DONATE NOW: ⬅ The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever builds a Mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a similar house in Jannah.” If you support this project, you will in sha Allah get a house in Jannah and share in the rewards of all the people: ✅ Praying in the Masjid! ✅ Making Dhikr! ✅ Memorizing the Qur’an! Please donate and help establish this Masjid and earn your reward:
(رَّبِّ ٱغۡفِرۡ لِى وَلِوَٰلِدَىَّ وَلِمَن دَخَلَ بَيۡتِىَ مُؤۡمِنًا وَلِلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ وَٱلۡمُؤۡمِنَٰتِ وَلَا تَزِدِ ٱلظَّلِمِينَ إِلَّا تَبَارًۢا) My Lord! Forgive me, my parents, and whoever enters my house in faith, and ˹all˺ believing men and women. And increase the wrongdoers only in destruction 71:28 ,Al-Qur'an al-Kareem
Its unfortunate, they had a great and innocent son about a decade ago and now they have a son who turned into a filth no fearing the end! The chase for fame took him away from his Deen! Also, his biggest fans are his parents as you can see in the picture of your thumbnail but inside they are crying while he is boasting with pride that he is taking pictures with his biggest fans.
My father was addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling and was never much of a father figure to me. I thought of disowning him many times but never could, something always told me it was not the right thing to do. I reverted to Islam on my own (haven't even told him I am muslim yet) and miraculously since then now he has suddenly stopped drinking, taking drugs and seems to be quitting gambling which to me is incredible and truly a miracle and a sign from Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala!
ALLAH SWT hear your prayers and actions. Sudden swift effect against the lifestyle I was living in my late 20s was suddenly deleted , like it never happened, purpose in clubs and places similar, it has no purpose but in degradation. Character of growing internally, there is no peer pressure but whisper of shaytan is still there, containing that i believe is what muslims should do. Just as shaytan tries to denigrate us, we should attack back, delegitimizing shaytan by thinking, reflecting, that is what shaytan hates, fact that it cannot sway by deception. He will put other people to do whisper for him, amplify it in front of you. That's the meaning of 24 hours a day of our lives.
From a Sufi perspective, mental illness is often seen as a form of disconnection from the Divine, but this is not understood as a moral failure. Sufism views mental distress as a spiritual affliction that may arise from the distractions of the ego (nafs) or a misalignment with the soul's true nature, which is to seek closeness to Allah. Healing is seen as a process of returning to a state of purity through prayer, remembrance (dhikr), self-reflection, and surrendering the ego to the Divine will. Professional help is also encouraged, as physical and spiritual health are interconnected.
I don’t think he is mentally well, something is not right. I feel extremely sorry for his family because they are clearly trying to support him the way they know. They come from a different generation and aren’t used to this social media world. It’s hard for everyone. May Allah swt make it easy for them. We’re watching a family problem in public, very hard
when a person gets older, he will definitely experience anxiety in his heart, Islam is medicine for the heart, just remembering Allah and His promises our hearts will be at peace🤲
May Allah heal Yousef Ereikat and all those that are ill. As an ummah we don’t condemn each other we correct each other with love. For a person that loses their sanity; there needs to be more rahmah and patience until they are healed.
@@SoulAlmighty1660No !! Your parents have to be respected. We are no one to judge them. Tomorrow your children can call you names. How will you feel about it.
He isn’t well brother, may Allah cure him. He’s been dealing with this for a long time and we are just watching it play out in real time. But make dua for him. That’s the least thing we can do.
He got into drugs and screwed his mind up. He chose haram over halal and is reaping the rewards of his chosen lifestyle…simple as that. Parents also to blame for allowing excessive freedom and lack of Islamic discipline.
