The alien looked so forlorn just floating in the water while you made the others 😂 I tried so hard not to laugh during that part so I wouldn’t wake anyone up but I couldn’t help giggling lol! This was a fun video
Ur not suppose to dip the molds in the water first u need to do them dry then dip and shake lightly if not ur problem will happen the the glue won’t stick to the mold
The first alien turning out horrifying was hilarious omg😭😭
I think he’s cute 😭
That first alien is CURSED. I love it. This was a wonderful idea
11:53 noooooooo that is not where a crab's eyes are😭
Let him have his giraffe antlers
I was thinking the same thing!
The way it looked at you when it demolded 🌑u🌑 cry
The alien looked so forlorn just floating in the water while you made the others 😂 I tried so hard not to laugh during that part so I wouldn’t wake anyone up but I couldn’t help giggling lol! This was a fun video
never seen these before - this was such a good video idea, sooo creative & satisfying! deffo try this again ✨🤍
Honestly the first one is my favorite. I laughed so hard I had a horrible coughing fit because of my flu but it was totally worth it.
22:11 NOOOOOO he was my favorite!!! LOL
The alien just chilling in the water the whole time has me rolling 😂
Ooouu can you build gingerbread house in asmr pleaseeeee
You should do a picky pad video!! 🥰
Oh and I'd love to see more of these!
2:21 so tinglyyyy, something is about your counting 😍
Loved this, so fun to watch!
Thanks so much!!
The nets to fish it out from!!! 😂😂😂
22:15 NO poor guy was cursed from the very first 😓
Ur not suppose to dip the molds in the water first u need to do them dry then dip and shake lightly if not ur problem will happen the the glue won’t stick to the mold
RIP first little dude and orange crab 😔
With this thumbnail I thought it was going to be "fishing"!! Those magnetic toy fishing poles and a little net. 😁
I love this!
Your videos are like snacking on a desert that just landed on my plate.
I love your videos sooooooooooo much
Sophie ❤❤❤❤
Love your all kinds of your squishes 😊❤
😂 Justice for Mr. Krabs! Poor guy lol.
i didn’t even make it halfway through the video before i fell asleep ❤❤
11:46 ummmmmm that’s not ware the eyes go…
i used to watch people do these on tiktok all the time 😅😅
Hi❤ New video here, I am in bed in the seconds🥰
Luv it!
Nap time!!! 😂❤❤
Your videos are literally healing my inner child and i really appreciate you for you ❤
Happy Tuesday! First ❤❤
I counted the legs and the octopus is more of a septopus 😅
you don’t need to get the molds wet before using them
Seven minutes ago 👹 can’t wait to sleep tonight
Omd 8 minutes ago ! So early ❤
God Bless everyone, Jesus Loves you so much so trust and faith that he will take care of it ❤❤❤
U should do more with this kit, like a pimple board and pop each one of them in a video...or something like that
o hey ulesito