Before discovering *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I've realized that I don't need to spend thousands of dollars to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My recent purchase is a Balenciaga replica that looks so real, even my fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I'm able to enjoy the luxury lifestyle without breaking the bank.
I love my *hotdups* bag. I have had them for a long time and they look like new. I like to spend money wisely. How many people spend all their money on expensive handbags, cars and accessories only to be wowed? Overpriced luxury bags that are nothing special
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chloe replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the *hotdups* as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
I bought a LV bag at *hotdups* a few years ago. I took it to the LV store in my town last week to have it repaired. A store clerk inspected my bag and immediately told me that the bag was of excellent quality. She pulled a current bag out of inventory and compared the tags and I saw ZERO differences.
I got the Loewe small puzzle in the new mellow leather in black this past March in Madrid and love love love it. Super low key and the leather is spectacular. It holds everything I need and can be held several different ways making it worth the $$$$ in my opinion.
Well, after watching your video, I sincerely feel that the first imitation is exactly the same as the one without the logo. Thank you for letting me have a new discovery, this is the crack of all cracks! *hotdups*
My friend is one of those women who can definitely afford the original version (and has it), but recently told me about a high imitation called *preluxz*
I like Loewe but the Puzzle is so not me since I dress very feminine; when I tried it in store it almost like I made the bag looked bad 😂 Plus I can’t with the slim opening. Instead of a Kelly To Go, I’d go with YSL mini Manhattan ❤
Highly recommend the pebble leather over the soft leather. They will outlive you. The soft leather is for you, the hard leather is for your grandkids. The leather on the *hotdups* is fantastic.
I have 6 Loewe puzzles (5 mediums and 1 mini totoro version) and the best bit about the puzzle is how easy it is to use especially if you travel. It fits a 10-11 inch iPad and the handle is so good for when you need to hold and crossbody when need be! My other pick would be the garden party ( I have 3 ) and I use it even as my nappy bag as it is so understated! Great picks Jess!
I worked for a woman whose house was worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her bag is a *hotdups* road worth £60. What did I learn from her. You don't have to have the real one, as long as it looks accurate and I have money in the bank. I used to buy genuine products until I realized I didn't need to waste my money
Thank you for taking time to do the comparison. the quality of the channel *hotdups* is better, I bought it here, and you can ask them to take a photo for confirmation before shipping.
I learned this trick from my friend and now I choose *hotdups* ! Thank you for sharing this information because it allows you to be "normal" without feeling shackled by brands and labels.
Bought the clear *hotdups* bag to go to a concert. It was amazing! Got through security with ease, wore it cross body and I was able to dance and rock out!
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years, and I've never been disappointed. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My recent purchase is a Givenchy replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
I’ve recently bought the funky handle Loewe Puzzle in mellow calfskin. It’s very close to their classic calfskin but leans slightly matte with an almost velvety feel. I love my Edge version, also with a funky handle 😂, but knew if the right ‘original’ style came along I wouldn’t be able to resist. As far as Puzzles go, I’m done but love Loewe. It will likely be my only luxe bag purchase this year as the popular styles in all Houses have such inflated prices nowadays. I agree on Celine. I could spend big there too if I had the money 😂.
wow!! great choice! yes I have never seen the mellow calfskin IRK but it looks beautiful with the braided handle. Hehe same...have to be very selective with bags these day!
After speaking to my SA in Loewe about the satin calfskin I have purchased the puzzle bag in multiple colors. Despite what most people think the satin calfskin doesn’t scratch that easily and after a year it looks pristine and absolutely gorgeous.
They are not inferior in quality to those big luxury goods. The durability and attention to detail are comparable to original designer bags, and I can't believe how well I match them. It's the perfect accessory for any fashion girl! I'm sure I will repurchase some other styles and colors of *preluxz* to match my clothes and shoes
My friend is one of those women who can definitely afford the original version (and has it), but recently told me about a high imitation called *preluxz*
Agree with your opinion on the Garden Party so much! I love how almost all of them are nondescript and no one notices it's Hermès. Saying that yet also want to add the bear one to my closet lol.
