It's an actual pity that the subtitles feature doesn't work in this series. It would make it easier to follow for other people not so fluent in English. Let’s see what the staff can do about it 😊
In the Greek Septuagint, we as Christians are also called “doulos” of our Lord…which means “slave”. It’s a little bit more nuanced than with Islamic “slave”, but it’s necessary for us to be complete in the whole context of who we are as Christians in our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. We are indeed His children, followers, bride, spreaders of His gospel…but we are also equally as important and blessed to be His “doulos”, we are His slaves!
"If we say God is loving,then before God created us what was His object of His Love???" (Dr. Jay Smith) Oh that was so brilliant. Do you know who was decided to only love himself and not another??? Indeed, it was Lucifer. And do you know who wanted to be The God i.e. only himself??? Indeed, it was Lucifer. Now go on make your own conclusion in light of all the denial of the essential Christian doctrines especially the Cross. Who is he who didn't want the true living God not to be hurt let alone crucifed not bcos he cares but that would put him to utter shame. Indeed it is the Lucifer. Again, go n make your own conclusion in light of the so called prophet posssesed for about a year and still giving verses. Other than we worship 'one God' which is merely nominal, Christianity and Islam do not worship the same living God.
Precious jewels, weapons of truth to use on the battlefield of evangelisation. Brothers, our war is not physical it is about Truth. We fight the battle of faith - a battle of Truth. Jay teaches us to use truth to set them free. Thanks Jay.
Brother Jay I see that their concept of God is really different from ours sir. Theirs is a warlike God, a God who is ruthless while ours is an all loving, all compassionate, all forgiving God bro. That is coming from my encounters with them when I still was at my parish in the Philippines where we always has contact and dialogue with them. We hold ecumenical prayer sessions with them. It was peaceful and cordial though I always feel that we are the more tolerant side. We always are patient and accommodating bro. We ever listen and try to be neutral with their views. So sad.
I am catholic and I have had almost 14 years of theologic education but it is true that God's knowledge has multiple sources. I have learned a lot from Jay and I find it does not contradict what Catholicism has taught me. What I find is that Jay's polemics has strengthened my apologetics by several magnitudes. Catholics follow Christ not the Catholic church. Catholics just need to remember that. What I would really like to see is Jay speak to the Catholic hierarchy to remind them who is really important.
U can't separate the Groom from His Bride. Yes Christ has precedence but the Church is His Body. So, it is not either or. Rather it both and----using a very important Catholic Principle.
I'm Catholic as well, and I can see there's way more that unites us, than it's separating us. I'm not watching the videos in order, but started in video 5. I don't see anything wrong, on the contrary, a fervient defense of our Faith and a passion that is absolutely commendable. Thanks Reverend J. 👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏
If Catholics follow Christ, I’d like to know in what way. The Scriptures reveal that the apostasy that changes times and laws, claims to forgive sin, reigns over kings of the Earth, wages physical war, forbids marriage, encourages people to pray to a feminine deity, forbids clean foods, dressed in demonic Babylonian regalia, the biggest killer in the history of earth 🤔… Come out of her my people and follow the Word of God.
Moh😂ammeds first wife was a 40 yr old very wealthy Catholic nun. Hence the dress style of Muslim women. He then married a 9 yr old girl. A very interesting history which explains so much about today's Muslims worldwide. God bless us all with truth love and compassion in Jesus Name Amen.
So many People are Starting to Realize Hell is the Default Destination from Birth. Jesus's Blood Saves us from Hell by Giving us Power to overcome Sin in our Lives, to Overcome any Addiction, Immorality, or Unrighteousness that is taking one to Hell! So all someone has to do is REPENT (Luke 13 3) & Sincerely want to Turn from all of the Devil's Lies of Unrighteousness in our Lives & Turn to Jesus, GOD Manifest in the Flesh!! HALLELUJAH!! ❤ Then the (John 3 3) Spiritual Rebirth (Baptism) takes place as Jesus justifies you as his Child & as he Guides us to all Truth & Further Sanctifies our Life to Something Proper & Acceptable to God! Just like the Bible says we become a New Creature, we Receive a New Heart!! Then through Jesus's Blood we Do his Will on Earth as it is in Heaven. He is the Potter, we are the Clay. We Can NOT Fix ourselves. His Power, Blood, & Holy Spirit makes the way Straight, to Heal the Sick, Cast out Demons, & MOST Importantly to Live a Holy Life Acceptable to God & NOT be a Worker of Iniquity that Jesus Will Say at your Death "Depart from me I NEVER Knew You". It's a Personal INTIMATE Relationship with Christ!! Then we Must Stay the Narrow Way & NOT let the Lust of the World Choke out the Holy Spirit from us. Make no Mistake, you Can Backslide, Depart of Righteousness, & be BACK on the Road to Hell!! Just like Paul Feared being a Castaway himself: 1 Corinthians 9:27 (KJV) 27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
1:17:00 min you can use war in self defence as God instructed David that 1000 will fall on one hand and 10000 on the other Christians are not allowed to attack. If you live by the sword and die by the sword it is not an issue because you will ressaurect... The crusades are justified as they were called upon to defend christian lands not attack mecca and medina. The problem of chrusades is what they turned into
23.Your Lord has decreed that you shall not worship anyone except Him, and [He has enjoined] kindness to parents. Should they reach old age at your side -one of them or both- do not say to them, ‘Fie!’1 And do not chide them, but speak to them noble words. 24.Lower the wing of humility to them, out of mercy, and say, ‘My Lord! Have mercy on them, just as they reared me when I was [a] small [child]!’ 25. Your Lord knows best what is in your hearts. Should you be righteous, He is indeed most forgiving toward penitents. 26. Give the relatives their [due] right, and the needy and the traveller [as well], but do not squander wastefully.
