✝️ God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) loves you. Jesus died for everyone and the Father brought him back from the dead. We have a Father willing to forgive if u repent, a Savior, and the Holy Spirit to bring us out our sinful ways. Have a relationship with God(the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) and you won’t regret it in the end. Jesus is King. Repent because the end is near. 🎉😃May God please bless you all😊
✝️ God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) loves you. Jesus died for everyone and the Father brought him back from the dead. We have a Father willing to forgive if u repent, a Savior, and the Holy Spirit to bring us out our sinful ways. Have a relationship with God(the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) and you won’t regret it in the end. Jesus is King. Repent because the end is near. 🎉😃May God please bless you all😊
@@enzooliveiradacruz2549 ✝️ God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) loves you. Jesus died for everyone and the Father brought him back from the dead. We have a Father willing to forgive if u repent, a Savior, and the Holy Spirit to bring us out our sinful ways. Have a relationship with God(the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) and you won’t regret it in the end. Jesus is King. Repent because the end is near. 🎉😃May God please bless you all😊
Lol, I love how the dad is completely obsessed over Jessie getting a job, he breaks and destroys his shit for it, yet when he finally is going to get a job the dad is like “No, we’re going hunting!” 😭
Wow I actually just noticed this after all these years. They never drove 2 hours like Psycho Dad said. When they first start their trip at 6:49 you can see the time on Psycho Dad’s radio it says it’s 5.59. When they actually arrive to the woods at 9:34 the time on the radio says 6.14. So this whole time, mid series when most of us thought they drove for 2 hours they only drove 15 minutes😂
@@jalenhurts5930 I doubt the vehicle being driven here is new enough to adjust its time for time zone changes automatically. Besides, you’d have to drive for much longer than 2 hours to get in a different time zone if you’re in New Jersey.
Alexandria Agopian You do realize that hunting is more humane than how animals get treated at feedlots and such? When you kill the animal yourself you know exactly where your meat is coming from. It is also cheaper to get your own meat if you do it for a long time. When you use all the meat there is no problem with it. Now if someone goes and kills an animal and lets it due in the woods and just leaves then and only then would I have problem and the problem would be with that specific person. Everytime I've had the gift to harvest an animal I always treat it with respect and use every last bit of that animal I can get off it and if I don't have a need for all the meat I will take it to either a shelter for homeless people or take it to some of my family members but I use all of it
Corn: (Raises gun and points it at camera) "Okay, Jess, I think I've got it." Jesse: "Alright, dude, just take the shot, we don't exactly have all day, dammit!" Corn: "Almost... Got it!" (Pulls trigger) Gun: "KAPOW!" (A .22 caliber bullet shoots out the barrel, its trajectory right at the camera) Corn: "GAWDEEM!" Jesse: "Nice shot, Corn!" (Goes to pick up the camera, with a bullet hole right in the middle of the lense.) Dad: "Nice shot, Corn, that's better than Jesse has ever shot in one of his stupid fucking games."
Eric Nichols does the children call her mom and the dad call her sister! Come on y'all can't believe it's for real. Why is everybody getting so mad! I only shooting range and if anyone is talking to each other so disrespectful I ask them to leave even if they do have good safety habits. I have seen disrespect kill more people and Destroy good families! Just thought I'd throw that out there so far your base mad about the safety of firearms. It's just a dumb parity showing what happens when you go to a family reunion to get a date! Yes that's a joke too okay Merry Christmas all
@L-silent I was saying that because the expression treat a gun like it always loaded means even if the gun is not loaded you want to treat it with respect and act like it’s ready to fire. You will never point a gun at someone even when it’s not loaded. That’s why I thought you were joking. You will hear from everyone who has a gun license to not point it at anything or anyone and keep it pointed to the ground until you are ready to shoot. Not trying to be harsh but I have all respect for a gun because I know people I work with who fired a gun by accident because he thought there were no rounds in it and one was stuck in the gun. They did not kill themselves but had to go to the emergency room to get the bullet removed.
