Hi Julian, thanks for the video. Doesn't the nano have a 16MHz crystal oscillator while the Uno has a 20MHz crystal? I didn't find any mention of this in your video or the comments here. This will impact the timers on the chip and things like the delay(); function will operate at different speeds. Could you elaborate on this technique when the boards have different clock sources?
Thank you for the video describing flashing a new Optiboot bootloader. I loaded my Pro Mini clones with the Optiboot bootloader using the procedure you outlined and it's working well.
As another commenter said you could also alter the ide to understand it's still a nano by telling it the boot loader size but then all your nanos will need updating. All that's happening by doing this is the program will be loaded into the first available memory that is also were the optiboot boot loaders as it boot vector set.
Thanks allot Julian for this very helpful video, I just bought several nano boards, so this knowledge sure comes in handy. I am a very loyal follower of all your video's, keep up the good work (y)
good video julian, Ive already done this with my Nano's but still a great video none the less to show others how to do it, quiet a simple thing to do really.
Is it possible to install the Optiboot bootloader on an Arduino Pro Mini (again, one of the clones, but it's from Inland). I am using the Inland FTDI to serial adapter that can work with both 3v3 and 5v Pro Minis. I have the 5v 16mhz. Any help would be great.
After reading some of the comments here and having a think about how this could work best for me I've downloaded the Optiboot files (github.com/Optiboot/optiboot) and added them to my IDE following these instructions: github.com/Optiboot/optiboot/wiki/InstallingOnChips I can now easily flip between bootloaders and boards without the need to edit files - really handy. Thanks for all the input here and to +Julian Ilett for the inspiration! I just need an 'O' sticker now for my converted boards!
You're videos are the intersection of wit and utility. Thank you. In an earlier video you mentioned that the Chinese Nanos lacked proper fuses. Is that still the case? I would be unhappy if my 9-year-old Dell were harmed. :)
I use the "sticker" method too. :) I have a few homemade PCBs with avr microcontrollers and I stick notes on them about the bootloader and the fuse settings.
if the opitboot bootloader is smaller and more efficient then how come the nano does not come with it preinstalled and used the bigger slower bootloader? are there any drawbacks or is it just a copyright issue or something?
+davepauljones I havnt even touched my mega yet, still playing around with the smaller ones. Plus its the only genuino aurduino I have, id rather risk my small cheep ones first.
Question - I don't have a tiny programmer handy... erm, the NANO has access to 2 more analog inputs than the UNO. Does the conversion still allow use of these two inputs???
informative as ever! I really enjoy your clips, my only bug bear is your screen capture style! you could use a program like OBS to capture your on screen footage this makes it clearer to see for us! OBS is really easy to use as well!
Why do they even put the usb on the arduino clones? It works just as well with a isp and you dont need to have a clunky usb header nor a built in usb to serial adapter and you do not need the bootloader at all.
why do they even put an led, a psu, headers and a crystal on it. Heck why do they even put it on a pcb. Could it be because that way it was more user friendly to a lot of people who are interested in using it straight out of the box rather than having to buy an additional FTDI board, or an additional programmer. In fact there already is the thing you are looking for, it is called an Atmega328 chip
thanks for the vid, last time when i tried bootloading by writing custom board config & downloaded bootloader, baud rate quite gave me a nightmare. it got solved after lost of experimenting and troubleshooting.
Because I'm still fairly new to arduino technology and I didn't know. I know you can do it on the Arduino Uno because I've already done it with a homemade shield I made. I just never played with the Nano at all so I didn't know. I apologize for any inconvenience.
+Dog Rox Ah, ok. I was just asking because "why not", because I don't know why you'd think there's a difference between flashing an uno or a nano bootloader.
Julian, Love your videos :) A nice idea you could do is use a recording/streaming program called OBS Studio and you could capture both your screen and use a external webcam as your camera so you could show both what you are doing on screen AND what the Arduino device is doing at the same time. :)
I am new to the Arduino and found this video interesting. My question for you is, once you have uploaded the Uno bootloader to the Nano board, can you do the reverse and re-upload the Nano bootloader back into the Nano ?
