@@AtreyusNinja . I've been playing the game for first time, and so far it has worked for me (currently I am at Hunter's Edge). However, what starts playing again is the random jukebox the game ALWAYS plays. Because now that I have played this game I noticed this theme is not a "final boss theme" per se, but a track that plays randomly in every battle (probably this theme is the last one in the Jukebox, that's why it stops after it). Reloading the game just resets the jukebox. Personally that's something I didn't like from this game, cool music but the theme that play is just the same random jukebox in every battle.
Oddly of all the bosses in Act I (Cyseal to Silverglen) I always found I died to Pontius Pirate the most. Not the Twins By Fire or even Braccus Rex. It was always Pontius. Act II though I love fighting King Boreas that's such a great tactical fight!
Well, a tip for Braccus and the Bone Baron. Take out the Cyromancer ASAP then the Jester/Geomancer after that you can work on the Huntsman/Baron/Barons-Wife. Braccus, you can pen him in using Pots... yes... pots. You can merrily kill the Ghoul and Baron without Bracus really interfering. Sparkmaster 1000 is basically you CC it to hell (Freezing is what it's weak to as Wet works) or use the controller to drain his charges so hey doesn't do his death-bolt.
Voidtalon Gaming I already beat them all, but thanks. Currently I'm kinda stuck in the Phantom Forest. I already did Arhu's and Jahan's side quests, but Wolgraff's side quest and the pirates near that friendly earth elemental both obliterate me. I could also try the Source Temple, but I feel like I should wait a little before that. Great game btw. 10/10
@@SeventhheavenDKDSO2 lacks combat music that gets you amped up like this one. Initially I thought the lack of music was a bug or something and I reinstalled the game only to be later disappointed.
@@alileevil I totally prefer most of the music of DOS2. You say it doesn't have battle themes that get you amped like this one? Themes from DOS2 like Dancing with the source, Broken shackles, and especially The Battle for Divinity are way better than this, they ask nothing from it. You know what disappointed me? When I played this game for the first time last year, and discovered that the battle themes of DOS1 are just a playlist with the same music through all the game that loops until it gets to this theme, then ends, and stops there in silence 😴.
@@cr4yv3n what a joke 😆 Both are great games but DOS2 is a total and vastly improvement over DOS1. The only thing DOS1 did better was the development of its female antagonist. Leandra > Dallis. Aside of that, DOS2 is overall a better game.
Do you know why that actually does that? I played this game on Xbox and noticed it and even on pc when I bought yesterday, again to play with a friend.
@@jackcoble9166 Because the game battle music is just a playlist that repeats everytime. This theme is probably the last one in the playlist that is why it ends. When you get this theme and ends, if you quick save and reload the game the playlist starts again.
Well this is Battle Force, originally form Divinity II: Ergo Draconis it's just sped up and retouched. It was a shame Kirills was ill during this and he passed. OS has some great music but OS2 is really fun so far.
My favorite one....and also the one that bugs the game's internal playlist and music doesn't play again after it until the battle is over. Also, there seems to be no extension of it here.
@@juanchiapa2882 This is how I felt about it! The ost in DOS2 just wasn't that great when compared to Kirill Pokrovsky experimental/classical style. I love them both, but I love DOS1 just a lot more ; P
Anyone here remember this from Divinity 2: Ego Draconis? General Raze's battle theme? This is like a remastered version of it. Easily one of the worst battles in that game, but the music...
None of the music in DOS1 loops at all. But if you mean about ending in complete silence, if you quick save and reload the game, the music starts playing again without pause.
Bless the seven, I am restored!
"Back on my feet again!"
"A stitch in time, eh my friends?"
Back on my feet again
I love hearing that when I'm just maxing their HP after equipping them with something with a higher Con bonus.
One. Two. Stun!
To be accurate to the game, you have to sit in dead silence for at least five minutes after listening to this song once.
t r u e ...
If you quick save the game and reload the music starts playing again and this time without pause.
@@SeventhheavenDK do you promise me?
@@AtreyusNinja . I've been playing the game for first time, and so far it has worked for me (currently I am at Hunter's Edge).
However, what starts playing again is the random jukebox the game ALWAYS plays.
Because now that I have played this game I noticed this theme is not a "final boss theme" per se, but a track that plays randomly in every battle (probably this theme is the last one in the Jukebox, that's why it stops after it).
Reloading the game just resets the jukebox. Personally that's something I didn't like from this game, cool music but the theme that play is just the same random jukebox in every battle.
this is the best one
totally agree
Because it's copied from Divinity 2 years before
@Lê Hồng It's not copied from Divinity 2. Kirill reworked and remixed it from his original piece in D2.
