Rennie Davis vs Abbie Hoffman 1973 on the Guru Maharaj Ji

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024
  • Abbie Hoffman comments on Rennie Davis' newfound dedication to Guru Maharaj Ji, the sixteen-year-old leader of a cult-like new age group, the Divine Light Mission (DLM). He calls Davis arrogant and a propagandist to think that he actually knows who God is.
    The video was produced by TVTV (Hudson Marquez, Allen Rucker, Michael Shamberg, Tom Weinberg, and Megan Williams).
    Watch the full video on Media Burn:

ความคิดเห็น • 27

  • @JB-oo8pc
    @JB-oo8pc 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Man Abbie Hoffman always knew what was up

    • @germaredipprnaar6264
      @germaredipprnaar6264 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      He wasn't stupid.

    • @birmingham0613
      @birmingham0613 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree.I love how he left the possibility open.

    • @michaelwalston2438
      @michaelwalston2438 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He later wrote Maharaji asking for help when he needed it.

  • @sunnymacduffee6849
    @sunnymacduffee6849 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I wonder what the purpose of posting this video is

  • @SunnyMacDuffeeMota-tw9vl
    @SunnyMacDuffeeMota-tw9vl 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Poor Abby he just didn’t get it

  • @AnarSchism.
    @AnarSchism. ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Abbie was right on

  • @GustavoMartinez-gn5bm
    @GustavoMartinez-gn5bm ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @AnarSchism.
      @AnarSchism. ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You sound dumb.
      Maharaj ji ji is/was a phony

    • @clivebaxter6354
      @clivebaxter6354 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      His only interests have ever been money, sex, drugs and booze

    • @GustavoMartinez-gn5bm
      @GustavoMartinez-gn5bm ปีที่แล้ว +2

      the inmates of many jails now enjoy peace and stop to fight because the program for peace of rawat to prove oposite you needing much more than words.

    • @clivebaxter6354
      @clivebaxter6354 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@GustavoMartinez-gn5bm I have experience of his lies since 1972, he has ruined many people lives, fortunes and families. More people turn to other nonsense in prison like Islam than the rantings of 'the lord of the Universe'

    • @AnarSchism.
      @AnarSchism. ปีที่แล้ว

      They're inmates, not the smartest people 🙄

  • @100couscous
    @100couscous 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Or how well you can be at misunderstanding some quote clear message.

  • @WholeBibleBelieverWoman
    @WholeBibleBelieverWoman ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow. Abbie saying, "this is the god that the United States of America deserves" has more truth than I knew for so long.
    I'm still waiting for Mr. Rawat to admit that he is not "all that" and in fact is as flawed as many a sinner, turn to the actual God in the flesh who was and is Jesus Christ of Nazareth and repent and then tell all his followers of his own incredible transformation as God makes him into a new creature in Christ Jesus (who is one with the Father and Holy Spirit). I like to think he got railroaded into his "guru" and then "master" identity due to a generational curse, but the longer one hangs onto what they KNOW is not true the more deceptive they become. Right now, he's just another poobah hawking the new-age style lies of Satan.
    I wish Mr. Rawat no ill will, but his path will lead only to certain destruction if he remains in his arrogant and false persona. I was one who dedicated myself to Rawat for many years with a strong devotion that belonged to God and not to him. Like they say -- and I have seen it is true -- that if the devil can't get you to worship yourself or to worship him (the evil one), then he is happy to at LEAST keep you from serving the true and only way to God's eternal peace that passes understanding via Christ Jesus.
    Even more, I pray for so many he has enchanted into his delusional position to be touched by the Holy Spirit so the scales will fall off their eyes like they did mine. For any true seeker for God, the path of Prem Rawat is one giant red herring.

    • @birmingham0613
      @birmingham0613 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Wait as long as you please.Thank God Mr.Rawat has persevered in bringing his message for these 50 plus years.I respectfully attend Christian churches on a regular basis as a musician,and though they mostly mean well,the convoluted formulas they espouse for salvation don't add up.Their most crucial beliefs are not even based on anything Jesus said.In my experience,the poet Charles Cameron is correct."The knowledge is real.The meditation works".

