My 8 year old daughter was absolutely blown away. You came up as a recommended video. We all watched and I said out loud "people glow different when they do something they truly love". Thank you for being visible to my girl and proving that women can and deserve to belong everywhere!
Dayum. Why in Hell am i seeing this 5 years later! This groove is absolute mad. This passion is absolutly awesome. And the Solo ?! Holy Mother of God. Blew my mind...Seriously. Love it!
I can't imagine how difficult it must be for people who have never felt anything, anything as strongly as she appears to feel music soulfully. People can be amazing. She and her music are wonderful. World needs more wonderful people. Screaming for help with every earthquake.
I don’t think she realizes what kind of medicine she put out in the world with this song, with this performance. I can literally feel my stomach move differently, my nerve endings are being stimulated all over my body. This makes my soul vibrate differently.
Just randomly surfing on TH-cam has helped me discover a few amazing musicians or bands that I hadn't heard of previously. Tash Sultana is once such gem. Immense heart, spirit and talent.
I'm asking people I meet during my travels to add their favourite song to my travel playlist. An Australian couple I've had dinner with in Hanoi added this artist - love it!
How can you say that if you're not at the highest caliber? I can be a chef all my life and still have no clue about what it takes to be, let's say Gordon Ramsay.
@@AZ-kr6ff If that's the thought that your mind received from 1 word, you might consider investing in a few books. Exercise your vocabulary. Might I suggest a dictionary?
Tash sultana I will always love 💓 you I'm taking you beyond human comprehantion I made you divine Queen by God 🙏❤️ energy if you don't want to see me on earth 🌎 it's okay remember you must put up with me in heaven as the ever lasting life you got no choice as all the choices belong to me as I'll be sharing the Thorn with God 🙏❤️ bless energy in heaven God never said that to any of the prophets said it to me and the angel Gabriel said to me when my image was created by God the first ever to see it was the angel Gabriel which angel Gabriel only appears to prophets and messengers love ❤️ you always Tash sultana please don't hesitate to contact me on 0470238719 don't do the same like Amy shark don't go to my family and don't listen to your dog government or the Queen in God will you ring me before I leave this mother fucker dog country remember Yahya love ❤️ you always till then God bless
I love that tash performs for herself Like she feels it She enjoys what’s she’s doing She finds new ways to explore the song No performance of this song is the same and that’s what I love about her, it’s always new and she lets the music be born in so many ways Love love love it
@@JacobWilliams83 Thanks for confirming! Good to note! I noticed this in other comments as well so I had a feeling. That aside, screw people who overreact to honest mistakes with pronouns. It's very confusing and difficult to learn a new fundamental cultural structure (especially to unlearn the old one). Also, not everyone will culturally conform to that new structure, and that's OK. Just like in some languages there are no different pronouns for different genders and we don't demand of them that they invent them. It's a cultural, language thing and how someone else addresses you is not the definition of your identity.
Its just one of ten milions of guitarists. Chill out. Like this changes anything. There is so much music you could listen for probably 1000 lifetimes. Stop worshiping pointless stuff.
Literally me on her concert of 2hours on a disco (i don't know the name but search on youtube), i just watched the whole thing so attentive and full of joy because damn what a legend she is
OMG!!!!! I've been deprived of this amazing human's genius level fueled passion! for 5 effen years!! I think I've been transported, Man! It's not the mushrooms talking sir. What she does is spiritual magic. Her guitar playing, the pedals, the electronics but that VOICE? Amazing. Reminds me of my daughter the way she sings! Tash, you are a gift from God. I mean that. I'm just sorry I have not heard of you before. But now I am looking forward to listening to the entire catalog. Just amazed with awe.
The beauty of TH-cam is it brings fantastic music like this to a 60 year old bloke sat in the UK. I said to my daughters check out this video. I got the response, oh yes I saw Tash Sulatana play live in Australia!
She is faithful to herself. The sound is the byproduct of soul and said woman. Can't keep her hands or feet to herself. Beautiful. Gotta push it. Sweet job doing that.
