Amen! If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and He was crucified, dead, and three days later He arose from the grave, then you shall have everlasting life.
@@stevencagle5469 Also they had no concept of fractions, no fraction appears in the Bible anywhere. So technically if there was even just one hour in the prior day, and one hour in the 3rd day it would still be considered 3 days. Yup, 26 hours can be 3 days in certain cultures. Crazy world! ;)
Wisdom comes from God, and is available to all who diligently seek it. If a person lacks wisdom, that person has not sought after it, at least not in faith. James 1:5-6 New King James Version 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. James 3:13-18 New International Version Two Kinds of Wisdom 13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14 But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15 Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. 17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. It is to the shame of mankind that so many lack wisdom, however, that does not have to be, if they choose to seek it, they will find, and obtain it.
Live in same town with Robertsons ..Phil is sincere Christian and always helping people ..Whole family does .My son has known them over 25 years ..and he helped him that many years ago son went to his church to listen to Phil and his the Robertson family ..and West Monroe , La.loves you too.
I’m so glad to hear that fame hasn’t changed Phil’s theology. Too many Christians that have gained fame leave the scriptures and start preaching to itching ears instead of sticking with the truth. The gospel is simple. Love to see this on your channel Allie!
Phil is a liar and all liars go to hell he preaches water baptism and a lot of nonsense! Water baptism was a proselyte baptism now it is blood! Waters does nothing but the blood of Christ saves! If so-called Christians become famous they do not belong to God and never have! God does not use somebody’s he uses nobodies! It disgusts me how many people call themselves Christian but know nothing of truth! Many are called but few are chosen! If you belong to the world the world loves you if you belong to God the world hates you because you preach the truth and the world hates it! The Bible commands you to be infamous all his born-again believers that are predestinated to be conformed to the image of Christ are hated by the world! President Trump is loved by the world Phil is loved by the world Billy Graham is loved by the world they are all Satan transformed as an angel of light preaching A watered down gospel full of lies to deceive the world!!
@@vernonsteinkamp1088 the gospel is; God sent Jesus to earth as a human. Jesus died for our sins so we can live forever (eternity)after this life on earth. God can not be around sin or sinners so by Jesus dying, we are forgiven of all sins so we can be with God, sin free. Jesus rose from the dead so we will know he is God and to prove he was God.
We can only pray God gives that seed plenty of sunshine & rain because we should plant seeds but only God can make them grow!! Trump went to church as a kid but admitted in interviews to not really getting it & had no real answers to any of the questions. Phil wasn't the first person to share the gospel with Trump but hopefully it had enough of an impact on him to learn more about & seekJesus on his own or with others who may be able to relate to him as Phil did. Amen
Yeah and laughed right after. Do your research on what Trump thinks of his VP, Pence. That's way before he tried to have him hanged. Trump is very condescending of Pence religious beliefs; he called him nuts.
@@COO415 Im Christian for over 20 years, and I would have probably said the same things about Pence. I love him as a Christian man. But a job is a job, the constitution is our constitution, War times against the enemies from wihin is still war, and you need to be a brave patriotic hero soldier, not a politician. *TODAY we can see what our enemies from within have done to our country, beside sold it out; all in the name of hate?*
@@JohnJones-qy5ko I wouldn’t know what Jesus would say He is God. As far as President Trump well he knows as well as most everyone with eyes to see and ears to hear that he won. I would never stop fighting to get to the truth if I where him.
@@JohnJones-qy5ko I forgot to ask you have you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior?You have now heard a beautiful way to share Gods message to you. I hope that you have 😇
@@terrythomas2735 Don't forget the story of Jacob and Esau. Jacob used deception to get the birthright. Not the right thing to do, but he was the one God wanted! If God wanted Trump to be president a second time, it would have happened! You can't beat God!
Wow that story about the long lost daughter and thanking the mother for choosing life and not having an abortion. Wow! So powerful. Yes, God does work things together for good, to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. So amazing.
What a great program! I am so thrilled to know that Trump has heard the gospel from a down to earth, redeemed sinner. I pray for Trump all the time because the accuser and father of lies is attacking him relentlessly. I am so blessed by hearing about the faithfulness of fellow Christians. To God be the glory!
From being a man who comes to Christ at 29 to witnessing to the president of the United States is not by chance, but only possible by the perfect timing of god. Praise god for his goodness, his mercy endureth forever.
Never watched whatever show Phil Robertson was on before, but kinda want to now! Best episode of yours I've seen in a while! Was a real tear jerker. I want Trump to be saved so much.
@@equalizertime188 no one knows for sure. It's best to keep praying. The Bible says God wants ALL MEN (Biden, Pelosi, AOC etc.) to be saved. That's God's heart...but He already knows who will ultimately reject Him.
Hes belonged to Christ for a long time now, havent you heard him speak about Jesus? It's enough to cause such treasured weeping, he shares about the resurection, birth, says theres only one God, ....very lengthy talks about faith, stands for babies like no other president has, marched in Right to life parade!!!! Many prophets released prophesys concerning him, years back, even a catholic mystic....look it up!!!!
