Hi, do you have any spare distributors or any info where to find replacement? Part nr. 22100KA631. I have problem finding one, mine has problem with that shaft shown @ 6:00. Those teeth are broken and cant seem to find replacement anywhere as this car model is extremely rare in Finland.
Hello, unfortunately I don't have any new parts that I can buy for you, but you can send me your old one and I'll make it new for you! the price is 115 euros plus shipping and paypal costs. if you want to make better use of the shipping, i can also offer you a brake caliper overhaul. the price for this is 350 to 390 euros. for more information you can also have a look at aif cpucarpart.com, there you will find all our offers! we are happy to help to leave the libero on the street! for more please send an email to subaru.bus.parts@gmail.com or via cpucarpart.com. Best regards
Servus wo könnte man die wieder instandsetzen lassen
Brauche auch eine neue
Gruß Volker
Cpucarpart.com setzt die Verteiler wieder instand! Sie haben zudem noch einige gute Zeile und Fußmatten.
Hi, do you have any spare distributors or any info where to find replacement? Part nr. 22100KA631. I have problem finding one, mine has problem with that shaft shown @ 6:00. Those teeth are broken and cant seem to find replacement anywhere as this car model is extremely rare in Finland.
Hello, unfortunately I don't have any new parts that I can buy for you, but you can send me your old one and I'll make it new for you! the price is 115 euros plus shipping and paypal costs. if you want to make better use of the shipping, i can also offer you a brake caliper overhaul. the price for this is 350 to 390 euros. for more information you can also have a look at aif cpucarpart.com, there you will find all our offers! we are happy to help to leave the libero on the street! for more please send an email to subaru.bus.parts@gmail.com or via cpucarpart.com. Best regards