Do you think that 10 years is a good / reasonable "long term horizon" for evaluating if a bag has staying power? I think it is, it's a doable amount of time to foresee one's style while still being long enough to get some good depreciation on the price. In that sense, the Lowe puzzle bag has proven you right already. I also 100% agree with the kelly woc, that is a lifetime piece for sure.
I have no problem with imitations. I used to add some nice imitations to my outfits, and since I bought some imitations from *preluxz* , I have more opportunities to buy and wear these things in my daily life.
Agree on the LV Pochette Accessories! I’ve had mine for 20 yrs and just recently had the hardware/vachetta replaced and it’s still gorgeous. I absolutely love the Garden Party and is next on my list! Great video as always, have a nice day Jessie😊
I am honored that patience is an important part of life. Thank you for taking the time to show us luxury items, I learned a lot from it. I hope you can create more beautiful bags and make them real works of art. Like your video very much. *preluxz*
Great point re the Celine logo going the way of the GG logo! Also, I wonder how the quality of build of the Celine hardware will age/tarnish over time? Can it be replaced? ITA re the Garden Party… sometimes boring is a good thing, and you can still dress it up with a twilly/charm. Plus, it’s still quite secure, and much easier to close/open than a Birkin… definitely a more quiet IYKYK bag I don’t mind travelling with. I’d never feel comfortable travelling with a Birkin tbh. Your comment re the hardware of the Constance getting scratched up is why I’ve never wanted anything Constance; I’d rather the hardware stay perfect when it comes to the H logo. Lol I know I’m clumsy and it’ll get banged up immediately. Still I think the Kelly closure is such a classic IYKYK ‘logo’ all on its own, and for whatever reason I don’t mind a banged up Kelly closure-it gives it some character imo. That’s why ITA re your opinion of the Kelly to go. I’ve seen people wear theirs under a coat/jacket, and if almost acts as a piece of ‘extra jewellery’ that pulls together an outfit. Definitely a piece I’d take overseas if I had an event/fancy dinners to go to, and it can also be used casually since I usually end up not carrying much, and putting things in my pockets.
Came back to re-watch this video, and dug out my original Loewe Puzzle small for use. I was triggered by one of your video that was checking if the original small puzzle has the D ring on the bag - yes. The original small puzzle has feet, D ring, wider shoulder strap, and 2 internal side pockets. It’s my this week’s bag rotation ❤.
*preluxz* not only provides thoughtful pre-sales consultation and after-sales services, but also provides users with personalized customized services. You can customize your own bag style and color according to your preferences and needs, making it more in line with your personality and style.
Jess, long time watcher! You really address all the topics around handbags I’m always thinking about but sometimes ashamed to vocalise, like spending too much, being addicted etc; with such frankness and openness. Also just wanted to say I noticed your green Birkin and thought omg that’s stunning and then I realised it’s the one you got offered in the boutique. I’m not even a fan of coloured bags myself (on me) but the structure of it is noticeable, it’s clearly new and it shows as the shape is perfect, that’s what I noticed first, and that shade of green is so chic, it’s perfect. Not garish at all, it’s a statement but not too much. Congrats!!!
Will these problems occur if these bags are used daily? I just purchased a metis clutch in monogrammed canvas from the Kusama collection. I love the colorful polka dots and hope they don’t melt on me, haha. But I don't think it will be in my regular rotation. I also have a NoeNoe in the DA but only use it a few times a year in the spring and summer so I don't put much wear and tear on it. I hope I don't see wear and tear for a while. Plus, I'm saving up *hotdups* . Have any of your colleagues experienced the same problem with this size? I don't mind the shape being a little more relaxed, but I also don't want it to turn into a puddle. Thanks for the video!
Not only do I no longer buy luxury goods, I don't want to risk being robbed. My most common choice now is *preluxz* , because it is relatively cheaper, and even if it is damaged, I won't be sad about it.
Hi Jess!!! I thought the Celine logo was brought back from years ago. At any rate it looks classic to me. And the GG is new and so in your face. The Celine logo is low key, if you know you know.