Jesus: "Love your neighbor as yourself. Love your enemies. Turn the other cheek" Trump: ‘Get even!’ If you do not get even, you are just a schmuck! When people wrong you, go after those people, because it is a good feeling and because other people will see you doing it. I love getting even." Jesus: "One cannot serve both God and money" "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of an needle than for a rich man to enter heaven" "he that has two coats should give to him who has not, and however has food should do likewise" "store up treasure in heaven, not on earth" Trump: "One of the beautiful things about me is that I am very wealthy" The Bible: "Treat the foreigner living among you as you would the native born, for you were once foreigners living in the land of Egypt, I am the LORD" Trump: Take your pick. pretty much everything Trump has said about immigrants that aren't his ex or current wife or incredibly wealthy is awful, hateful, callous, ignorant, false, and/or bigoted. Is this is how Jesus would speak about migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers? What about dropping the refugees the US takes in to a record low is kind and gentle? Is that would Jesus would do: turn away hungry, scared people fleeing horrible conditions, spit on the 'poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free"? I'm not sure what gospel they shared with Trump, but it either wasn't the gospel of Jesus Christ, or he decided to do the exact opposite of everything it said. What on EARTH do you think a Christlike life is, if you think Donald TRUMP of all people, embodies it? And why do you believe Trump more than scripture when it comes to how to treat your neighbor, your enemy, the poor, the refugee, those in need, the hungry, the homeless, the sick, the foreigner, even those most hated and despised by society, if it is okay to judge others, and how Christians should treat wealth and material things? The two greatest commands according to Jesus are: love God, and love your neighbor as yourself. Not just the neighbors that think act and look like you, and not just when you feel like it or it benefits you: ALWAYS, EVERY PERSON. If that wasn't clear enough: Jesus said to love even your enemies. But how do you love God? Jesus made that clear as well: that which you do unto the least among you, so you do unto Christ. Do you think that Christians have no obligation to help those in need and can live in obscene luxury while 700 children die of poverty every hour of every day? No obligation to help the thousands who die trying to cross our boarder to seek asylum? Is that what Christ would do? Do you think the lesson to take from the parable of the Good Samaritan is to be callus and cruel to your neighbor if they are an immigrant, because the person in Jesus's parable of helping a stranger in need was a Samaritan, not a Jew? Because if so, I think you got the wrong message from that parable- calling yourself a Christian is not what gets you into heaven, being one is. Jesus said his true followers would be known by their works, by their fruits: and that a bad tree produces bad fruit. The Samaritan was the one loving their neighbor and acting Christlike, the one who was doing what must be done to inherit eternal life. If you think otherwise, you should re-read Luke 10:25-37 and ask yourself which person most represents your works and the fruits of your leaders, and the fruits of your actions, political, and religious views. I've seen Christians brag out going to the boarder to pour out water left to ensure scared and desperate families fleeing violence, war, and poverty don't die crossing the desert. What is this other than an act of hatred? I've seen Christians support policies that separate parents from their children, put refugees in cages, and lie to and exploit asylum seekers for political clout. (incidentally, the stunt of dumping migrants on people's doorsteps, as if they are trash rather than a fellow human being, has yet to work the way intend. So far, the people targeted didn't show the same hateful, callous disregard for a neighbor who had faced torture, lost loved ones, sold everything they had, and walked across continents just for a chance to be granted asylum.) I've also seen Christians help migrants and refugees because the are their neighbor, and atheists help migrants for no other reason than the fact that they are fellow human beings and it is the right thing to do. A church here holds vigil outside the courthouse where migrants have their fates decided, rain, snow or shine, every week - and they have done this for years. They give what they have and aid where they can, and have saved countless lives. These are very different 'fruits' yielded from very different policies and mindsets. Which one best represents Trump? Which best represent what Jesus would do? Which represents what Jesus commanded his followers to do? And what fruits do your beliefs, faith, and actions yield?
Christ rescued me from the "Church of Christ" cult that the duck, duck, goose gurus continue to deceptively promote!! Baptismal Regeneration is NOT the true gospel.
Great interview! I agree, forgiveness is key! Christ on the cross..”Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. Love Phil’s focus on the fact that we are all sinners.
@@patriciaclark7342 I was talking with a friend about Trump's mounting degeneracy, specifically his vindictiveness, and he reminded me it's nothing new. In 1988 he took out a full page ad in the New York Times calling for the execution of 5 black kids who had been fingered for a rape in Central Park. (He wanted to bring back the death penalty, not - he said - because he was angry. He said it was because he HATED them.) In case you were unaware, it was eventually discovered they were all innocent. One of them was just elected to high office. Trump STILL considers them guilty, despite DNA evidence completely exonerating them. It's his combination of his vindictiveness, complete absence of empathy, and considering himself "all-knowing" and "never ever wrong about anything" which is particularly toxic. And disqualifies him from any public role.
I'm so Thankfull Phill spoke to Trump about Jesus Christ Should do a follow up & make sure he excerpts Jesus Christ as his saviour That would be so Awesome God Bless the Robertson family😊
So you are going to have a "wonderful story" to tell Jesus at judgment? God sees into every heart. He knows your "story." He knows my "story." And if we are wise, we will know that our stories are that we are wretched sinners in need of repentance and that we have to deny self, take up the cross and follow Jesus. We need to take the narrow gate that few enter. Read Pilgrim's Progress. Now there's a story for you.
You are extremely ignorant and have never read nor studied your Bible! You absolutely do not pray for the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction born to be destroyed the goats!
Second of all prayer is bowing to the will of God, third of all Being saved is not a moment in time is the process from beginning to end, no it is saved until the last day! Being born again is a moment in time when you’re spiritually awakened and evidently you are not! I am commanded to be angry at the whims of false doctrine and you disgust me! President Trump will not be conformed to the image of Christ and suffer for his name give up all his wealth, and preach predestination daily cross self-denial Christmas is pagan God does not love everybody and Christ died on the cross for his elect alone and baptism is blood! The Bible says you must be infamous do you even know what that means! God does not use somebody’s he uses nobodies! God uses the week to teach the strong! Many are called few are chosen!
Amen for all! Anyone breathing! 1 Timothy 2:1-6 KJV 1 ¶ I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
@@artifacthunter1472 What you say applied to the Old Testament times, and will apply again during the tribulation, and possibly also during the time of Jesus's reign during this earth's last 1,000 years, at least for earth's gentiles, as the Israelites of the last 1,000 years are saved. The Church is different. We ARE born again into God's New Creation economy. We HAVE become adopted into God's forever family. We ARE the children of God. Behold, all things HAVE become new. We ARE new creations in Christ Jesus. We ALREADY HAVE BEEN translated into God's Kingdom of Light. We ARE the first fruits, after Jesus Himself, of the New Creation. Our "mother" is New Jerusalem, whereas Jerusalem which now is pretains to the present day Israel and also the gentiles of the tribulation period who endured to the end of the tribulation. We, The Church saints NOW sit in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. We HAVE BEEN sealed with The Holy Spirit of Promise. We are in the world, BUT NOT OF the world. When we The Church saints become saved we have been crucified with Christ, and also risen with Him. We HAVE, POSSESS eternal life. An entirely different economy! The eternal economy of The New Creation we are already citizens of.