@@SA41959not his parents fault its his own free will i know lots of ppl that had religious uprising with quran and the sunnah but they chosed the dunya
Clear cut FACTS!!! 💯 Plus you get cursed badly when you live that type of life with no Islam in your life. Not following Allah (s.w.t's) laws and way of life will never bring one's soul any peace. They'll always be a lost soul @@SA41959
For advice sister avoid using your pictures on your private as many scholars said that this is impermissible barak allah feek and may allah give you a good life💗
Asalamu alaykum brother Ali, I can see the sincerity and care in your eyes. And wallah i understand, however brother this brother of ours is not well. He has a lot of mental health issues. And none of us know what is happening to him. Public scolding from strangers won’t be of any help. He seems lost, have sabr and bring him closer. He looks like he’s crying out for help. Kindness goes a long way when dealing with mentally unstable people. They just want to be heard, and then think of Shaytan and his waswas? How do I know this? I have dealt with this in my life on numerous occasions and the only thing that helped was the genuine kindness and sabr. Not scolding (especially on social media) And Allah knows best. Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu.
That's very good advice, Mashallah. May Allah bless your kind heart. This is advice I need right now too, I need to remember to have sabr. Jazakallah khair ☪️🇮🇪
I agree woth you Ali, those sucesses you mentioned are the real successes. Poor parents, humiliated. We must always remember we reap what we sow as parents. Allah guide us all. ameen.
May Allah guide him and ease the pain of his parents 😢😢😢😢😢 when you bring children into the world and raise them with islam, yet shaytan gets hold of the child, xasbunalaahi it is painful 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢. May Allah make our children the carriers of islam, aamiin, aamiin, aamiin.
Mental health is real especially now days it’s very sad but only turning to Allah will help whomever they are…. We ask Allah to return him back to that which is pleasing to Allah, Ameen.
May Allah make it easy for our brother and his family. I will take your mum and all your family and take care of them too. Emotional pain of a mother is not to be played with. May Allah ease her pain. May Allah guide you. You will always need your mum.
fame can get to someone head and unfortunately fousey hasn’t been right and may Allah help because the trajectory he’s going at it’s not going to end well personally my advice would stop social media.
I'm exactly the same age as fousey, i lost my father 4 years ago. I'll say 2 things. Many of us grow up becoming independent and no matter how independent we get, when our father leaves this world, you walk around as if the roof and the walls have been removed from you. Second thing i'll say, i'll do almost anything to be 5 minutes in my father's presence 1 more time and we don't even have to speak a word. If i met this guy in real life and he did this infront of me, that conversation won't be good.
We'll never for sure know what was and is the truth with fouseys dramas for 10 years now. He clearly has bipolar disorder and is clearly not mentally well. His family or someone has to force him to stop going online and just get treatment from a professional islamic psychologist.
May Allah keep your father for a verry long and happy time in your life and may Allah make everything easier for you and your father and the rest of your family brother❤
Use that energy to study hard. And eventually, once you get successful then follow the pillar of Islam of zakat (charity), and do your part as a Muslim to donate to the less fortunate. Money isn't everything and lot's of monafiks will try to sway you away from god. Keep peace with god. Keep your heart clean. And get aggressive with the books lil bro. And stay out of trouble as it's easy for muslim's to get in trouble in the west. Don't forget your culture. And pray-pray and pray. I wish someone would of told me what I would be telling you about a clear path in life.
We don't know what's really happened in that family or who is right and who is wrong. One thing is for sure he's disrespecting his parents for the world to see, which is totally wrong!
I remember seeing him years ago making middle eastern family with his family. They loved him so much and I thought that they were so cute and beautiful together. I remember he used to feel guilty when he did something wrong. I can’t believe he changed so much. Social media can damage you really bad.
May Allah bolster the connection between us and our parents when your parents say they love you they want you by their side at all times never forget who nurtured you fed you and gave you shelter where others would not. May Allah allow our parents to live long and healthy lives and get the highest rank of jannah amen
Some children are disciplined and still grow up to be bad people. Of course parenting plays a major role in how someone may end up, though many other factors play a key role. Schooling, friends, family dynamics, and what one consumes on tv/social media are great examples of this.
My son fathers called him bad names and doesnt want to know him hes 13 so cant blame my son if his father hates him may Allah guild my son back to islam.. ali with much respect we cant judge no one sees behind close doors no matter of age we all feel pain hurt what happen in his child hood only he and his parents and Allah knows we take what happens as a child to adult hood please ease dont jugde or expose is sins said with much love ❤
When he reaches his forties and fifties, he will regret all the pain he caused his family. He will come back to them frustrated, sad and alone. Fame fades with time. Money may run out and your employees will leave you if you don’t have money. No one will stand by you in good times and bad except your family. We ask God to guide him.
