I always tell you that Messi can't be considered at the same level with c7. He broght Argentine to win in the World cup wile he was geting the end of football carrier. No one else especially c7 wan't do that honorific and highest job
Bro really? I mean you really watch football from either reels or highlights. Yes I do agree ronaldo does not have better carrer than messi in terms of WC but still he has better clutch rate than messi, messi always gets carried by his team. In Barcelona he promissed them after winning UCL that he will bring the UCL again next year but 😂.... Last time Barcelona won UCL was that time only when he promissed 🐸 . Ronaldo promissed After losing Uck to bayern Munich in 2013 , then he became the most beautiful player and goal scorer that UCL has ever seen in the history, won 4 UCLS in 5 years. He does perform great but he isn't the one who does the clutch in pressure
@@leenadewangan6123 My friend!!! When you say C7 won 4 UCLs, he promised,... you forget that in the ground he is not alone, he's always with other players, good ones if you want. So we talk about performance in the ground. Messi search for a ball, organise players and win. He has those 3 qualities. The exemple is the last WC, referers did what they could but in vain because of Messi 😃🌹
This was the BEST World Cup tournament EVER !!! Messi was the BEST PLAYER, Argentina was the BEST TEAM, and Martinez made the SAVE OF THE CENTURY in the closing minutes of the final !!! Just TREMENDOUS ⚽️👍⚽️👍⚽️👍⚽️👍👍⚽️👍⚽️👍⚽️👍
Imagine it has gone but I just want to say how scary it is when the best footballer Messi the GOAT and the world best goal keeper Martinez in the same team uffff 😅
Argentina memang ons faer tpi yg jdi pertanyaan cva kh nti yg akan dpt menerus kn level seorang Leonel Messi,,,,kyax blm ada 1 thun atau pun 2 thun kedepan yg bsa mengimbangi dan menyamai Messi.❤
No entiendo porque los envidiosos hablan de un mundial sufrido para ganarlo como este de Argentina también del juego de Messi bárbaros ciegos el se echó ese equipo al hombro junto a Dibu los otros equipos también tuvieron chance en los penales miren este juego cuántos minutos de descuento dieron
J'ai vraiment adoré ce match, surtout le moment où les Néerlandais étaient dépités quand les Argentins les ont nargué lorsque Lautaro a réussi le tir au but salvateur. Ils apprendront l'humilité la prochaine fois, et quant à Van Gaal, c'est un vieux bouseux, je suis ravi que Messi l'ait remis à sa place, et quant à cet emmerdeur de Weghorst, je suis ravi que Messi l'ait insulté, il est entré sur le terrain pour entrer dans la tête des Argentins, et en plus ouvertement, qu'il marque ses 2 buts c'est bien, mais ça ne lui donne pas le droit de se comporter comme il l'a fait, déjà que lui et ses partenaires importunaient les deux derniers tireurs Argentins, ils ont mérité leur dépit. Quant au gardien Néerlandais, ravi que Messi ait fermé sa sale gueule de merde, ça lui apprendra à respecter les grands joueurs qui seront en face de lui, en particulier pour un penalty.
@@Jony86952Merci beaucoup. Et le documentaire sur Netflix a tout expliqué sur ce match. En tout cas pour tous ceux qui défendent les Néerlandais, ils sont très pathétiques, et c'est sûrement eux qui soutiennent les propos de cet connard de Van Gaal qui dit que le sacre des Argentins était prémédité, encore plus pathétique.
Anyone 2025?
Messi like 💚👍👍👍
Đói like à cu
Penaldo 😂
@@JubayerHasan.90 messi Fanns 😂
Copa comprada para Messi vergonha
Cristiano Messi😂😂😂
Power of Argentine 🇦🇷💪❤ power of messi 🇦🇷💪❤
Ci erra el an0. Arjenfifa
@@redfield1875cry more clown penaldo fan. 😂
I always tell you that Messi can't be considered at the same level with c7.
He broght Argentine to win in the World cup wile he was geting the end of football carrier.