I can't give this enough thumbs up. So so good! Phil, allie, and Al - you are all such great gifts from God and blessings for us to watch, listen, and learn ❤️❤️❤️
This is flat out the best thing I have ever seen on You Tube. I plan on reading everything that Phil has written. He is a man truly touched by God. What kindness and love !!
I saw Donald Trump Pray many times with Preachers, & he walked WITH Dr. Martin Luther King's niece Alveda in the March for Life Protecting Innocents. < the first & ONLY President ✝♥👶
Trump has mentioned God several times lately in the last few times I have heard him in speeches...admitting that he, Trump, is nowhere near the most powerful person...that only belongs to Jesus....that really made me feel good to hear him admit to God's omnipotence!!
@@vernonsteinkamp1088 that is not the complete gospel; that whole chapter in 1st Corinthians is explaining about resurrection, and he is saying that, of FIRST IMPORTANCE, is that he died for our sins, that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day, and then it goes on to list all the people He appeared to, etc etc. The whole point is to counter the Gnostics and Sadducees who claim there is no resurrection of the dead. Anyone who claims that is “the gospel” meaning the whole message, is teaching falsely and leads people astray. Salvation without repentance is not a thing. God calls all men everywhere to repent! Praise God! We must turn from darkness to the Light!
The devil knows about God too. If it’s the same clip I’m familiar with, it gives me chills. Just not the good ones. He was playing to the crowd and using “God” to get applause. He says that Jesus Christ “is the most famous person in the world”. Which He is isn’t. But regardless, Trump will use anybody or anything to further his personal goals.
My mom was a drug addict and I grew up in a all black neighborhood I fucked up my entire life and got a huge criminal record trying too fit in with people that hated me. And I had family just like this man and I despised them because I was brainwashed too hate myself . After a lot of growing up and self accountability I now understand why I was shunned and I respect these men so much and aspire too be like them .
Awesome testimony from Phil Robertson as a senior citizen with mobility issues I don't get out much anymore and can't get to Church although I watch the live video Phil's testimony was a blessing to me I would like to meet him someday
Just sent this to my newly discovered siblings. Thank you for your testimony about your daughter. Thru a sinful act God made me to. Powerful word on God’s MAGNIFICENT POWER 🙏🏼
I'm so glad I found this pod cast. (I don't believe I even knew what a pod -cast was before that.) Lol. Now, these are my Bible studies. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It's good to hear TRUTH. Thanks again.
I think that when you get about 30, you get really serious about your life when you’re late 20s, early 30s. Then, you have eyes to see, and ears to hear. I believe that for sure, because I’ve met many people about that age that have changed their life.
Really enjoyed listening in. Phil always presents the gospel from his life experiences which I also relate too. I was born in Florida, adopted by loving parents who lived too 92 & 99. I have two daughters & eight grandchildren. In Christ, Doug
My Uncle Virgil Dison used to work at the same bar… my Dad went there sometimes, Manuel Dison , got born again in the early 80’s. I’m so happy that goodness has led your steps to Jesus Christ. Blessings
Beth Allie thank you for bringing us the wonderful testimony and teaching of Phil Robertson. I began to tear wiith gratitude when I watched him on this vidio.
this is such a wonderful way God used Phil Robertson to witness to The Potus! Now Donald Trump got the Gospel and Phil is exactly a Blessing and perfect person to do exactly that! Hoping Trump accepts Jesus into his heart. Best thing Phil says it is better than being the President ! ❤
Allie... this interview was very moving... you would be doing us all a wonderful favor if you interviewed Phil on the regular. Beautiful mix of different generations sharing and loving our Lord out loud!
I I thought that everyone in the United States had heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ but I must have been wrong I found it so unbelievable President Donald Trump hadn't heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ that that really got me
Yes I was 27. I kept trying everything and nothing work and kept fall on my proverbial face. Had nowhere else to turn, Jesus said come and pray. From then on it was amazing. Answered prayers, faithful people brought across my path and help in times of trouble. Thank you Jesus. Please pray for my sister, a though fight.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank-you! For using this platform that is so often used to tear down others, hilight and glorify the evil in our world to instead bring light, love and truth, which is Jesus Christ into our day! Blessings and prayers for you all!
Urgent emergency Please join me in prayer for all those affected children families animals in dire situation in Ukraine Russia and the whole world may God help us we all need to pray for a miracle while we await for our blessed Hope for our Lord and savior Jesus Christ God bless you all
Prayer is bowing to the will of God everything is happening is happening because the will of God, do not ask God’s church to pray away the will of God! God is a sovereign God and he works all things after the council of his own will from ancient times to everything not yet done!
@@artifacthunter1472 The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Jesus Christ prayed to His Father, for hours. His disciples prayed. Prayer is mentioned throughout the whole Bible, the thread that runs throughout Christian lives. Thankfully!🙏🏼
@@artifacthunter1472 God allows Satan to have his way on earth for a while until he comes back. It doesn't mean God is not weeping and also telling us to act against injustice and to look after the widow's and orphans and to petition him to change situations. There are examples all over the Bible of God intervening when people ask....if only 10 righteous are found will you not save the city? (Abraham to God in genesis). God agrees. We have to hold the two incompatible beliefs of absolute Providence with God giving freedom of choice (as seen in the garden of Eden and with Satan himself). Both are true and Biblical. it's just our puny minds can't deal with that. Otherwise, prayer would be meaningless if it was not real and interactive.
Really wonderful and thoughtful, as always Allie! It's not really surprising that the world would try to erase the fact Phil so aptly brought up: that time has been structured around the birth of Christ. You could almost have predicted it would concoct something called B.C.E. (Before the Common Era).
Hi Allie Beth, I hope you don't let all these negative comments get you down. Keep fighting the good fight and bringing us all the things that you are led to share with us. God will take care of the rest!
I was 20 Thank GOD I learned about sanctification later on Because I thought I was a defeated Christian and not living right Some Christians grow fast some dont Look at Peter One day Jesus told him he was a rock Then told him get behind me satan April 19 I was a Christian 46 yrs
Jesus was 30 years old when he was baptized and had reached the age recognized by Jews to become a Rabbi. That was when He started his ministry and 3 years and 3 months later He died on the cross. Praise God.
