we need to remember that Allah is the one who created and created everything on earth and everything on earth will perish and the only eternal thing is Allah who owns the universe who gives us the blessings of this perfect life and only from him we hope for justice and help.
@@Yupigum123 created everything on Earth? proof? Because Science has explained with proof how tree's, plants, volcanic plates, the ocean, oxygen, humans, animals, dinosaurs got here. So if Science can explain everything, can your book explain it? 'saying god did it' isn't proof its ignorance blind ignorance when I can explain everything above with evidence, so which holds more value me proving everything with evidence or you with a statement unable to prove anything with any validity? Sooo can you explain the proof? such as when and how the Dinosaurs got here? how old they are? how did they get here? from your holy book and only your holy book, I bet it doesn't even mention it anywhere in it does it about DInosaurs? But we know they existed we have fossils in every Museum around the World showing they existed. That's my challenge. Dinosaurs,
@@irairina4997It's actually recommended to pray in different places cuz on the day of judgement you will be rewarded for praying in different places ❤
A woman’s prayer in her home is better than her prayer outside it, including the mosque, but if the woman fears missing the time for prayer while she is outside her home in a public place; She looked for a place to hide herself, and performed her prayers. The center continued in a statement: If she does not find anything, and she takes cover such as a wall or a tree, and prays, while adhering to the hijab and full cover; Her prayer was valid, adding that if she did not find a cover such as a wall or the like, she prayed without it, with complete adherence to the hijab and covering; Her prayers are valid, although it is desirable for her to join them together when bowing and prostrating. He added that foreign men seeing a woman while she is praying does not invalidate her, with the necessity of her adhering to the hijab and covering. It is also permissible for a woman to perform prayer while wearing her shoes as long as they are pure. @@irairina4997
@@irairina4997 the only reason to make up a prayer is if one didn’t pray out of forgetfulness or sleep (not purposely). Even in public we must pray, preferably somewhere private but if it is not possible then wherever is best. Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The entire earth has been made a place of prayer, except for graveyards and washrooms.” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 317 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Ibn Taymiyyah So no, being away from home is not a reason not to pray our salah in time. I hope this answers your questions
I am a returning Christian (raised in church, ran away screaming, now finding my way back to faith) and I love learning about the different traditions around prayer and moments of holiness. To see the reverence of the moment is a reminder to stop and breathe, and thank the One who has ultimate control. One of the things I admire most about Islam is the discipline and dedication to the many daily prayers. I grew up pretty much just praying at church on Sunday, but as I have learned more about Islam I have started to try incorporating prayer throughout my day. Sending love and peace to you!
If you wish to know the prayers that are recited during the day, you can look up the Liturgy of the Hours. These are the series of prayers that are recited by religious Catholics. It is an obligation for priests, deacons and religious orders. For laypeople they can go through the day and recite the prayers. These are liturgical prayers and include reading Scripture and are separate from personal prayers. It can be sung, recited or done silently. My grandma kept these prayers: Morning, Noon, Angelus, Evening and Mass (she attended daily while she had strength). Alongside these are the prayers before and after meals and the Doxology at points of thanksgiving (good news, even bad news, remembering good things).
Christian (Catholic) here as well and I appreciate the same thing about Islam. I pray before every meal, I find it’s a good time to stop and give thanks for all I have (my family, my food) and to ask God to look out for those who need help 🙏
لا يجوز الصلاة بهذه الطريقة الا للذي لا يستطيع بالحياة العاديه الركوع.كالذي يعاني من مرض او مشلول او كبير السن . اما الذي يستطيع بالحياة العاديه الركوع وفي السفر يصلي على الكرسي لا يجوز
يا شباب ويا بنات في برنامج اسمه (نختم) يعرض لك آية واحدة من القرآن بكل مره تفتح الجوال عشان ما نجهر القرآن ،القرآن يشفع لصاحبه يوم القيامة ،وجزاكم الله خيرا
If you didn't comfortable when pray in the plane, you can pray after reach your destination at the hotel or anyplace you gonna live, not any country have Islamic Prayer Room but in Indonesia always have at any Airports.