Lovvvvvvvvvve this "Jungle" tune... put on a set of headphones with Xtra BASS and volume up!! Beautiful addictive guitar riffs and the voice of Tash just takes you on a trip beyond... Thanks for sharing!
I know that feeling. the joy she spread around with her joy of making music is like corona. if you don't watch out it gets you like a positive disease. By the way what do you think of jack savoretti and tom walker??
@@ivovanwely1113 I like tom walker but havent heard jack yet. I'll listen to him. I'm listening to John moreland "you don't care for me enough to cry & I need you to tell me who I am" right now. Good song. Hope you're having a good night and I love your taste in music. Also, you should check out LaTasha Lee. I'm loving her soul right now. ☺️✌️
Since I've discovered you, every morning I start my day with either this song or "cigarettes". You've inspired me to live and to love more. You're music has re started a fire in my soul that had gone out long ago. 🙌
For some reason it will not let me give to comments but this woman is our youth and she is so talented and I'm I'm almost 65 but with her singing for us our generation will survive in those beneath us and those were forward will have something to lean on because this is our youth and she is the best I've ever known if I had a way to send her a letter and tell her how much she means to me after my husband just recently died is it because of musical talent like this does society shall survive I know it's in my heart and my soul
Anyone else need to just stop playing music & breath after that?? Where have you been all my life - so empowered by the solo. The spirit was in her essence for sure. Beautiful! Thank you!!
Tasha mad 66 yrs old .20yrs as a sound engineer.your style and music. Par none girl.. your All the moves and techniques exquisite.keep on
WAAAAAUUUUUUUWWWW. What just happened here, this was one amazing journey i did not see comin'. Now i know why i love sound so much, so many frequencies. She has a very deep connection to that guitar. Thank you so much Tash, you made me forget this chaotic mess we have to indore right now. To whom uploaded this song, you deserve a thank you too😊😊🙏
Where in the hell did she come from!?! WOW! Now that we have the internet all of the hidden talent that the world couldn't witness is visible!! A whole new level of creative inspiration!! She is phenomenal!!!!
Melbourne, Australia. Yes, she is phenomenal. Writes and arranges and plays all the instruments. Check out her latest album Terra Firma. You will not be disappointed. Currently, putting a band together.
Tash Sultana : the one who always knows how to make my heart feel lighter and full of beautiful dreams ! Thank you, your music takes the listener deeper in his own world, and that's amazing ! :)
Amazing!!!!!!!!! Love this so much, grass roots reggae theme, so much talent. Love the passion and such an incredible song and voice. My favourite song, can't stop listening!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tash thankyou, ive been diagnosed with MS a few months ago and im really struggling with busy doctors overlooking stuff and life in general and i wantedto tell you its amazing the difference your music makes in my life right now it reaches out and grabs my heart and soul and reminds me of how beautiful life can be, thankyou *hug*
Don't worry man you will get threw it my mom got diagnosed a while ago music makes it much easier for people to get threw things I hope it will help you
Love,luv,luv this girl. her vibe her look,her music, her sound even. im besotted with this girl. No restraining order necessary.😅😅 But you know what im talking about right!! ❤🎶
Please come to Florida soon!!! You’re an inspiration here. I’ve been following your tours and where you are traveling! You are honestly bae in every way possible
The innovative blending of instrumental music with an exceptional vocal to tie together the melodies that have just been happily formed has developed a new degree of comfort that is addicted to not being left undisturbed.❗ I admire her the best out of all the others..❗
You must be an angel sent from heaven. I didn't hear such a great talent for a long time. I'm proud and amazed, that i am allowed to life in your lifetime! Thank you for making me so happy😃
This song has helped me get through thought times. Music is so healing for me. So on that note, thank you to this artist. I hope to work with you one day.
Anyone else keeps watching the different live versions of every song because they are all an experience?
