My Goodness! Can you imagine how my heart burns with mixed feelings! I am listening this outstanding music and message with joyful tears! Let the lord bless their heart for those who sacrifice their own precious life for the sake of us! Edu and Abrish, you are truly fre weyane fre meswati! 🗣🗣🗣
samuel.....for sure,you are not hamasene. you must be seraye or aqaleguzaye. don't cheat yourself, you were tigeray originally and being grown up in Eriteria..
A very impressive music that penetrates deep to the hearts and souls of many of the Tigrians. It is a wonderful artistic work with strong message in reference of those who have sacrificed their life for the wellbeing of their people.
The Tigrayan blood has travel in every vain of every Eritrean and Ethiopian through the heart so now have we forgot our history and existence that brought us to this time. Why all this negativity for people who have suffer so much as if they haven't lied down the civilization we all enjoy currently. Wake up my brothers and sisters and things has changed for good.Even though, the Tigrayans have inherited a known civilization in the world part of the Horn of Africa as such the Axumite Empire and do they not have the right to exist equally like every human being in this planet earth. are so ignorant and fool to mention about Axumite Empire direct related to Tigerian people. you have no idea when it took place the history of AXUME EMPIRE in this region. i found you funny so ignorantly. you just think and act with your heart instead with your mind. people are crazy.
እዛ ደርፊስ ደጋጊመ ይስምዓ ሞ ዘይጸግባ
ደስ ዝበለቶ ከማይ ዶ ይህሉ? 100%!!!
❤❤❤ዋላ ኣነ
Ane aleku
Wela ane
ኣነ ኣለኹ ደቂ ዓደይ መዓረይ ናፊቆዮም 2008ዓ.ም ኣብ ወረዳ ጣንቋ ኣበርገለ ከተማ የጭላ እዩ ለካቲት 11 💊💊💊💪💪❤❤❤
Ufff eritrawi eye mo gn wala neana eritrawian nsemaetatna wn tiwikil eye
ተጋሩ የሕዋትና ብልቢ እኩም ትፍተውኒ ፡ትግራይኩም ካኣ ብልቢ ኢኩም ትፍትዋ ኣጽንዑ ሕድሪ ጀጋኑኩም ከይ ወርኩም እዞም ኣእዱግ ኣምሓሩ ንስኩም ተሊኩም እና ንሕና ንህሉ ስለ ዚ ኣምላክ ምሳኩም ። ሓውኩም ካብ ኤርትራ
በዚ ማአከል ፅሓይ አብ ሃገረ ሰብ ከይድኩም ምስ ህዝብኩም ብምርካብኩም ዓቡይ መስዋእትነት እዩ
ንሕና ካዓ ንሕበነልኩም የቅኒየልና
ኣብራሃም ግጥምታትካ ልብካ ዝርስሪሱ እዮም ዕድመን ጥዕናን
deki tigray ahwatna ajukum misakum alena eritreawiyan ahwatkum
YOSAN SHIKOR tnx shekor
ዉይ ኣብራሃም ኤዱየ ሹክራት ፍቅርኹሙ ንዘልኣለም ይንበር።
ቋንቋውን ባላውቅም በጣም ዬምወደው ሙዝቃ ነው ወው አብረሸ እና ኤዴንዬ እወዳችሁላሁ።
አሰይ ትግራዋይነተይ ኩራዓተይ 💪💪💪💪መግለፂ ማንነተይ ደስ ባሀልቲ ፍትውትው አቱም 👌ጀጋኑ 💔💔💔
I'm from Eritrea but I love these songs
Ehat name of this song ?
ሐደ ደም...ዝተፈላለየ ሀገር አብ ዓለም እንተሀለየ ....ናይ ትግራይ ኤርትራን ...ግን ንምንታይ?!