The Celine logo is from years back and it is so beautiful and timeless IMO. I do not agree AT ALL that it will get old and we cannot compare it to the GG logo. The GG (and LV) logos were not artistic, just gaudy. A company being lazy by using initials, very obvious. The Celine Triomphe is very artistic and beautiful and represnts the chain links of the fence around the Arc de Trimophe, NOT two Cs. I massively prefer this over the Chanel double Cs.
I never noticed garden party until I knew it is from Hermes 😅 for me a work tote style substitute for birkin would be sac de jour. For Triomphe logo I really like the new Nino top handle bag! ❤ I like the puzzle but somehow bulky bags don't look good on me. Kelly to go looks best on the shoulder it's too wide as crossbody bag imo.
*hotdups* You are so well-informed about luxury accessories and bags. You've obviously done your due diligence and the comparison to the US is very informative...because of course, I live in New York. thank you very much
I bought a LV bag at *hotdups* a few years ago. I took it to the LV store in my town last week to have it repaired. A store clerk inspected my bag and immediately told me that the bag was of excellent quality. She pulled a current bag out of inventory and compared the tags and I saw ZERO differences.
Love your videos. I don’t see the appeal on the Row bag no matter how much the influencers push it. The Hermes Kelly is my favorite on this list. Nothing is classier or more sophisticated.COPYMAXY
Unpopular opinion here, I don't like the Celine logo and yes, I feel that it will go out of style the same way as the Gucci GG in 3-4 years time. Only time will tell.
@@Jessiestyle It is in fact not two Cs. It is the chain links from the fence around the Arc de Triomphe. Google pictures of it and you'll see that it's much more inventive than Chanel's logo.
I agree with you when you say that the Birkin is too flashy, its always amused me that some people think it comes under the quiet luxury umbrella! Its possibly one of my least favourite Hermes bags. The Puzzle is much more up my street, and I do think atm that the Triomphe logo isn't quite as flashy as some others.
Still love the puzzle. I love bags that are lightweight, fuss free to use, and practical. The puzzles and flamencos are great bags. I also love my goyards.
I like how you describe the puzzle as a funky camera bag!!
Before discovering *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I've realized that I don't need to spend thousands of dollars to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My recent purchase is a Balenciaga replica that looks so real, even my fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I'm able to enjoy the luxury lifestyle without breaking the bank.
Perfect for creating a polished, everyday look *esluxy* .
You look great with your hair down … 😊
When people are saying *hotdups* is a better option,I very much agree!
Cassie and Jaidi are like-minded bag lovers: this is definitely a "rainbows and no neutrals" town.
I love my *hotdups* bag. I have had them for a long time and they look like new. I like to spend money wisely. How many people spend all their money on expensive handbags, cars and accessories only to be wowed? Overpriced luxury bags that are nothing special
Beautiful series *hotdups* , it's hard to pick a favorite, they are all exquisite! I believe everyone who sees it will be fascinated by it.
Hi Jess! The Celine Triomphe is one of my favorites. It's just so perfect! I also really like the Kelly wallet on strap. Also very perfect! ❤
I like them too!! Thanks Robbie 🌞
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chloe replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
Absolutely love the coat you are wearing! and the *preluxz* bag !
Love all your picks and now I want a Garden Party LOL! One day one
AAHAHHAH Clara!!! even the new mini one is quite tempting!
Wish the GP had a cross body strap
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the *hotdups* as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
I bought a LV bag at *hotdups* a few years ago. I took it to the LV store in my town last week to have it repaired. A store clerk inspected my bag and immediately told me that the bag was of excellent quality. She pulled a current bag out of inventory and compared the tags and I saw ZERO differences.
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *hotdups*
I got the Loewe small puzzle in the new mellow leather in black this past March in Madrid and love love love it. Super low key and the leather is spectacular. It holds everything I need and can be held several different ways making it worth the $$$$ in my opinion.
WooooW! that edition is stunning!! Thanks Em for the bag review! 🌸
Well, after watching your video, I sincerely feel that the first imitation is exactly the same as the one without the logo. Thank you for letting me have a new discovery, this is the crack of all cracks! *hotdups*
My friend is one of those women who can definitely afford the original version (and has it), but recently told me about a high imitation called *preluxz*
I like Loewe but the Puzzle is so not me since I dress very feminine; when I tried it in store it almost like I made the bag looked bad 😂 Plus I can’t with the slim opening.