Hello Allie, Great interview! I did notice when he was talking about the 10 commandments, that he mentioned the importance of keeping one day out of 7. This happens to be the only comandment that God emphasizes Remember the 7th day to keep it Holy... Most of the world either out of convenience or lack of understanding missed the importance of this commandment. It seems, that if Jesus and the heavenly host follow this commandment, who are we to try to change the sacredness of the 7th day Sabbath. God Bless!
I think the reason people come to Phil who are often in their late twenties to early thirties is because he understands the mindset of that age so God sends them to him. He has a weighty calling, & I admire how he has determined to follow Jesus. His children respect him. Phil has respected that each of them have their own calling. Dynasty is right, so right. Kingdom come‼️
Christ rescued me from the "Church of Christ" cult that the duck, duck, goose gurus continue to deceptively promote!! Baptismal Regeneration is NOT the true gospel.
I pray that everyone come to realize that we are not just to worship and rest on a day of the week of our choice, we are commanded to " Remember THE Sabbath day, to keep it holy". Plus it's the only Commandment that starts with the word remember, as if we would forget - which is exactly what happened for most people. Please pray and study this, the 7th day of the week which is saturday, is the Lord's day.
Acts 20:7 And *upon the first day of the week,* when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight. Colossians 2:16 *Let no man therefore judge you* in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or *of the Sabbath days:*
That’s why in Acts they instruct to Baptize immediately as they did themselves. Any body of water will do. Lake, stream, bathtub, horse trough, whatever! They went immediately and so should you!
Thank you for sharing the Gospel with Pres.Trump in such a direct, caring fashion. His personality would respect that. And in the end, you did your part. He will have to do his part with the help of the Holy Spirit. And from what I read, he DOES remember.. a LOT.
First of all I love the Lord more than anyone or thing, but the Robertson- and Trump family are right up there with my you ALL GOD BLESS!!!!!!!! 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇
As I tell my friends, I don't want riches (even though I'm poor), I don't want fame. I want eternal life and I believe Jesus can provide me with it.
Amen Ken
Amen! If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and He was crucified, dead, and three days later He arose from the grave, then you shall have everlasting life.
@@davidphilpott31 if he was crucified on Friday and arose three days later, shouldn’t it Easter Monday.
@@kaisercc no, because in the Hebrew culture a day was 6pm to 6am
@@stevencagle5469 Also they had no concept of fractions, no fraction appears in the Bible anywhere. So technically if there was even just one hour in the prior day, and one hour in the 3rd day it would still be considered 3 days. Yup, 26 hours can be 3 days in certain cultures. Crazy world! ;)
Phil has more wisdom in his little finger than majority of population will ever have collectively!!!
Wisdom comes from God, and is available to all who diligently seek it. If a person lacks wisdom, that person has not sought after it, at least not in faith.
James 1:5-6
New King James Version
5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
James 3:13-18
New International Version
Two Kinds of Wisdom
13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14 But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15 Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.
It is to the shame of mankind that so many lack wisdom, however, that does not have to be, if they choose to seek it, they will find, and obtain it.
Anyone who thinks trump is a christian needs to trade their brain in for a new one.
Jesus said to forgive your brother in Christ 70x7 when he asks.
Live in same town with Robertsons ..Phil is sincere Christian and always helping people ..Whole family does .My son has known them over 25 years ..and he helped him that many years ago son went to his church to listen to Phil and his the Robertson family ..and West Monroe , La.loves you too.
Sinner trump is still sinning. He is passing false witness against too many people. Trump loves adultery.
I’m so glad to hear that fame hasn’t changed Phil’s theology. Too many Christians that have gained fame leave the scriptures and start preaching to itching ears instead of sticking with the truth. The gospel is simple. Love to see this on your channel Allie!
Phil is a liar and all liars go to hell he preaches water baptism and a lot of nonsense! Water baptism was a proselyte baptism now it is blood! Waters does nothing but the blood of Christ saves! If so-called Christians become famous they do not belong to God and never have! God does not use somebody’s he uses nobodies! It disgusts me how many people call themselves Christian but know nothing of truth! Many are called but few are chosen! If you belong to the world the world loves you if you belong to God the world hates you because you preach the truth and the world hates it! The Bible commands you to be infamous all his born-again believers that are predestinated to be conformed to the image of Christ are hated by the world! President Trump is loved by the world Phil is loved by the world Billy Graham is loved by the world they are all Satan transformed as an angel of light preaching A watered down gospel full of lies to deceive the world!!
What is the gospel?
@@vernonsteinkamp1088 the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. You can read an introduction to the Gospel in 1 Corinthians chapter 15.
@@vernonsteinkamp1088 the gospel is; God sent Jesus to earth as a human. Jesus died for our sins so we can live forever (eternity)after this life on earth. God can not be around sin or sinners so by Jesus dying, we are forgiven of all sins so we can be with God, sin free. Jesus rose from the dead so we will know he is God and to prove he was God.
@@jacobjohannes7123 v bn
Thanks Phil for speaking the Truth of the Gospel to President Trump!!! The seeds have been planted!!! Amen!!!
But what kind of soil did the seeds fall on?
I think Dr dobson helped Trump get saved during the campaign in 2016.
We can only pray God gives that seed plenty of sunshine & rain because we should plant seeds but only God can make them grow!! Trump went to church as a kid but admitted in interviews to not really getting it & had no real answers to any of the questions. Phil wasn't the first person to share the gospel with Trump but hopefully it had enough of an impact on him to learn more about & seekJesus on his own or with others who may be able to relate to him as Phil did. Amen
I love the Robertson family. I’m grateful Phil spoke up to President Trump boldly about the gospel.
Yeah and laughed right after. Do your research on what Trump thinks of his VP, Pence. That's way before he tried to have him hanged. Trump is very condescending of Pence religious beliefs; he called him nuts.
@@COO415 Im Christian for over 20 years, and I would have probably said the same things about Pence. I love him as a Christian man. But a job is a job, the constitution is our constitution, War times against the enemies from wihin is still war, and you need to be a brave patriotic hero soldier, not a politician. *TODAY we can see what our enemies from within have done to our country, beside sold it out; all in the name of hate?*
@@COO415 Sorry, won't judge either person and especially not on utter hearsay. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Me too.!!