What you Hindus worship are in fact evil spirits who are even pictured evil and repulsive covered with skulls, blood, fangs etc. Worship the Almighty God instead.
You are funny. Wasn't Krishna the one who killed Lakshmi because more people worshiped her than him? You just talked about mythology and then tell us that world is full of gods with different powers? Which one of those gods with their powers actually interacted with humankind? None. You have in that mythology gods that fight each other, can kill each other, can reincarnate themselves as gods and yet cannot interact with humanity. How can you love those gods and their powers when they in no way love you or show you that they love you? Then you would want us to believe that we are mere byproducts of a cold, unknowing, uncaring universe while the gods with their powers only exist for their own pleasure? No thank you. I would also not brag too much considering that women were killed because their husbands died and the untouchables are never getting out of their poverty because none of the gods with their powers help them or love them.
On your screen projection in the background, there appears to me anyway to be a little devil sitting on top of the Muslim minaret with two eyes, two horns and I can even make outa little tail. Just my bizarre perception probably.
We don't believe God became part of his creation and he need to be sacrificed order to forgive himself God is not an animal that need to be sacrificed to begin with. There's no big difference between Hinduism and Christian concept of God
@Mowla Systems One, God can enter into His creation as it is His creation. He can transcend time and space. Two, sacrifices according to Judaism is that forgiveness is in the covenant between God and man, that God will forgive as it says "without the shedding of blood, there can be no forgiveness of sin" because "the life of the body is the blood". Because life itself is in the blood, that when an animal is sacrificed, the evidence of that is the blood and the blood was sacred to the Jews. The animals sacrificed were never just killed and left to rot, they were eaten. So that means also that because mankind sheds blood because of murder, which is a sin, then according to the law then, blood for blood, eye for eye and tooth for tooth. What man cannot do is forgive mankind because mankind is not holy. And therefore, as the animal sacrifices were types and shadows of what was to come, the fulfillment to be, no animal sacrifice can be enough as Micah 6 says "what, oh man, hath God required of thee but to love justice, do good and to walk humbly with God?" Therefore, as the blood is the life of the body, only what is holy can redeem what is not holy. Why else do you think it was so important for women to prove their virginity through the shedding of her blood at the consummation of the covenant relationship of marriage? Why is that so important? To simply prove she was a virgin and her virginity is special? Why is her virginity so special? To prove she wasn't with another man? No, that is not the original, marriage is a covenant and signified by the shedding of her blood and that establishes the covenant between her and the man, because the man sacrifices her virginity for the sake of the two becoming one flesh as it was written in the beginning "for this cause shall a man leave his mother and father and shall cleave unto his wife and they twain shall become one flesh". That places the man and woman in equality in the echad, or oneness in unity. That is why God is constantly referred to in the Bible as the Husband, but because God only can redeem His bride, then God Himself sheds His own blood. And that established the covenant between God and humanity. Jesus constantly referred to Himself as the Bridegroom and the Church as the Bride, even the city the New Jerusalem is called the Bride as John said "The angel said unto me come and see the Bride and I saw the New Jerusalem descend from heaven adorned as a bride for her husband". Jerusalem of old was the type and shadow of what was to come, the New Jerusalem is the church. As the Jerusalem of old was called a "prostitute" and "full of iniquity", and Jesus came to redeem her by His own life. Read the book of Hosea to understand this concept. And just why would you make the comparison of God to an animal? Are you that much carnal that you cannot understand the spiritual? As the Bible says "the carnal mind cannot know the things of the spirit".
There is Pagan ritual of sacrificing and there is monotheistic ritual of sacrificing huge different Judaism concept of sacrificing animal for benefiting human being so they can respect the animal and eat the meat and share the meat with poor you have to understand the animal has been sacrificed for our benefit from God and animal the Christian concept of ritual human sacrificing no forgiving cruel God took absolute punishment
The purpose of creation is to glorify God everything glorify him animal whatever you see in the galaxy and Beyond human Bean is a different creation with the free will he taught us right and wrong and all the name of everything is from there we can choose and find him glorify him . Not other way ! God became part of his creation he became a homosapien his purpose is to kill himself order to forgive homosapien why not other creation like dog or monkey pig or woman creation humiliation crucification cruel God took his full punishment. I don't see any love in it sacrificing human being or sacrificing God himself kill himself it don't even make sense God cannot die.
