8:49. Hi, Richard... After you type some text in the notes, the record is dirty, so the length of notes is still the original before the new text was added... You can see the text pasted on Notepad ends with "Microsoft MVP a"... I think a Me.Refresh might be in order before the if isnull, to account for typing new text into notes... I don't know if that might bring other issues to consider though...
8:49. Hi, Richard... After you type some text in the notes, the record is dirty, so the length of notes is still the original before the new text was added... You can see the text pasted on Notepad ends with "Microsoft MVP a"... I think a Me.Refresh might be in order before the if isnull, to account for typing new text into notes... I don't know if that might bring other issues to consider though...
Set focus on a specified text box then ctfl a