From a Sufi perspective, mental illness is often seen as a form of disconnection from the Divine, but this is not understood as a moral failure. Sufism views mental distress as a spiritual affliction that may arise from the distractions of the ego (nafs) or a misalignment with the soul's true nature, which is to seek closeness to Allah. Healing is seen as a process of returning to a state of purity through prayer, remembrance (dhikr), self-reflection, and surrendering the ego to the Divine will. Professional help is also encouraged, as physical and spiritual health are interconnected.
Let him be humbled, let him be humbled. It was said: Allah's Messenger, who is he? He said. He who finds his parents in old age, either one or both of them, and does not enter Paradise. Sahih Muslim, 2551
I remember this brother when he started with his islamic videos, it was amazing, just to show how having so much money and fame can be dangerous for anyone, may Allah forgive him and us, keep us on the straight path, amin.
He at the beginning he used Islam in his videos to gain popularity fame and money. Once he got it then the real him got exposed. Money and fame did not change him. It showed who he really is as a person.
Its sad to see my brother Fousey/Yusuf in this state as a 41yr old,hope he heals fast from this mental illness and heal back his bonds with his family's,been seeing his crash out getting worst in recent month just breaks my heart man,may Allah ease his heart 🤲😢
If you want doors of jannah pertaining to your parents open for you Always remember Umak thumma Umak thumma Umak Thumma Abouk Open the wing of humbleness /humility And obey your parents even if they were on believers Wa’Allah yahib al muhsineen Ameen 🤲
I’m sorry if this seems harsh but as a Palestinian, I cannot in good faith forgive him for all the drama he is doing for fandom and addiction to materialism while what our people are going through. He needs to log off and save us the embarrassment , we do not need this type of behavior from someone who keeps saying he is a Palestinian Muslim.
I follow him closely and honestly disowning his parents is the only the tip of the iceberg of what he gets up to. He’s still incredibly entertaining though.
In fact, the way to live so that your heart becomes peaceful as you get older is to always remember ALLAH and stay away from all sins and stay away from all haram things.
How do i get the prayer mat, i even pay for it in sha Allah but I need it for my wife she accepted Islam about a year ago and I’ve struggled to get this issue resolved but it seems like it’s to much work and I pray Allah helps us all and have Rahma over us Amin
Asalaamualaikum, even though this video is based on Fouseytubes personal issues. This video is a major reminder FOR ME about how I should respect my parents and makes me feel embarrassed for even sighing at my parents. Ya allah please forgive me and anyone reading this comment for anytime I have disrespected my parents, anyone older than me and all those younger than me, Ameen. 🤲🏻
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever is pleased to have his provision expanded and his life span extended, let him keep good relations with his family.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 2067, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2557
This dunya is only a temporary test. Power and wealth are temptations for many, making people proud and stingy. As you rise up, do not forget your roots and goals. Death takes everything: beauty, money, power. In the grave, the worms don’t care who you were, they’ll eat your flesh. The Highest looks at the sincerity of faith and righteous acts. Without knowing the mission of all prophets - Tawheed - things are not accepted. How sincere is your faith? Do not be distracted by the temporal, because we live only once.
Dan Blizerian did a terrible job because it seemed like he was attacking Jewish people in general and not the state of Israel and Zionism. Jewish people are people of the book according to the Quran. Piers Morgan is a hypocrite because he is an Islamaphobe.
Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah 's Apostle said, "Whoever loves that he be granted more wealth and that his lease of life be prolonged then he should keep good relations with his Kith and kin." - Sahih al-Bukhari 5986
Its a major sin for him to cut off his parents and its a major sin for you to talk bad about him or expose him more then he has exposed himself. Good job Ali Dawah u earned more money and views from putting down muslims
A cursory read of the comments section informs us that a lot of people have missed the point of the video. It’s not about the person but using the individual’s mistake (some of us have more than him) as an example, to bring to our attention on the focus of the education of our future generations. Is it Money & Finance, Deen and Allah? Then don’t be surprised when they become what you taught them to become. May Allah bless you all and help us to raise/ guide first and foremost us to the righteous/ straight path and then our children. Aameen.