@Import Export BD Institute Can you tell me, exactly who is allah? Can you describe allah? Have you seen allah? Have you heard allah? Has allah ever spoken to you? Why do you want us to believe in a god that even you don't know. You tell us allah is the creator, but so is all the other gods. Saying creator does not make creator, it just makes a title placed onto an idea. That's all. But your religion claims the black rock is the attribute of allah and attributes are not separate from what contains the attribute. Therefore, as the black rock is the attribute of allah, that it is recording your deeds, that it will one day speak and judge you and that it forgives your sins, then think about it. You have no description of allah other than a rock that is an attribute of allah, that can judge and forgive. You make the claim that allah is the merciful and forgiving, then your Quran informs us that the black rock is what forgives. Do you not understand it now? Your black rock thinks, sees, knows, speaks, judges and forgives and those are all attributes of a god. Let me ask you this, how many rocks does it take to throw at satan until you are forgiven? And since you throw the rocks at satan in mecca, then satan exists only in mecca? But then, your religion also tells us that satan pees in your ears, sleeps in your nose and winds himself around your penis and procreates with your wives. How are you going to make me understand this....does Satan pee in the ears of every single muslim all over the whole planet and sleep in the noses of all muslims everywhere? Is satan omnipresent (everywhere at one time), omniscient (knows all things, so knows when and where every muslim is) and omnipotent (has the power to be in all places, in all times where all muslims are), and those are attributes of god yet satan isn't your god either even though satan does what god does? That's your religion, you have a rock that records, sees, hears, judges and forgives and a satan that is in the ears and noses of all muslims everywhere all over the world. And then you have a problem with the Cross? Did you make sure you blew satan out of your nose this morning?
According to quran god is not that distant! : We verily created man and We know what his soul "Whispereth to him, and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein."
NOT TRUE JESUS WILLINGLY SACRIFICED HIMSELF CRUCIFIED TO REDEEM THE SINS OF MANKIND. THE TRUE IS JESUS WAS ARRESTED BY STRATAGEM AND SENTENCED TO DEATH BY WAY OF CRUCIFIXION BY THE CHIEF PRIEST AND THE ELDERS OF THE JEWISH NATION. READ: MATTHEW 26:1-5 MARK 10:33 MATTHEW 26:38 Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me. ACTS 2 : 22-24 22. Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know: 23. Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain: 24. Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.
first: amen! but, when you say: thank God, in your prayer (to God, i assume) what exactly are you saying, except you’re using Gods’ Names in vain? who are you telling? are you telling someone else to thank God for you? you certainly don’t mind using personal pronouns when it comes to HaShem or YHWH, the God of israel of the bible, and you insist you all worship separate (ONE?) Gods (gods?) and you all accuse and backstab one another, perfect triangular firing squad and jesus (yeshua?) is lord (Lord?) have i not told you you would be judging angels? where is your kingdom? to be a king, you must have a kingdom. it’s not of this earth? but he said: (what?) you’re on your own! 🔥❤️🔥
God, is it He or She? If He, he has wife and his own children, servants and relationship in the God's world! If God is She, then it is same logic applicable. Just because not in Bible doesn't mean my definition is wrong! U believe ur Book, Muslims follow their Book similarly Hindus believe their Book. Its just Belief which is common but Books are different.
Just because the bible doesn’t use the word Christian doesn’t mean his not their saviour. It’s a bad argument in fact Jesus claimed to be the saviour of the world! For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Jn3:16 His disciple John said ‘And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.’ 1Jn4:14 and the apostle Peter said ‘a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours: It’s a lie to say Paul started Christianity. Jesus sent out his disciples to make followers of him throughout the world Matt 28: Jesus said he had sheep outside of Israel and he had come from them too. ‘And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.’ Jn10:16 The word Christian means Christ follower,like tawid is not in the Quran it’s a bad argument Also Jesus appeared to the apostle Paul and tole him to go out and preach the gospel to the world.Acts 9
Jesus also said that salvation was being in a relationship with him and the Father ‘And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.’ Jn17:3 Just because Muslim apologists come out with these arguments it doesn’t make them through and they take verses out of context to mean something else
Whenever a Angel appeared to someone they brought peace or when God appeared to someone they were initially shocked but then they had peace. Like when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary. See Luke But when the spirit who appeared to Muhammad it squeezed him or attacked him 3 times he was terrified and screamed to be hid as he believed it was a demon and it’s possible he was right. Gods messengers always bring peace Muhammad was terrified. How could this be from God? It was not. The Hadiths say Muhammad also tried to get away from this spirit later in his life by trying to commit suicide but the spirit wanted to keep him alive. It has never happened that any angel from God would cause a person to try and kill themselves. This is not from God
Jay always talks his opinion with no citing verses from the bible, because he knows that the bible says Jesus is not God, but he is Human like you and me. please read the Koran and the bible and make a conclusion, don't listen to the haters of Islam, they will not enter with you in the grave when you die, but you alone will enter and remain in your grave, and if you die without Islam totally you lost.
@@myblessedlife84 if he knows the Quran he is supposed to be Muslim. even he believes that Jesus and Father are two different persons and that each one has its own powers. do you agree with that?
@@speaktruth9313 absolutely right, instead of God you worship a man God like many older cults where they had sons and daughters of god that they worshipped
you can prove anything with the right assumptions. alma not parthenos (?) and he wasn’t named emmanuel. and, was that prophecy not fulfilled with winning the war when the young woman conceived as isiah said? and if mary conceived, it’s not a sign because we only have her word based on what she says she was told! a sign is seen by everyone, and it doesn’t prove anything. and neither do miracles but you crosstians have it every way - not just one, and it’s not narrow. it wanders all over the place with 10 thousand streams, after 1260 days of rule by the beast himself. you crosstians even say so yourselves. so, how do you dare to say you have the truth? and don’t get me started on jerusalem! honestly, you’re building on sand, and you don’t even know it.