    • @WholeBibleBelieverWoman
      @WholeBibleBelieverWoman ปีที่แล้ว

      @@birmingham0613 I totally agree about the churches -- unfortunately, most of them. The message for salvation can easily be read in the Bible. And one very clear part of that message is something Jesus Christ HIMSELF said, which is that the only way to the Father is through him. That simple clarification exposes Prem Rawat immediately as NOT being a way to God. Only Jesus. Also, it clarifies that God is not some nebulous, impersonal omnipresent force. He is a PERSONAL God. The kind that interacts with each of us who sincerely seek Him. And the kind that will forgive us and give us great mercy, cleanses us of the burden our wrongdoings have put on us so that we can become new creatures in Him, and turn away from sin and rather toward Him; and follow His commands, which are given us as His children. By following Jesus' example we become more and more to live IN Him so that His qualities, both loving and supernatural, also come through us (though we will always be UNDER God).
      I was a clueless Christian for many, many years and convinced myself that Rawat was Jesus' representative on earth. Boy, was I wrong. It was like I was being a Catholic (who are taught that the Pope is Jesus' representative on earth). I could so EASILY see through that deception, but Rawat "got" me. And the FIRST thing he did in my early days listening to him was PUT DOWN both the Bible and Jesus. He mocked both of them. And I let him do it. I quickly got under that deceptive spell. Later in life after taking a number of years away from Rawat, I had the experience of Christ Jesus delivering me of demons that were driving me NUTS in my head and pushing me toward suicide. That was the night I became a Christian -- but I did not get too far before about a year later, not having found a decent church and honestly afraid to check out any more churches, I fell back into my old ways with my "favorite" sins, including sexual immorality (i.e., sex outside of marriage in my case) and being purposefully seductive. I ran into followers of Rawat and ended up following Rawat again after some years, BECAUSE HE DID NOT REQUIRE ME TO STOP SINNING.
      I don't know what hell is. It could be total annihilation after some suffering. Or it could be worse than that. I don't study hell. I study the Kingdom. And I can tell you that NO ONE is getting into the Kingdom of God without repenting for following false prophets (such as Rawat) and for sinning against God.
      The day I finally woke up and realized that Prem Rawat was most definitely NOT a representative of Jesus on earth was the day I heard him say in a video that many "premies" thought they were serving the master by serving one another. He "clarified" that NO, to serve the master had to be done DIRECTLY to the master. I did not know my Bible well and had not read it at all for decades at that point, but I knew WITHOUT ANY DOUBT WHATSOEVER that no true representative of the Almighty Creator would EVER say such a thing. Jesus was all about us loving one another and giving to one another and even placing others in higher esteem than ourselves. To be the servant of the lowliest of servants is in fact the way to end up being one of the most exalted in God's Kingdom.
      Jesus -- contrary to what Rawat repeated more than a few times back in '72 -- is NOT dead. He is ALIVE, He is one of three personalities which work in TOTAL synchronicity as ONE body -- the body of God Himself: Father, Son (Jesus) and the Holy Ghost (aka Holy Spirit). He LIVES and He REIGNS in the spiritual -- and Jesus will be returning soon as the signs of the end times become ever stronger. The Antichrist is on our heels and will soon enchant the world with his ability to do what seemed impossible -- but he will be a CRUEL world dictator. The time to have eyes to see and ears to hear is NOW. No one who takes the mark of the Beast will enter the kingdom of Heaven, which is what will be a NEW and totally cleansed earth and where death will have been DESTROYED.
      Got a Bible? Keep a King James handy to check questionable verses in various translations. Even the KJV has (a few) errors in translation, but it is powerful and true. (Only the original Hebrew and Greek are totally inerrant.) THERE IS POWER IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS WHO DIED FOR ALL OF US. Rawat didn't die for us; to him his followers are his cash cows, and he does good works (such as feeding people in India) to make a show of his philanthropy. Pfffftttt. The Rockefellers and such do the same -- it's called PR.
      I still hope Rawat will humble himself and repent for his sins, though at this point I'm not at all sure that he will. I doubt he could bring himself to be so humble as to admit that he is not the "owner" of "knowledge" and that Christ Jesus is the only way to God. And yes, God IS inside of us -- and there to direct us -- when we receive Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and He puts the Holy Spirit to live right inside of us. THAT is the Kingdom of God that is within.

    • @100couscous
      @100couscous 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You are very mistaken. If you say was to be true, many other people wouldn't get the benefit of living their lives the way they do, practising knowledge. I'm the livvong proof of what you say is wrong, but can not convince you of course, because of the nature what life is about: a personal experience. I hear you are very religious, name dropping past prophets og naming satan. Maybe that's why you don't get so much out of it. These ideas you follow get you stuck, but good luck to you finding what you need.

    • @WholeBibleBelieverWoman
      @WholeBibleBelieverWoman 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I used to think as you, but now looking back I see that the deeper I got into Maharaji the more I became amoral. I didn't SEE it, just as you don't see it.@@100couscous