እንካዕ ንመበል 43 ዓመት 11ለካቲት ኣብፀሐኩ ትግራይ ዓደይ ማዓረይ ኣብራህም ገብረመድህ ምስ ባዓልቲ ገዙ ኤደን ገብርስላሴ ብጣዕሚ የቀንየልና እድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብኩም ግን ይቅርታ ከየንቲ ትግራይ ኣብ ወረዳ ኣፅቢ ወንበርታ ከምዚ ገይርኩም ዘይ ኣክበርክምዎ ተስፋ ንገብር ንመበል 44 ዓመት ከይድኩም ክተክብርዎ ስሰናይ ናዓኩም 👍👍👍👌👌👌
My Goodness! Can you imagine how my heart burns with mixed feelings! I am listening this outstanding music and message with joyful tears!
Let the lord bless their heart for those who sacrifice their own precious life for the sake of us! Edu and Abrish, you are truly fre weyane fre meswati! 🗣🗣🗣
ከምዚ ሎሚ ከይለበምኩ ከለኹ እዋይ'ዚ ኣብራሃምስ ኤርትራዊ ዘይከውን ዝነበረ ይብል ነይረ። ወዮ እቲ ዝቐረበ ሓወይ እዩ።
Kemzi kemey 😅😅
Way anes amlak da keyqtemeley ember tgraway koyne ente zfter mhasheni neru yak God bless you edu end abrham ajokum
ተጋሩ የሕዋትና ኣጆኹም፣ ብርሃን ኣሎ ድዩ ዝበለ ኣብራሃም ፣ እዚ መጋረጃ ጽልማት ብብርሃንኩምን ብብርሃናን ክቕንጠጥ እዩ። ኣጆናን ኣጅኹምን።
Abrsh edye እስኪ ዘክርዎም ቶም ጀጋኑ ደቂ ደደቢት ንሕናስ እባ እንሄናልኩም ማይ ሓቁና ኣኽኽኽ ደምና ዛራ ጥራይ ኮዩኑ ። ሓፍትኩም ኤርትራዊት የ
Elsa Berhe ajoki haftey natey kulu kehalf eyu hanti malti ala nebari serat yelen amlak nemn eilwo marey wedhanki
Elsa Berhe አይዞኪ ሓፍተይ አምላክ ክራክበና እዩ ምሕረት ክልእከልና እዩ ፈጣሪ
ክሽገር እዩ ዘይሽገር የለን: መንእሰይ ኤርትራ ዓዱ ብቅሳነት ዘልመዐሉ ግዜ ክመፅእ እዪ
Ajokihaftey natey
ቆንዳፋት ዓጋመ ፡ ረሳሓት ጥሙያት ለመንቲ ቅማላም ትግራይ ፡ ብሰለስተ ኣንፈት ክትድሰቑ ኢኹም ።
ኤርትራውያን ኣምሓሩ ኦሮም ሰለስተ ታሪኻውያን ደመኛታት ጸላእቲ-ዘልኣለም ኣብ ቀረባኹም ከምዘለና ወትሩ ዘክሩ ።
ገና ማይ ሓዲግና ደም ከነንብዓኩም ኢና።
abrham and eden deki jeganu tigrina ajukum from eritrea
Abraham Gebremedhin is one of my favourite Tigrinya singer❤❤❤ what a legend ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽
ኣነ ክሓልፍ ክንዳኺ ክንዳኻ ልምዲ ናይ በረኻ ♥♥♥ ዘገርም እዩ ♥♥♥ am in love with song
l from eritrean gin deqi adey tigray seyyyyyyyyyyyyyyýyy enbah belu gad bless you All tigrina and tigray
Toooo much love from tgrayyyyyyyyy 4 uuuuuuu
Haftom Brhane አመስግናለን
Haftom Brhane
Haftom Brhane
Haftom Brhane
ደስስስስስስ ክትብሉ ብጣዕሚ ኢኹም ተቅንኡ ደቂ ዓደይ!
I'm form Eritrea God pless tigray, des tebulu
Samuel Tesfa ከልብ አመግናለን
Sa .muel Tesfa
Am from ertirea plass good sing my love you tigira
samuel.....for sure,you are not hamasene. you must be seraye or aqaleguzaye. don't cheat yourself, you were tigeray originally and being grown up in Eriteria..