Isaiah 53. That's a very relevant part of Scripture. And obscure, until Jesus fulfilled it, the way we Christians think. Not Crosstians, because He resurrected, "because if He didn't, our faith is vain", (St Paul, a proud pharisee until he was touched in his heart by God, just saying in case it rings a bell, brother)
@Narasimha Setra The one reason I cannot reject the Genesis account/history is because Jesus Christ didn't say it was a myth. His live is well documented. Since Jesus cannot be wrong then this account is fact even though it looks ridiculous to us. I put this write up, a PDF uploaded to the google-drive, together to show that Jesus is the one who made claims that He is The Son of God. Please let me know what you think about this. Blessings
@@olorunseunenitolumo All documentation was done by men that too after 100yrs after his so called death. Death of Jesus itself is a mystery and myth! If u believe ur book, similarly e everyone has their books. All depends on how much one trust BOOK!
@@nsetra57 With all due respect, may I inform you that many secular liberal historians and scholars have moved away from parroting the claim that stories in the Bible were written "100yrs after his so called death". If you cared to read the write-up there was one very obscure phrase on page 2 that is easy to overlook where I wrote, "it is obvious that Paul quoted from a Gospel (Luke 10:7)" I wrote before that there is a consensus that most of Paul's letters to the Churches have been dated to not later than 64 CE/ AD. Conservative scholars dated all the books of the New Testament before 70 AD. While it is doubtful that any liberal scholar will date them later than between the mid- to late second century. The evidence used by conservative scholars that cannot be disputed by others is that none of the NT books recorded the destruction of Jerusalem. This was an event prophesied by Jesus and it was well documented that this took place around 70 AD. If you would like to know more from the perspective of people like me, I have another write-up "Why Christianity Is True" It is also a PDF uploaded to google-drive. I will update this later to include emphasis on the early writing, translation and distribution of the Bible, esp the NT. But you can also search using phrase like "timeline between Jesus and compilation of the NT". That should give you varied opinions not my biased one. Blessings
@@olorunseunenitolumo Purely impure doctrine! What is do different for it is mostly copy cat of Hindu systems. We have Dwaith and Adwaith! U talk about historians, who are europeans and capable of writing History for their own benefit to support Christianity! Its all sooo cruel and insanity cult while running conversion factories by conning gullible Hindus! Not one act which is laudable but equally Evil as Islam! It is just that Hindus should open eyes of deceiving Christians. Have seen enough!
@@nsetra57 First please note I am a Christian, but an African by birth though now living in Europe in my late adult years, so I am not trying to give a western narrative in the write up - "Why Christianity Is True" - I may have very little knowledge about Hinduism but be rest assured, the little is not from the western media apparatus. Back in the 1970s we had very brilliant Indian teachers who taught in our High Schools. The Indian High Commission - Nigeria has this on their site as of today 2nd September 2019: "An entire generation of Nigerians from the Northern Nigeria was taught by Indian teachers, treated by Indian Doctors and grew up wearing Indian clothing and watching Indian movies in the 1970s to 1990s." I am not aware that any of them tried to share their religious beliefs with the people they interacted with like their Christian colleagues. In fact some of the people I interacted with shared that the motivation for most Christian teachers for going to Africa was to be "Ambassadors for Christ". The Hindu Indian teachers went only for the jobs. I agree that the Christian Missionaries stories, CNN, Al Jazeera and Indian bloggers are *probably* biased but I wonder whether those "gullible Hindus" are not in fact the disillusioned Indians. As they say: "There is no smoke without a fire". While I agree with you that "written History" is often from the perspective of the victor the reality is the biblical history is to the contrary. The Bible, especially the New Testament portion, was at best the *history from the perspective of the persecuted.* I do not know how you came to the conclusion about "deceiving Christians" and I do not know whether it was those "deceiving Christians" or Muslims who are "running conversion factories by conning gullible Hindus". Judaism, Christianity and Islam - of these Judaism is the only one that does not have propagation of its belief woven into its fabric. Islam is the last of the world's great religions but it is an ideology that seeks domination if possible of the whole world. But this much I know, too often a society gives a fair reflection of its worldview. So *he who lives in a glass house should not throw stones* all is not rosy in Hinduism but that is not my plan here and now to write unnecessary rubbish about your religion. *I would much rather plead that you look carefully at Christianity* before writing it off as fables and myth. Blessing
This must be a very important lecturer by Dr. Jay Smith. Simply brilliant.
It's an actual pity that the subtitles feature doesn't work in this series. It would make it easier to follow for other people not so fluent in English. Let’s see what the staff can do about it 😊
Great teaching. I have learned a great amount about Christianity and the different between Islam. God bless you Dr. Jay Smith
I will willingly raise my hand with you. Fearless because we are in the right. God bless you brother
Very clear brother Dr. Jay, thank you so much. Glad you are with my side of the fence sir.
Ex Muslim from Pakistan.
Love watching your videos. So much learning from you.
God bless you abundantly ✊❤️
This man got PhD from "Devil University" and always sells the theory of Hate.He need to be killed himself.He is the total shame of humanity.
Such a brilliant speaker! I can feel the love he is exuding in his lecture. I LOVE my Bible!
In the Greek Septuagint, we as Christians are also called “doulos” of our Lord…which means “slave”. It’s a little bit more nuanced than with Islamic “slave”, but it’s necessary for us to be complete in the whole context of who we are as Christians in our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. We are indeed His children, followers, bride, spreaders of His gospel…but we are also equally as important and blessed to be His “doulos”, we are His slaves!