@@principleswise9749 Yeah, we do need to follow the laws (/constitution) UNLESS it goes against our CHRISTIAN convictions!
I’m glad to know President Trump heard the gospel through you. I pray all of his family and himself has accepted Christ. That’s awesome. 💕
Maybe he heard it, but has he applied it? Wouldn't Jesus say "Just accept that you lost - don't fight it, and be humble?"
@@JohnJones-qy5ko I wouldn’t know what Jesus would say He is God. As far as President Trump well he knows as well as most everyone with eyes to see and ears to hear that he won. I would never stop fighting to get to the truth if I where him.
@@JohnJones-qy5ko I forgot to ask you have you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior?You have now heard a beautiful way to share Gods message to you. I hope that you have 😇
@@terrythomas2735 Yes definitely!
@@terrythomas2735 Don't forget the story of Jacob and Esau. Jacob used deception to get the birthright. Not the right thing to do, but he was the one God wanted! If God wanted Trump to be president a second time, it would have happened! You can't beat God!
Wow that story about the long lost daughter and thanking the mother for choosing life and not having an abortion. Wow! So powerful. Yes, God does work things together for good, to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. So amazing.
What a great program! I am so thrilled to know that Trump has heard the gospel from a down to earth, redeemed sinner. I pray for Trump all the time because the accuser and father of lies is attacking him relentlessly. I am so blessed by hearing about the faithfulness of fellow Christians. To God be the glory!
From being a man who comes to Christ at 29 to witnessing to the president of the United States is not by chance, but only possible by the perfect timing of god. Praise god for his goodness, his mercy endureth forever.
Never watched whatever show Phil Robertson was on before, but kinda want to now! Best episode of yours I've seen in a while! Was a real tear jerker. I want Trump to be saved so much.
It's worth watching. Entertainment, but wholesome.
@@equalizertime188 questionable because his spiritual advisor is Paula White.
@@equalizertime188 no one knows for sure. It's best to keep praying. The Bible says God wants ALL MEN (Biden, Pelosi, AOC etc.) to be saved. That's God's heart...but He already knows who will ultimately reject Him.
Hes belonged to Christ for a long time now, havent you heard him speak about Jesus? It's enough to cause such treasured weeping, he shares about the resurection, birth, says theres only one God, ....very lengthy talks about faith, stands for babies like no other president has, marched in Right to life parade!!!! Many prophets released prophesys concerning him, years back, even a catholic mystic....look it up!!!!
I just read Phil’s new book, Uncanceled... it’s fantastic! Thank you Phil.
It would make a nice gift, too!
That is profound, Trump hearing the gospel through you!!! Made me cry tears of joy!
What a kind and gentle man. I'm so happy that he got a chance to witness to President Trump. God bless you and yours. ❤️🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️🎺🕊🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Jesus: "Love your neighbor as yourself. Love your enemies. Turn the other cheek"
Trump: ‘Get even!’ If you do not get even, you are just a schmuck! When people wrong you, go after those people, because it is a good feeling and because other people will see you doing it. I love getting even."
Jesus: "One cannot serve both God and money" "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of an needle than for a rich man to enter heaven" "he that has two coats should give to him who has not, and however has food should do likewise" "store up treasure in heaven, not on earth"
Trump: "One of the beautiful things about me is that I am very wealthy"
The Bible: "Treat the foreigner living among you as you would the native born, for you were once foreigners living in the land of Egypt, I am the LORD"
Trump: Take your pick. pretty much everything Trump has said about immigrants that aren't his ex or current wife or incredibly wealthy is awful, hateful, callous, ignorant, false, and/or bigoted. Is this is how Jesus would speak about migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers? What about dropping the refugees the US takes in to a record low is kind and gentle? Is that would Jesus would do: turn away hungry, scared people fleeing horrible conditions, spit on the 'poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free"?
I'm not sure what gospel they shared with Trump, but it either wasn't the gospel of Jesus Christ, or he decided to do the exact opposite of everything it said. What on EARTH do you think a Christlike life is, if you think Donald TRUMP of all people, embodies it? And why do you believe Trump more than scripture when it comes to how to treat your neighbor, your enemy, the poor, the refugee, those in need, the hungry, the homeless, the sick, the foreigner, even those most hated and despised by society, if it is okay to judge others, and how Christians should treat wealth and material things?
The two greatest commands according to Jesus are: love God, and love your neighbor as yourself. Not just the neighbors that think act and look like you, and not just when you feel like it or it benefits you: ALWAYS, EVERY PERSON. If that wasn't clear enough: Jesus said to love even your enemies. But how do you love God? Jesus made that clear as well: that which you do unto the least among you, so you do unto Christ. Do you think that Christians have no obligation to help those in need and can live in obscene luxury while 700 children die of poverty every hour of every day? No obligation to help the thousands who die trying to cross our boarder to seek asylum? Is that what Christ would do? Do you think the lesson to take from the parable of the Good Samaritan is to be callus and cruel to your neighbor if they are an immigrant, because the person in Jesus's parable of helping a stranger in need was a Samaritan, not a Jew? Because if so, I think you got the wrong message from that parable- calling yourself a Christian is not what gets you into heaven, being one is. Jesus said his true followers would be known by their works, by their fruits: and that a bad tree produces bad fruit. The Samaritan was the one loving their neighbor and acting Christlike, the one who was doing what must be done to inherit eternal life. If you think otherwise, you should re-read Luke 10:25-37 and ask yourself which person most represents your works and the fruits of your leaders, and the fruits of your actions, political, and religious views.
I've seen Christians brag out going to the boarder to pour out water left to ensure scared and desperate families fleeing violence, war, and poverty don't die crossing the desert. What is this other than an act of hatred? I've seen Christians support policies that separate parents from their children, put refugees in cages, and lie to and exploit asylum seekers for political clout. (incidentally, the stunt of dumping migrants on people's doorsteps, as if they are trash rather than a fellow human being, has yet to work the way intend. So far, the people targeted didn't show the same hateful, callous disregard for a neighbor who had faced torture, lost loved ones, sold everything they had, and walked across continents just for a chance to be granted asylum.)