2023, and this song it's still relevant.
I love this song so much.. It had the most impact on me when I was struggling for a battle and this came on.
Oddly of all the bosses in Act I (Cyseal to Silverglen) I always found I died to Pontius Pirate the most. Not the Twins By Fire or even Braccus Rex. It was always Pontius.
Act II though I love fighting King Boreas that's such a great tactical fight!
Voidtalon Gaming In Act 1 that one Bone Baron and Braccus were the worst for me.
Arhu's machination was tough too
Well, a tip for Braccus and the Bone Baron. Take out the Cyromancer ASAP then the Jester/Geomancer after that you can work on the Huntsman/Baron/Barons-Wife.
Braccus, you can pen him in using Pots... yes... pots. You can merrily kill the Ghoul and Baron without Bracus really interfering.
Sparkmaster 1000 is basically you CC it to hell (Freezing is what it's weak to as Wet works) or use the controller to drain his charges so hey doesn't do his death-bolt.
Voidtalon Gaming I already beat them all, but thanks.
Currently I'm kinda stuck in the Phantom Forest.
I already did Arhu's and Jahan's side quests, but Wolgraff's side quest and the pirates near that friendly earth elemental both obliterate me.
I could also try the Source Temple, but I feel like I should wait a little before that.
Great game btw.
I think that's beyond me. Boreas is where I stopped roughly I think I beat the Troll King once but then my buddy quit and we lost our save files.
You..... You were right there!
“Me back in the days feeling pathetic while facing *the ghoul that guards the lighthouse*”,this banger hits hard😩👌
For me, it was Braccus Rex, all those named Death Knights at the end, or the Twins-Conjoined-By-Fire that made me and my sister feel pathetic
Arise, fair dead! Seize upon our enemies!
Divinity is a fucking savage. I thought I could play this game on hard difficulty on my first playthrough, but the zombies kicked my ass really hard.
My friend and I were shocked to listen a such beautiful song for the very first fight.
@@otcus5027 first time? Haha, this was in Divinity 2 muh dude.
That damn sparkmaster
Not as annoying as Braccus Rex though !
this battle music needed to be in divinty original sin 2. it was just,,, amazing.
It wasn't needed to be honest. DOS2 has its own awesome share of music.
@@SeventhheavenDKDSO2 lacks combat music that gets you amped up like this one. Initially I thought the lack of music was a bug or something and I reinstalled the game only to be later disappointed.
@@alileevil I totally prefer most of the music of DOS2.
You say it doesn't have battle themes that get you amped like this one? Themes from DOS2 like Dancing with the source, Broken shackles, and especially The Battle for Divinity are way better than this, they ask nothing from it.
You know what disappointed me? When I played this game for the first time last year, and discovered that the battle themes of DOS1 are just a playlist with the same music through all the game that loops until it gets to this theme, then ends, and stops there in silence 😴.
Kiril died so this will most likely be the last time we hear this theme
the best battle theme from the game, it gives me the chills. Awesome !!!
Because it's from a much better game...
@@cr4yv3n . I know what you mean, and....no, just no.
@@cr4yv3n I agree. I love them all, but DOS1 is better than DOS2.
@@cr4yv3n what a joke 😆
Both are great games but DOS2 is a total and vastly improvement over DOS1.
The only thing DOS1 did better was the development of its female antagonist.
Leandra > Dallis.
Aside of that, DOS2 is overall a better game.
@@wardensurana8336 I was reffering to Divinity 2 ( the OLD one ). The top down bs gave me a headache
"So what do you miss from Divinity 2?"
"so what do you miss in divinity original sin 2"
this one and ”dance of death” are so f***ing good they are the best
just listening to this makes me want to play again, great memories
Love this theme, too bad the music completely cuts out when this theme ends
Do you know why that actually does that? I played this game on Xbox and noticed it and even on pc when I bought yesterday, again to play with a friend.
@@jackcoble9166 Because the game battle music is just a playlist that repeats everytime.
This theme is probably the last one in the playlist that is why it ends. When you get this theme and ends, if you quick save and reload the game the playlist starts again.
@@SeventhheavenDK Ah. Thanks
My god!, WTF is that thing?
Well, when a man and a crab loves each other....
Watching rain fall off the roof and listening to this makes rain seem so epic and evil
Fighting the Void Dragon right now and since the track bugs ingame and won't loop I just play this here on repeat while playing the game.
Exactly why im here! (not fighting the void dragon... but because it doesn't loop!)