If the prayer time has come you must pray, whether you are on a plane or not. Of course you can join prayers whilst travelling, but that doesn't mean you can completely ignore prayer times and pray once you have landed.
Though I haven't been travelled in plane/train yet. But I learnt now this is how I will pray insha'Allah when I do travel. Anyways I'm applying for Master studies abroad, need your prayers brothers and sisters ❤
Berdoa sendiri lbh baik dan lakukan sholat hajat 2 rakaat mintalah sama Allaah spa yg kamu ingin dan kerjakan sholat tshajut plg sedikit 2 rakaat krn kharier kamu skan diangkat setinghinya itu janji Allaah..
Why would that disturb anyone? We all pay for our own seats, some people fart in their chairs, or read or watch movies or pray. That is their seat to do what they will. I would rather people feel comfortable to be themselves in shared space.
Bilang kristiano, ang tamang pagdarasal ay nananalangin ka sa puso ng lihim at ang Ama lang na nasa langit ang nakakaalam ng iyong puso. Hindi dapat sinasapubliko ang pananalangin. Pero paniniwala nyo yan sana dumating nawa ang unawa na nang gagaling sa Ama na nasa langit..
Even in Islam, worship is not for show. However, some worship will certainly be visible to many people. The aim of this is of course to spread the message of Islam as well, introducing it without inviting or asking other people directly (this includes other forms of da'wah). In worship or any action it is because of the intention, while only oneself and God know the intention better. However, our attitude of paying attention should be that we can reflect for ourselves and that makes us humble. Not to criticize people who worship or find fault. Even so, your message is also good to remind.
In Islam, there are certain times of the day to pray, and if the conditions are not suitable, then there are such conveniences. If you cannot pray standing, you can sit down, if you are sick, you can pray lying down, if there is no water, you can perform ablution with soil, this is not for show.
That’s why Christianity is losing popularity. No action, no structure and no discipline when you pray at heart.Muslims also pray at heart in addition to regular prayers.
الركوع والسجود نفس بعض بس الركوع يكون اعلى من السجود.. ولا يجب وضع رأسك على شئ او يكون مقابل شئ... نفس وضع السجود ويكون موضع عينك بين ركبتيك او على الارض ❤❤
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد عليه افضل الصلاه والسلام الحمد لله والشكر لك يا رب اعملها على كل حاجه مش حاجه وحشه يا رب ما ليش غيرك يا رب سترك ورضاك يا رب حبيبي يا ربنا حبيبي يا رسول الله بحبك قوي يا رب❤❤
الصلاة لا تعفى عن أحد إلا الغائب عن وعيه حتى المشلول فرض عليه الصلاة لو كان مشلول شلل كامل يصلي بعينه لو مشلول شلل جزئي يأتي بما يستطيع من الأركان ديننا كله رحمة لا يكلفنا ربنا سبحانه وتعالى إلا ما بوسعنا❤.
@@لاإلهإلااللهمحمدرسولالله-ص4عQuand on voyage on peut sa détenir de prier ds l’avion et attendre d’être arriver à la maison pour prier c’est indiquer ds le saint coran Après cette sœur est libre de vouloir prier ou elle veut Amin wa El hamdoullah y’a Rabé
{فمن كان منكم مريضا او على سفر فعده من ايام اخر} وذلك للمشقه في الغالب رخص الله لهما في الفطر ولما كان لا بد من حصول مصلحه الصيام لكن المؤمن أمرهما أن يقضياه في ايام اخر اذا زال المرض وانقضى السفر وحصلت الراحه❤
المسلم يظهر للناس انه يصلي وانه تقي ونقي... لكنه لايظهر للناس العمل الصالح الذي أمره الله تعالى به ولا القيم الإنسانية والأخلاق صراط الله المستقيم ... بل يظهر الرياء والكذب والنفاق والغش والافتراء والظلم واكل حقوق الناس... ليصلي في بيته ويكفي الناس من شروره وجهله...