I was literally just thinking that, indeed I am lol
Every single one, most every day. The y never get old!
Everyday, she populates my playlist I can't get bored of her music 💗
Marie Angel Hernandez Abso-frickin-lutley!!
I dont know if its this or tiny desk version that slaps the most.i havent heard a guitarist like her since stevey ray vaughn
Listening to this for the 100th time is still like the very first.
о да
Same for me ^^
Bitch got synched solos...... Hallah 😂
Same for me too
Mee, too!
Some people make music, others are Musicians. She truly earns the title of Artist
My 8 year old daughter was absolutely blown away. You came up as a recommended video. We all watched and I said out loud "people glow different when they do something they truly love". Thank you for being visible to my girl and proving that women can and deserve to belong everywhere!
ddqxddxddd0dd xdqqxdqxdq0ddd9xdqqdddqqddqq9qqddqqďďdďddddqqqdddddďxďďdďdddďddddqqqxqdd0dqdcdddqddďďďďdďďďďdddddddddddddďďddddddďďqddqddqdddddddddd9dďqqddxddqdddqddxďqqqqqqqqqqqqd dddqqqďqqqqqqqqďdx,qqqqqqd,dxqqdddddddxdddqd, ,ddddddddd9dqddd9ddddxdqdqqqqqqqqqqqqqdďqqqxqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq dqdqqqqďďqďqqqqqqqqqd,d9ddddddxďddd9ddd9qd dddďddddx0dqddd0dddqqqddddddqďqqďqqqďqqqqqqqďdqqqqqqqddd qqďdddd99 dd9dddqqqqqqqqďdqd9 9dqqqďddq90ďqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqďqqqqqďďďq§qqqqqqqqqqďďqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqdqqqqqqdqqqqdďqqqqqďďďxďdďď,đďdddddddddd ddd,d dddddddddddxd9 ddd ddddd,dddd,dddd dq xdddďďqqqqqq,qďdďddďďdđqqqqqqqdqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq,qqqqďqqqqqqqqqďqqďqddd,ddddđqqqqqqqqďďqďqqqqqqqqqqqqďđďďďďqddddddd,,ddddddddddd9dddddddddd9dd5qqqdqďďdďďďďďdđďqqqďďďđďdqďďďqqqqqqqqqqqqqdddddďďďddddďdddd,ďďďddďđďďďddďďďqdd ďďďdďdqdďďqqqqqqqqqqďdďd,ddsqď,ďqďqqqsdďďq ďďqqďďqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqdďqqqq5,ddďqqqďqqqďqďdď5qďďddddďdďddq5qffxxďďddddďddďddddďdddďďqqqqxddďďdx9ddddqqďqqdďďďqdqďddqďdđsxdďďqqqqqqqďđďďďďqqqqqqďďď5qqďďďqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqďdďq,ďdďďqqďdďqqqqqqďqsďqđďďqďďďqďddďďddďďđďďqqqqqqqďqqďxdďqqqďqqqqqsqqďqqqddqďqqqqďqqqqqqdd9qdddd dďqdqďddqďdďqqqqqďddqqqqďďqď,ďďqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqfqqqdq,ďďqdďďqqqqqqddďqqďďqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqďq ďddqďdq5qqqqqqqqfqdqqqqdqďďďwďqqqqqqqqďqqþďďqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqþqqqqþqqqqsqqqqqqqqqqďqddďddďd0ďddqqddďqď,qđddďqďďďqssďqďqqďqdqdddďdďdďďqďďqddďqdqqqđđqqďđqqqqd5ď,ďďdďdďdďďddďdďďf,đqdďxď,ď,xďďqďď,ďďddddddddďď5qďđďďďqdþďďddďd,ďqqddďqqsďþddďďdďďddddd9ďďďþďqdďďqdđdďddďďdďül
@@zezo.k.s5383 n
My 64 old daddy's been blown away too. What a musician, fall on my knees filled with tears of joy.
Nicely said Sam.
