11/11 Portal Message and Light Language Activation

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2025
  • 11/11 Portal Message
    We as individuals and so also we as a collective are being offered this gateway of the 11/11 portal through which to view the decisions we make and how we view the foundations we are creating. This message and the theme of foundations has been ongoing for some time now and yet to this point much of the foundation has been built amongst the destruction, the dismantling of past events, past traumas, past belief systems, past structures, past organizations. And it's been a slow change, a slow dismantling at points in time rather shocking, very revealing. And yet with the space that's created through the deconstruction of those things the new has space to be created. And so as we look at the number 11/11, visualize it as two sets of pillars on either side of this entranceway or gateway into the reality you are building. And we are entering this point through the foundations we are creating. The foundations creating, created from within that space, the space of what was. And so the invitation is multilayered. And the invitation is to recognize that as we align more and activate more and emit more light from within our physicality, as we hold more light within our energetic field, our energetic body, as that light rises so does the shadow, so does the dark. And it is a reminder that the ascension process is not one of obliterating the shadow, it is not one of concealing the shadow, it is not one of erasing the shadow. The shadow is not your enemy. The ascension process is one of uniting, of integrating the light and the shadow within you and then therefore within the collective. And so a question to ask oneself would be where have we been stubbornly fixed to the old belief systems? And this may be a very anchored way of being, and yet it can be so subtle. And it's these fixations, these attachments that keep us dragging the old with us that restrict us from truly creating a new foundation upon which the new life, the new earth begins. And so we come back to the point of decisions. And as you are weighing and considering what moves forward with you, what does not, allowing yourself to reflect upon with those relationships, those people, those situations, those environments, those behavior patterns, the thought forms, the belief systems, the activities, the actions, the creations, within each of those as you sit and reflect upon each one of them, what is the timeline that you see unfolding associated with it? How do you see that aligning or not aligning with the reality you are wanting to create for yourself, for the collective? And as you take time to allow the guidance to come to you, allowing yourself to do so without judgment, to receive those intuitive nudges and visions and sounds and knowings and allow that to guide you in your decisions, choose those energies in whatever form they take. Choose those actions, choose those beliefs that align with the timeline you are wanting to live. And so this is the invitation for this 1111 gateway. As you step through this opening, what are you taking with you? What are you leaving behind? How does that assist in integrating the light and the shadow within you and moving forward from a unified energy place? And what choices are you making? And which timelines then are you choosing? This is a point of creation for all of us. And it is within your power to choose that which is most supporting and supportive of you. To choose that which aligns with the reality you want to experience. To choose that which aligns with the you you are now in this moment. And now we offer you the following light language activation to assist you in this. Peace

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