Jesse the type of guy to think Jeffrey would respawn if he shot him
U prob ain't getting no likes
+Thenoobygameplay 1 and u prob aint going to get anymore subs
+Deadpool y won't i
Jesse: *accidentally shoots gun*
*Gun safety Dwight joins the chat*
@hello hi wassup HOW U DOING and?
Ur not even funny ;-;
Also Jess: *kills father
That's, ironic.
@@hyaenamagnus2131 bruh
@@crumpix :)
@@hyaenamagnus2131 😘
“Jeffery watch any good porn lately?” Line gets me laughing every time 😂
11:02 Space
✝️ God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) loves you. Jesus died for everyone and the Father brought him back from the dead. We have a Father willing to forgive if u repent, a Savior, and the Holy Spirit to bring us out our sinful ways. Have a relationship with God(the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) and you won’t regret it in the end. Jesus is King. Repent because the end is near. 🎉😃May God please bless you all😊
✝️ God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) loves you. Jesus died for everyone and the Father brought him back from the dead. We have a Father willing to forgive if u repent, a Savior, and the Holy Spirit to bring us out our sinful ways. Have a relationship with God(the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) and you won’t regret it in the end. Jesus is King. Repent because the end is near. 🎉😃May God please bless you all😊
@@enzooliveiradacruz2549 ✝️ God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) loves you. Jesus died for everyone and the Father brought him back from the dead. We have a Father willing to forgive if u repent, a Savior, and the Holy Spirit to bring us out our sinful ways. Have a relationship with God(the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) and you won’t regret it in the end. Jesus is King. Repent because the end is near. 🎉😃May God please bless you all😊
*shoots “deer”*
*goes up and tackles it*
*stabs the decoy*
Im getting some dwight vides, TWD
dove decoy$29.99
deer decoy$99.98
duck decoy$74.99
squirrel decoy$30.99
bear decoy$179.99
coyote decoy$129.99
what ever you want too buy them??
@@victorxiong2374 ill buy the bear decoy
He was so proud of himself 😂
"i didnt almost cost somebody their life"
Jessica was legit thinking about how Jeffery woulda respawned
Jesse probably think a m109a7 is a pellet gun lol
+Bryson Bratton
I don't think he meant Jesse 😂😂
i love how psycho dad always says "WHAT AILS YOU?!"
What does 'ails' mean??
+Jamie Quinn along the lines of what type of crazy if fucking with your head
+John Roberts Oh thank you
+Jamie Quinn your welcome
The hell does that mean anyway ?
22:58 something you wouldn't expect psycho dad to say to his son
@@starz2946 Especially after everything that we have seen.
That deer was fake
@@austinmcgee6531 we know but Jesse took the shot which meant if it was real, he will still shoot so it would result into 22:58
@@austinmcgee6531 took the shot didn't he though?
22:58 is a sentence i never thought I would hear out of his mouth.
Soo true
Yeah your right
@@NathanielBK stfu
@@Abhi-qm3jj Looks like someone is salty about something
I wouldn't trust Jesse with a nerf gun
I wouldn't trust him win a gun that doesn't fire anything 😂😂
"Don't worry, wait a few seconds and he'll respawn!"
I wouldn't trust him with a Call of Duty gun!!!!!
Who else would've been down for a 2 hour psycho road trip
Also would've been amused if Corn was told he couldn't go so he just messed around at the truck until they got back.
They already had me at psycho hunting
21:48 when your teacher gives you 49% on your final exam.
Experience that much lol JK I know I have
Underrated hahahaha
Jesse the type of guy to accidentally shoot his dad and say oh shit friendly fire is on
+ODD CREATIVITY Best one yet
Off* ??
10:38 "WhAt AiLs YoU" button.