Hi Julian, I'm new to Arduino and I love your videos, I already learned a lot from you... I now have a few of these chinese Nano's and would like to upload the bootloader like you demonstrated. But before I try this, I have a few questions: 1) When I connect them to my PC (Mac) their USB port is not recognized in the Arduino IDE. Does that mean the bootloader is not installed? 2) I have a USB to serial adapter board (from 4D displays) with +5V, Rx, Tx, Gnd and Res connections. Can I use that one?
Amazing! I'm looking forward to see your successful attempts at installing NAZA firmware onto a Naze32 board now! (:
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You can also gain that 512 bytes too (for a total of 2K gain) by terminating the bootloader and upload your sketch using Upload Using Programmer (Ctrl+Shift+U) menu item. That way you don't even need to use the Uno profile, you can continue using Nano profile. ;)
Great video but i have a question ! When you use the Optiboot bootloader do you lose the two extra analog inputs of the Nano ? This could be a trade of , if you need more analog Pins !
+Adam Welch Scroll up and look at Nick B Comment, I just tried it myself and it does work. I just tried it. You can still have use all 8, I kinda ffeel like an idiot now.
Hi Julian, I love all of your videos, great job. I see you are using a USB Tiny ISP with 6 pin header. Can you tell me where to purchase for USA? You usually use Ebay, but I didnt see the link for it. Thanks in advance.....Tom Adams
+Julian Ilett A suggestion for you Julian given you appear to be looking for video ideas. It will encompass your interest in Arduino, MiniQuads, Nokia Displays, Programming, hacking etc. Build a motor/propeller thrust tester using a strain gauge or hacked electronic scale with a bit of memory so it can record peak values. Like the Turnigy (HobbyKing) offering but better. Perhaps you could incorporate a laser based, motor and prop combination, balancing system. Just a thought. Cheers
Alice is selling UNO R3 with the DIP version of atmega382 with USB cable for US$6.68 (latest price) and NANO at US$2.31 without USB cable and headers supplied but not soldered. kind of make sense that to pay just one third of the price to get the same job done and fully utilize the flash memory. excellent tutorial....
+Reese Me Check on other places, I bought two UNO R3 for 2.6 usd each without cable on aliexpress and the last time I check they already including the cable. Yet I prefer the Pro Mini wich are about 1.5 usd.
+Reese Me Yes, sorry, I forgot that some people prefers the DIP over the SMD version, I assume to use for programming breadboard UNOs?, if this is your case could you see some advantages over the Pro Mini (like power consumption)?
Julian, do one where you flash the bootloader but with a chinese nano clone that doesn't have isp pins. I believe you have to flash it with an other arduino connected as a master
If the ICSP pins aren't broken out, you'd attach to the correct header pins instead (ie. D13 for SCK, D12 for MISO, D11 for MOSI (or is it the other way around!), D10 for SS, RST, VCC, GND). The 6 pin header just gives you access in a convenient and standardised manner.
+Peter Feerick Yes, got it. www.kerrywong.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/atmega328pISPboard.png But what I meant to say is, that sometimes if you only have an usb->ttl board and only chinese nano clones. It is possible to connect the usb/ttl board to one clone, that than is connected to another clone. (possibly by the connections you mentioned) and use one nano to program the other nano. Without having a icsp programmer. Love to see that as an extension to Julians video. Flashing a leaner bootloader also has the option (with some bootloaders) that it skips the delay time that it waits for being programmed and jumps straight into the program on power up. Only a reset will let it wait for programming. Saves you 1-2 seconds!
+Kenneth Tan Yes, I believe you should be able to. You would program the first arduino with the ArduinoISP sketch so it behaves like a programmer, and the secound would be your victim to be updated. IIRC, you don't even need the USBtoTLL module once the ArduinoISP sketch is on the first Arduino as it automatically programs on reset (or I could be thinking of the wrong programming sketch and you need to send a specific character for it to start programming). Another sketch to look at is WestFWs standalone optiboot sketch - he is the current mainainter for optiboot, so it might even be in the optiboot github repo now.