May Allah guide fouseytube no amount of money is worth our spiritual and mental health and I can see it on his eyes. He is certainly unwell . The true wealth is only with Allah and Islam .
Disowning your family and putting it all over social media is quite something. From the sounds of it, the rest of his family live a peaceful, quiet and successful life, if only he could learn from them and emulated their behaviours I'm sure he could find recovery and peace. So sad to see...
The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever builds a Mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a similar house in Jannah.”
If you support this project, you will in sha Allah get a house in Jannah and share in the rewards of all the people:
✅ Praying in the Masjid!
✅ Making Dhikr!
✅ Memorizing the Qur’an!
Please donate and help establish this Masjid and earn your reward:
(رَّبِّ ٱغۡفِرۡ لِى وَلِوَٰلِدَىَّ وَلِمَن دَخَلَ بَيۡتِىَ مُؤۡمِنًا وَلِلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ وَٱلۡمُؤۡمِنَٰتِ وَلَا تَزِدِ ٱلظَّلِمِينَ إِلَّا تَبَارًۢا)
My Lord! Forgive me, my parents, and whoever enters my house in faith, and ˹all˺ believing men and women. And increase the wrongdoers only in destruction
71:28 ,Al-Qur'an al-Kareem
With such a du'a the Nuh rasul, alayhis-salam, turned to Allah, 'Azza wa Jal
👍🏻 এগিয়ে যান। ইনশাআল্লাহ ☝🏻 সফলতা আসবেই। 0:52
Its unfortunate, they had a great and innocent son about a decade ago and now they have a son who turned into a filth no fearing the end! The chase for fame took him away from his Deen! Also, his biggest fans are his parents as you can see in the picture of your thumbnail but inside they are crying while he is boasting with pride that he is taking pictures with his biggest fans.
@@bkhantheking1 কি? মানে?
My father was addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling and was never much of a father figure to me. I thought of disowning him many times but never could, something always told me it was not the right thing to do. I reverted to Islam on my own (haven't even told him I am muslim yet) and miraculously since then now he has suddenly stopped drinking, taking drugs and seems to be quitting gambling which to me is incredible and truly a miracle and a sign from Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala!
I am very happy for you
Allahuma Barik! I am very proud of you! Allah commands to be kind to our parents no matter. I carry my mom on my back for the sake of Allah only.
May Allah swt bless you abundantly Akhi for being for the one who has Sabr. May Allah Ta'ala guide your dad as well to Islam ameen
ALLAH SWT hear your prayers and actions. Sudden swift effect against the lifestyle I was living in my late 20s was suddenly deleted , like it never happened, purpose in clubs and places similar, it has no purpose but in degradation. Character of growing internally, there is no peer pressure but whisper of shaytan is still there, containing that i believe is what muslims should do. Just as shaytan tries to denigrate us, we should attack back, delegitimizing shaytan by thinking, reflecting, that is what shaytan hates, fact that it cannot sway by deception. He will put other people to do whisper for him, amplify it in front of you. That's the meaning of 24 hours a day of our lives.
Fousey is going through mental struggle! May Allah stw. heal him and every muslim that is struggeling mentally/physically*spiritually...amiin
Painful to watch, especially seeing people who are cheering on his downfall.
From a Sufi perspective, mental illness is often seen as a form of disconnection from the Divine, but this is not understood as a moral failure. Sufism views mental distress as a spiritual affliction that may arise from the distractions of the ego (nafs) or a misalignment with the soul's true nature, which is to seek closeness to Allah. Healing is seen as a process of returning to a state of purity through prayer, remembrance (dhikr), self-reflection, and surrendering the ego to the Divine will. Professional help is also encouraged, as physical and spiritual health are interconnected.
@@strategic4124go preach your deviant secularism elsewhere
I agree with this but this is nothing to do with Sufism, rather purification of the soul and the three States if the heart....