"If we say God is loving,then before God created us what was His object of His Love???" (Dr. Jay Smith) Oh that was so brilliant. Do you know who was decided to only love himself and not another??? Indeed, it was Lucifer. And do you know who wanted to be The God i.e. only himself??? Indeed, it was Lucifer. Now go on make your own conclusion in light of all the denial of the essential Christian doctrines especially the Cross. Who is he who didn't want the true living God not to be hurt let alone crucifed not bcos he cares but that would put him to utter shame. Indeed it is the Lucifer. Again, go n make your own conclusion in light of the so called prophet posssesed for about a year and still giving verses. Other than we worship 'one God' which is merely nominal, Christianity and Islam do not worship the same living God.
Precious jewels, weapons of truth to use on the battlefield of evangelisation.
Brothers, our war is not physical it is about Truth.
We fight the battle of faith - a battle of Truth.
Jay teaches us to use truth to set them free.
Thanks Jay.
Oh! What a great talk! Marvelous!
God bless you brother Jay!
Thank you brother Jay Smith.
Amazing speaker 👏 great content and challenges
Wow. This is amazing teaching. Would love to meet you Jay
thank you for the enlightenment.
God bless Dr Jay Smith ✝️❤️✊
Wonderful brother Jay, God bless you and I would like to join your ministry. From Calcutta India.
Jay is brilliant!
Absolutely 2 different Gods.
One is God the Father and He has
children and the other is god the
Master and he has slaves.
Wonderful speech ,God bless you
Brother Jay I see that their concept of God is really different from ours sir. Theirs is a warlike God, a God who is ruthless while ours is an all loving, all compassionate, all forgiving God bro. That is coming from my encounters with them when I still was at my parish in the Philippines where we always has contact and dialogue with them. We hold ecumenical prayer sessions with them. It was peaceful and cordial though I always feel that we are the more tolerant side. We always are patient and accommodating bro. We ever listen and try to be neutral with their views. So sad.
Too tolerant in my opinion...
There is a point where God is a jealous God and he is not willing that any should perish.
I am catholic and I have had almost 14 years of theologic education but it is true that God's knowledge has multiple sources. I have learned a lot from Jay and I find it does not contradict what Catholicism has taught me. What I find is that Jay's polemics has strengthened my apologetics by several magnitudes. Catholics follow Christ not the Catholic church. Catholics just need to remember that. What I would really like to see is Jay speak to the Catholic hierarchy to remind them who is really important.
U can't separate the Groom from His Bride. Yes Christ has precedence but the Church is His Body. So, it is not either or. Rather it both and----using a very important Catholic Principle.
The Bible teaches many things the Roman Catholic Church rejects. One cannot follow Christ and Catholicism.
I'm Catholic as well, and I can see there's way more that unites us, than it's separating us. I'm not watching the videos in order, but started in video 5. I don't see anything wrong, on the contrary, a fervient defense of our Faith and a passion that is absolutely commendable. Thanks Reverend J. 👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏
If Catholics follow Christ, I’d like to know in what way. The Scriptures reveal that the apostasy that changes times and laws, claims to forgive sin, reigns over kings of the Earth, wages physical war, forbids marriage, encourages people to pray to a feminine deity, forbids clean foods, dressed in demonic Babylonian regalia, the biggest killer in the history of earth 🤔… Come out of her my people and follow the Word of God.
Moh😂ammeds first wife was a 40 yr old very wealthy Catholic nun. Hence the dress style of Muslim women. He then married a 9 yr old girl. A very interesting history which explains so much about today's Muslims worldwide. God bless us all with truth love and compassion in Jesus Name Amen.
So many People are Starting to Realize Hell is the Default Destination from Birth. Jesus's Blood Saves us from Hell by Giving us Power to overcome Sin in our Lives, to Overcome any Addiction, Immorality, or Unrighteousness that is taking one to Hell! So all someone has to do is REPENT (Luke 13 3) & Sincerely want to Turn from all of the Devil's Lies of Unrighteousness in our Lives & Turn to Jesus, GOD Manifest in the Flesh!! HALLELUJAH!! ❤ Then the (John 3 3) Spiritual Rebirth (Baptism) takes place as Jesus justifies you as his Child & as he Guides us to all Truth & Further Sanctifies our Life to Something Proper & Acceptable to God! Just like the Bible says we become a New Creature, we Receive a New Heart!! Then through Jesus's Blood we Do his Will on Earth as it is in Heaven. He is the Potter, we are the Clay. We Can NOT Fix ourselves. His Power, Blood, & Holy Spirit makes the way Straight, to Heal the Sick, Cast out Demons, & MOST Importantly to Live a Holy Life Acceptable to God & NOT be a Worker of Iniquity that Jesus Will Say at your Death "Depart from me I NEVER Knew You". It's a Personal INTIMATE Relationship with Christ!! Then we Must Stay the Narrow Way & NOT let the Lust of the World Choke out the Holy Spirit from us. Make no Mistake, you Can Backslide, Depart of Righteousness, & be BACK on the Road to Hell!!
Just like Paul Feared being a Castaway himself:
1 Corinthians 9:27 (KJV)
27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
Thanks again jai.
Six years later its still straight 🔥!!
1:17:00 min you can use war in self defence as God instructed David that 1000 will fall on one hand and 10000 on the other
Christians are not allowed to attack.
If you live by the sword and die by the sword it is not an issue because you will ressaurect...