+Peter Feerick That is exactly what I was looking for. And if Julian would do a follow up video of that, maybe showing a few different bootloaders it would be helpfull for a lot of people. His vids are so clear, easy to replicate and very professional.
i have 2 nanos that the driver is not recognized by my computer. if i redo the boot loader will that fix it and if not can i program them by bypassing the usb to SERIAL chip. Also great video. :)
+Beginner's Tech Do they have FTDI chips? You've probably been bricked! Yes, you can bypass the USB/serial chip (and overwrite the bootloader) by using an ISP programmer.
+Beginner's Tech If you turn the verbose outputs on in preferences like Julian did in this video, then after 'Verifying' the sketch you will find all the compiled code in the folder described in the verbose text. You can then use an ISP programmer to program the board using the HEX file that has been created. BTW you must leave the IDE open whilst you retrieve the HEX file, as it is kept in a temp folder that is immediately deleted when the IDE is closed.
I'm very late to the show with this Frankenduino business, but better late than never, anyway, I've just done this today, having only just yesterday built yet another Arduino clone thingy on some stripboard to use as an ISP to do it. I didn't do it for extra memory or for faster uploading of code, but to get the 'Watchdog Timer' to work properly, that I've only just discovered while trying to make my project a bit more 'bomb proof', didn't work on Nano's not running the Optiboot bootloader. In the words of certain Aussie, it's certainly a trap for young players, and it had me really puzzled as to why my nano was locking up at boot when I caused the timer to be triggered while testing it. So yeah, burning the Optiboot bootloader onto the Nano fixed the problem, and if my projects code gets stuck now, it gracefully resets and hopefully recovers, instead of just sitting there rapidly flashing an LED forever, after resetting itself. So maybe that's an idea for another video for you to do, showing the problem, and the resolution. Love your video's by the way, even the more frustrating and confusing ones.
+Cnerde You can easily edit boards.txt, clone the entry for the Uno and then edit it to create an entry, call it Nan-Uno, and change the last parameter to allow for the eight analog inputs, thus: pastebin.com/T7hm9YaQ You then have a new board in the menu Arduino Nan-Uno
+umbrefawx Happy to help. To be honest I hadn't thought of this myself until i watched Julian's video and that is despite the fact I have already added ATtiny and ATmega1280 support to boards.txt. :)
+Nick B Well thats the thing about electronics. No matter how much you know or what you can do its so vast that you always learn something new every day doing it. :)
+Steve Spence The bootloader in the Nano occupies 2kb of that memory whereas the bootloader in the Uno occupies a mere 512 bytes, i.e. one quarter of 2kb. That memory is unavailable for Arduino programs! That is the difference.
+Nick B Right in the description "The Uno has more memory and faster upload baud rate,". Bull. The Uno is basically the same hardware. Optiboot is smaller and has a faster upload, not the UNO. I didn't bother watching the video. It's misrepresented. He isn't converting anything, he's just loading a new boot loader. Frankenduino my ass ....
+Steve Spence That is just being plain picky. Yes, Julian is technically just changing the bootloaders from the stock 2k bootloader installed on Arduino Nanos to the 512b bootloader installed on most Arduino Unos. But as far as the Arduino IDE is concerned, you are changing boards, as you have to program it as an Arduino Uno from then onwards. And without going into the complexity of understanding bootloaders and boards.txt files, that is a good enough explanation of how to get some of the benefits of the Arduino Uno (updated bootloader). If people wanted to know more, they would look up Optiboot as Julian indicated in the video, and learn more about it and what a bootloader is, and then how to add a vanilla optiboot entry to their boards.txt file.
"Uno" is the italian for "one". You may want to attach a sticker with "1" typed on it :) The increment in free memory is just 5%, but hey.. it's free :D
Hi Julian, thanks for the video. Doesn't the nano have a 16MHz crystal oscillator while the Uno has a 20MHz crystal? I didn't find any mention of this in your video or the comments here. This will impact the timers on the chip and things like the delay(); function will operate at different speeds. Could you elaborate on this technique when the boards have different clock sources?
Why not program the ATmega328p directly in C/C++, compile and burn via avrdude? Then you have all the memory, from the boot loader.