Instead of a Kelly To Go, I’d go with YSL mini Manhattan ❤
true!! puzzle bag is not everyones cup of tea!💕
When you have *preluxz* , you can effortlessly enhance your style and make you look more attractive.
Highly recommend the pebble leather over the soft leather. They will outlive you. The soft leather is for you, the hard leather is for your grandkids. The leather on the *hotdups* is fantastic.
I have 6 Loewe puzzles (5 mediums and 1 mini totoro version) and the best bit about the puzzle is how easy it is to use especially if you travel. It fits a 10-11 inch iPad and the handle is so good for when you need to hold and crossbody when need be! My other pick would be the garden party ( I have 3 ) and I use it even as my nappy bag as it is so understated! Great picks Jess!
wow! You have a very handy collection Doreen!! Glad we have the same bag ideas!! have a great night!💕
I worked for a woman whose house was worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her bag is a *hotdups* road worth £60. What did I learn from her. You don't have to have the real one, as long as it looks accurate and I have money in the bank. I used to buy genuine products until I realized I didn't need to waste my money
Thank you for taking time to do the comparison. the quality of the channel *hotdups* is better, I bought it here, and you can ask them to take a photo for confirmation before shipping.
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *preluxz*
I learned this trick from my friend and now I choose *hotdups* ! Thank you for sharing this information because it allows you to be "normal" without feeling shackled by brands and labels.
Great take as always! Love your hair like this too! 🤎🤎
Thank you!! 😁
I recently bought some small and mini bags from *hotdups* as gifts. They are exquisitely designed and everyone likes them.
Hi Jess!!! Love your hair!!! ❤
Hi Ingrid! 😍Thanks lots!!
Bought the clear *hotdups* bag to go to a concert. It was amazing! Got through security with ease, wore it cross body and I was able to dance and rock out!
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years, and I've never been disappointed. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My recent purchase is a Givenchy replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
I’ve recently bought the funky handle Loewe Puzzle in mellow calfskin. It’s very close to their classic calfskin but leans slightly matte with an almost velvety feel. I love my Edge version, also with a funky handle 😂, but knew if the right ‘original’ style came along I wouldn’t be able to resist. As far as Puzzles go, I’m done but love Loewe. It will likely be my only luxe bag purchase this year as the popular styles in all Houses have such inflated prices nowadays. I agree on Celine. I could spend big there too if I had the money 😂.
wow!! great choice! yes I have never seen the mellow calfskin IRK but it looks beautiful with the braided handle. Hehe same...have to be very selective with bags these day!
Thanks for showing off the classic appeal in your video, *hotdups* ! It makes me appreciate quality even more.
Thank you dear for taking us along. Can't wait what the *preluxz* queen picked up at Fendi
After speaking to my SA in Loewe about the satin calfskin I have purchased the puzzle bag in multiple colors. Despite what most people think the satin calfskin doesn’t scratch that easily and after a year it looks pristine and absolutely gorgeous.
They are not inferior in quality to those big luxury goods. The durability and attention to detail are comparable to original designer bags, and I can't believe how well I match them. It's the perfect accessory for any fashion girl! I'm sure I will repurchase some other styles and colors of *preluxz* to match my clothes and shoes
My friend is one of those women who can definitely afford the original version (and has it), but recently told me about a high imitation called *preluxz*
Agree with your opinion on the Garden Party so much! I love how almost all of them are nondescript and no one notices it's Hermès. Saying that yet also want to add the bear one to my closet lol.
Do you think that 10 years is a good / reasonable "long term horizon" for evaluating if a bag has staying power? I think it is, it's a doable amount of time to foresee one's style while still being long enough to get some good depreciation on the price. In that sense, the Lowe puzzle bag has proven you right already. I also 100% agree with the kelly woc, that is a lifetime piece for sure.