No one else especially c7 wan't do that honorific and highest job
Bro really? I mean you really watch football from either reels or highlights. Yes I do agree ronaldo does not have better carrer than messi in terms of WC but still he has better clutch rate than messi, messi always gets carried by his team. In Barcelona he promissed them after winning UCL that he will bring the UCL again next year but 😂.... Last time Barcelona won UCL was that time only when he promissed 🐸 . Ronaldo promissed After losing Uck to bayern Munich in 2013 , then he became the most beautiful player and goal scorer that UCL has ever seen in the history, won 4 UCLS in 5 years. He does perform great but he isn't the one who does the clutch in pressure
@@leenadewangan6123 My friend!!! When you say C7 won 4 UCLs, he promised,... you forget that in the ground he is not alone, he's always with other players, good ones if you want.
So we talk about performance in the ground. Messi search for a ball, organise players and win. He has those 3 qualities.
The exemple is the last WC, referers did what they could but in vain because of Messi 😃🌹
I want you to ask I like what you are doing
menang piala dunia atas bantuan wasit menjijikan..
@@kukuhpriyatno3872Selalu terjadi hal yg ironis sekaligus bikin gw ketawa ngakaaaaaaaaaaaakk🤣
Yg menang merayakan
Yg kalah mencari² alasan, L🤣L
Messi has a great gift of playing
One of the my favourite world cup match 🔥🔥🔥
Messi 🏆🥰🤩
Always Argentina support long live Argentina world champion team'
Without Messi can't win Argentina world cup Campion 2022
Ok little ronaldo glazer😭🙏
Месси! Лучший игрок на все времена!
The one and only G.O.A.T = LIONEL ANDRES MESSI❤
Не знаю не знаю, судя по этому видео не очень, как по мне Марадона и Пеле играли лучше...
I still get goosebumps 🤧
ভামোস আর্জেন্টিনা।
শুভ কামনা অবিরাম রইলো 👍💪💙🤲
My favorite player football Argentina Messi...
Ich habe mich sehr gefreut, dass Argentinien gegen die Holländer gewonnen hat.
Messi king
Messi❤❤❤👍👍👍 አሜን💚💛❤️🙏
2025 Messi forever ❤
Messi the father of football 💙🤍
ILOve you uni palson KIBTIANi 🇦🇷🇧🇷🇧🇿🇨🇬
ILove you uni palson bin peldon Bunga linda rista 🇦🇷🇧🇯🇧🇸🇨🇷
Ronaldo the grandfather of football
@@ItzGamerzY81 Lionel Messi the king of king' 👑
@@falsandy but Ronaldo goat is goat 6-0 lol
Messi love❤
Mbappe hasn't been thesame since this game
Lauturo has become my favorite player though out this World Cup. He also got the goal at the copa America
One of the most heated match i ever seen🔥🔥
Dutch team was really amazing. They missed just a little bit. Hope soon they'll become champions.
This match was like the ufc🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶💀💀💀💀💀💀💀👽👽👽👽👽👽😡
Am happy that I chose Messi over Ronaldo Jr 7😂
I don't care 😂
Nice match........
Планета Месси будет светить Всегда
Huge respect for the "Bobo" he got the balls to tie the game for a moment against the best team on history!, hugs from Córdoba, Argentina!❤.
Que partido grandes nuestros jugadores hermoso recuerdo ❤🎉😊
The teamwork at 21:52 is incredible!
This was the BEST World Cup tournament EVER !!! Messi was the BEST PLAYER, Argentina was the BEST TEAM, and Martinez made the SAVE OF THE CENTURY in the closing minutes of the final !!! Just TREMENDOUS ⚽️👍⚽️👍⚽️👍⚽️👍👍⚽️👍⚽️👍⚽️👍
The guy commentates like how Messi plays.
Commentates?you meant comments?
@@andrewjacques8275 Why do you watch football on mute?