Samuel Tesfa ሳሚተይ ሽኮር ፍትውትው ።
Love TPLF elelelelel proud to be weyani
For ever T P L F
Abraham is the best tigrigna singer & Eden is the most beautiful tigrgina women.💙💚💙+❤💛❤I am from Eritrea and I love you both.❣❣❣
Yessss ezom teumat, tsaeram, jaganu ahwatey. Love it, love it, love it.Long live Weyane Tigray!!!!!!!!!!!
Really , ሂወት ነው የሠራችሁት . its so progresive. AB VS Edu long ever.
Abrhimo i am from eritrean but i like you all song
Proud of U Abraham and Eden , we love u both. God Bless You!
Askale Berhane 👏👏👏👍👍👍
love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu all tigriyans shekorat........enkwae nateki koyene tigray shekor
ኣብርሽ ወለላ ንትካ ነገር ድምፅኻ እኮ ፈፂሙ ኣይፅገብን ኣብርሃመይ ወለላ ኣብርሽ ፍልቅልቅ ፈሽኽታ ሓበን ትግራዋይ ናትካስ ንበይኑ ዓይነት እዩ ኣብርሃም ገብረመዲሂን ማዓር ኣፉ ጥበብ ንዝፈልጥስ ናትካስ ፍሉይ ድምፂ እዩ ብዙሓት ብኣኻ ቀኒኦም ዓይኖም ደም ከምዝመልአ ተረዲኢና ኢና ወለላየ ኣጆኻ ወዲ ትግራይ ማዓር ኣፉ ወዲ ዓበይቲ ሽደን ወርቂ ዕንበባ ትግራይ ፍትውውውው እየ ዘብለኩም ምስ ሰበይትኻ ዋዕሮ ሽኮር ጓል ወዘራዝር ንፍዕቲ ጅግና ጓል ኣንበሳ ርእሲ ደስ ባሃልቲ ፍትውትውውውው ፍቅርቅርርር እየ ዘብለኩም ደቂ ትግራይ ምቁራት ፣፣፣፣ We Love youuuuuuuuuu deki Tigray sweet ትግራይ ዓደይ ብሌን ዓይነይ ፈጣሪ ኣዝዩ ይሓልወኪ ኣዝዩ ይባርኸኪ ኣሜን ኣሜን ኣሜን።።። ፣፣፣፣ እመቤትና ማርያም ምስ ፍቁር ወዳ ትቅደመልካ/ኪ ትግራይ ወለላይ ኣሜን ፫ ፣፣፣፣
excellent work ! Proud to be Tigrian! !!!
betami im proud to be tegrawai gegna 😍
I’m Eritrea god bless you tegray
ኢትዮ ነኝ ኤርትራወች ግን ውድድድድድድ
@@የወሎአማላይየወሎቀበጥእና fuck get out from Tigray chanel
@@ጨዓሎ we tegrus don’t hate anyone
ተጋሩ ጻዓዱ ደስ ትብሉ ካብ ኤርትራ ኢየ
Kudus Solomon tnx lebam hawena shekor wed eri
Kudus Solomon anbesa wedey bravo
ቅዱስ ፍቅሪ
ዋላ ንስካ ደስ ትብል ሎቭ ዩ
የቀንየልና ማዓረይ
ክብረት ይሃበልና ማዓረይ
I am from Eritrea but I Love this music and I like Abraham and Eden
Gual emba soleda and gual eshir love love these two musicians 🙏🏾❤🙏🏾❤❤Amlak msakum ykum and God bless adey mearey✌️✌️
Abrihimo & Edu xbuq srah xbah ka ab Eritrea msana kemzia btesfa ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
A very impressive music that penetrates deep to the hearts and souls of many of the Tigrians. It is a wonderful artistic work with strong message in reference of those who have sacrificed their life for the wellbeing of their people.
I’m from Tigray I Love all my people ❤️!!!
Legendary tigrian musicians
Proud of u
I love you so much tigray people from Eritrea
I love you both deki adey mearrrrry❤️❤️❤️❤️Des kitblu..