في تفسير آية "يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ بِكُمُ الْيُسْرَ وَلَا يُرِيدُ بِكُمُ الْعُسْرَ"، يتبين أن الله يهدف إلى التيسير على عباده في أمور الدين، ولا يريد لهم المشقة. فالإسلام دين يُراعي ظروف الإنسان ويُخفف عنه، كما في حالة المرض أو السفر التي تجيز تأجيل الصيام.
My mom was robbed during Ramadan. There were her passport, some cash etc in a bag. At that time, my family had just entered the restaurant to eat. And then it happend😢 So guys must becareful when you walk around or travel during Ramadan in muslim country😅
Do you think that robbery only happen in muslim country?In non muslim country,there are bigger crime committed,dont just blame muslim for every bad things
Even if this is not the case, it would be better to ask a scholar. In the state of both Ruku and Sajdah, they keep their hands on their Thais, they can only do less and more in bowing. One should sit without leaning....
یہ طریقہ بھی سہی نہی کسی عالم سے پوچھنا زیادہ بہتر ھوتا ۔۔ رکوع اور سجدہ دونوں حالت میں اپنے ھاتھ اپنی تھائیز پر ھی رکھنے ھیں صرف جھکنے میں کم اور زیادہ کر سکتے ۔ بغیر ٹیک لگائے بیٹھنا چاھیے .....
بالطيارة لازم الوقوف الصلاة جالسا يبطل الصلاة إلا من كان عاجزا وأنت تقدر تصلي بعد ما الطيارة تستقر بالجو روح مكان المطبخ أو الممر بس انك تصلي جالسا وأنت قادر ما يجوز لأنك تركت ركن من اركان الصلاة إلا إذا كنت عاجز
النوافل تصلى باي الشكل ام الفريضة فتكون جمع الظهر مع العصر في وقت الظهر ويكون كلا منهما ركعتين والمغرب مع العشاء وقت المغرب ويكون المغرب ثلاث ركعات وبعده العشاء ركعتين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته This video is somewhere right but the very right way is that if you're traveling in bus or plain You have to make an intention for how many rak'ahs you want to recite..Then you readtauz tasmia ( "I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the Accursed".In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Compassionate".) and then Sana and then Surah Fatiha, then any Surah (Surah Ikhlas) then while saying allāh hu akbar, keep your hands on your knees for Ruku and bow a little and read the Tisbih of Ruku and then get up and sit down and for Sujood let your hands remain on the knees and bow a little more than you did in ruku and read the Tisbih of Sujood and in this way you can offer Namaz
﴿ لاَ يُكَلِّفُ اللّهُ نَفْساً إِلاَّ وُسْعَهَا ﴾❤
Allah akbar
I've been traveling at the time it was Ramadan to an Islamic country and somehow I found it peaceful to be surrounded by people who were praying. ❤
Smoga dpt hidyah
Come to Saudi Arabia, there is Mecca. I hope you like it 🇸🇦✨
❤❤0 ft eyfe6d64f
How do u feel peaceful to ppl who pray to prdophilism God
Thank you i rely need this 😢❤
البنت دي عسل اوي و إيمانها بربنا قوي مشاء الله
الحمد لله على نعمه الاسلام 😢❤
How do you know her faith in god is strong? Have you met her? Are you a Jedi Master from Star Wars?
we need to remember that Allah is the one who created and created everything on earth and everything on earth will perish and the only eternal thing is Allah who owns the universe who gives us the blessings of this perfect life and only from him we hope for justice and help.
