nice one. update regarding the race vest. NEVER HAD A BETTER SINGLET LIKE THIS ONE. wearing it almost feels like I could go with this group 😉 @Matt Fox: talk to Soar they have to design a split shorts or thights in matching colours!
watched the livestream of the Barcelona HM. Richard ran a strong PB but had zero screentime (unfortunately they only had 2 Motorcycle cams, one for each leading group) except from his classical sprint finish! if he doesn't get injured he will definitely quality for Paris in Hamburg!
for now, I can not imagine being able to run a km with a pace of 3.15. does maf trainings get me there? in a couple of years maybe? 6 years till I'm 40 and let's experiment.
it can but make sure to add speed work in your training too. I ran 4:31 1500m just after 4 months after i started running but the training is sure be killing me😂
23 cars made this possible. 19 for security, armored plated wheels, seven swat teams, 18 million for possible ransom payments if kidnapped, and three infinity stones.
insane how easy this pace looks for these guys
Love these old school sweat elite vids. No music, less talk, just lots of fast running!
What a group 🔥🔥
Has to burn when you're in the last rep and Motschmann says last k, let's go 3:00/ 😅. Great group 👍
Love this type of content. Rare on TH-cam but a gem to watch!
nice one.
update regarding the race vest. NEVER HAD A BETTER SINGLET LIKE THIS ONE. wearing it almost feels like I could go with this group 😉
@Matt Fox: talk to Soar they have to design a split shorts or thights in matching colours!
Lean and mean endurance machines 🔥🔥
watched the livestream of the Barcelona HM. Richard ran a strong PB but had zero screentime (unfortunately they only had 2 Motorcycle cams, one for each leading group) except from his classical sprint finish!
if he doesn't get injured he will definitely quality for Paris in Hamburg!
Great guys
Beast mode.
11:17 a random Nienke Brinkman appears
Oxygen at sea level is 20.9% and at Iten, Kenya it's around 15.5% and they're still able to go at this pace 🤯
Ben Connor our local Derby boy smoking 🚬
Interesting how the group spread out during the last reps
Curious as why any Melbourne track club athletes are yet to feature on any episodes?
We’ve asked….
@@sweatelite jakob jakob
Because Nic Bideau doesn't like sharing what his athletes are doing in workouts and what not
@@kodak7676 jack Rayner and brett Robinson allowed to use starva interestingly
Fires me up!
Johannes weight?
for now, I can not imagine being able to run a km with a pace of 3.15.
does maf trainings get me there? in a couple of years maybe? 6 years till I'm 40 and let's experiment.
it can but make sure to add speed work in your training too. I ran 4:31 1500m just after 4 months after i started running but the training is sure be killing me😂
Wtf these beasts 😂😂😂
23 cars made this possible. 19 for security, armored plated wheels, seven swat teams, 18 million for possible ransom payments if kidnapped, and three infinity stones.
14:35 Oh hello Sir you are cute. ;)
Mauvaise qualité d ' image