The crusades are justified as they were called upon to defend christian lands not attack mecca and medina. The problem of chrusades is what they turned into
23.Your Lord has decreed that you shall not worship anyone except Him, and [He has enjoined] kindness to parents. Should they reach old age at your side -one of them or both- do not say to them, ‘Fie!’1 And do not chide them, but speak to them noble words.
24.Lower the wing of humility to them, out of mercy, and say, ‘My Lord! Have mercy on them, just as they reared me when I was [a] small [child]!’
25. Your Lord knows best what is in your hearts. Should you be righteous, He is indeed most forgiving toward penitents.
26. Give the relatives their [due] right, and the needy and the traveller [as well], but do not squander wastefully.
Have you a video about the historicity of Jesus? That’s without muslims?
Thank you very much
Once u believe in God, there also exists God's world. That world is full of Gods with different powers, which God needs all!!
What you Hindus worship are in fact evil spirits who are even pictured evil and repulsive covered with skulls, blood, fangs etc. Worship the Almighty God instead.
You are funny. Wasn't Krishna the one who killed Lakshmi because more people worshiped her than him? You just talked about mythology and then tell us that world is full of gods with different powers?
Which one of those gods with their powers actually interacted with humankind? None. You have in that mythology gods that fight each other, can kill each other, can reincarnate themselves as gods and yet cannot interact with humanity.
How can you love those gods and their powers when they in no way love you or show you that they love you? Then you would want us to believe that we are mere byproducts of a cold, unknowing, uncaring universe while the gods with their powers only exist for their own pleasure? No thank you.
I would also not brag too much considering that women were killed because their husbands died and the untouchables are never getting out of their poverty because none of the gods with their powers help them or love them.
On your screen projection in the background, there appears to me anyway to be a little devil sitting on top of the Muslim minaret with two eyes, two horns and I can even make outa little tail. Just my bizarre perception probably.
What year is this from? he looks younger in this
We don't believe God became part of his creation and he need to be sacrificed order to forgive himself God is not an animal that need to be sacrificed to begin with. There's no big difference between Hinduism and Christian concept of God
@Mowla Systems One, God can enter into His creation as it is His creation. He can transcend time and space. Two, sacrifices according to Judaism is that forgiveness is in the covenant between God and man, that God will forgive as it says "without the shedding of blood, there can be no forgiveness of sin" because "the life of the body is the blood". Because life itself is in the blood, that when an animal is sacrificed, the evidence of that is the blood and the blood was sacred to the Jews. The animals sacrificed were never just killed and left to rot, they were eaten. So that means also that because mankind sheds blood because of murder, which is a sin, then according to the law then, blood for blood, eye for eye and tooth for tooth. What man cannot do is forgive mankind because mankind is not holy.
And therefore, as the animal sacrifices were types and shadows of what was to come, the fulfillment to be, no animal sacrifice can be enough as Micah 6 says "what, oh man, hath God required of thee but to love justice, do good and to walk humbly with God?" Therefore, as the blood is the life of the body, only what is holy can redeem what is not holy. Why else do you think it was so important for women to prove their virginity through the shedding of her blood at the consummation of the covenant relationship of marriage?
Why is that so important? To simply prove she was a virgin and her virginity is special? Why is her virginity so special? To prove she wasn't with another man? No, that is not the original, marriage is a covenant and signified by the shedding of her blood and that establishes the covenant between her and the man, because the man sacrifices her virginity for the sake of the two becoming one flesh as it was written in the beginning "for this cause shall a man leave his mother and father and shall cleave unto his wife and they twain shall become one flesh". That places the man and woman in equality in the echad, or oneness in unity. That is why God is constantly referred to in the Bible as the Husband, but because God only can redeem His bride, then God Himself sheds His own blood. And that established the covenant between God and humanity.
Jesus constantly referred to Himself as the Bridegroom and the Church as the Bride, even the city the New Jerusalem is called the Bride as John said "The angel said unto me come and see the Bride and I saw the New Jerusalem descend from heaven adorned as a bride for her husband".
Jerusalem of old was the type and shadow of what was to come, the New Jerusalem is the church. As the Jerusalem of old was called a "prostitute" and "full of iniquity", and Jesus came to redeem her by His own life. Read the book of Hosea to understand this concept.
And just why would you make the comparison of God to an animal? Are you that much carnal that you cannot understand the spiritual? As the Bible says "the carnal mind cannot know the things of the spirit".
There is Pagan ritual of sacrificing and there is monotheistic ritual of sacrificing huge different Judaism concept of sacrificing animal for benefiting human being so they can respect the animal and eat the meat and share the meat with poor you have to understand the animal has been sacrificed for our benefit from God and animal the Christian concept of ritual human sacrificing no forgiving cruel God took absolute punishment
The purpose of creation is to glorify God everything glorify him animal whatever you see in the galaxy and Beyond human Bean is a different creation with the free will he taught us right and wrong and all the name of everything is from there we can choose and find him glorify him . Not other way
! God became part of his creation he became a homosapien his purpose is to kill himself order to forgive homosapien why not other creation like dog or monkey pig or woman creation humiliation crucification cruel God took his full punishment. I don't see any love in it sacrificing human being or sacrificing God himself kill himself it don't even make sense God cannot die.
You pray The cross,not god.That is way you are different
@Import Export BD Institute Can you tell me, exactly who is allah? Can you describe allah? Have you seen allah? Have you heard allah? Has allah ever spoken to you? Why do you want us to believe in a god that even you don't know.