I've also seen Christians help migrants and refugees because the are their neighbor, and atheists help migrants for no other reason than the fact that they are fellow human beings and it is the right thing to do. A church here holds vigil outside the courthouse where migrants have their fates decided, rain, snow or shine, every week - and they have done this for years. They give what they have and aid where they can, and have saved countless lives.
These are very different 'fruits' yielded from very different policies and mindsets.
Which one best represents Trump?
Which best represent what Jesus would do?
Which represents what Jesus commanded his followers to do?
And what fruits do your beliefs, faith, and actions yield?
@@stephanie8560you are very confused. Probably as a result of following main stream media. The way you describe Trump is very very inaccurate.
Love this! Authentic and a great ambassador for Jesus. Thank you for having them on your podcast. ❤
Phil is a "brother" in Christ! Hallelujah!
Christ rescued me from the "Church of Christ" cult that the duck, duck, goose gurus continue to deceptively promote!! Baptismal Regeneration is NOT the true gospel.
Great interview! I agree, forgiveness is key! Christ on the cross..”Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. Love Phil’s focus on the fact that we are all sinners.
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
How anyone could associate Trump with forgiveness is beyond irony.
@@patriciaclark7342 I was talking with a friend about Trump's mounting degeneracy, specifically his vindictiveness, and he reminded me it's nothing new. In 1988 he took out a full page ad in the New York Times calling for the execution of 5 black kids who had been fingered for a rape in Central Park. (He wanted to bring back the death penalty, not - he said - because he was angry. He said it was because he HATED them.) In case you were unaware, it was eventually discovered they were all innocent. One of them was just elected to high office.
Trump STILL considers them guilty, despite DNA evidence completely exonerating them.
It's his combination of his vindictiveness, complete absence of empathy, and considering himself "all-knowing" and "never ever wrong about anything" which is particularly toxic.
And disqualifies him from any public role.
I'm so Thankfull Phill spoke to Trump about Jesus Christ Should do a follow up & make sure he excerpts Jesus Christ as his saviour That would be so Awesome God Bless the Robertson family😊
Ephesians 2:8 & 9 states that "For by grace are you saved through faith, & that NOT OF YOURSELVES, it is a gift of God."
😊Excellent talk! Jesus Christ is wonderful in how he brings us to himself., we all have a wonderful story to tell!
So you are going to have a "wonderful story" to tell Jesus at judgment? God sees into every heart. He knows your "story." He knows my "story." And if we are wise, we will know that our stories are that we are wretched sinners in need of repentance and that we have to deny self, take up the cross and follow Jesus. We need to take the narrow gate that few enter. Read Pilgrim's Progress. Now there's a story for you.
I'm going to continue or to re-start praying for President Trump and First Lady Melania, to be saved! 🙏🙌
You are extremely ignorant and have never read nor studied your Bible! You absolutely do not pray for the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction born to be destroyed the goats!
Second of all prayer is bowing to the will of God, third of all Being saved is not a moment in time is the process from beginning to end, no it is saved until the last day! Being born again is a moment in time when you’re spiritually awakened and evidently you are not! I am commanded to be angry at the whims of false doctrine and you disgust me! President Trump will not be conformed to the image of Christ and suffer for his name give up all his wealth, and preach predestination daily cross self-denial Christmas is pagan God does not love everybody and Christ died on the cross for his elect alone and baptism is blood! The Bible says you must be infamous do you even know what that means! God does not use somebody’s he uses nobodies! God uses the week to teach the strong! Many are called few are chosen!
Amen for all! Anyone breathing!
1 Timothy 2:1-6 KJV
1 ¶ I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
@@artifacthunter1472 What you say applied to the Old Testament times, and will apply again during the tribulation, and possibly also during the time of Jesus's reign during this earth's last 1,000 years, at least for earth's gentiles, as the Israelites of the last 1,000 years are saved.
The Church is different. We ARE born again into God's New Creation economy. We HAVE become adopted into God's forever family. We ARE the children of God. Behold, all things HAVE become new. We ARE new creations in Christ Jesus. We ALREADY HAVE BEEN translated into God's Kingdom of Light. We ARE the first fruits, after Jesus Himself, of the New Creation. Our "mother" is New Jerusalem, whereas Jerusalem which now is pretains to the present day Israel and also the gentiles of the tribulation period who endured to the end of the tribulation. We, The Church saints NOW sit in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. We HAVE BEEN sealed with The Holy Spirit of Promise. We are in the world, BUT NOT OF the world.
When we The Church saints become saved we have been crucified with Christ, and also risen with Him. We HAVE, POSSESS eternal life. An entirely different economy! The eternal economy of The New Creation we are already citizens of.
They are saved!
Loved this so much. You can tell he is a genuine and authentic individual, who loves people.
A friend of the world is an enemy of God wake up!
they're CIA spies
@Lawrence Carver James 4:4
Yes Phil loves God and he loves people..
I love the Robertson Family! God bless them and you're for spreading the good news to all who are yearning to hear. Can't wait to share!
I can't give this enough thumbs up. So so good! Phil, allie, and Al - you are all such great gifts from God and blessings for us to watch, listen, and learn ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much 💓
Thankyou Allie God Bless you
This is flat out the best thing I have ever seen on You Tube. I plan on reading everything that Phil has written.
He is a man truly touched by God. What kindness and love !!
Read the King James version of the Holy Bible !
I saw Donald Trump Pray many times with Preachers, & he walked WITH Dr. Martin Luther King's niece Alveda in the March for Life Protecting Innocents. < the first & ONLY President ✝♥👶
Yes. But he said on camera to a Christian man who asked him if he repents. No, I just try to do a better job. Have a blessed day.
That’s all good and well, but that does NOT mean Trump is truly saved!
He will go to Hell without actually accepting Christ as savior
What Trump actually said was, " Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness if I am not making mistakes"
And I saw him encourage a crowd to beat up a man.
I saw my Dad and my brother Baptized together! I was a young child, but it is a wonderful memory.