I've kinda pressed it a lot xD
silenced s̶p̶e̶e̶c̶h̶, right when i saw the 10:38 in your sentence, i looked at my actual clock, and it was literally 10:38 lol 😂
I know who says what ails you
Jessie the type of guy to use a nerf gun in a zombie apocalypse
that's right
This comment is perfect
22:09 his laugh always gets me
On God 😂😂😂
Sounds exactly like a hyena
His dad is hands down the best actor in the series
Lol, I love how the dad is completely obsessed over Jessie getting a job, he breaks and destroys his shit for it, yet when he finally is going to get a job the dad is like “No, we’re going hunting!” 😭
Probably was content he finally wanted to get a job that he would spend that extra bit of time just bonding lol. What a series this was though
you gotta point
Jesse is the type of person that shoots up a school and yells "I THOUGHT IT WAS A PELLET GUN"
Nuka Cola Company true
Nuka Cola Company fucking hilarious
Lol 😂
It is a pellet gun, you can hear the BB's rattle when the dad picks it up. 😂😂
"I don't shoot things"
Later him: "shoots dad"
It’s an ACT my guy 😭 why do ppl keep thinking it is real even after they explained many times it is all acting bc it is a TH-cam series smh
@@SirensAndAlarmsOfNorthernIL why are YOU responding to a 4 year old comment?
@@SmileyFace501 Oh sorry! I didn’t know there is a rule that says you can’t reply to a comment that exists
22:07 “It’s a fake dear! I thought it was a real one!”
What kind of real deer would still be standing after it’s just been shot?
I know right. It would have been limping or down
i think jesse missed
Faraaz Iqbal No, he hit it. There was a hole in its underbelly.
Its a skit
@@faraaziqbal8302 even if he missed it would of ran away
This guy should not be within 5 miles of a firearm.
thank you
+Kamil Biało *both*
"I'm proud of you." - psycho dad , 2016
+jackeline Jimenez lol
Not even hunting season so this is illegal
MY GOD#!! jesse almost killed JT. hahaha dumbass
+Firefighter Luke, this better be a joke, you can go hunting any time aslong as you have a licence
+jackeline Jimenez I can't believe he said that
22:07 Jeffrey laugh was so funny
20:26 when you come downstairs and your parents have guests over
@Alex Martinez What’s with you?
Exactly XD
6:44 how to start a conversation
Oh my god
Lol something I would say
True that
It was right infront of his dad to and he didnt care
I know this is all fake but it's to fun to watch.
@@lavender522 huh
What do ecspect
Nerds as One it’s entertainment bud.
@@5150Reaper yes!
21:28 The American Sniper when he hunts.
True considering that the first time we see him shoot he leaves his rifle in the dirt
Jesse the type of guy to rob the corner store with a halo gun
True that he will do it because he's too babyish
Jesse: I want everything u got. Clerk:No you don't :)
I love how they have old fashioned level-actioned Winchesters layed out on the table for hunting, not even a scope on them. Its amazing
Jess is the kind of girl who tries to trickshot with a water gun.
For security
his a boy
+the trying guy 21 he sure as hell doesn't act like it
+John Roberts lol
This feels like a genuine attempt from phsyco dad to spend time with his son
Me: Kills the final boss 21:46
Everyone in the office: 21:56
This comment got me rolling
😂😂😂😂 help me
It funny when people think the psycho dad vids r real...
+Rusty they arent?
lol true
+Rusty there are real idiot
+Rabsta0 no they aren't XD
Jesse's dad : im proud of you
Me: awwww
I would slap him across the face if I was his dad
@@Prescott.2006 I think his dad was real that he was proud :)
Also psycho dad: *_im embarrassed that your my son_*
@@Prescott.2006 Good luck with backlash then
This video never gets old
I love Jeffrey’s laugh he makes everything more funny
It's so obnoxious, heh.....😂
I totally agree.
The funniest one.
This is over all my favorite vid and dad did a great job at acting
wow this is stupid
Jesse The Type Of Guy To Shoot A Stump And Say It Was Pinocchio
your pinnocio
+Ryan Earl FANBOY ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+Ryan Earl And this comeback is coming from the guy who didn't use the correct "you're" in the sentence and misspelled Pinocchio.
+Bruvvy sub to me and i will do it back
to you
this is literally diary of a wimpy kid in the future
psycho mom as susan
jesse as greg
jeffery as rodrick
psycho dad as frank
What about manny
@@nycblockboy5656 corn?