Great video!! I love your Arduino vids.
Thank you for the video describing flashing a new Optiboot bootloader. I loaded my Pro Mini clones with the Optiboot bootloader using the procedure you outlined and it's working well.
very informative, another thing demystified b Julian.. Thank you, love this channel
how about lack of 2 analog inputs on uno???
I am a real fan of your vids ! Keep up the good work !
As another commenter said you could also alter the ide to understand it's still a nano by telling it the boot loader size but then all your nanos will need updating. All that's happening by doing this is the program will be loaded into the first available memory that is also were the optiboot boot loaders as it boot vector set.
Thanks allot Julian for this very helpful video, I just bought several nano boards, so this knowledge sure comes in handy. I am a very loyal follower of all your video's, keep up the good work (y)
I've turned the mini pro 328 into a Uno in the past successfully with the same steps you did.
Do you know if after this conversion from Nano to Uno, the additional pins in Nano are still working after the conversion?
good video julian, Ive already done this with my Nano's but still a great video none the less to show others how to do it, quiet a simple thing to do really.
Can't believe I somehow missed this - invaluable, and has the potential to solve a major issue I've had with Chinese knock-offs
Could we do the same to turn a Nano into a Leonardo?
Also use of the more analog pins with the uno fw?
You can upload optiboot without "changing it to uno" which defines some different constants at compile time, that work only on real uno (328p).
Is it possible to install the Optiboot bootloader on an Arduino Pro Mini (again, one of the clones, but it's from Inland).
I am using the Inland FTDI to serial adapter that can work with both 3v3 and 5v Pro Minis.
I have the 5v 16mhz.
Any help would be great.
Why is the nano got less memory,its the bootloader i guess,but why did they do that to the nano also why the slower baud rate?
After reading some of the comments here and having a think about how this could work best for me I've downloaded the Optiboot files (github.com/Optiboot/optiboot) and added them to my IDE following these instructions: github.com/Optiboot/optiboot/wiki/InstallingOnChips
I can now easily flip between bootloaders and boards without the need to edit files - really handy. Thanks for all the input here and to +Julian Ilett for the inspiration! I just need an 'O' sticker now for my converted boards!
You're videos are the intersection of wit and utility. Thank you.
In an earlier video you mentioned that the Chinese Nanos lacked proper fuses. Is that still the case? I would be unhappy if my 9-year-old Dell were harmed. :)
Sir, how to use the expansion board in the video?
Thank you!!! I have several nano clones.. I'm going do this.. I wondered why my uno loaded faster..
I use the "sticker" method too. :) I have a few homemade PCBs with avr microcontrollers and I stick notes on them about the bootloader and the fuse settings.
can you help with a problem with a nano
sir when i program attiny85 ic it showing error yenkie invalid device please check your connection
if the opitboot bootloader is smaller and more efficient then how come the nano does not come with it preinstalled and used the bigger slower bootloader?
are there any drawbacks or is it just a copyright issue or something?
Thanks Julian, may be i'll use my nano's again, been using mega last few years...cheers!
+davepauljones I havnt even touched my mega yet, still playing around with the smaller ones. Plus its the only genuino aurduino I have, id rather risk my small cheep ones first.
Very nicely done!
Question - I don't have a tiny programmer handy... erm, the NANO has access to 2 more analog inputs than the UNO. Does the conversion still allow use of these two inputs???
Good question, let me check...
The Nano (with Uno bootloader) seems fine with the 2 pots on A6 and A7 :)
Excellent - worth checking....
informative as ever! I really enjoy your clips, my only bug bear is your screen capture style! you could use a program like OBS to capture your on screen footage this makes it clearer to see for us! OBS is really easy to use as well!
everytime I tried to apload GRBL it says GRBL is not compatible, can you make a video on uploading GRBL, i would appreciate that. many thanks
Why do they even put the usb on the arduino clones? It works just as well with a isp and you dont need to have a clunky usb header nor a built in usb to serial adapter and you do not need the bootloader at all.
why do they even put an led, a psu, headers and a crystal on it. Heck why do they even put it on a pcb.
