw use safely. Saw bars can get stuck or worst, bodily injury can occur if proper precautions are not exercised.
The Germans have always been so inventive and productive, This video only took 7 minutes to show the first stage of making a toothpick. Very impressive for those with no knowledge of toothpick manufacture in today's germany.
Right now, somewhere in the US, this same information is being relayed to a logging apprentice by a man four years away from his third heart attack, screaming at the top of his lungs with a cigarette hanging on for dear life.... meanwhile in Germany
Для всех англичан: это не для резки дерева, это демонстратор для курсов по обработке бензопилой. Они объясняют, как резать древесину под натяжением, чтобы не получить травму в результате разрыва бревна или вашей цепной пилы, застрявшей в бревне.
im sorry, dont quite grasp what is going on here. All i saw was an interesting contraption used to bend logs and some beginner chainsaw mistakes. Whats going on?
The way I was taught was "Hey kid here's yer saw. Go cut them there trees down and knock the lims off 'em". it was a regular ro-DAY-o, and that was working on a big timber company felling crew that had a "safety" program. They were life-flighting a saw cut man every week from the non-company contractor sides, but then they were coming to work in sneakers, cutoff shorts and wife-beater undershirts-- they didnt have no stinkin safety program...
The video provides insight into the workings of the power simulator. This unit allows for the proper exercise woodcuts, various printing and Zugsituationen be artificially produced in a tree trunk.
My guess is that this isn't to demonstrate how to cut fallen wood but how to approach tensions and compressions in standing wood - they just do it horizontally because it's a lot easier to handle the demo logs. Having to guess keeps our brains active - we can't just stare at the screen and then type "You're doing it wrong."
so typical, but you must understand one must complete a special schooling just to simply go fishing in germany. My father in law could not believe I taught myself to operate a backhoe let alone run a chainsaw I told him you can learn everything on youtube ! lmao !!
They are using that device to demonstrate what happens when a tree is leaning and has bending pressure when you cut it. The tree snaps or pinches the saw.
+Bill Rimmer It is just to demonstrate how to correctly cut fallen trees so that you do not end up wear g the tree or saw. This also is very important to preserve timber quality. This machine is only used as a training aid.
@@SHINdanny I don't know why I commented, why you have commented 8 years later, or why I ever watched this video. I have never cut a tree or wanted to. I don't know anyone in this video nor do I find either attractive. This is so weird.
To all the english folks out there :
This is not for cutting wood, its a demonstrator for chainsaw handling courses. They explain how to cut wood under tension without being injured by a rupturing log or your chainsaw beeing trapped in the log. There is no actual use in cutting wood using the machine. I hope that helps understand it, like this if you want others to know.
NIOC630 Thanks. It did seem strange to me.
NIOC630 Thanks for the explanation. This video came up on auto play and I was wondering what they were doing, now it makes sense ;-)
NIOC630 Muchas gracias por tu aclaración .Yo no encontraba cual era la propuesta de la maquina. OK.
NIOC630 Thanks for the explanation.
I made a wild guess that it was some teaching stuff … but I was really not sure !
Thanks for telling !
Hervorragende Vorführung. Verstehe nicht, wieso soviele "Daumen nach unten"👍👍👍👍👍👍
Been a forester and tree surgeon for 25 years.
always read EVERY piece of wood.
They all have their own stresses internally even before they are felled and caught up with others.
great video for anyone attempting to use a chainsaw!
Das habt ihr gut gemacht, auch schön erklärt! Euer handeln macht auf mich einen professionellen Eindruck! Ich habe mich vor Jahren gegen die eigene Holzbearbeitung entschieden und nach drei Jahren Kaminofen auf Pellets umgestellt. Hier im Arnsberger Wald und Umgebung ist vor einigen Jahren das selbst Fällen nicht mehr statthaft. Holz gibt es nur noch ab Wegesrand. Dabei passiert aber immer noch genug, selbst mit der Axt können viele nicht sicher umgehen. Hinzu kommt das Hobby Anwender nur wenige Tage im Jahr mit den entsprechenden Geräten arbeitet und somit das Unfallrisiko doch erheblich steigt. Mir war das ganz ehrlich gesagt zu gefährlich und deshalb habe ich es sein gelassen. Aber Videos vom Fällen sehe ich trotzdem noch sehr gerne. LG
Vielen Dank für das Video, super erklärt, hatte gestern zu weit in die Druckseite hinein gesägt... Aber Gott seit Dank es war ja nur ein bereits abgesägter Zweig so daß ich die Säge problemlos rausholen konnte .