@@Yupigum123 created everything on Earth? proof? Because Science has explained with proof how tree's, plants, volcanic plates, the ocean, oxygen, humans, animals, dinosaurs got here. So if Science can explain everything, can your book explain it? 'saying god did it' isn't proof its ignorance blind ignorance when I can explain everything above with evidence, so which holds more value me proving everything with evidence or you with a statement unable to prove anything with any validity? Sooo can you explain the proof? such as when and how the Dinosaurs got here? how old they are? how did they get here? from your holy book and only your holy book, I bet it doesn't even mention it anywhere in it does it about DInosaurs? But we know they existed we have fossils in every Museum around the World showing they existed.
That's my challenge. Dinosaurs,
😊😊😊❤ no yes?
Im an Christian but i do respect yall i love yall
I just compensate for the missed prayers when I reach home, thank you sister for this knowledge you shared❤
Как я слышала, это даже более правильно, ведь молиться на людях не желательно. Поправьте, если ошибаюсь
@@irairina4997It's actually recommended to pray in different places cuz on the day of judgement you will be rewarded for praying in different places ❤
A woman’s prayer in her home is better than her prayer outside it, including the mosque, but if the woman fears missing the time for prayer while she is outside her home in a public place; She looked for a place to hide herself, and performed her prayers. The center continued in a statement: If she does not find anything, and she takes cover such as a wall or a tree, and prays, while adhering to the hijab and full cover; Her prayer was valid, adding that if she did not find a cover such as a wall or the like, she prayed without it, with complete adherence to the hijab and covering; Her prayers are valid, although it is desirable for her to join them together when bowing and prostrating. He added that foreign men seeing a woman while she is praying does not invalidate her, with the necessity of her adhering to the hijab and covering. It is also permissible for a woman to perform prayer while wearing her shoes as long as they are pure.
@@irairina4997 the only reason to make up a prayer is if one didn’t pray out of forgetfulness or sleep (not purposely). Even in public we must pray, preferably somewhere private but if it is not possible then wherever is best.
Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The entire earth has been made a place of prayer, except for graveyards and washrooms.”
Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 317
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Ibn Taymiyyah
So no, being away from home is not a reason not to pray our salah in time. I hope this answers your questions
better to do it when travelling because when you travel you only have to do half of the prayer but when u do at home you have to do the full thing 🤪🤪🤪
"صلوا على من سكنت القلوب
محبته ، واشتاقت العيون لرؤيته ﷺ."
عليه افضل الصلاة والسلام ❤😊
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا ونبينا وحبيبنا محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم ❤
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنه عرشه ومداد كلماته وعدد ما كان وعدد ما يكون وعدد الحركات والسكون
عليه الصلاة والسلام
Ma sha 'Allaah! Anywhere, Anyplace, Anyhow is for secreat conversations with Alm8ghty Allaah.
“The whole world is a mosque.”- Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
As a muslim, ive never new that😮 thank u!(btw ur so pretty😊)
Oui, on peut prier même dans l'avion ou autres endroits.
@@camelb2427 Il faut juste se méfier de la direction de la Mekka, un avion, ca tourne parfois.
say machaAllah 🤍
{لا يكلف الله نفسا إلا وسعها}
✨الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام ✨
Shut up😡😡
Y para que es eso? No es obligatorio hacer eso
@@sulemaalvarez7066 الا نعم انه من الضروري. يا تافه😂
@@taragautam6315 لان اصمت انتي اصمت
I am not a Muslim but I find this religion magnificent, may Allah grant you paradise
May Allah lead you to Hidayah ❤
You as well
Come join us
Ich weiß, dass wir uns Muslime im Flugzeug schwer wird aber ich bin auch ein Muslim. Bei mir ist es auch schwer. Ich liebe dich Georgia wirklich.❤
I am a returning Christian (raised in church, ran away screaming, now finding my way back to faith) and I love learning about the different traditions around prayer and moments of holiness. To see the reverence of the moment is a reminder to stop and breathe, and thank the One who has ultimate control. One of the things I admire most about Islam is the discipline and dedication to the many daily prayers. I grew up pretty much just praying at church on Sunday, but as I have learned more about Islam I have started to try incorporating prayer throughout my day. Sending love and peace to you!