Could it be because that way it was more user friendly to a lot of people who are interested in using it straight out of the box rather than having to buy an additional FTDI board, or an additional programmer.
In fact there already is the thing you are looking for, it is called an Atmega328 chip
thanks for the vid, last time when i tried bootloading by writing custom board config & downloaded bootloader, baud rate quite gave me a nightmare. it got solved after lost of experimenting and troubleshooting.
There are absolutely no side effects by doing this?
That was killer! Now I have a question, is it possible to burn the Nano bootloader back to it to turn it back into a nano?
+Dog Rox
Sure! Why not?
Because I'm still fairly new to arduino technology and I didn't know. I know you can do it on the Arduino Uno because I've already done it with a homemade shield I made. I just never played with the Nano at all so I didn't know. I apologize for any inconvenience.
+Dog Rox
Ah, ok. I was just asking because "why not", because I don't know why you'd think there's a difference between flashing an uno or a nano bootloader.
Love your videos :)
A nice idea you could do is use a recording/streaming program called OBS Studio and you could capture both your screen and use a external webcam as your camera so you could show both what you are doing on screen AND what the Arduino device is doing at the same time. :)
I am new to the Arduino and found this video interesting. My question for you is, once you have uploaded the Uno bootloader to the Nano board, can you do the reverse and re-upload the Nano bootloader back into the Nano ?
+powertekusa Yes, the original Nano bootloader can be put back.
Hi Julian, I'm new to Arduino and I love your videos, I already learned a lot from you...
I now have a few of these chinese Nano's and would like to upload the bootloader like you demonstrated. But before I try this, I have a few questions:
1) When I connect them to my PC (Mac) their USB port is not recognized in the Arduino IDE. Does that mean the bootloader is not installed?
2) I have a USB to serial adapter board (from 4D displays) with +5V, Rx, Tx, Gnd and Res connections. Can I use that one?
You need to ISP the bootloader First, then you will be able to Usb communication, next..
Thanks for your tip Paul but I already found a way to do this... (I had one year time ;-)
Amazing! I'm looking forward to see your successful attempts at installing NAZA firmware onto a Naze32 board now! (:
You can also gain that 512 bytes too (for a total of 2K gain) by terminating the bootloader and upload your sketch using Upload Using Programmer (Ctrl+Shift+U) menu item. That way you don't even need to use the Uno profile, you can continue using Nano profile. ;)
Great video but i have a question ! When you use the Optiboot bootloader do you lose the two extra analog inputs of the Nano ? This could be a trade of , if you need more analog Pins !
+Raffy611 unfourtunantly yes.
+umbrefawx Thanks for clarifying. Seems you don't get something for nothing!
+umbrefawx not if you edit boards.txt and add an entry to it with the correct settings!
+Adam Welch Scroll up and look at Nick B Comment, I just tried it myself and it does work. I just tried it. You can still have use all 8, I kinda ffeel like an idiot now.
+Nick B I know I just tried it. I knew that but I didn't think of it at the time, I feel like an idiot but thank you. I should have tried that sooner.
Hi Julian, I love all of your videos, great job. I see you are using a USB Tiny ISP with 6 pin header. Can you tell me where to purchase for USA? You usually use Ebay, but I didnt see the link for it. Thanks in advance.....Tom Adams
+Julian Ilett
A suggestion for you Julian given you appear to be looking for video ideas. It will encompass your interest in Arduino, MiniQuads, Nokia Displays, Programming, hacking etc.
Build a motor/propeller thrust tester using a strain gauge or hacked electronic scale with a bit of memory so it can record peak values. Like the Turnigy (HobbyKing) offering but better. Perhaps you could incorporate a laser based, motor and prop combination, balancing system.
Just a thought.
i have a question what happen if you don't have a isp programmer of any kind can you do the same thing using another arduino?
+joseph chrzempiec (josephchrzempiec) Yes you can. Under Tools set Programmer to "Arduino as ISP"
+joseph chrzempiec (josephchrzempiec) do you have a second Arduino ? you can use one as an ISP - Programmer
+joseph chrzempiec (josephchrzempiec) My next Ardutorial will probably be about using another Arduino as an ISP
Thank you Raffy611 But what i was wondering can change the bootloader is in Julians video using another Arduino board??