@@mwebazegilbert2008 he is saying ur english is bad bro
Watching again from New York ... Love Argentina only
4:43 what a moment !
just imagine 💀
Emi Martinez 💪💪💪
Messi like ❤️❤️👍👍👍👍
هولاند ❤❤❤❤❤👑👑💪💪💪💪
Ronaldo is the 🐐 GOAT
Also mention after messi then you will be correct
Imagine it has gone but I just want to say how scary it is when the best footballer Messi the GOAT and the world best goal keeper Martinez in the same team uffff 😅
Which magomago goat
massi 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Penaldo can never give that Messi pass to Molina. He can only see it on tv
من عشاق ريال مدريد بس بصراحه الحقيقه ❤ميسي افضل لاعب بالعالم وعلى مر التاريخ والعصور
Messi is unique
Мартинес 👍👍👍
Love messi
Messii is the king of football hostory
Massi is good 😅🎉
Messi destroying everyone
Watched this with one of my Argentinian friends in a Dutch bar can imagine how that have went😂
this pass is unusual
Like what you are doing you had me
Argentina memang ons faer tpi yg jdi pertanyaan cva kh nti yg akan dpt menerus kn level seorang Leonel Messi,,,,kyax blm ada 1 thun atau pun 2 thun kedepan yg bsa mengimbangi dan menyamai Messi.❤
Just Like them 😝, you don't have to love them, first of all... Love yourself
I like E.Martinez
Messi the real gowt❤❤❤
Messiiiiiiiii 🇦🇷 🐐 ❤
Great game Argentina put it all there.. shut him well up as well
مسی و مارادونا بهترینهای فوتبال❤❤❤❤
Un espectáculo
Historical match ⚠️⚠️⚠️
I love you Messi ❤❤
Good keeper
This was football game full of pressure.. the young players were very2 underpressure
Argentina did it right defeating the brutal Netherland. Netherland was punished by Argentina❤
Messi big big big lover
10 Messi is the goat
Messi 💖💖💖💖💖
Aku pilih argentina
❤❤❤ u Martexzzz
Messi foat
I just keep watching and watching over and over this games, viva la Argentina
Messi good
Van dijk😮😊😅
الارجنتين للاسف نفس السيناريو في النهائي تفرط في الفوز المستحق لتذهب لضربات الجزاء.. وتفوز 😢
نفس قبل نهائي ٢٠١٤ أمام هولندا لكن هذه المره بطله العالم
16:30 messi
Argentina mantab
No entiendo porque los envidiosos hablan de un mundial sufrido para ganarlo como este de Argentina también del juego de Messi bárbaros ciegos el se echó ese equipo al hombro junto a Dibu los otros equipos también tuvieron chance en los penales miren este juego cuántos minutos de descuento dieron
J'ai vraiment adoré ce match, surtout le moment où les Néerlandais étaient dépités quand les Argentins les ont nargué lorsque Lautaro a réussi le tir au but salvateur. Ils apprendront l'humilité la prochaine fois, et quant à Van Gaal, c'est un vieux bouseux, je suis ravi que Messi l'ait remis à sa place, et quant à cet emmerdeur de Weghorst, je suis ravi que Messi l'ait insulté, il est entré sur le terrain pour entrer dans la tête des Argentins, et en plus ouvertement, qu'il marque ses 2 buts c'est bien, mais ça ne lui donne pas le droit de se comporter comme il l'a fait, déjà que lui et ses partenaires importunaient les deux derniers tireurs Argentins, ils ont mérité leur dépit. Quant au gardien Néerlandais, ravi que Messi ait fermé sa sale gueule de merde, ça lui apprendra à respecter les grands joueurs qui seront en face de lui, en particulier pour un penalty.
Los Argentinos se burlaron porque durante todo el partido los holandeses no pararon de provocarlos y a Messi lo molieron a patadas.
@@Jony86952Merci beaucoup. Et le documentaire sur Netflix a tout expliqué sur ce match. En tout cas pour tous ceux qui défendent les Néerlandais, ils sont très pathétiques, et c'est sûrement eux qui soutiennent les propos de cet connard de Van Gaal qui dit que le sacre des Argentins était prémédité, encore plus pathétique.
Arzentina 3:17 good palyluwr
Эсинч Вангала АШХАРИ ЧЕПИОН🎉
The intro done by Peter Drury ❤
Rolando wining TH-cam messi wining 2026 world cup
Messi is beyond GOAT..!
Nenderland 🇳🇱🇲🇨
van gaal pasti kehilangan muka akibat ejekan messi 🤣🤣
L.MESSI like 🗣️
Is anyone watching in 2025?
They won By luck Argentina
If ur favorite player win this u will be saying that they worked hard to win the match😂
Only By penalty By luck in semi finals penalty final penelty😂😂😂😂😂😂😂@@darkphoenix6354
Vamos argentina🤍