I don’t think he is mentally well, something is not right. I feel extremely sorry for his family because they are clearly trying to support him the way they know. They come from a different generation and aren’t used to this social media world. It’s hard for everyone. May Allah swt make it easy for them. We’re watching a family problem in public, very hard
Anna universal letting agency is involved and her family Simple as that. I would be speaking Harry’s. Granny
Yeah he was forced to go to the psych last year
He has a bipolar disorder. This isn’t Modeen where it’s all an act
More like borderline personality disorder , which is even worse. @Yxsufyt
when a person gets older, he will definitely experience anxiety in his heart, Islam is medicine for the heart, just remembering Allah and His promises our hearts will be at peace🤲
34 year old acting like a teenager is diabolical... may Allah guide him
@@HossamBindary he is unwell may Allah give him deep healing and inner peace.
Allahuma Ameen 🤲🏽
He sold his soul, the demon came to collect and now possesses his body
Subhanallah Ali, I can tell how passionate and how much worry you have for the ummah by your tone
Drug addiction very bad makes people do stupid things may allah saves everyone from drug addiction ameen
I am afraid he's too far gone.. unfortunately
May Allah SWT guides him and soften his heart and may Allah SWT continues to guide him back every steps of his journey.
Send him over to the *God Logic* podcast,yes?
Great message in this video. May Allah SWT reward you.
May Allah heal Yousef Ereikat and all those that are ill. As an ummah we don’t condemn each other we correct each other with love. For a person that loses their sanity; there needs to be more rahmah and patience until they are healed.
"Success is walking on earth without any sin." "O Allah, grant us to walk on earth without sin. Ameen"
I will always look after my father even though he has always been a horrible peace is shit to us all his life because I have to answer to Allah
What if Allah says "why didnt you have any self respect and leave him"
@@SoulAlmighty1660No !! Your parents have to be respected. We are no one to judge them. Tomorrow your children can call you names. How will you feel about it.
@Bannedone3ice bro, if your unjust against your kids then your not a parent. That means you are allowed no contact
@Bannedone3ice and why would you say my children will call me names.... how disrespectfull
He isn’t well brother, may Allah cure him. He’s been dealing with this for a long time and we are just watching it play out in real time. But make dua for him. That’s the least thing we can do.
He got into drugs and screwed his mind up. He chose haram over halal and is reaping the rewards of his chosen lifestyle…simple as that. Parents also to blame for allowing excessive freedom and lack of Islamic discipline.
@@SA41959not his parents fault its his own free will i know lots of ppl that had religious uprising with quran and the sunnah but they chosed the dunya
@@SA41959 He's a grown mn they can't control him he's the only one responsible for his actions.
Clear cut FACTS!!! 💯 Plus you get cursed badly when you live that type of life with no Islam in your life. Not following Allah (s.w.t's) laws and way of life will never bring one's soul any peace. They'll always be a lost soul @@SA41959
Masha Allah brother Ali💚
For advice sister avoid using your pictures on your private as many scholars said that this is impermissible barak allah feek and may allah give you a good life💗
Asalamu alaykum brother Ali, I can see the sincerity and care in your eyes. And wallah i understand, however brother this brother of ours is not well. He has a lot of mental health issues. And none of us know what is happening to him. Public scolding from strangers won’t be of any help. He seems lost, have sabr and bring him closer. He looks like he’s crying out for help. Kindness goes a long way when dealing with mentally unstable people. They just want to be heard, and then think of Shaytan and his waswas? How do I know this? I have dealt with this in my life on numerous occasions and the only thing that helped was the genuine kindness and sabr. Not scolding (especially on social media) And Allah knows best.
Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu.
That's very good advice, Mashallah. May Allah bless your kind heart. This is advice I need right now too, I need to remember to have sabr. Jazakallah khair ☪️🇮🇪
@ May Allah cover you and may he increase your reward for having sabr. Life is hard and we are all battling something Subhanallah.