Thank you Julian.
Alice is selling UNO R3 with the DIP version of atmega382 with USB cable for US$6.68 (latest price) and NANO at US$2.31 without USB cable and headers supplied but not soldered.
kind of make sense that to pay just one third of the price to get the same job done and fully utilize the flash memory.
excellent tutorial....
+Reese Me Check on other places, I bought two UNO R3 for 2.6 usd each without cable on aliexpress and the last time I check they already including the cable. Yet I prefer the Pro Mini wich are about 1.5 usd.
.rpv US$2.6 for UNO R3 is the SMD version not the DIP version, see the difference?
+Reese Me Yes, sorry, I forgot that some people prefers the DIP over the SMD version, I assume to use for programming breadboard UNOs?, if this is your case could you see some advantages over the Pro Mini (like power consumption)?
Julian, do one where you flash the bootloader but with a chinese nano clone that doesn't have isp pins. I believe you have to flash it with an other arduino connected as a master
If the ICSP pins aren't broken out, you'd attach to the correct header pins instead (ie. D13 for SCK, D12 for MISO, D11 for MOSI (or is it the other way around!), D10 for SS, RST, VCC, GND). The 6 pin header just gives you access in a convenient and standardised manner.
+Peter Feerick Yes, got it. www.kerrywong.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/atmega328pISPboard.png
But what I meant to say is, that sometimes if you only have an usb->ttl board and only chinese nano clones. It is possible to connect the usb/ttl board to one clone, that than is connected to another clone. (possibly by the connections you mentioned) and use one nano to program the other nano. Without having a icsp programmer.
Love to see that as an extension to Julians video.
Flashing a leaner bootloader also has the option (with some bootloaders) that it skips the delay time that it waits for being programmed and jumps straight into the program on power up. Only a reset will let it wait for programming. Saves you 1-2 seconds!
+Kenneth Tan Yes, I believe you should be able to. You would program the first arduino with the ArduinoISP sketch so it behaves like a programmer, and the secound would be your victim to be updated. IIRC, you don't even need the USBtoTLL module once the ArduinoISP sketch is on the first Arduino as it automatically programs on reset (or I could be thinking of the wrong programming sketch and you need to send a specific character for it to start programming). Another sketch to look at is WestFWs standalone optiboot sketch - he is the current mainainter for optiboot, so it might even be in the optiboot github repo now.
+Peter Feerick That is exactly what I was looking for. And if Julian would do a follow up video of that, maybe showing a few different bootloaders it would be helpfull for a lot of people. His vids are so clear, easy to replicate and very professional.
i have 2 nanos that the driver is not recognized by my computer. if i redo the boot loader will that fix it and if not can i program them by bypassing the usb to SERIAL chip.
Also great video. :)
+Beginner's Tech Do they have FTDI chips? You've probably been bricked! Yes, you can bypass the USB/serial chip (and overwrite the bootloader) by using an ISP programmer.
+Beginner's Tech
If you turn the verbose outputs on in preferences like Julian did in this video, then after 'Verifying' the sketch you will find all the compiled code in the folder described in the verbose text. You can then use an ISP programmer to program the board using the HEX file that has been created.
BTW you must leave the IDE open whilst you retrieve the HEX file, as it is kept in a temp folder that is immediately deleted when the IDE is closed.
Julian Ilett i believe the chip is a ch340g.
I'm very late to the show with this Frankenduino business, but better late than never, anyway, I've just done this today, having only just yesterday built yet another Arduino clone thingy on some stripboard to use as an ISP to do it.
I didn't do it for extra memory or for faster uploading of code, but to get the 'Watchdog Timer' to work properly, that I've only just discovered while trying to make my project a bit more 'bomb proof', didn't work on Nano's not running the Optiboot bootloader. In the words of certain Aussie, it's certainly a trap for young players, and it had me really puzzled as to why my nano was locking up at boot when I caused the timer to be triggered while testing it.
So yeah, burning the Optiboot bootloader onto the Nano fixed the problem, and if my projects code gets stuck now, it gracefully resets and hopefully recovers, instead of just sitting there rapidly flashing an LED forever, after resetting itself.