Very good teaching aid so many people have no clue how much energy is stored in wood that is under great tension! I had a storm come through my farm last year and it turned about 50 big trees into one giant tangled up mess you had to look hard at every cut to identify what the exact situation was BEFORE touching the wood with a saw it can be extremely unforgiving to folks out trying out their first chainsaw!
even tho i dont know German i actually learned quite a bit about trying to cut a tree under load. very nice video
Also ein SpannungsSimulator ist schon etwas wichtiges um das gefahrlos zu lernen mit denn ganzen Spannungen hab ich ich auch so gelernt 💪😉
Top video
ich hab vor vielen Jahren den Lehrgang "Motorsäge" Der Feuerwehr besucht. Dieses Thema wurde kurz angesprochen in Form von: An Windwurf gehen wir im Einsatz nicht ran, weil man nie weiss ob da nicht Spannungen auf den Bäumen sind."
Mag ja stimmen. Aber mit ein wenig mehr Initiative wäre das Thema Druck- und Spannungsseite schnell und sicher erklärt gewesen.
Eindrucksvolles Video von dem ich jetzt schon einiges gelernt habe. Als Lehrling in Eurer Firma würde ich mich sicher und gut aufgehoben fühlen.
Und schon wieder einmal bringt uns der Algorithmus zusammen xD
I get a laugh at the folks calling this useless. It's a training too, to teach how to deal with trees under different stresses. It's all fun and games till someone catches a tree or a chainsaw in the face.
Michael Durkin even though I didn’t understand the dude explaining it I sure kno what message he was conveying!!! Too many pick these Things up and have not a clue how quick this shit happens always study how the cut may or may not go good info!!!!
not pretty to get it in your face lucky if you can tell the story
This is a training tool.
"The video gives an insight into the workings of the simulator. This unit , to exercise the correct woodcut technique , various printing and mock situation are produced artificially in a tree trunk ."
Selbst für mich als Leihen war es sehr interessant!
Vielen Dank dafür.
Vielleicht kann ich das in ferner Zukunft mal gebrauchen!
I maintain trails in our National Forest and encounter downed trees under unusual stresses. This would be a great training tool.
Super gut das gefällt mir. hätte nie gedacht das es so was gibt und das man auf solche Feinheiten achten muss. TOP!
We all learned this by trial and error and injury. At least that way you won't forget.
Wir haben das durch die Praxis gelernt und davonstammenden Verletzung und dann wird es nicht vergessen. Aber vieleicht gut das es sowas gibt.
schaut ja schön aus und für Grundkenntnisse sicherlich hilfreich -- NUR die Praxis im Schadholz (Schnee- oder Sturmbruch) sieht anders aus da man meistens nicht 100%ig erkennen kann wo Zug- und Druckseite ist. Das allerwichtigste ist eine perfekt gefeilte Kette da sofort erkennbar ist was der Stamm bzw. der Schnittfuge macht. Erlernen kann man das mit einem alten Holzknecht der einem das in der Praxis zeigt -- meine Meinung dazu.
normally we attach that machine to live trees to get them neatly straight, we like our trees straight here in germany.
wow what a great teaching tool !! that set was abolutely amazing thank you so much for a great video, you dont need to speak that launguage to understand the point of safty ...
I cut tree's with d9 catapiller... and yes, they fall on me all the time... good thing a d9 cant be harmed by any 75 foot tree :-)
Hey Joe. Yeah that is a great tool & video. Now that I have a link to it, I can pass it along to my felling friends.
Some of us had to learn this in the field with all the risk involved. So any tool that helps is great.
Interessant. Vermeidet Unfälle. Danke.
This is actually useful.
Never in my life have I actually used a chainsaw and when I first did it recently the tree was a bit in the air and every time I would try to cut it,it would trap my chainsaw so I had to use an axe to get it out.
Nice little trick that I will for sure try - the only thing that doesnt look that safe is him not going to the otherside and then finishing the cut.
I dont understand why this video has so much dislikes :D ... It teach you how to handle a chainsaw in the right way :D
Gut erklärt
Habe auch schon mal an so einem Gerät trainiert. Kann ich nur empfehlen
What are all those english comments about? This is a safety advice, they are not making firewood. Its usefull to learn how to cut wood when its under tension. A Chainsaw is a legal weapon and you should know how to use it, otherwise you harm yourself or other people.
Kurz und knackig, aber ausführlich erklärt!
Ohhh I get it. It's a training video, explaining how to cut a tree that's under tension because of gravity bending it one way, and how to avoid it snapping up and launching the blade into your damn face or other problems.
+Spades Neil - Aaaaaah! Thanks.
thank you, i didnt get it
He demonstrate how pressure can affect the work with chainsaw.
Spades Neil: NIOC630
vor 4 Jahren
To all the english folks out there : that statement is written on top of the first comments...if one can read...
