For upto Rs 7,500 : - 4g, "Budget Android smartphones" with only 2 to 4 gb ram & Google's lighter 'Android Go' version, are only available. - Charger will be 10w only & take 3 hr 20 minutes for charging 5000 mah 🔋. * Companies should give support for 33w charger in all budget smartphones.
I'm using it now! ❤
For upto Rs 7,500 :
- 4g, "Budget Android smartphones" with only 2 to 4 gb ram & Google's lighter 'Android Go' version, are only available.
- Charger will be 10w only & take 3 hr 20 minutes for charging 5000 mah 🔋.
* Companies should give support for 33w charger in all budget smartphones.
4/128 price
Where in trindad to get one
Magkanu po Ang presyu
Nasa 3,500 bili ko last dec 1 lang ako bumili
Que tal es la camara
Ami nise ajke
Kmn dam?
ফোন কেমন??