This is the tune I was looking for! Epic battle song for serious fights!
In the rain, no-one can see you cry!
This arrow is special, once it tastes blood, it craves more.
The ultimate EPIC. This track fits perfectly the battle against the final boss, Void Dragon.
This battle theme plays randomly in every encounter.
What a joke. 😂
For Rivellon!!!
this ones from divinity 2 - ego draconis "battle force"
tempo a bit faster here
In to the fray once more!
The one track you know shit is going down
Best one out of all the combat music in the game. Someone needs to make a 1 hour version :P
lifts like a feather, drops like a troll
This along with the deafening roar of the void dragon in the final fight
This is a sign maybe that the game ost was incomplete due to the composers, Kirills illness... It is still sad that he passed away...
Well this is Battle Force, originally form Divinity II: Ergo Draconis it's just sped up and retouched. It was a shame Kirills was ill during this and he passed. OS has some great music but OS2 is really fun so far.
It's sad that I can't listen to this games soundtrack on Spotify for no reason.
My favorite one....and also the one that bugs the game's internal playlist and music doesn't play again after it until the battle is over. Also, there seems to be no extension of it here.
If you quick save the game and reload then the jukebox starts playing music again without pause this time.
0:18 and 0:52
when you fight graveyard dave
Sucks how this soundtrack isn't on Spotify.
This'd deserve more views. And more praise
Some game music really adds to the game. This is right up there with the best of them.
You are here for 0:55
Yes I am, yes Iam :D !
incorrect, I am here for 0:18 I love the repeating rhythm :D
@@louthinator It starts at 0:12 for me, with that stupid-awesome bass drum!
ULTRABOLT!!!!! WheeeeeHEEEEEheeee!
some call it luck, others call it - SKILL
i think every rpg should have music like these
Mostly have music like this...or even better.
Sigurd by my right arm!
In rain nobody can see you cry!
Этот парень был из тех, кто просто любит жизнь...
Nimble as a FOX
were ever way you take will still lead you
to the grave!
After playing DOS2 I started playing DOS:EE and this music caught me off guard. But it got me so hyped up to kills a couple orcs XD
DOS2 needs better battle music
@@ananousous DOS2 has awesome music, battle ones included. But none has the same epic feeling as this.
@@ananousous . The battle music of DOS2 is awesome too, but it really needs a final boss theme.
None of both games have one, actually.
YES, Divinity Original Sin has amazing battle themes. DOS2 Well, it's an amazing game but I didn't enjoy the music as much
@@juanchiapa2882 This is how I felt about it! The ost in DOS2 just wasn't that great when compared to Kirill Pokrovsky experimental/classical style. I love them both, but I love DOS1 just a lot more ; P
My song i play while flipping my burgers at $0.75 a hour!!!! somehow makes it almost worth it!
The wrath of Maxos charges me!
is there an extended edition available for this one?
one, two, stun!
Fucking epic.
This slaps. 🖤
And silence then....
more. MORE!
too bad the battle music doesn't loop, even in EE :(
That's why you have this. :)
You can find other extended themes like this.
An extended version of battle theme 9 would be nice. Just saying.
@@chino3089 I turn off the music in-game and play this video on loop when I'm in a boss fight. :)
@@sarahj7507 Me too!
The seven ....call me home.....
Dragon knight saga is also a good game. people should try it
Anyone here remember this from Divinity 2: Ego Draconis? General Raze's battle theme? This is like a remastered version of it. Easily one of the worst battles in that game, but the music...
Extended version please 1hr +
this becomes super nerdy: IF HERE ARE SOME BABYLON 5 FANS, place that song beyond season 3 Intro of Bab 5....
watch?v=d9EbGd1AlMg - for example
2 steps from hell?
Anyone have a flc or mp3 version of this song?
Too bad this is glitched in the game and it never loops.
None of the music in DOS1 loops at all.
But if you mean about ending in complete silence, if you quick save and reload the game, the music starts playing again without pause.
What's the name of this song?
"Battle Force", you can also hear it in Divinity 2: Ego Draconis
The girl on the left has no right arm.
Oh, cmon man. Why did u say that?
Heh heh heh heh heh.
Babylon 5 theme.
Can't beat battle drums.
THIS, is my sex music
Because it only last 2 mins ?
@@bebeencouche3579 i can do it twice in 2 mins!
@@highjim7778 Shall we believe you, after it took you two years to answer?
@@bebeencouche3579 . 😂 😂 😂
why they drop this is second game, this is the best. The endgame sound in second game sucks.
Theme is so badass