You tell us allah is the creator, but so is all the other gods. Saying creator does not make creator, it just makes a title placed onto an idea. That's all.
But your religion claims the black rock is the attribute of allah and attributes are not separate from what contains the attribute. Therefore, as the black rock is the attribute of allah, that it is recording your deeds, that it will one day speak and judge you and that it forgives your sins, then think about it. You have no description of allah other than a rock that is an attribute of allah, that can judge and forgive.
You make the claim that allah is the merciful and forgiving, then your Quran informs us that the black rock is what forgives. Do you not understand it now? Your black rock thinks, sees, knows, speaks, judges and forgives and those are all attributes of a god.
Let me ask you this, how many rocks does it take to throw at satan until you are forgiven? And since you throw the rocks at satan in mecca, then satan exists only in mecca? But then, your religion also tells us that satan pees in your ears, sleeps in your nose and winds himself around your penis and procreates with your wives.
How are you going to make me understand this....does Satan pee in the ears of every single muslim all over the whole planet and sleep in the noses of all muslims everywhere? Is satan omnipresent (everywhere at one time), omniscient (knows all things, so knows when and where every muslim is) and omnipotent (has the power to be in all places, in all times where all muslims are), and those are attributes of god yet satan isn't your god either even though satan does what god does?
That's your religion, you have a rock that records, sees, hears, judges and forgives and a satan that is in the ears and noses of all muslims everywhere all over the world. And then you have a problem with the Cross?
Did you make sure you blew satan out of your nose this morning?
According to quran god is not that distant! :
We verily created man and We know what his soul "Whispereth to him, and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein."
MATTHEW 26:1-5
MARK 10:33
Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me.
ACTS 2 : 22-24
22. Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:
23. Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:
24. Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.
True Christian theology is Oneness, not Trinitarian.
Yes, one being but three persons.
It's look like a man who so upset after loosing debate with his opponent and then tell to his own people.
first: amen!
but, when you say: thank God, in your prayer (to God, i assume) what exactly are you saying, except you’re using Gods’ Names in vain?
who are you telling? are you telling someone else to thank God for you? you certainly don’t mind using personal pronouns when it comes to HaShem or YHWH, the God of israel of the bible, and you insist you all worship separate (ONE?) Gods (gods?) and you all accuse and backstab one another, perfect triangular firing squad
and jesus (yeshua?) is lord (Lord?)
have i not told you you would be judging angels? where is your kingdom? to be a king, you must have a kingdom.
it’s not of this earth? but he said: (what?)
you’re on your own!
Jay, the father is only in your head. You wil find all possible interpretation tho back that up.
Yes, I too can make baseless accusations
God, is it He or She? If He, he has wife and his own children, servants and relationship in the God's world! If God is She, then it is same logic applicable. Just because not in Bible doesn't mean my definition is wrong!
U believe ur Book, Muslims follow their Book similarly Hindus believe their Book. Its just Belief which is common but Books are different.
Berbahagialah Setiap orang yg murtad ya tinggalkan islam ya sadar lah Quranmu itu hanya cerita dongeng karangan manusia bodoh ya GBU jay smits
Just can feel sorry for you. Any way u do asbu wish
arshad Muhammad why do you feel sorry for him or us 🙂
Mr. Jay, we share O with Islam. We share what they stole.
1:09:15 KUFAR? not kafir?
But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of ISRAEL.
ACTS 13:23
Of this man's seed hath God according to his promise raised unto ISRAEL A SAVIOR, JESUS.
Just because the bible doesn’t use the word Christian doesn’t mean his not their saviour. It’s a bad argument in fact Jesus claimed to be the saviour of the world!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Jn3:16
His disciple John said ‘And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.’ 1Jn4:14 and the apostle Peter said ‘a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours:
It’s a lie to say Paul started Christianity. Jesus sent out his disciples to make followers of him throughout the world Matt 28:
Jesus said he had sheep outside of Israel and he had come from them too. ‘And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.’ Jn10:16
The word Christian means Christ follower,like tawid is not in the Quran it’s a bad argument
Also Jesus appeared to the apostle Paul and tole him to go out and preach the gospel to the world.Acts 9
Jesus also said that salvation was being in a relationship with him and the Father ‘And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.’ Jn17:3 Just because Muslim apologists come out with these arguments it doesn’t make them through and they take verses out of context to mean something else
Whenever a Angel appeared to someone they brought peace or when God appeared to someone they were initially shocked but then they had peace. Like when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary. See Luke But when the spirit who appeared to Muhammad it squeezed him or attacked him 3 times he was terrified and screamed to be hid as he believed it was a demon and it’s possible he was right. Gods messengers always bring peace Muhammad was terrified. How could this be from God? It was not. The Hadiths say Muhammad also tried to get away from this spirit later in his life by trying to commit suicide but the spirit wanted to keep him alive. It has never happened that any angel from God would cause a person to try and kill themselves. This is not from God
Jay always talks his opinion with no citing verses from the bible, because he knows that the bible says Jesus is not God, but he is Human like you and me. please read the Koran and the bible and make a conclusion, don't listen to the haters of Islam, they will not enter with you in the grave when you die, but you alone will enter and remain in your grave, and if you die without Islam totally you lost.
He did cite verses from the Bible and the Quran. I’m pretty sure he knows the Quran more than you do.
@@myblessedlife84 if he knows the Quran he is supposed to be Muslim. even he believes that Jesus and Father are two different persons and that each one has its own powers. do you agree with that?