@@nycblockboy5656 or boogie
Rowley is Corn 😂😂
Wait, who hunts deer with a .22 lr?
A Person yeah lol
@COOKIE It was a blank. A real .22 LR bullet makes a PTCHHHHUUUUU sound. In the video, it just made a pop.
It’s supposed to be a 30 30
You can hunt with a 22 long rifle
Camil Gacek not deer u can’t bullet is too small and not enough stopping power.
Jesse is the kind of guy that would shoot a guy and say he would respawn
hey im trying to grow my channel if you subscribe to me i will sub back just comment done so i know you subed
+Season's Greetings sub 4 sub m8
"Supposed to be Quiet".....Stomps through the leaves😅
It's unavoidable
Like an elephant
😂😂CaptHex Gaming
Wow I actually just noticed this after all these years. They never drove 2 hours like Psycho Dad said. When they first start their trip at 6:49 you can see the time on Psycho Dad’s radio it says it’s 5.59. When they actually arrive to the woods at 9:34 the time on the radio says 6.14. So this whole time, mid series when most of us thought they drove for 2 hours they only drove 15 minutes😂
They could’ve crossed a time zone but at maximum that would’ve only been 1 hour 15 min not 2 hours
@@jalenhurts5930 facts tho
Psycho Dad Buys DeLorean.
Yeah they were setting it up
I doubt the vehicle being driven here is new enough to adjust its time for time zone changes automatically. Besides, you’d have to drive for much longer than 2 hours to get in a different time zone if you’re in New Jersey.
Coming back 8 months later
Michael Ferdin 😆
Michael Ferdin k
Michael Ferdin kkkkrggfgbgtver eagfhydnhwxcbgervn😱😂👖😜😜🙋💪😂💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪🙋💪👞👞💪😜😜😜😜😜😜😜👞😜😜🙋
Michael Ferdin como back 1 year later fucker is 2017
Chase briskey
Jesse is the type of guy to kill someone or an animal and tell them "sorry, it was an accident" .
wtf major L
What do the 'L' and 'W' mean? Im a noob xD
+Mlg Kid "It's just a prank bro"
+Electric Lizard I have no idea what it means but I'm guessing Lose and Win?
‘I don’t shoot things’......... later on shoots psycho dad 😂😂
Tom Johnson *Shoots with a BB Gun*
It’s called character development
I said the same thing
I have never shot animal with a gun before.
21:41 I love the moment he realizes.
10:35 LMAO
Jesse the type of guy to get told 100 times DON'T keep your finger on the trigger, then keeps his finger on the trigger the WHOLE FUCKING TIME.
L af
Jesses the type of guy who would go hunting a leave his gun
For reals man he is seen holding the trigger 100 times😂
shut up
I'm a hunter myself and Jesus Christ there so loud no wonder they didn't see any deer!!!!!!
Alexandria Agopian You do realize that hunting is more humane than how animals get treated at feedlots and such? When you kill the animal yourself you know exactly where your meat is coming from. It is also cheaper to get your own meat if you do it for a long time. When you use all the meat there is no problem with it. Now if someone goes and kills an animal and lets it due in the woods and just leaves then and only then would I have problem and the problem would be with that specific person. Everytime I've had the gift to harvest an animal I always treat it with respect and use every last bit of that animal I can get off it and if I don't have a need for all the meat I will take it to either a shelter for homeless people or take it to some of my family members but I use all of it
Ik i could barely hear what they were saying over brush crunching
Grit Gaming it’s not even deer season when thay made the video
Alexandria Agopian shut up hunting is fun hippie
Grit Gaming yea
Jesse: I thought it was a pellet gun
Me: No it's a fucking water gun
I love your profile picture
Joseph Jones thanks
or a nerf gun
+James Denoia looks like a pelt gun
That an't a deer rife that looks like a .22 and sounds like a .22
10:54 “I told you this isn’t no game!”
Technically, since you’re hunting deer, it is game.
It’s fair game
"If a big buck charges me I'm gonna knock it in its face"-Jesse 2016 😂😂
With a halo gun...
+Andrew Dillon wtf
Im going in its face. Can you hear?
