Bire, keyboard lay sihon le ambasel kegnet -- 3,4,6,7,1,3 -- new belehal. Tadiya enezihn eyandandachewn be major new weys be minor chord menechawetachew? Lemesale tezeta major kegnet lay -- 1,2,3,5,6,1 -- lay 1-major, 2 &3-minor, 5-major, 6-minor chordochen enechawtelachewalen. Be ambasel ena bati endihum anchihoye lays?
May God bless you abundantly.
በጣም አመሰግናለሁ የምፅዓቱ የአዋጅ ነጋሪ እጅግ በጣም ትልቅ ስራ እየሰራ ነው ።ፀጋው ይብዛላችሁ
ጌታ የባረከኽ ሰው ነኽ። እግዚአብሔር ካለ ከድል በኃሏ በአካል አገኝኃለሁ። አባክኽ ከቻልክ አንዳንድ የዳንእል አምደሚካኤልን እና የአገኘኹ ይደገግን የልሎችንም መዘሙሮች አያያዝ ጣል ጣል አድርግለን። አሁንም ተባረክ
You are so natural teacher, Bire. God bless you and your family.
God blsse you bire
you motivated me to dare play Guitar, thank you so much as you give your time and talent may the Lord bless you in so many ways keep up the good job
Thank you our blessed brother. Degmo congratulation for Nobel peace price.
my god bless you❤
ብርዮ ይህ ያው ኤ ማይነር ነው! ልክ ነህ ለማስተማር የሚቀለው ግን ማይነር ስኬልን ከ ዳያቶኒክ ማይነር ተነስተን 4ኛውንና 7ኛውን በመዝለል ማግኘት እንደምንችል ብትነግራቸው ይቀላል የሚል ግምት አለኝ! ምን ታስባለህ ። ለምሳሌ የC ማይነር CDD#GG# ይሆናል
this is special one thank you so much man of God Bire God bless u
wonderful work bire
Bire lesson 04 ney yalehut gn eske lessons 16 alu keza lesson 18 ylal 17 yelechim
What about the chords of tzta minor and bati could u please share us?
Good job
ine Andya Uyalew anten Mayet Sijamir
hi bire ...great lesson as always....i don't hear u taking about bati about it?
Yhe ye tizita C miner new weys A miner
Bire, keyboard lay sihon le ambasel kegnet -- 3,4,6,7,1,3 -- new belehal. Tadiya enezihn eyandandachewn be major new weys be minor chord menechawetachew? Lemesale tezeta major kegnet lay -- 1,2,3,5,6,1 -- lay 1-major, 2 &3-minor, 5-major, 6-minor chordochen enechawtelachewalen. Be ambasel ena bati endihum anchihoye lays?
ስለ ኮርዱ በሚከተለው ትምርት ላይ አስተምራለሁ
@@biremusic Okay, thank you so much!
abo yemechek
Slkihin itach askemitilign!!!!!!!!!!!
Facebook Bire Tse
bire, iron man, where you live!
Germany Frankfurt
ብሬዋ ምንም ልገባኝ አልቻለም።
Yhe ye tizita C miner new weys A miner