Look how strong the American Pitbull is at 0:01. Even with a grown man leaning on the gate with a wolfhound pressed up against the gate next to him, the Pitbull was still able to push the gate open. The man had to really brace himself so the Pitbull couldn't fully open the gate. That is how strong Pitbulls are.
Look how strong the American Pitbull is at 0:01. Even with a grown man leaning on the gate with a wolfhound pressed up against the gate next to him, the Pitbull was still able to push the gate open. The man had to really brace himself so the Pitbull couldn't fully open the gate. That is how strong Pitbulls are.
While wolfhounds are larger and have a higher bite force, American Pitbulls are tougher and more tenacious.
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