@@Taymiiyyah Thank you for your kind words. Alhamdulillah for everything 🥰 May Allah keep you and your loved ones always blessed 🤲☘️
May allah help all Muslims and good people around the world
اَللّٰهُمَّ اَلِّفْ بَيْنَ قُلُوْبِنَا، وَأَصْلِحْ ذَاتَ بَيْنِنَا، وَاهْدِنَا سُبُلَ السَّلاَمِ، وَنَجِّنَا مِنَ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّوْرِ، وَجَنِّبْنَا الْفَوَاحِشَ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَمَا بَطَنَ، وَبَارِكْ لَنَا فِىْ أَسْمَاعِنَا، وَأَبْصَارِنَا، وَقُلُوْبِنَا، وَأَزْوَاجِنَا، وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا، وَتُبْ عَلَيْنَآ اِنَّكَ أَنْتَ التَّوَّابُ الرَّحِيْمُ
After all of that I still heard his dad screaming baba I luv you. Mental health is real
3:51 That is wht I feel like at the moment...In sha Allah I'm trying my best to get back to Islam may Allah help all those who are suffering
May Allah guide him..InshaAllah Ammeen
I agree woth you Ali, those sucesses you mentioned are the real successes. Poor parents, humiliated. We must always remember we reap what we sow as parents. Allah guide us all. ameen.
May Allah guide him and ease the pain of his parents 😢😢😢😢😢 when you bring children into the world and raise them with islam, yet shaytan gets hold of the child, xasbunalaahi it is painful 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢. May Allah make our children the carriers of islam, aamiin, aamiin, aamiin.
Mental health is real especially now days it’s very sad but only turning to Allah will help whomever they are…. We ask Allah to return him back to that which is pleasing to Allah, Ameen.
How i wish i could hug my father one more time and this fool treats his father like a dog, Astaghfirullah
Too caught up in the Dunya May Allah guide him and forgive him
May Allah guide us all and forgive our shortcomings. May Allah help this family 🤲🏽 ❤
Makes me want to cry wallahi. Im not easy to tears
May Allah make it easy for our brother and his family. I will take your mum and all your family and take care of them too. Emotional pain of a mother is not to be played with. May Allah ease her pain. May Allah guide you. You will always need your mum.
he is not playing he is very very ill. may Allah give him mentally shifaa
fame can get to someone head and unfortunately fousey hasn’t been right and may Allah help because the trajectory he’s going at it’s not going to end well personally my advice would stop social media.
I'm exactly the same age as fousey, i lost my father 4 years ago. I'll say 2 things. Many of us grow up becoming independent and no matter how independent we get, when our father leaves this world, you walk around as if the roof and the walls have been removed from you. Second thing i'll say, i'll do almost anything to be 5 minutes in my father's presence 1 more time and we don't even have to speak a word. If i met this guy in real life and he did this infront of me, that conversation won't be good.
Very true brother
We'll never for sure know what was and is the truth with fouseys dramas for 10 years now. He clearly has bipolar disorder and is clearly not mentally well. His family or someone has to force him to stop going online and just get treatment from a professional islamic psychologist.
Cant force crazy people
You can’t force a sane horse to drink the water now try and convince
my guy Ali Dawah
yes sir!! im with you all the way
I wanted to donate soo bad but im just 14 and i have no bank account (plss make dua for my father)
Focus on your school, and you will able to earn your own money in shaa Allah!
May Allah keep your father for a verry long and happy time in your life and may Allah make everything easier for you and your father and the rest of your family brother❤
الله is ار رازق ...(I hope I spelled it correctly)
Use that energy to study hard. And eventually, once you get successful then follow the pillar of Islam of zakat (charity), and do your part as a Muslim to donate to the less fortunate. Money isn't everything and lot's of monafiks will try to sway you away from god. Keep peace with god. Keep your heart clean. And get aggressive with the books lil bro. And stay out of trouble as it's easy for muslim's to get in trouble in the west. Don't forget your culture. And pray-pray and pray. I wish someone would of told me what I would be telling you about a clear path in life.
Allahtaallah give us all HIDAYAAH 🤲
We don't know what's really happened in that family or who is right and who is wrong. One thing is for sure he's disrespecting his parents for the world to see, which is totally wrong!
hes using his parents for content
Bro is definitely off the meds
I remember seeing him years ago making middle eastern family with his family. They loved him so much and I thought that they were so cute and beautiful together. I remember he used to feel guilty when he did something wrong. I can’t believe he changed so much. Social media can damage you really bad.
7:33 😂😂😂😂😂i love ali dawah man❤😂
What a video mann❤
May Allah bolster the connection between us and our parents when your parents say they love you they want you by their side at all times never forget who nurtured you fed you and gave you shelter where others would not. May Allah allow our parents to live long and healthy lives and get the highest rank of jannah amen
He changed when he regained his fame by streaming. May Allah guide him and make it easy for his parents.