+Omar espinoza my uncle got shot in the leg in a hunting accident, he had to get part of it amputated
Jesse's the type of person to have acting skills good enough to be on Disney channel
Jackass* not Disney
jesse is the kind of person to snort his grandparents ashes thinking it a drug
Jesse said that his character thinking it was a real deer was also a metaphor for people who thought the series was real which is even funnier
Jesse is the kind of guy who thinks halo can train him using a shotgun in real life
Arturo Atoyan is the kinda guy that makes original comments
He's using a rifle not a shot gun but still that's tru
That wasn't even a shotgun it was a 30-30 rifle
Psycho Dad isn't a bad person!
He uses his blinker!
Ozzie 177 km os mkmkmsk jjokiklkokpklk os!k os l la k!sos!os!max kkpkk își ia moskow!ozkos
the only person in the entire east coast to use their blinker
Somewhere out there, some hunter will be extremely pissed that his decoy has been knocked over and stabbed.
+Trevor Anderson lol thats what i was thinking some of those things r like 250 bucks
gary Kohler Ive seen them go higher... Realistic felt skin, mechanical parts...
+Trevor Anderson someones gonna get popped.
0:32 something a British person would say in an American home 😂
Facts 🤣
Jesse is the kind of guy who pees on the toilet and wipes it with his sock
Hold this for me
so true deer don't charge u they give u the white finger and run
+hawkboy1792 lol
Jessie the type of person to shoot some one with an orange hat then say he found w new species
+the david show same shit
+Hunter Christensen u saw the gun shot too
+the david show some people spell it different
Lol Jesse said, "Me and Corn gotta SHOOT a video"
Ayyyy lmao
Corn: (Raises gun and points it at camera) "Okay, Jess, I think I've got it."
Jesse: "Alright, dude, just take the shot, we don't exactly have all day, dammit!"
Corn: "Almost... Got it!" (Pulls trigger)
Gun: "KAPOW!" (A .22 caliber bullet shoots out the barrel, its trajectory right at the camera)
Corn: "GAWDEEM!"
Jesse: "Nice shot, Corn!" (Goes to pick up the camera, with a bullet hole right in the middle of the lense.)
Dad: "Nice shot, Corn, that's better than Jesse has ever shot in one of his stupid fucking games."
+Nicholas Waldmann lol
I love that after he shot the deer, he immediately goes melee mode on it.
Jesse would be the kind of guy to forget the ingredients for a PB&J
it could be a bowl of cereal.
+Colin219 Gaming
*reports for spamming*
+Anubis Ayn thats a good one
Can't blame the mom for leaving
Eric Nichols does the children call her mom and the dad call her sister! Come on y'all can't believe it's for real. Why is everybody getting so mad! I only shooting range and if anyone is talking to each other so disrespectful I ask them to leave even if they do have good safety habits. I have seen disrespect kill more people and Destroy good families! Just thought I'd throw that out there so far your base mad about the safety of firearms. It's just a dumb parity showing what happens when you go to a family reunion to get a date! Yes that's a joke too okay Merry Christmas all
Eric Nichols its all a setup
Your right
21:48 I actually thought that was real
JT has the most iconic villian laugh of this series lol
21:13 the flashbacks
Play it on 0.5 seconds it’s hallrious
Jesse the type of guy to close both eyes while aiming down the sights
+Ezequiel Torres like i
obot with the lady
Me being an avid outdoorsman, this video makes me wanna cry!
Bryce Anderson u
Shit up
Same here! And putting the rifles in the bed of the truck?? Cringy
Same i am with you bryce
The part where Jessie shoots and then runs with a knife while yelling "F*CK YOU" at the deer is hilarious!!! How did he not notice it was fake?!
to bad
*Kills Dad*
+Mali Aleman woooooooow
Id rather hunt than find a job
+BLAZEHQ i know. anyday
Hunting can be a jobs jackass
100% true
being a survival military type guy I love to hunt
Man I miss the psycho series so much
When he shot the fake deer I thaught I was going to die of laughter
I thought i was gonna die because of your grammar
@@GramCrackers15 Going* Too
Jesse the type of guy to use branches as rubber bands for his ponytail.
