いつもご視聴いただきありがとうございます! 栗菓匠 和泉さんは栗1つ1つを丁寧に加工し、とても手の込んだ和菓子でした! 栗を使った和菓子の中でも『栗きんとん巻き』がとても有名で秋の時期になると注文が殺到し名古屋で長く愛されてる和菓子屋さんです🌰 Thank you for watching! Chestnut Confectioner Izumi carefully processes each chestnut to create very elaborate wagashi! Among the wagashi using chestnuts, “Kurikintonmaki” is very famous and orders flood in during the fall season, making this wagashi shop a long-time favorite in Nagoya🌰.
栗菓匠 和泉さんは栗1つ1つを丁寧に加工し、とても手の込んだ和菓子でした!
Thank you for watching!
Chestnut Confectioner Izumi carefully processes each chestnut to create very elaborate wagashi!
Among the wagashi using chestnuts, “Kurikintonmaki” is very famous and orders flood in during the fall season, making this wagashi shop a long-time favorite in Nagoya🌰.