They spoiled him too much as a kid and never was properly disciplined
Also haram wealth has a lot to do with it
Some children are disciplined and still grow up to be bad people. Of course parenting plays a major role in how someone may end up, though many other factors play a key role. Schooling, friends, family dynamics, and what one consumes on tv/social media are great examples of this.
When Ali said who are you to be asking for 50k I’d give you 50p bruv😂😂😭😭🤣🤣🤣❤❤ ahh I love Ali man he’s soo jokes without trying ❤
May Allah SWT guide us all? Ameen yah rabi
Well said brother thank you
He needs serious professional help
He did get it but it never helps he starts going crazy a few weeks later.
My son fathers called him bad names and doesnt want to know him hes 13 so cant blame my son if his father hates him may Allah guild my son back to islam.. ali with much respect we cant judge no one sees behind close doors no matter of age we all feel pain hurt what happen in his child hood only he and his parents and Allah knows we take what happens as a child to adult hood please ease dont jugde or expose is sins said with much love ❤
On point 👍
Ali akhi you are right. Fousey needs to wake up before it is to late.
fousey seems so lost & unhinged. so sad 😭 Allah swt guide him and all of us ameen 🤲
Keep teaching us this. This is important 😊. This was the best video I needed at the moment. Please teach us more
When he reaches his forties and fifties, he will regret all the pain he caused his family. He will come back to them frustrated, sad and alone. Fame fades with time. Money may run out and your employees will leave you if you don’t have money. No one will stand by you in good times and bad except your family. We ask God to guide him.
From a Sufi perspective, mental illness is often seen as a form of disconnection from the Divine, but this is not understood as a moral failure. Sufism views mental distress as a spiritual affliction that may arise from the distractions of the ego (nafs) or a misalignment with the soul's true nature, which is to seek closeness to Allah. Healing is seen as a process of returning to a state of purity through prayer, remembrance (dhikr), self-reflection, and surrendering the ego to the Divine will. Professional help is also encouraged, as physical and spiritual health are interconnected.
Thanks for this
I agree with this but this is nothing to do with Sufism but rather purification of the heart and its three states...
Mashallah Sufism is the best!
I disagree. Tell it to my autistic cousin. What nonsense is this
Love this❤
Let him be humbled, let him be humbled. It was said: Allah's Messenger, who is he? He said. He who finds his parents in old age, either one or both of them, and does not enter Paradise.
Sahih Muslim, 2551
That guy is so disrespectful to his mom and dad. He should be ashamed.
I remember this brother when he started with his islamic videos, it was amazing, just to show how having so much money and fame can be dangerous for anyone, may Allah forgive him and us, keep us on the straight path, amin.
He at the beginning he used Islam in his videos to gain popularity fame and money.
Once he got it then the real him got exposed. Money and fame did not change him. It showed who he really is as a person.
Its sad to see my brother Fousey/Yusuf in this state as a 41yr old,hope he heals fast from this mental illness and heal back his bonds with his family's,been seeing his crash out getting worst in recent month just breaks my heart man,may Allah ease his heart 🤲😢
If you want doors of jannah pertaining to your parents
open for you
Always remember
Umak thumma Umak thumma Umak
Thumma Abouk
Open the wing of humbleness /humility
And obey your parents even if they were on believers
Wa’Allah yahib al muhsineen
Ameen 🤲
I’m sorry if this seems harsh but as a Palestinian, I cannot in good faith forgive him for all the drama he is doing for fandom and addiction to materialism while what our people are going through. He needs to log off and save us the embarrassment , we do not need this type of behavior from someone who keeps saying he is a Palestinian Muslim.
I follow him closely and honestly disowning his parents is the only the tip of the iceberg of what he gets up to. He’s still incredibly entertaining though.
Big facts, if the Muslims behind him won’t help him he may not get help. The beauty of Islam ☪️
Subhanallah Allah guide him
He's a little flower child , may Allah guide him and grant him true strength in the Deen of Islam and fill him with Iman and taqwa
In fact, the way to live so that your heart becomes peaceful as you get older is to always remember ALLAH and stay away from all sins and stay away from all haram things.
