He went forth for the lord, his heart ablaze, With best boy in tow He walked the maze. And this the tale. The peasants they wrote. When the battle ensued. The victor the goat.
@@firedemon43 ah wow im glad to hear it! It’s already good as it is but the more the better for replayability!! This game surpassed Spelunky in my book, it’s such a fun game
@@Actually_Eric I realized that this was an interesting choice of words, but we don't have a rewind button in real life. Sometimes we wish we had a rewind button in real life.
@@berserkerking9453 Totally hear you. Sometimes I've got a momentum going and I like the load out and the coin situation so I just go with it. But you're right, there could've been something special in there. Next time!
He went forth for the lord, his heart ablaze,
With best boy in tow
He walked the maze.
And this the tale.
The peasants they wrote.
When the battle ensued.
The victor the goat.
@@handsolo704 That's amazing!
Apparently a big update is happening Nov 5th with a new area and 666 more voice lines
Is that for real?
No kidding... Is this on their Steam page?
@@GoatForceGaming Its on their discord from one of the devs
@firedemon43 Thanks for sharing this! I can't wait.
@@firedemon43 ah wow im glad to hear it! It’s already good as it is but the more the better for replayability!! This game surpassed Spelunky in my book, it’s such a fun game
If it's a hump day, shouldn't it be a dromedary? Camels have two humps.
1:42 off to a great start
This game is so well made I love it
You can eat bats to heal the poison.
Love the videos goat! Your the real MVP!!!
@@erictalameasina1336 Thanks buddy!
Just grabbed a coffee afrer a tough morning and thought to myself: what's the Goat up to?
I hope the day gets better for you after the tough morning, buddy!
@GoatForceGaming It did thank you. Hope yours has been good as well
Third run is adventure time
love and support from germany !
Thanks buddy!
The Game is still early access? crazy
Yes. Apparently, a big update is on the way soon. I'm excited!
dont take him to pound town please
@@Actually_Eric I realized that this was an interesting choice of words, but we don't have a rewind button in real life. Sometimes we wish we had a rewind button in real life.
The haircut was free, but was it worth it?
I have not decided yet. What are your thoughts?
@@GoatForceGaming I looked over all the cuts the first time you visited the shop and I think the default is the best, which really surprised me.
Why don't you shake the peasant out to get stolen items back?
@@mattvander667 Mainly due to PTSD from the peasant getting angry and coming after me for shaking him one time. The fear has stuck with me. 😂
@GoatForceGaming lol, haven't had that happen yet 😅
come on, the hammer is more efficient in the pesants hands, you can take 2 items and he only 1, not worth to skip a chest
@@berserkerking9453 Totally hear you. Sometimes I've got a momentum going and I like the load out and the coin situation so I just go with it. But you're right, there could've been something special in there.
Next time!