Allah İslamla şereflendirmiş ne mutlu size
@@HavvaSenemShe is still a Christian.
If you wish to know the prayers that are recited during the day, you can look up the Liturgy of the Hours. These are the series of prayers that are recited by religious Catholics. It is an obligation for priests, deacons and religious orders. For laypeople they can go through the day and recite the prayers. These are liturgical prayers and include reading Scripture and are separate from personal prayers. It can be sung, recited or done silently. My grandma kept these prayers: Morning, Noon, Angelus, Evening and Mass (she attended daily while she had strength). Alongside these are the prayers before and after meals and the Doxology at points of thanksgiving (good news, even bad news, remembering good things).
Christian (Catholic) here as well and I appreciate the same thing about Islam. I pray before every meal, I find it’s a good time to stop and give thanks for all I have (my family, my food) and to ask God to look out for those who need help 🙏
الصلاة وكت السفر يجوز تأجيلها لان على متن شي متحرك شلون اتجاه القبلة. يكون ثابت
لا يجوز الصلاة بهذه الطريقة الا للذي لا يستطيع بالحياة العاديه الركوع.كالذي يعاني من مرض او مشلول او كبير السن . اما الذي يستطيع بالحياة العاديه الركوع وفي السفر يصلي على الكرسي لا يجوز
اينما تولوا فتم وجه الله
هذه في صلاة النافلة. وليس في الفرض
وجه الله اي قبلة الله. ... وليس معناه وجه بالمعنى الحسي
صلاة الفرض لاتؤجل ابداً
الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم صلى على راحله
يجوز الجمع والقصر فقط للمريض والمسافر
Omg girl you’re so beautiful! And I love that color! ❤
اقسم بالله العظيم تستاهلين مليون لايك❤😢
اصلا لو كنا مسافرين عادي لو ما صلينا ،بس نروح على الدار بنجمع صلواتنا الي ما صليناها واحنا مسافرين ونقضيها 😊
بس ينفع صلاة الضهر مع العصر أوصلاة المغرب مع العشاء يعني ما ينفعش تجمعي مثلا ٣ صلوات او اكتر او حتى تجمعي العصر مع المغرب
@@es1831 اه بعرف ،فاهم عليك
بس انا اختصرت الحكي
بتتهبل لا مش عادي
@@HibsSalehالا عادي
@@HibsSaleh لا ،بنجمع الضهر مع العصر والمغرب مع العشاء،ما بتهبل
I pray sitting all the time 5 prayers ,in my wheelchair,,,,accepted or not ONLY ALLAH CAN JUDGE,,,,,WE HUMANS DO AS BEST WE CAN,,,,ALLAH KNOWS
Peace be upon you, I am an Arab and a Muslim. Prayer while you are sitting is accepted and there is no problem with that.😊😊
Mashallah ❤ Those lazy people who don't pray should learn from you
They are attention seekers and their preyer is not accepted
Stop speaking English like suicide bombers😂
Are you iranian because your name is عسل im iranian too and I love muslims so I followed you and I pray too❤️✨
She's from Kazakhstan
ولی من ایرانی هستم .و به شما درود میفرستم
I left faith and I’m glad I did
يا شباب ويا بنات في برنامج اسمه (نختم) يعرض لك آية واحدة من القرآن بكل مره تفتح الجوال عشان ما نجهر القرآن ،القرآن يشفع لصاحبه يوم القيامة ،وجزاكم الله خيرا
ماشاءالله تبارك الله الله يحفظك و يجزاك كل خير والله تعليقك يجنن ❤
ممكن إسم البرنامج بالتفصيل
جزاك الله كل خير
If you didn't comfortable when pray in the plane, you can pray after reach your destination at the hotel or anyplace you gonna live, not any country have Islamic Prayer Room but in Indonesia always have at any Airports.