How do i get the prayer mat, i even pay for it in sha Allah but I need it for my wife she accepted Islam about a year ago and I’ve struggled to get this issue resolved but it seems like it’s to much work and I pray Allah helps us all and have Rahma over us Amin
Asalaamualaikum, even though this video is based on Fouseytubes personal issues. This video is a major reminder FOR ME about how I should respect my parents and makes me feel embarrassed for even sighing at my parents.
Ya allah please forgive me and anyone reading this comment for anytime I have disrespected my parents, anyone older than me and all those younger than me, Ameen. 🤲🏻
Allahuma Ameen
It prohibited to cut family ties in Islam..Dont risk yr jannah brother ,Fear Allah.
Fousey is mentally unwell.
It's painful to watch, hope he gets the Help he needs.
Feels sorry for his Parents.
May Allah swt guide him.
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever is pleased to have his provision expanded and his life span extended, let him keep good relations with his family.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 2067, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2557
Ali we get it . Talk to him we don't want drama .
This dunya is only a temporary test. Power and wealth are temptations for many, making people proud and stingy. As you rise up, do not forget your roots and goals.
Death takes everything: beauty, money, power. In the grave, the worms don’t care who you were, they’ll eat your flesh.
The Highest looks at the sincerity of faith and righteous acts. Without knowing the mission of all prophets - Tawheed - things are not accepted. How sincere is your faith? Do not be distracted by the temporal, because we live only once.
Make a reaction to dan blizerian and piers morgan dan killed it, like the comment guys so he sees it
Piers was gobsmacked 😂
Dan Blizerian did a terrible job because it seemed like he was attacking Jewish people in general and not the state of Israel and Zionism. Jewish people are people of the book according to the Quran. Piers Morgan is a hypocrite because he is an Islamaphobe.
Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah 's Apostle said, "Whoever loves that he be granted more wealth and that his lease of life be prolonged then he should keep good relations with his Kith and kin." - Sahih al-Bukhari 5986
This is why I’m not allowing my future kids access to social media. Just look at the state of these muslim social media personalities
You can allow them for good islamic halal content for them to learn, I advise you to not ban it fully, just limit their usage.
(هُوَ ٱلَّذِى يُرِيكُمۡ ءَايَٰتِهِۦ وَيُنَزِّلُ لَكُم مِّنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ رِزۡقًا وَمَا يَتَذَكَّرُ إِلَّا مَن يُنِيبُ)
It's in human nature for a child to seek their parent's acceptance... that's why children follow their parents religion 99% of the time.
Nice video Ali Dawah
Allahumma barik
The audacity to ask your dad to drop your dog off for you, whilst disowning him is crazyyy 🤬
Its a major sin for him to cut off his parents and its a major sin for you to talk bad about him or expose him more then he has exposed himself. Good job Ali Dawah u earned more money and views from putting down muslims
I like Ali coz his real but I agree with @ samadam there
Keep it real 💯
Its not a mental struggle, its a spiritual struggle.
He needs help. I don't think he's in his right mind.
A cursory read of the comments section informs us that a lot of people have missed the point of the video. It’s not about the person but using the individual’s mistake (some of us have more than him) as an example, to bring to our attention on the focus of the education of our future generations. Is it Money & Finance, Deen and Allah? Then don’t be surprised when they become what you taught them to become. May Allah bless you all and help us to raise/ guide first and foremost us to the righteous/ straight path and then our children. Aameen.
و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته أخي
May Allah guide fouseytube no amount of money is worth our spiritual and mental health and I can see it on his eyes. He is certainly unwell . The true wealth is only with Allah and Islam .
7:43 omg i laughed so much 😂😂 funny guy
Please always remember that no matter what they did to you or didn’t do, you still need to humble yourself when it comes to your parents.
The internet was a mistake.
This is the consequentes of working behind the glass.
Disowning your family and putting it all over social media is quite something. From the sounds of it, the rest of his family live a peaceful, quiet and successful life, if only he could learn from them and emulated their behaviours I'm sure he could find recovery and peace. So sad to see...
Allahuma Ameen
Yeah he lost. May allah guide him again
This brother is very very unwell. I don't think he even understands what's he is doing. May Allah guide him and help him.
I wanna see the masjid built in Norway