Islamic God is monotheistic God
Christianity God is pagnised Tri God, A distorted version
@@speaktruth9313 absolutely right, instead of God you worship a man God like many older cults where they had sons and daughters of god that they worshipped
@@refoizudeenmaricar3962 so wrong… hope you can learn from Jay.
you can prove anything with the right assumptions.
alma not parthenos (?) and he wasn’t named emmanuel. and, was that prophecy not fulfilled with winning the war when the young woman conceived as isiah said? and if mary conceived, it’s not a sign because we only have her word based on what she says she was told!
a sign is seen by everyone, and it doesn’t prove anything. and neither do miracles but you crosstians have it every way - not just one, and it’s not narrow. it wanders all over the place with 10 thousand streams, after 1260 days of rule by the beast himself. you crosstians even say so yourselves. so, how do you dare to say you have the truth?
and don’t get me started on jerusalem!
honestly, you’re building on sand, and you don’t even know it.
Isaiah 53. That's a very relevant part of Scripture. And obscure, until Jesus fulfilled it, the way we Christians think. Not Crosstians, because He resurrected, "because if He didn't, our faith is vain", (St Paul, a proud pharisee until he was touched in his heart by God, just saying in case it rings a bell, brother)
Damn he used to be thin!!
Totally myth about fruit and eating fruit! C'mon stop nonsense of this illogical belief!
@Narasimha Setra
The one reason I cannot reject the Genesis account/history is because Jesus Christ didn't say it was a myth. His live is well documented. Since Jesus cannot be wrong then this account is fact even though it looks ridiculous to us.
I put this write up, a PDF uploaded to the google-drive, together to show that Jesus is the one who made claims that He is The Son of God.
Please let me know what you think about this.
@@olorunseunenitolumo All documentation was done by men that too after 100yrs after his so called death. Death of Jesus itself is a mystery and myth!
If u believe ur book, similarly e everyone has their books. All depends on how much one trust BOOK!
With all due respect, may I inform you that many secular liberal historians and scholars have moved away from parroting the claim that stories in the Bible were written "100yrs after his so called death". If you cared to read the write-up there was one very obscure phrase on page 2 that is easy to overlook where I wrote, "it is obvious that Paul quoted from a Gospel (Luke 10:7)" I wrote before that there is a consensus that most of Paul's letters to the Churches have been dated to not later than 64 CE/ AD.
Conservative scholars dated all the books of the New Testament before 70 AD. While it is doubtful that any liberal scholar will date them later than between the mid- to late second century. The evidence used by conservative scholars that cannot be disputed by others is that none of the NT books recorded the destruction of Jerusalem. This was an event prophesied by Jesus and it was well documented that this took place around 70 AD.
If you would like to know more from the perspective of people like me, I have another write-up "Why Christianity Is True"
It is also a PDF uploaded to google-drive.
I will update this later to include emphasis on the early writing, translation and distribution of the Bible, esp the NT. But you can also search using phrase like "timeline between Jesus and compilation of the NT". That should give you varied opinions not my biased one.
@@olorunseunenitolumo Purely impure doctrine! What is do different for it is mostly copy cat of Hindu systems. We have Dwaith and Adwaith! U talk about historians, who are europeans and capable of writing History for their own benefit to support Christianity!
Its all sooo cruel and insanity cult while running conversion factories by conning gullible Hindus! Not one act which is laudable but equally Evil as Islam! It is just that Hindus should open eyes of deceiving Christians. Have seen enough!
First please note I am a Christian, but an African by birth though now living in Europe in my late adult years, so I am not trying to give a western narrative in the write up - "Why Christianity Is True" - I may have very little knowledge about Hinduism but be rest assured, the little is not from the western media apparatus.
Back in the 1970s we had very brilliant Indian teachers who taught in our High Schools. The Indian High Commission - Nigeria has this on their site as of today 2nd September 2019: "An entire generation of Nigerians from the Northern Nigeria was taught by Indian teachers, treated by Indian Doctors and grew up wearing Indian clothing and watching Indian movies in the 1970s to 1990s." I am not aware that any of them tried to share their religious beliefs with the people they interacted with like their Christian colleagues. In fact some of the people I interacted with shared that the motivation for most Christian teachers for going to Africa was to be "Ambassadors for Christ". The Hindu Indian teachers went only for the jobs.
I agree that the Christian Missionaries stories, CNN, Al Jazeera and Indian bloggers are *probably* biased but I wonder whether those "gullible Hindus" are not in fact the disillusioned Indians. As they say: "There is no smoke without a fire".
While I agree with you that "written History" is often from the perspective of the victor the reality is the biblical history is to the contrary. The Bible, especially the New Testament portion, was at best the *history from the perspective of the persecuted.* I do not know how you came to the conclusion about "deceiving Christians" and I do not know whether it was those "deceiving Christians" or Muslims who are "running conversion factories by conning gullible Hindus". Judaism, Christianity and Islam - of these Judaism is the only one that does not have propagation of its belief woven into its fabric. Islam is the last of the world's great religions but it is an ideology that seeks domination if possible of the whole world. But this much I know, too often a society gives a fair reflection of its worldview. So *he who lives in a glass house should not throw stones* all is not rosy in Hinduism but that is not my plan here and now to write unnecessary rubbish about your religion. *I would much rather plead that you look carefully at Christianity* before writing it off as fables and myth.