እወ !! ዘይተዘረበ እምበር ንትግራይ ዘይተከፈለ መስዋእትነትን ዘይተሰርሐ ጅግንነትን የለን !!!!!ብሓቂ ዘሚዕካ ዘይምኖ ደርፍታት እቶም እንፈትዎም ድምፃውያን ኤዱን ኣብረሃምን !!!!!የቅንየልና ኣዱን ኣብርሃምን !!
please if you see this comment just say thanks you are my favourite
I’am so proud to call myself tigrawey.
Temesgenu ewe temesgenu ayatatna nselam halfkum selam gerkuma hager selam zeydelyu kea n dekikum yiketlu alewu zehzn yu selam ziakl hibkayom selamka kizergu ahhhhh gze hayal eyu deki adey
I love u guys form eri thanks for still loving us before we don't know more about u know u all our family thanks
Amazing combination! Zeytslchu ahwat keep it up!
wawwwww atum kemey dikum meksenat dekzom jeganu 😍😍😘😘😘Esey tanka abrgele zena beluley enqae deki gezay konkum❤❤❤
This hits different now. 💛❤️
አብሪሽና ኤዱ ስወዳቹ ግን ትርጉም አላውቅም
tig Love sataki nw edee yemitadenkiw edanchi aynetetu ligelutim eyemetu yskal
ትርጉም ምንመሰለሽ እህቴ በአጭሩ። በትግል ውስጥ የትግራይ ህዝብና መሪ ድርጅቱ ህወሀት የነበራቸው። የማይታመን።የጋራ መስዋእትነት ነው
ፍቅር ነህ ወንድም
I am eritrean but i change this Song to my homecontry. God bless u guys
እንቃዕ ናትና ኮንኩም ዓይኒ ትግራይና በዚ ጻሓይ ተገዲስኩም ኣብ ገጠር ኬድኩም ከምዚ ጌርኩም ብምጉስጋስኩም good blessd
ተጋሩ ሰብ ስረ ካብ ቀደም ክሳብ ሕጂ ጅግንነቶም ብቅልጽሞም ዘመስከሩ ካብ ሓውኩሙ ወዲ ኣከለ ጉዛይ
Thank you brother!
የቐንየልና ክቡር ሓውና!እቲ ጀግንነት ግን ናይ ኩላትና ትግርኛ/ተጋሩ እዩ።ኣመጻጽኣና፣ባህልና፣መንነትና ብጀካ ዜግነት ኩሉ ነገርና ሓደ ምኹኑ ክስመረሉ ይግባእ።
@@samielmichaelteame2612 eritri kkkk mekri hab kab titsearef
tay sre allewom tegaru lementi da.(kab wedi akele)
ኩሉ ጊዜ ጥዑምን ሓዱሽን ዝኾነ ደርፊ። ዕድመ ዘመንኩም ይባረኽ።
Nice,,,,, God bless you husband and wife.
ኤደን ና አብራሃም ሽኮሪናታት ቀፅለሉ አይፈላሊኩም
Eden bfkrki texelile 😍wela kabzi edimey kelekahki emo kemihadishi ane nfkri ktakoseki 😍
እኔ ኦሮሞ ነኝ ቋንቋው ባይገባኝ ጥሎብኝ አብረሃም ገ መዲን ስመድክ እኮ ድምፅ መሪዋ ሠላምና ጤና ባለህበት።
ኣብርሸይ & ኤዱ ሽኮራት ሰላምኩም ይብዛሕ ድኻምኩም ክይተጻባጸብኩም እሞ ኣብ በራኽ ጽሓይ,, ተሰከምቲ ሕድሪ ሰለ ዝኮንኩ ይመስለኒ ኣጆኹም ህዝቢ ትግራይ ቂኑዓት ኢኹም ሰላምኩም ይብዛሕ •√√√
ጀጋኑኑ ፍትውውውውውውውው
OMG I love her kemis
ኤዱ ምስ አብርሽ ሽኮራት ጀጋኑ ደስበሀል
"ትግራይ ትእውተትኹልሻእ!!!!!!
Luv my home my country Tigray, God bless Tigray, God bless my people,luv u all.
Thank you both of u dekey ade maary God bless you and God bless Tigray, and all Ethiopian.
Mesmerizing. Sensational music.
Best song ever !! Zelalem kibri li Tegadelti !!