If the prayer time has come you must pray, whether you are on a plane or not. Of course you can join prayers whilst travelling, but that doesn't mean you can completely ignore prayer times and pray once you have landed.
Türkiye 🇹🇷
😂 not comfort is not a reason to not pray.
@@entnixe exactly!
It’s not about where they at, it’s their pray time has come and they must pray and they can’t skip or delay it
Though I haven't been travelled in plane/train yet. But I learnt now this is how I will pray insha'Allah when I do travel. Anyways I'm applying for Master studies abroad, need your prayers brothers and sisters ❤
Berdoa sendiri lbh baik dan lakukan sholat hajat 2 rakaat mintalah sama Allaah spa yg kamu ingin dan kerjakan sholat tshajut plg sedikit 2 rakaat krn kharier kamu skan diangkat setinghinya itu janji Allaah..
May Allah swt grants you ease in whatever good deeds that you're planning ahead, Alhamdulillah, ameen. Loves fm an ant in woods, Ghombau.MALAYSIA.
terima kasih sis sebab nya saya mau pergi ke china❤
The third option is get out and don’t disturb the people in the public transport
Why would that disturb anyone? We all pay for our own seats, some people fart in their chairs, or read or watch movies or pray. That is their seat to do what they will. I would rather people feel comfortable to be themselves in shared space.
Bilang kristiano, ang tamang pagdarasal ay nananalangin ka sa puso ng lihim at ang Ama lang na nasa langit ang nakakaalam ng iyong puso. Hindi dapat sinasapubliko ang pananalangin. Pero paniniwala nyo yan sana dumating nawa ang unawa na nang gagaling sa Ama na nasa langit..
Even in Islam, worship is not for show. However, some worship will certainly be visible to many people. The aim of this is of course to spread the message of Islam as well, introducing it without inviting or asking other people directly (this includes other forms of da'wah). In worship or any action it is because of the intention, while only oneself and God know the intention better. However, our attitude of paying attention should be that we can reflect for ourselves and that makes us humble. Not to criticize people who worship or find fault. Even so, your message is also good to remind.
In Islam, there are certain times of the day to pray, and if the conditions are not suitable, then there are such conveniences. If you cannot pray standing, you can sit down, if you are sick, you can pray lying down, if there is no water, you can perform ablution with soil, this is not for show.
That’s why Christianity is losing popularity. No action, no structure and no discipline when you pray at heart.Muslims also pray at heart in addition to regular prayers.
الركوع والسجود نفس بعض بس الركوع يكون اعلى من السجود.. ولا يجب وضع رأسك على شئ او يكون مقابل شئ... نفس وضع السجود ويكون موضع عينك بين ركبتيك او على الارض ❤❤
Ji han ❤️aap ne saheeh kaha❤️
كيف يمكن أداء الصلاة على الطائرة من دون الإتجاه نحو القبلة
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد عليه افضل الصلاه والسلام الحمد لله والشكر لك يا رب اعملها على كل حاجه مش حاجه وحشه يا رب ما ليش غيرك يا رب سترك ورضاك يا رب حبيبي يا ربنا حبيبي يا رسول الله بحبك قوي يا رب❤❤
Funfact: Indonesia Batik air has an muslim praying room there's the carpet and everthing
المسافر تعفى عنه الصلاه واصلا لا يستطيع الصلاه وهو يتحرك
الصلاة لا تعفى عن أحد إلا الغائب عن وعيه حتى المشلول فرض عليه الصلاة لو كان مشلول شلل كامل يصلي بعينه لو مشلول شلل جزئي يأتي بما يستطيع من الأركان ديننا كله رحمة لا يكلفنا ربنا سبحانه وتعالى إلا ما بوسعنا❤.