What an amazing episode! I could listen to Phil talk all day. He speaks with humility and his love for the Lord is evident 💛
Trump has mentioned God several times lately in the last few times I have heard him in speeches...admitting that he, Trump, is nowhere near the most powerful person...that only belongs to Jesus....that really made me feel good to hear him admit to God's omnipotence!!
I've heard him too. ✝❤ 🇺🇸
He (trump) can agree and go along with the Christian’s but that doesn’t mean a thing. It’s about REPENTANCE AND BELIEVING AND FOLLOWING JESUS CHRIST!
@@lambchoppers9420 try 1 Cor.15:1-4
@@vernonsteinkamp1088 that is not the complete gospel; that whole chapter in 1st Corinthians is explaining about resurrection, and he is saying that, of FIRST IMPORTANCE, is that he died for our sins, that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day, and then it goes on to list all the people He appeared to, etc etc. The whole point is to counter the Gnostics and Sadducees who claim there is no resurrection of the dead.
Anyone who claims that is “the gospel” meaning the whole message, is teaching falsely and leads people astray. Salvation without repentance is not a thing.
God calls all men everywhere to repent! Praise God! We must turn from darkness to the Light!
The devil knows about God too. If it’s the same clip I’m familiar with, it gives me chills. Just not the good ones. He was playing to the crowd and using “God” to get applause. He says that Jesus Christ “is the most famous person in the world”. Which He is isn’t. But regardless, Trump will use anybody or anything to further his personal goals.
This is my favorite episode, Allie! Thank you. I’d love to watch Trump and Phil talk.
My mom was a drug addict and I grew up in a all black neighborhood I fucked up my entire life and got a huge criminal record trying too fit in with people that hated me. And I had family just like this man and I despised them because I was brainwashed too hate myself . After a lot of growing up and self accountability I now understand why I was shunned and I respect these men so much and aspire too be like them .
Jon...that is a great way to go on from here!! May God Bless You in your life!
Bless you Jon. Praying with and for you.
God Bless You. I hope you know how much you are loved by Him for who you are!!!!
God bless you.
God Bless you Jon! 🙏
Great interview Allie. Phil is so genuine, I love his story. I love his family, what a story of God’s amazing grace.
The lord was right. Forgiveness is the only way to break the chains of sin.
Forgiveness requires repentance have you even read your Bible???
@@artifacthunter1472 forgiveness from Christ.
I’ve listened to this episode, 3 times. He’s such a gentle soul that I can’t help but listen. Please have him on again!
Thank you for sharing this, but more than ever thank you for sharing the gospel with President Trump❤️🙏🇺🇸 God bless you and your family
Awesome testimony from Phil Robertson as a senior citizen with mobility issues I don't get out much anymore and can't get to Church although I watch the live video Phil's testimony was a blessing to me I would like to meet him someday
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
Just sent this to my newly discovered siblings. Thank you for your testimony about your daughter. Thru a sinful act God made me to. Powerful word on God’s MAGNIFICENT POWER 🙏🏼
I'm so glad I found this pod cast.
(I don't believe I even knew what a pod -cast was before that.)
Now, these are my Bible studies. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
It's good to hear TRUTH.
Thanks again.
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
VERY GOOD TY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
That is so Beautiful for meeting his daughter!! It's was so wonderful what Phill did God Bless brought me to tears
I think that when you get about 30, you get really serious about your life when you’re late 20s, early 30s. Then, you have eyes to see, and ears to hear. I believe that for sure, because I’ve met many people about that age that have changed their life.
Really enjoyed listening in. Phil always presents the gospel from his life experiences which I also relate too. I was born in Florida, adopted by loving parents who lived too 92 & 99. I have two daughters & eight grandchildren. In Christ, Doug
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
What a blessing--thank you Allie, Phil & Al for this wonderful interview.
Almighty GOD said “ Be Holy for I am Holy” Phil Robertson your heart has learned that lesson. God Bless You and yours!
These Guys are Great ! Glad you had them as guests !
I got sober and met the lord at 30.
Me too! Been sober 34 years this year
Romans 1:16; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Ephesians 1:13; 1 Thessalonians 4:14
AMEN.. May the LORD Bless your Service to the GREAT KING.
What would you say to Trump if you met him? Phil isn't intimidated by No One.
They have met
Possibility my favorite video/show/interview from ABS! 🙂❤
My Uncle Virgil Dison used to work at the same bar… my Dad went there sometimes, Manuel Dison , got born again in the early 80’s. I’m so happy that goodness has led your steps to Jesus Christ. Blessings
Beth Allie thank you for bringing us the wonderful testimony and teaching of Phil Robertson. I began to tear wiith gratitude when I watched him on this vidio.
this is such a wonderful way God used Phil Robertson to witness to The Potus! Now Donald Trump got the Gospel and Phil is exactly a Blessing and perfect person to do exactly that! Hoping Trump accepts Jesus into his heart. Best thing Phil says it is better than being the President ! ❤
I love the Robertson’s! Thank you for bringing Phil on.
Love the Unashamed podcast. It's a blessing.
You are blessed when you’re reproached for the name of Jesus speaking truth!
Absolutely incredible. Thank you for this podcast! I am so encouraged by Phil and by you, Allie Beth!
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
Allie... this interview was very moving... you would be doing us all a wonderful favor if you interviewed Phil on the regular. Beautiful mix of different generations sharing and loving our Lord out loud!
I pray for GOD fearing leaders to lead us forward. Peace and Love from South Carolina.
If I could choose someone to talk to in person for several hours about the Bible, it would be Phil.
I was 12. I could not find what...!!! I was 25 when I tangled with God and He won. :)
Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is heaven praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all
You do not pray for everyone you pray for God‘s church!!
The daughter's name is Phyllis??? That's amazing!!
I I thought that everyone in the United States had heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ but I must have been wrong I found it so unbelievable President Donald Trump hadn't heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ that that really got me
I love these people.
Yes I was 27. I kept trying everything and nothing work and kept fall on my proverbial face. Had nowhere else to turn, Jesus said come and pray. From then on it was amazing. Answered prayers, faithful people brought across my path and help in times of trouble. Thank you Jesus.
Please pray for my sister, a though fight.