The song is a rose, the singer is a garden
The Energy Tash Sultana is translating is so powerful! Makes you jump around!
Some people just seem to have music flowing through their veins. This woman is one of those people.
Has anyone noticed its a mumbled jam with only a few words to understand. The beats and her tone make it.😊
Yes, that's right, one of the few things I still feel jealous of. The most beautiful language in the world.
Dayum. Why in Hell am i seeing this 5 years later! This groove is absolute mad. This passion is absolutly awesome. And the Solo ?! Holy Mother of God. Blew my mind...Seriously. Love it!
I feel the same. This is incredible!
Me too! Why am I finding this 5 years later this gal is awesome! As a musician myself, I'm always looking for new creativity
@@tenderheart4God luv the name ❤ may you find creativity and joy in your music
I feel your pain I’m glad I’m late though this is a nice break from the Drake and Kendrick beef
same here.
Fortunately, it's never too late for good music
finally get a win with the yt recommendations. This lady is talented, God bless her
I can't imagine how difficult it must be for people who have never felt anything, anything as strongly as she appears to feel music soulfully. People can be amazing. She and her music are wonderful. World needs more wonderful people. Screaming for help with every earthquake.
Maravillosa sultana,su música,y lo que me hace sentir,me transporta,a lugares ,que siento volar...una artista de los pies a la cabeza❤❤❤
1000th time replaying this masterpiece
I don’t think she realizes what kind of medicine she put out in the world with this song, with this performance. I can literally feel my stomach move differently, my nerve endings are being stimulated all over my body. This makes my soul vibrate differently.
да, у меня то же самое)
Just randomly surfing on TH-cam has helped me discover a few amazing musicians or bands that I hadn't heard of previously. Tash Sultana is once such gem. Immense heart, spirit and talent.
I'm asking people I meet during my travels to add their favourite song to my travel playlist. An Australian couple I've had dinner with in Hanoi added this artist - love it!
As a lifelong musician I can confidently say, this is an absolute masterpiece orchestrated by a true artist of the highest caliber. Thank you. ❤
How can you say that if you're not at the highest caliber?
I can be a chef all my life and still have no clue about what it takes to be, let's say Gordon Ramsay.
@@OriginalPuro Semantics pal
So words mean nothing, he's just blowing smoke... got it.
@@AZ-kr6ff If that's the thought that your mind received from 1 word, you might consider investing in a few books. Exercise your vocabulary. Might I suggest a dictionary?
"Semantics pal" is 2 words.
Invest in an abacus... and a few punctuation marks.
I just hope she is happy and in complete satisfaction in this exact moment. What a lovely soul ♥️
Tash sultana I will always love 💓 you I'm taking you beyond human comprehantion I made you divine Queen by God 🙏❤️ energy if you don't want to see me on earth 🌎 it's okay remember you must put up with me in heaven as the ever lasting life you got no choice as all the choices belong to me as I'll be sharing the Thorn with God 🙏❤️ bless energy in heaven God never said that to any of the prophets said it to me and the angel Gabriel said to me when my image was created by God the first ever to see it was the angel Gabriel which angel Gabriel only appears to prophets and messengers love ❤️ you always Tash sultana please don't hesitate to contact me on 0470238719 don't do the same like Amy shark don't go to my family and don't listen to your dog government or the Queen in God will you ring me before I leave this mother fucker dog country remember Yahya love ❤️ you always till then God bless
@@yahyazaydan6063 lol!!!
@@yahyazaydan6063 r u rich?
I love that tash performs for herself
Like she feels it
She enjoys what’s she’s doing
She finds new ways to explore the song
No performance of this song is the same and that’s what I love about her, it’s always new and she lets the music be born in so many ways
Love love love it
This is absolutely true. I am obsessed with her.
Careful there, Tash is nonbinary, gender-neutral. So, they/them/their. Don't want you to go to internet jail!
Thanks for confirming! Good to note! I noticed this in other comments as well so I had a feeling.
