Stop teasing him about his shorts. He said he took back the WEN, he probably had to take back the shorts too, to make up for the extra price of the Jet. Smart and practical, just make sure to change out of them for your kids back to school night.
Sorry, to disappoint--naturally smooth :-). Why am I getting more comments on my shorts than on the lathe? Anyway, it gets very hot here in the summer. Give me a break.
There is nothing more frustrating than working with under powered tools. No tools I guess... I have the same issues with my bench top drill press... Cant handle forstner bits over 3/4" or so.
not really an apples to apples if you spent twice as much on the jet maybe the fairer comparison would have been to the WEN 34034 which is also 6A which retails for $781 on their web site.
Larry Bird wants his shorts back
Omg lmao
Stop teasing him about his shorts. He said he took back the WEN, he probably had to take back the shorts too, to make up for the extra price of the Jet.
Smart and practical, just make sure to change out of them for your kids back to school night.
The next upgrade is shorts to pants. Look at those smooth thighs. Do you moisturize?
Sorry, to disappoint--naturally smooth :-). Why am I getting more comments on my shorts than on the lathe? Anyway, it gets very hot here in the summer. Give me a break.
Those shorts definitely aren't loose-fitting, so they meet that safety requirement. Doesn't offer a lot of wood chip protection, though.
Thanks for doing the real life opinion on this... I will save up for the Jet :) Your time is much appreciated!
You won't regret the Jet. I still have it and love it.
Just found your channel..thanks for the review and update! I have the wen scroll saw and love that, maybe I better save up for a better lathe! 👍
Thanks for the video!
dude...whats up with the daisy dukes??
Yeah, I know. All I can say is that it gets hot here in Utah. And maybe I did cut those jeans down a little short...
who cares
Jet... good choice!
He wears short shorts
Seems odd that a theoretical difference of 1/4hp makes that much of a difference for torque.
There is nothing more frustrating than working with under powered tools. No tools I guess... I have the same issues with my bench top drill press... Cant handle forstner bits over 3/4" or so.
Come on man put some decent shorts on!!
Hey, those are my best work shorts.
they are decent bud
not really an apples to apples
if you spent twice as much on the jet maybe the fairer comparison would have been to the WEN 34034 which is also 6A which retails for $781 on their web site.
That's probably correct. I don't remember if the 34034 was available when I posted this.
I hgues you just answered my question from the other video
you cry babies dont like hes short ,dont watch the video just go play in the traffic
For the record, I no longer have those shorts.