Praise the Lord!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank-you! For using this platform that is so often used to tear down others, hilight and glorify the evil in our world to instead bring light, love and truth, which is Jesus Christ into our day! Blessings and prayers for you all!
Praise God hallelujah amen
Urgent emergency Please join me in prayer for all those affected children families animals in dire situation in Ukraine Russia and the whole world may God help us we all need to pray for a miracle while we await for our blessed Hope for our Lord and savior Jesus Christ God bless you all
Prayer is bowing to the will of God everything is happening is happening because the will of God, do not ask God’s church to pray away the will of God! God is a sovereign God and he works all things after the council of his own will from ancient times to everything not yet done!
If you believe that the church will be ruptured (resurrected) before the tribulation you are deceived it’s after the seventh Trump the last day!
@@artifacthunter1472 The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Jesus Christ prayed to His Father, for hours. His disciples prayed. Prayer is mentioned throughout the whole Bible, the thread that runs throughout Christian lives. Thankfully!🙏🏼
And in Shanghai
@@artifacthunter1472 God allows Satan to have his way on earth for a while until he comes back. It doesn't mean God is not weeping and also telling us to act against injustice and to look after the widow's and orphans and to petition him to change situations. There are examples all over the Bible of God intervening when people ask....if only 10 righteous are found will you not save the city? (Abraham to God in genesis). God agrees. We have to hold the two incompatible beliefs of absolute Providence with God giving freedom of choice (as seen in the garden of Eden and with Satan himself). Both are true and Biblical. it's just our puny minds can't deal with that. Otherwise, prayer would be meaningless if it was not real and interactive.
Allie I subscribed because you where on unishamed and love GOD.
Unbelievers don’t understand the command to forgive. Even when offenders don’t admit their offense…we still must forgive. 7 X 70.
Hi Carolyn watching 2023 07-2-23 jus ran across this Amen pray for our country in Jesus Mighty POWERFUL name
Thank u for ur tv show.i watched it while i had breast cancer.laughter makes happy healed by God.
I got a good ole belly laugh when Phil said "Dan, call up Alexa and ask what year it is in China." Called her that guy. God bless him!
Really wonderful and thoughtful, as always Allie! It's not really surprising that the world would try to erase the fact Phil so aptly brought up: that time has been structured around the birth of Christ. You could almost have predicted it would concoct something called B.C.E. (Before the Common Era).
Phil Robertson is a blessing
Hi Allie Beth, I hope you don't let all these negative comments get you down. Keep fighting the good fight and bringing us all the things that you are led to share with us. God will take care of the rest!
I was 20
Thank GOD I learned about sanctification later on
Because I thought I was a defeated
Christian and not living right
Some Christians grow fast some dont
Look at Peter One day Jesus told him
he was a rock
Then told him get behind me satan
April 19 I was a Christian 46 yrs
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
Pres Trump needs to have Phil be at one of the rallies and have Phil baptize him! Imagine!
Thanks for your blessing! I need simple. I'm simple, but the Lord is mighty!!
Jesus was 30 years old when he was baptized and had reached the age recognized by Jews to become a Rabbi. That was when He started his ministry and 3 years and 3 months later He died on the cross. Praise God.
Hello Allie,
Great interview! I did notice when he was talking about the 10 commandments, that he mentioned the importance of keeping one day out of 7. This happens to be the only comandment that God emphasizes Remember the 7th day to keep it Holy... Most of the world either out of convenience or lack of understanding missed the importance of this commandment.
It seems, that if Jesus and the heavenly host follow this commandment, who are we to try to change the sacredness of the 7th day Sabbath.
God Bless!
“Thank you for choosing life “. I love that he told the mother of his sister🥰 praise God she did!
I think the reason people come to Phil who are often in their late twenties to early thirties is because he understands the mindset of that age so God sends them to him. He has a weighty calling, & I admire how he has determined to follow Jesus. His children respect him. Phil has respected that each of them have their own calling. Dynasty is right, so right. Kingdom come‼️
I appreciate Phil's love and boldness for the cause of Christ.
“At Least, look into it” that’s right amen.
I had to investigate it myself and wow! I’m amazed
tears this is so beautiful
Great interview, loved it! Go Allie, go Phil, go Trump, go GOD!!!!
Christ rescued me from the "Church of Christ" cult that the duck, duck, goose gurus continue to deceptively promote!! Baptismal Regeneration is NOT the true gospel.
I pray that everyone come to realize that we are not just to worship and rest on a day of the week of our choice, we are commanded to " Remember THE Sabbath day, to keep it holy". Plus it's the only Commandment that starts with the word remember, as if we would forget - which is exactly what happened for most people. Please pray and study this, the 7th day of the week which is saturday, is the Lord's day.
Acts 20:7 And *upon the first day of the week,* when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.
Colossians 2:16 *Let no man therefore judge you* in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or *of the Sabbath days:*
You have a wonderful show ! Keep up the great work teaching about Jesus !
I'm so glad that you all think the same way I do. I spend a lot of time on the internet looking for validation. Thank you!
That’s why in Acts they instruct to Baptize immediately as they did themselves. Any body of water will do. Lake, stream, bathtub, horse trough, whatever! They went immediately and so should you!
Thank you for sharing the Gospel with Pres.Trump in such a direct, caring fashion. His personality would respect that. And in the end, you did your part. He will have to do his part with the help of the Holy Spirit. And from what I read, he DOES remember.. a LOT.
Wow! Way to go decipling to Trump. I'm so glad he's wanting to follow the instructions! Good ole Church of Christ!
First of all I love the Lord more than anyone or thing, but the Robertson- and Trump family are right up there with my you ALL GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!
I was 27 when I was saved. Now I’m 74 now
I thank u for teaching trump.i prayed for someone to explain the gospel to him.on a simple common level .God bless u
But did he accept it?
@@JohnJones-qy5ko it’s not up to us to see the results. It’s up to us to share the Gospel.
@@elizabethann8228 That is true, but many people are looking at this video and saying that he did accept it and how we should praise Trump.
@@JohnJones-qy5ko read every comment and not one person said praise trump.
@@markharmon8018 OK good!
What a wonderful conversation! Such a great encouragement.
Praise God for the Robertsons!
Really enjoyed this possitive christian podcast❤️