I think so!! In 10 years if you are still wearing the same was worth it!! Better than buying many trendy bags that you wear once or twice
What a great contrast! Everything is so lovely! Especially the *hotdups* handbags. Their style is so chic, stylish, elegant and understated!
I have no problem with imitations. I used to add some nice imitations to my outfits, and since I bought some imitations from *preluxz* , I have more opportunities to buy and wear these things in my daily life.
Agree on the LV Pochette Accessories! I’ve had mine for 20 yrs and just recently had the hardware/vachetta replaced and it’s still gorgeous. I absolutely love the Garden Party and is next on my list! Great video as always, have a nice day Jessie😊
I am honored that patience is an important part of life. Thank you for taking the time to show us luxury items, I learned a lot from it. I hope you can create more beautiful bags and make them real works of art. Like your video very much. *preluxz*
Great point re the Celine logo going the way of the GG logo! Also, I wonder how the quality of build of the Celine hardware will age/tarnish over time? Can it be replaced?
ITA re the Garden Party… sometimes boring is a good thing, and you can still dress it up with a twilly/charm. Plus, it’s still quite secure, and much easier to close/open than a Birkin… definitely a more quiet IYKYK bag I don’t mind travelling with. I’d never feel comfortable travelling with a Birkin tbh.
Your comment re the hardware of the Constance getting scratched up is why I’ve never wanted anything Constance; I’d rather the hardware stay perfect when it comes to the H logo. Lol I know I’m clumsy and it’ll get banged up immediately. Still I think the Kelly closure is such a classic IYKYK ‘logo’ all on its own, and for whatever reason I don’t mind a banged up Kelly closure-it gives it some character imo. That’s why ITA re your opinion of the Kelly to go. I’ve seen people wear theirs under a coat/jacket, and if almost acts as a piece of ‘extra jewellery’ that pulls together an outfit. Definitely a piece I’d take overseas if I had an event/fancy dinners to go to, and it can also be used casually since I usually end up not carrying much, and putting things in my pockets.
Came back to re-watch this video, and dug out my original Loewe Puzzle small for use. I was triggered by one of your video that was checking if the original small puzzle has the D ring on the bag - yes. The original small puzzle has feet, D ring, wider shoulder strap, and 2 internal side pockets. It’s my this week’s bag rotation ❤.
*preluxz* not only provides thoughtful pre-sales consultation and after-sales services, but also provides users with personalized customized services. You can customize your own bag style and color according to your preferences and needs, making it more in line with your personality and style.
Jess, long time watcher! You really address all the topics around handbags I’m always thinking about but sometimes ashamed to vocalise, like spending too much, being addicted etc; with such frankness and openness. Also just wanted to say I noticed your green Birkin and thought omg that’s stunning and then I realised it’s the one you got offered in the boutique. I’m not even a fan of coloured bags myself (on me) but the structure of it is noticeable, it’s clearly new and it shows as the shape is perfect, that’s what I noticed first, and that shade of green is so chic, it’s perfect. Not garish at all, it’s a statement but not too much. Congrats!!!
aw thanks so much london love!! so happy you have watched my channel for sometimes! 🤗❤
Come across this video randomly and I watched *preluxscom* OMG your closet is every women’s dream! Love your voice and the way you talk *preluxz*
I like Celine the most
Jess you look so pretty! Love your hair. And as usual love the bag picks. ❤
aw! Thanks lots!🌸
I much prefer the original puzzle. I wish they didn’t change the design😅
i know...same!
When she said, "I prefer *preluxz* ," I felt this wonderful feeling in my body, mind and soul. She is my soulmate.
Most people using Birkins aren’t going to “work” 😂
You look beautiful 😊 Many greetings from Germany 🇩🇪
thanks Stephanie!! Hello from Aus!💕 Happy weekend!
Will these problems occur if these bags are used daily? I just purchased a metis clutch in monogrammed canvas from the Kusama collection. I love the colorful polka dots and hope they don’t melt on me, haha. But I don't think it will be in my regular rotation. I also have a NoeNoe in the DA but only use it a few times a year in the spring and summer so I don't put much wear and tear on it. I hope I don't see wear and tear for a while. Plus, I'm saving up *hotdups* . Have any of your colleagues experienced the same problem with this size? I don't mind the shape being a little more relaxed, but I also don't want it to turn into a puddle. Thanks for the video!
