Who Moved My Cheese Amharic audiobook | አይቤን ማን ወሰደው? full audiobook

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • #mybbooks #myb #amharicaudiobooks
    Chapters | ምዕራፎች
    00:17 መቅደም |ከመጽሃፉ ጀርባ ያለው ታሪክ|
    07:16 ስብሰባ
    10:19 አይቤን ማን ወሰደው?(ዋናው ታሪክ)
    51:47 የግድግዳው ላይ ጽሑፍ
    53:52 |የዛኑ እለት| ውይይት
    *Who Moved My Cheese? Book Audio book*
    This channel is dedicated to the audio book version of the book "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Dr. Spencer Johnson. The book is a parable about change and how to adapt to it. It tells the story of four characters who live in a maze and must find cheese to survive. When the cheese disappears, the characters must learn to adapt and find new ways to survive.
    -\\በዚህ ቻናል የማቀርባቸው አንዳንድ ርዕሶች እነሆ፡
    -ሰዎች ለለውጥ ምላሽ የሚሰጡ አራት መንገዶች
    -ተለዋዋጭ እና ተለዋዋጭ የመሆን አስፈላጊነት
    -ስለ ለውጥ ፍርሃትን እና ጭንቀትን እንዴት መቋቋም እንደሚቻል
    -አዲስ አይብ እንዴት ማግኘት እንደሚቻል (ማለትም፣ አዲስ እድሎች)
    -ለለውጥ የበለጠ አዎንታዊ አመለካከት እንዴት መፍጠር እንደሚቻል
    -በዚህ ጉዞ ላይ እንደምትተባበሩኝ ተስፋ አደርጋለሁ!
    *Subscribe to the channel to listen to the audiobook and learn how to adapt to change.*
    I would really appreciate it if you could like this video.💡 👍
    Thanks for watching! Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think.💡 💬

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  • @Ibrahimberedin3652
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  • @yonasadhune7303
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  • @yunusyasin5481
    @yunusyasin5481 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    ለውጥና ቍርጠኝነት ለፈለገ ድንቅ መፅሀፍ ነዉ አተራረኩም ውብ ነው አርእስቱን ብቻ አይተን ለመፅሀፋ አሉታው አመለካከት ይዘን እንዳያመልጠን እላለው