So maybe that's an idea for another video for you to do, showing the problem, and the resolution.
Love your video's by the way, even the more frustrating and confusing ones.
Do you need a USBtinyisp?
thanks this video is very helpful so kind of you
Very nice.
you could also change baudrate and bootloader size in boards.txt
so your nano could stay nano with more memory
+sviesis But wouldn't that mess up uploading to normal nanos? (Bit of a pain to edit it every time you switch the board you're using)
+Cnerde You can easily edit boards.txt, clone the entry for the Uno and then edit it to create an entry, call it Nan-Uno, and change the last parameter to allow for the eight analog inputs, thus:
You then have a new board in the menu Arduino Nan-Uno
+Nick B holy shit I didn't even think of that but your right and it does work, thank you. I can use all 8 again, was trying to figure out to do this
+umbrefawx Happy to help. To be honest I hadn't thought of this myself until i watched Julian's video and that is despite the fact I have already added ATtiny and ATmega1280 support to boards.txt. :)
+Nick B Well thats the thing about electronics. No matter how much you know or what you can do its so vast that you always learn something new every day doing it. :)
Thank you for the quick guide, I very much appreciate the extra baudrate for flashing!
The Arduino Nano 3.0 has the same amount of memory as an Uno. There's no difference besides form factor.
+Steve Spence The bootloader in the Nano occupies 2kb of that memory whereas the bootloader in the Uno occupies a mere 512 bytes, i.e. one quarter of 2kb. That memory is unavailable for Arduino programs! That is the difference.
Right. But that's not what was said. Optiboot can be loaded on any 328 based board. It's no big deal to load a new bootloader.
+Steve Spence Which video were you watching then? The difference in the bootloader sizes was clearly stated by Julian @ 2:50.
+Nick B Right in the description "The Uno has more memory and faster upload baud rate,". Bull. The Uno is basically the same hardware. Optiboot is smaller and has a faster upload, not the UNO. I didn't bother watching the video. It's misrepresented. He isn't converting anything, he's just loading a new boot loader. Frankenduino my ass ....
+Steve Spence That is just being plain picky. Yes, Julian is technically just changing the bootloaders from the stock 2k bootloader installed on Arduino Nanos to the 512b bootloader installed on most Arduino Unos. But as far as the Arduino IDE is concerned, you are changing boards, as you have to program it as an Arduino Uno from then onwards. And without going into the complexity of understanding bootloaders and boards.txt files, that is a good enough explanation of how to get some of the benefits of the Arduino Uno (updated bootloader). If people wanted to know more, they would look up Optiboot as Julian indicated in the video, and learn more about it and what a bootloader is, and then how to add a vanilla optiboot entry to their boards.txt file.
great hack, thanx.
"Uno" is the italian for "one". You may want to attach a sticker with "1" typed on it :)
The increment in free memory is just 5%, but hey.. it's free :D
+Andrea Corinaldesi that 5% could be the difference in being able to squeeze enough code in to do your project and not being able to.
+JaqiesGadgets exactly.. Why not upgrading :)
Cool beans!
Contemplating burning this bootloader to all my Nanos now - perhaps there's an ebay business in pre printed stickers? ;-)
+Adam Welch Lol. Yeah, that's the sort of business idea I used to have a lot of ;)
+Adam Welch pound shop tippex and a marker, lol
Nice naming! Uno nano 😂
Then you loose use of the added two Analog pins the NANO offers .
we need 230v AC relay (static or any) operating time ON and OFF 10 to 30 nano sec
Sorry about this Julian, but it would be really useful to tell us exactly what these products are at the start of the video.
Maybe a seperate video on what an an Arduino is.
a seperate video on what an arduino is?? with all due respect but have you been living under a rock the last decade? Check here www.arduino.cc
No, but I have been out of the electronics industry for quite some time. And with ALL DUE RESPECT, who are you, Julian Ilet's press secretary?
Well, then without any respect if you prefer that
I'd prefer you to mind your own business.
so confusing they do the same task, if u ask me .. LOL