I have the Loeve Goya bag and I still love it
ooo very nice!
I love your Garden Party tote 😊
Thanks JP!🤗
@Jessiestyle you're welcome Jess 🤗
Not only do I no longer buy luxury goods, I don't want to risk being robbed. My most common choice now is *preluxz* , because it is relatively cheaper, and even if it is damaged, I won't be sad about it.
Hi Jess!!! I thought the Celine logo was brought back from years ago. At any rate it looks classic to me. And the GG is new and so in your face. The Celine logo is low key, if you know you know.
The Celine logo is from years back and it is so beautiful and timeless IMO. I do not agree AT ALL that it will get old and we cannot compare it to the GG logo. The GG (and LV) logos were not artistic, just gaudy. A company being lazy by using initials, very obvious. The Celine Triomphe is very artistic and beautiful and represnts the chain links of the fence around the Arc de Trimophe, NOT two Cs. I massively prefer this over the Chanel double Cs.
I quite like the GGs of the Gucci Blondie line. More subtle than the Marmont.
Hi Galexy!!! True!! It was indeed taken from the archives :) Hope you are enjoying the weekend!
The Constance to Go is great! I get a lot of use out of it for evening
good to know~🤗
I never noticed garden party until I knew it is from Hermes 😅 for me a work tote style substitute for birkin would be sac de jour. For Triomphe logo I really like the new Nino top handle bag! ❤ I like the puzzle but somehow bulky bags don't look good on me. Kelly to go looks best on the shoulder it's too wide as crossbody bag imo.
thanks for your thoughts!! 😍
yes fashion up too you
Jessie, I love your hair and the color.., you look pretty😊
awww thanks Tina!🌷
You look great 🙂😉😗the hair is giving!
hehe thanks!!😍
What size is your garden party please? Thx.
size 30 :)
@@Jessiestyle Thanks!
Love the Kelly to go. I have one in rose confetti ❤❤
Your hair looks gorgeous down ❤😊
Announced today, Hermes store coming to Nashville Tn. About 20 minutes from me. So excited @
Oooo woooooww!!! that is exciting!
*hotdups* You are so well-informed about luxury accessories and bags. You've obviously done your due diligence and the comparison to the US is very informative...because of course, I live in New York. thank you very much
I bought a LV bag at *hotdups* a few years ago. I took it to the LV store in my town last week to have it repaired. A store clerk inspected my bag and immediately told me that the bag was of excellent quality. She pulled a current bag out of inventory and compared the tags and I saw ZERO differences.
Love your videos. I don’t see the appeal on the Row bag no matter how much the influencers push it. The Hermes Kelly is my favorite on this list. Nothing is classier or more sophisticated.COPYMAXY
Unpopular opinion here, I don't like the Celine logo and yes, I feel that it will go out of style the same way as the Gucci GG in 3-4 years time. Only time will tell.
Can’t agree more!
could be the case!
the celine logo just looks like a lower budget chanel copy cat? anyone else think that? like i get its been around in france for a while but still
I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t like the new Celine logo. 🤷♀️
it is very chanel-esque because of the CC but i still like it myself!
@@Jessiestyle It is in fact not two Cs. It is the chain links from the fence around the Arc de Triomphe. Google pictures of it and you'll see that it's much more inventive than Chanel's logo.
I agree with you when you say that the Birkin is too flashy, its always amused me that some people think it comes under the quiet luxury umbrella! Its possibly one of my least favourite Hermes bags.
The Puzzle is much more up my street, and I do think atm that the Triomphe logo isn't quite as flashy as some others.
thanks for your thoughts! 😊
@@danishpastry6137 I think the triomphe logo is flashy. I don’t like it either. And yes, birkins are not under the radar. It’s definitely a flex.
Still love the puzzle. I love bags that are lightweight, fuss free to use, and practical. The puzzles and flamencos are great bags. I also love my goyards.
You look more beautiful and much younger with your hair down !