Ist die Druckseite immer die sichere Seite? Oder gibts auch Situationen die die Druckseite als sichere Seite als Faustregel aushebeln?
So the final cut is always on the break out side.Knowing how deep to make the compression side cut is a matter of experience.Great video.
So interesting, I did the chainsaw course a few years back. I would of loved to have had this machine to demonstrate how to cut timer safety under pressure
Vielen danke fur die instruktion!
I’m really interested in building a smaller lift system like unloaded the device with. What weight is is rated for? What type of metal did you use? I want to make a tree lift one person can set up and operate.
It's a great tool to instruct the stupid. If you can't figure that out you shouldn't be allowed near a saw.
All the trees or limbs I ever cut down in my yard(s) all demonstrated these problems to my surprise (ahah). I would assume examples of bending moments (tension or compression) are easy enough to find in nature that one doesn't need to simulate them. But this must be for a school for lumberjacks?
Wood-voltage simulator
The work-up of damaged wood after a storm requires a lot of attention and expertise. A voltage Simulator (tree bending simulator) makes the often underrated risk aware and used to practice for loggers.
With the PEFC numerous forest enterprises have committed to high standards of work safety. Dealing with a chainsaw, the different cutting techniques - especially the cutting a tree that is in tension - can be practiced efficiently and practically to the voltage simulator.
Interesting video🔥🔥🔥, avtor 💪 💪 thank you All health
From what I understand, it's a simulator that teaches cutters how to deal with trees/logs that are in different states of tension. Safer than just turning them out in the woods and hoping they don't get killed, get their teeth knocked out, lose a leg, etc.
gibt es eigentlich auch torsionen, die man beachten muss oder kommen nur diese beiden spannungen (druck/zug) vor?
Great teaching aid, don’t speak German but understood the actions. 😀
It's about cutting trees that are in tension laying against something, or even far leaning.
Заморочились ребята с наглядными пособиями :)
People who won't remember from watching videos, listening to lectures, or reading books will need to be trained on a simulator or they will risk injury on the job. Learning to do by doing to learn.
Thanks for explaining, I didn,t know the what for reasoning. Thanks. Mark.
Hi der zweite schnitt muss der versetzt sein oder kann der sich erste auf zweiten schnitt treffen?
its a machine that demonstrates tension and compression in timber,I'm guessing for colleges etc
Мужики, они не дрочат, они обучаются пилению стволов под напряжением : )
Да ну нахуй, я думал фокусники
hi. wuste garnicht das ihr videos reinstellt. klasse.
Absolut top danke
Simulator looks like typical German over engineering lol . Seriously though it's a good video
Worth a skin and a half for the translations! What is this expensive endeavor to accomplish?
it's a training tool which teaches proper cutting technique on stressed limbs - he shows that a beginner or whatever would get their chainsaw caught, then shows the proper way to cut a stressed limb
Been a while since the old fellas missed dinner!
Walking up on these two guys alone in the quiet woods setting up that weird machine would be a nightmare.
I haven't a clue as to what was said but I think they were simulating different tree tensions. Some people don't realize that a tree or large limb lying on the ground or suspended just a few feet above ground is still dangerous if there is high tension due to unbalanced weight factors. Identifying where the tension and knowing how/where to cut is critical to learning chainsaw use safely. Saw bars can get stuck or worst, bodily injury can occur if proper precautions are not exercised.
sehhr gute vorführung!!!da sieht man gut warum der beruf so gefährlich ist ein "normaler brennholz sammler" wäre schon schwerst verletzt
I couldn't understand a word they said. But I understood exactly what they was showing us
The Germans have always been so inventive and productive, This video only took 7 minutes to show the first stage of making a toothpick. Very impressive for those with no knowledge of toothpick manufacture in today's germany.
You are completely right - its a tension simulator
Right now, somewhere in the US, this same information is being relayed to a logging apprentice by a man four years away from his third heart attack, screaming at the top of his lungs with a cigarette hanging on for dear life.... meanwhile in Germany
Great teaching device but instead of dragging this thing all the way into the woods is it not easier just to transport some wood to the device?
Gym, He probably just goes to work...
absolutely correct! it is for training how to handle trees on tension while working in the woods.
jetzt bin ich ein bisschen schlauer. tolles video =)
Для всех англичан:
это не для резки дерева, это демонстратор для курсов по обработке бензопилой. Они объясняют, как резать древесину под натяжением, чтобы не получить травму в результате разрыва бревна или вашей цепной пилы, застрявшей в бревне.
i agree that it shows tention on logs and how to cut away from the pinch
its amazing how germans make everything look classy.....
im sorry, dont quite grasp what is going on here. All i saw was an interesting contraption used to bend logs and some beginner chainsaw mistakes. Whats going on?