@@لاإلهإلااللهمحمدرسولالله-ص4عQuand on voyage on peut sa détenir de prier ds l’avion et attendre d’être arriver à la maison pour prier c’est indiquer ds le saint coran
Après cette sœur est libre de vouloir prier ou elle veut
Amin wa El hamdoullah y’a Rabé
Thanks for hilm....❤❤❤❤
{فمن كان منكم مريضا او على سفر فعده من ايام اخر} وذلك للمشقه في الغالب رخص الله لهما في الفطر ولما كان لا بد من حصول مصلحه الصيام لكن المؤمن أمرهما أن يقضياه في ايام اخر اذا زال المرض وانقضى السفر وحصلت الراحه❤
المسلم يظهر للناس انه يصلي وانه تقي ونقي... لكنه لايظهر للناس العمل الصالح الذي أمره الله تعالى به ولا القيم الإنسانية والأخلاق صراط الله المستقيم ... بل يظهر الرياء والكذب والنفاق والغش والافتراء والظلم واكل حقوق الناس...
ليصلي في بيته ويكفي الناس من شروره وجهله...
بما انك عربي عندي سؤال
كيف الواحد يصلي في الطيارة و تكون القبلة تحته غالبا؟؟
@@Arab48-o2pحبيبتي أصلاً إذا مسافره مو واجب الصلاة عليج لأنو انتِ عندج عذر والله كايلها
على كيف امك المسلم .. هذي صفات المنافق الله لا يهنك، لو تروح تتقرب لربك احسن وتفك الناس من كلامك الفارغ وسلبيتك
Mashallah ❤its public but where is public sis😊
التربية والا خلاق😊😊😊😊❤❤❤
Kalbi de kendisi kadar güzel bu kızın. Maşallah.
في تفسير آية "يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ بِكُمُ الْيُسْرَ وَلَا يُرِيدُ بِكُمُ الْعُسْرَ"، يتبين أن الله يهدف إلى التيسير على عباده في أمور الدين، ولا يريد لهم المشقة. فالإسلام دين يُراعي ظروف الإنسان ويُخفف عنه، كما في حالة المرض أو السفر التي تجيز تأجيل الصيام.
Islam is the best religion in the world islam ❤
No HINDU is the best religion in the world
Awesome not injury to other faiths
What Muslims think would Happen when they skip the praying for once: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين الحمد لله والشكر لك يا رب العالمين ❤
We pray ….and pray ….and pray. Peaceful and loving others. Until the day we die. We hope everyone will realise that Allaah is the one true God.
JESUS IS MY GOD.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤JESUS
Im a Christian but I love learning about other religions.Also youre so pretty and I love your hijab❤
My mom was robbed during Ramadan. There were her passport, some cash etc in a bag. At that time, my family had just entered the restaurant to eat. And then it happend😢 So guys must becareful when you walk around or travel during Ramadan in muslim country😅
May be a non muslim robbed her.
Do you think that robbery only happen in muslim country?In non muslim country,there are bigger crime committed,dont just blame muslim for every bad things
Bad people are everywhere.
Even if this is not the case, it would be better to ask a scholar. In the state of both Ruku and Sajdah, they keep their hands on their Thais, they can only do less and more in bowing. One should sit without leaning....
That's how I do it, just sit respectfully without moving
مسلمانی=انسانیت=دفاع از مظلوم=سکوت نکردن در برابر ظالم.!
Msy Allah bless you and protect you from any dangers.
Masya Allah masya Allaah❤ syukran, thank you
Terima kasih , sahabat seperjuangan🍉🇵🇸✌🏻✌🏻✨✨✨✨
Wow so cute Muslim girl
یہ طریقہ بھی سہی نہی کسی عالم سے پوچھنا زیادہ بہتر ھوتا ۔۔ رکوع اور سجدہ دونوں حالت میں اپنے ھاتھ اپنی تھائیز پر ھی رکھنے ھیں صرف جھکنے میں کم اور زیادہ کر سکتے ۔ بغیر ٹیک لگائے بیٹھنا چاھیے .....
Whenever in ruku and sujood while sitting and making salaah the hands should ALWAYS be ON the knees.