Tegaru mekberti bahlom weylena dea bahlena nerese delena so I.proud tgray
The Tigrayan blood has travel in every vain of every Eritrean and Ethiopian through the heart so now have we forgot our history and existence that brought us to this time. Why all this negativity for people who have suffer so much as if they haven't lied down the civilization we all enjoy currently. Wake up my brothers and sisters and things has changed for good.Even though, the Tigrayans have inherited a known civilization in the world part of the Horn of Africa as such the Axumite Empire and do they not have the right to exist equally like every human being in this planet earth. are so ignorant and fool to mention about Axumite Empire direct related to Tigerian people. you have no idea when it took place the history of AXUME EMPIRE in this region. i found you funny so ignorantly. you just think and act with your heart instead with your mind. people are crazy.
አብርሽ ወሓለ
Jeganu tegaru .I'm proud to be tegaru.
l love both abrshey & adusha am proud of uuuuuu...........mekuraeti ekum
God bless Tigray God bless Wayne, proud my kids they are Tegaru.
tigray adey .....niakii zeykon yelen...luv too tigray!!!
ኣሰይ ኣሰይ ኩርዓት ይስምዓኒ ትግራዬ ዓደይ ሰስኒ
abershe $ aden ur just amezing proferem
I Love weyane I love weyane give my life to weyanne
am ......u
wedi shabeya ገደል እትው ዓይንካ ትጥፍእ
lee abduselam l♥♥♥♥♥e both
Yes Yes Yes we love Weyona!
ሰይ ንጉስ ንግስቲ ኣምላክ ነዊሕ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብኩም
የሕዋትና ሓሊፎም...ክላእ ዓለም ጎዶሎ...ናትኩም ሕድሪ ከኽብር ቃል አትየልኩም እየ....ንደቀይ ስለ ናይ ትግራዋይ ጅግነት ክነግረም እየ! ግን ክሳብ ሐዚ አይወለድኩ!💚
betaemy Teum derfy Aberham,gin hanty kengereka malet reitoy eu naty hade Aynet kankaen bahlen zwenin hezby Eritrean hezby Etiyopyan zehakaukef teum zekone entetderfu Etyopiyawin derfty yekunu Eriterywyan betaemy xebuk neru.malet mengsty halfay eu Hezby gin nemulue mewael nebary selezkone.
Musie Kahsay Ajoki hayati keribna ena kemayn xeban kintehawawes ena nebari hzbi enber nebari mengsti yelen
ههين رترتببن
ዋዋዋዋውው ደስ ክብሉካ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብኩም
አብርሽ ስወድህ የኔቆንጆ ቁጥሩን ተባበሩኝ ወይንም ከትግሪ ባል ፈልጉልኝ
lemn felegshu kutru mar
Excellent by the way it's normal b/se speak almost the same language even we like english music like mikel jackson, Eminum and others. Right
Sky is the limit to us and Keep it up the good work. #kingmaker!!
Uuufff tegerni music betam beram new yemwedw gen ormoo nge eski endni yemdh like like
I❤️ this song and You Guys Abrish and Edu.
aseyyyyyy enkae kabaku teweldna god bleas you my lovely deki adey mearey
jegnu God bless you
Wowwwww ajokum ♥♥♥
ትግራይ 💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️❤️
ሽኮርናታትትትትትትትት ደቂ ትግራይ ማዓረይ
abrsh &adu ዛ ሙዚቃኩም ፎትየልኩም ሞይተ hazard hayet wedi haiko eye ቀፅልሉ
I love this music edu abrz God bless ur love
We are glad to hove you guys😍
Love Tigrai
Tigrayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thanks god to I'm coming from tigray family
From Eritrea. I love both singers also tgray so good job keep it up..,
Mishmash bejia Eritrea aagggaame, komal!
Abraham and Eden I really appreciate you !!!!!! qurat tigray
Tegaru nufuat men kemakum deki jeganu
Wuuuuuuu shekorinatatt Kemey Deyu Des ketebelu
Their voice is amazing, I wonder if they were singing live. It looks like they are acting.
we love you guys God bless you
Bless you, Abraham and Eden