It's supposed to simulate cutting down a tree, not a splitter or anything, just to emulate the pressure of a tree when trying to cut it down.
lehrreiches Video, Danke!
i nearly cut my leg off,,,,a good lesson i'll never forget
thanks for the explanation! after he got it stuck i figured it out. very good visuals here.
Schöne sache für Anfänger :) schönes video ! :)
Yeah, me three. Before reading the comments I had no idea what this log press did to help with the actual cutting. Makes sense now :-)
He is showing what you can do wrong while sawing a Tree that is under Stress, and how it's done correctly
And again, the algorithm brings us together
namena masine je zaa skolovanje profesionalnih drvoseca ....u realnom zivotu nikakvu primenu nema
Smaller scale like twigs and saws-all seems like you get the same results and allot safer.
Why are there so many english people
Ist aber ein informatives video
Who else has no idea why or what they are watching and they aren't going to scratch the comments to find out?
This is a great training aid. Say, did anybody test the strength of these welds?
what's the advantage of this, as opposed to just using like 2 saw horses, or something of the like that will hold the log in place?
TheMrKikiriki that explains a lot.
The best part is when they rig up that little span crane and unload the thing.
schöne demo, wieder was gelernt :)
was machen die ganzen anglophonen und kyrillisch schreiber hier??
wo in der Natur ist die Spannung beim Baum?? bzw. wann ist Spannung beim Baum?
zum beispiel wenn der wind den baum umgerissen hat und ein anderer drauf liegt
+christian smeritschnig wer das ohne so ein scheiss aparat nicht schnalt hat im wald nichts verloren...... made in German bullshit ha hahahahahahahahh
Cutting trees under pressure, under tension, is very dangerous. This can be deadly. That's why you have to know very well what you do.
It's a simulator to educate chainsaw operators on how to cut trees that has a lot of tension on them, not meant for daily use on the job.
The way I was taught was "Hey kid here's yer saw. Go cut them there trees down and knock the lims off 'em". it was a regular ro-DAY-o, and that was working on a big timber company felling crew that had a "safety" program. They were life-flighting a saw cut man every week from the non-company contractor sides, but then they were coming to work in sneakers, cutoff shorts and wife-beater undershirts-- they didnt have no stinkin safety program...
The video provides insight into the workings of the power simulator. This unit allows for the proper exercise woodcuts, various printing and Zugsituationen be artificially produced in a tree trunk.
Can you please add subtitles in English.
Sehr gut erklärt!
(Und ihr lästert nur über den Dialekt. Dialekt bedeutet für mich: Sprachvielfalt. Das ihr davon wenig habt, ist ja offensichtlich.)
Mikähän oli jutun juoni ?
My guess is that this isn't to demonstrate how to cut fallen wood but how to approach tensions and compressions in standing wood - they just do it horizontally because it's a lot easier to handle the demo logs. Having to guess keeps our brains active - we can't just stare at the screen and then type "You're doing it wrong."
so typical, but you must understand one must complete a special schooling just to simply go fishing in germany. My father in law could not believe I taught myself to operate a backhoe let alone run a chainsaw I told him you can learn everything on youtube ! lmao !!
This here gadget might teach Ole “Pinchabar Pete” how ta keep his tips from stickin’!!!
danke schön ...sehr nützlich
They are using that device to demonstrate what happens when a tree is leaning and has bending pressure when you cut it.
The tree snaps or pinches the saw.
I don't get it. Why all that effort to cut a log? Am I stupid? I don't understand the language. Sorry
+oobie2b. I get it now. Thank u!!
+Bill Rimmer It is just to demonstrate how to correctly cut fallen trees so that you do not end up wear g the tree or saw. This also is very important to preserve timber quality. This machine is only used as a training aid.
Until I read an English translation, I had NO idea what this unit was for. Seems pretty elaborate just for a safety demonstrating machine
"Zugsituationen" means train situation or pressure?
I would translate it with conditions of pressure.
Husky hemet, an stihl chainsaw ??
That just makes him smart. Hate my new Husqvqrna, love my old beat-up Sthil.
sehr attraktiver Mann ;)
which one?
@@SHINdanny I don't know why I commented, why you have commented 8 years later, or why I ever watched this video. I have never cut a tree or wanted to. I don't know anyone in this video nor do I find either attractive. This is so weird.
@@prostheticballerina yes, indeed weird, sorry I didn´t see that your comment was already 8 years old
@@SHINdanny That's okay. This is a great mystery of my life now though.
thankyou for this helpful video, I have just recently gone into this line of work.