I need to give you a small loan OF ALL THE FUCKING L's
+Dave- That One Guy That Has The Really Long Name. # REKT
+Sepehr jesse the type of nigga who will trash talk someone but then wear a fucking girl hair band
Everyone yells at corn, it pisses me off. He is the only person I like in the whole series...
Everyone yells at everyone in this series
+Nerdicai Sup
They even yell at themselves.
Treat a gun like it’s always armed or loaded
@L-silent Har har
@L-silent I was saying that because the expression treat a gun like it always loaded means even if the gun is not loaded you want to treat it with respect and act like it’s ready to fire. You will never point a gun at someone even when it’s not loaded. That’s why I thought you were joking. You will hear from everyone who has a gun license to not point it at anything or anyone and keep it pointed to the ground until you are ready to shoot. Not trying to be harsh but I have all respect for a gun because I know people I work with who fired a gun by accident because he thought there were no rounds in it and one was stuck in the gun. They did not kill themselves but had to go to the emergency room to get the bullet removed.
6:44 well I wasn’t expecting him to ask that 😂
for hunters this is so cringy.........
I'm a hunter
i wanna be a hunter lol
Im just a gamer
Harrison Morgan instagram.com/tamingthewild00/ check that out
"WHAT AILS YOU?!" 10:40 I lost my shit xDDD
xAmountOfWords lol he says that all the time
21:55 The most echoey voice cracks I ever heard!! lol!!
Who goes deer hunting in April? lol this skit was funny as hell
deer hunting in march, with a couple .22's? K.
Can .22s not break a deer skull or go through a deer skull I don't know much about .22s or most bullet calibers in general
Subbing to anyone who subs to me
Ya lol!
+Timmy D lol
"Corn don't you got something to do"
What we were all wondering
Poor corn
fr is he paying him to film or what
At this point I think he's now living with Jesse sleeping on the floor waiting to film everyday
that actually made me wonder if he does have somthing to do
Imagine being in your 20s and your dad still tells you what to do 😂😂
Imagine flexing being born into a loving respecting family
Before I let you finish, shat app
@@MrSpud900 shut*
@@MrSpud900 up*
@@MrSpud900 up*
I would have been very happy to go hunting 😂
I Already Kill 50 Deers
Watching him shoot the gun at 10:31 in 0.5 speed is just hilarious
ya pump it. fuckin pelvit gun bro.
play it at 1.5 speed. psycho dad is scary af.
Jessie the type of person to shoot either Jeffery or psycho dad and say it's the gun's fault
Hunting in march?
Pellet gun?
Blaze orange?
Shooting a gun a guys foot?
Treat every firearm with respect and if it was loaded
American Outdoors and dont point unless you want to kill
American Outdoors yes but they should not have them loaded if there not ready
as if it where loaded
American Outdoors they where pretty loud to
no hunting licences either!!!
Most justified anger on psycho dads part! 😂
21:22 when your poo won't come out 😂😂😂
Chris Leung *cone lmao😂👌
Brown cone XD
What so random
Chris Leung lol
10:36 Damn! Almost shot and killed Corn lol.
+sonicgalaxy27 Lol man deer hunting looks so fun too. Jesse is so annoying. XD
*Almost shot and killed
+ChillaGaming stfu
I like how he didn't even flinch
How to get drunk:
Take a shot everytime the don't practice gun safety.
your livers would disintegrate.
Jesse is the type of person to be surprised that one of em didn't respawn after he shoots one of em
Jesse the type of guy to go hunting with an Xbox controller
+colton adams keepin it frikin hillbilly?
Why's it so hard to remember to keep your finger off the trigger.
it's not for me
Yah I know Meggan
My dad told me that right when I was old enough to do ANYTHING!
It would be funny if Jessie tried to to trickshot the deer and a actrully kills corn
But then he would be.... POPPED CORN!
+TheWaffleMunchie LOL
+TheWaffleMunchie Nice man
lol yea
13:41 “it’s the deer kind” 💀💀💀💀