Im muslim I'm from Bosnia☪️☪️☪️☪️☪️☪️
فَمَن كَانَ مِنكُم مَّرِيضًا أَوْ عَلَىٰ سَفَرٍ فَعِدَّةٌ مِّنْ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ
"Masha Allah 🧡.!
ما شاء الله ❤❤❤❤
جَزَاكَ اللّٰهُ خَيْرََا 🥰😍
Allhamdullila ❤
I am Christian but Masa allah ☪️🕋
I can't hold the joke 💀
لما اسافر استعمل الفيد
team Christian
Jesus prayed like Muslims
Mashallah may allah bless u
Hum single log hai janab ham apne
"Bestfriend" se hi flirt kar lete hai...!!
(We don't need relationship)
الله ياالله❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Masha Allah..Alhamdulillah ❤...love your outfit 😍
بالطيارة لازم الوقوف الصلاة جالسا يبطل الصلاة إلا من كان عاجزا وأنت تقدر تصلي بعد ما الطيارة تستقر بالجو روح مكان المطبخ أو الممر بس انك تصلي جالسا وأنت قادر ما يجوز لأنك تركت ركن من اركان الصلاة إلا إذا كنت عاجز
I'm Muslim i love allah
سلام یاالله ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤مرتضی هستم ازایران❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Mâşâallâh ❤Bârekallâh ❤SubhânAllâh ❤
Doğruluk hep sevaptır abla doğru yoldasin bu arada çok tatlısın
Thanks for this sister ❤❤❤
شكرا لك ❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊
الله يحميه من كل شيء في العالم كله 😢
😊 اني اني كلش احب فيديوهاتك الدينيه
النوافل تصلى باي الشكل ام الفريضة فتكون جمع الظهر مع العصر في وقت الظهر ويكون كلا منهما ركعتين والمغرب مع العشاء وقت المغرب ويكون المغرب ثلاث ركعات وبعده العشاء ركعتين
May Allah bless you❤❤❤
O Ållah please allow us to Reach Ramadhan
بحس هاي البنت كيوت ومسلمه يعني البنت هيك ما عارف كيف اوصفها بس يعني كيوت ومسلمه = الذكاء ❤
Please make some videos for shia people too because we cant read prayer without a stone or something like that i dont remember the name 😂
الحركه التانيه بنعملها امتي؟
Allah ❤❤❤
محمد هو مسلم اكثر من مشاهده التلفاز ❤❤❤😢
Hi I like ur vids and how do u do ur hijab
تم اختيارك للصلاه على الرسول صل الله عليه وسلم
She is so so so pretty 😊😊😊😊😊
I am a musl😅m too
But iam nine years old
اصلا عادي لو ما صلت لأنها مسافره😊❤
As-salaamu Alaikum sister. This is good to know.
قال رسول الله صل الله علیه وآله وسلم:من کنت مولاه فهذا علی مولا
بارك الله فيك ❤
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
This video is somewhere right but the very right way is that if you're traveling in bus or plain You have to make an intention for how many rak'ahs you want to recite..Then you readtauz tasmia ( "I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the Accursed".In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Compassionate".) and then Sana and then Surah Fatiha, then any Surah (Surah Ikhlas) then while saying allāh hu akbar, keep your hands on your knees for Ruku and bow a little and read the Tisbih of Ruku and then get up and sit down and for Sujood let your hands remain on the knees and bow a little more than you did in ruku and read the Tisbih of Sujood and in this way you can offer Namaz
Поздравляю, вы нашли русский коммент
❤best Islam US theke
As a Christian I respect Muslims
Oh yeah, I understand what you mean, thank you for giving me the answer, I've subscribed to you.😊
in some muslim airlines
like saudia theres a prayer room at the end of the plane (if im correct) so u can pray there
I love and support Muslim people but I am a Christian but I still love muslims❤
Thank you for making video i realised i've been doing the wrong thing❤
what to do if my seat is not west facing🤔
Tell me what county is this i beg you 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