That aside, screw people who overreact to honest mistakes with pronouns. It's very confusing and difficult to learn a new fundamental cultural structure (especially to unlearn the old one).
Also, not everyone will culturally conform to that new structure, and that's OK. Just like in some languages there are no different pronouns for different genders and we don't demand of them that they invent them. It's a cultural, language thing and how someone else addresses you is not the definition of your identity.
Well, that's cool.
Too.They are some s***I love them.They are the best
It was the first song of her I listened to, and it's still my favorite. Doesn't get old, only becomes more familiar.
This is one of the greatest songs I’ve ever heard
Exactly what I said when I discovered her. She's gonna exist in name with the legends one day. She's got so much more amazing music
It's a shame this masterpiece still didn't make it to Spotify.
I had to stop what I was doing to just watch and listen. How do people like this exist? you made my day and lifted my spirit ❤️
Its just one of ten milions of guitarists. Chill out. Like this changes anything. There is so much music you could listen for probably 1000 lifetimes. Stop worshiping pointless stuff.
@@tafudiso what a unnecessary negative reply on what is clearly a positive comment. What a sad life! Let people enjoy things
@@R__A yeap! That's right
Literally me on her concert of 2hours on a disco (i don't know the name but search on youtube), i just watched the whole thing so attentive and full of joy because damn what a legend she is
@@tafudiso wtf
OMG!!!!! I've been deprived of this amazing human's genius level fueled passion! for 5 effen years!! I think I've been transported, Man! It's not the mushrooms talking sir. What she does is spiritual magic. Her guitar playing, the pedals, the electronics but that VOICE? Amazing. Reminds me of my daughter the way she sings! Tash, you are a gift from God. I mean that. I'm just sorry I have not heard of you before. But now I am looking forward to listening to the entire catalog. Just amazed with awe.
The beauty of TH-cam is it brings fantastic music like this to a 60 year old bloke sat in the UK. I said to my daughters check out this video. I got the response, oh yes I saw Tash Sulatana play live in Australia!
One thing I love about her music, is that every time you hear one of these songs, it's never the same song. Few artists are actually capable of that
Thank you Australia!.. For giving birth to this genuine raw talent that we all so desperately needed in this corporate, record labeled music world.
One of a kid... truly an amazing artist
She is faithful to herself. The sound is the byproduct of soul and said woman. Can't keep her hands or feet to herself. Beautiful. Gotta push it. Sweet job doing that.
2024, near Christmas, still love it!
Lovvvvvvvvvve this "Jungle" tune... put on a set of headphones with Xtra BASS and volume up!! Beautiful addictive guitar riffs and the voice of Tash just takes you on a trip beyond... Thanks for sharing!
This song gives me a euphoric feeling every time I hear it, over and over again
har bajdi waya
Thank you for blessing my ears, and my soul with this.
i love love love her talent. This is what needs to be on the radio.
Trust! I hate pop/commircial music...It's overplayed, like brainwashing people with the crap on the radio...
This is beautiful music.
I hate pop/commircial music...It's overplayed, like brainwashing...
This is beautiful...My words don't do it justice/i can't express it.
The best composer, singer, musician, I have ever heard or seen in my 61 years. Big statement but I have thought about it.
That guitar solo gives me chills every single time
I can't get this song out of my mind.
I've listened to it before, but I never 'Heard' until recently.
I love you All
same thing here :)
@@rivesnadege7936❤ cos now it’s in the soul …
When ever I hear her she always take my breath away... Just beautiful!!!
Héroes del silencio
Oi clg parabéns bjs bom dia seu trabalho top demais bjs 💟💟👍💗💗💗💞💞💗❣️❣️💓
Oi clg parabéns bjs 💟❣️💓💗💗💟💟💟 i mais ó brigado sr jesus Cristo bjs 💟👍💗💞💞💖💖
Amazing, she is amazing
My father always told me to listen to Sultana. I finally found the real one. Epic.
I can't express how much I love this artist
Et moi donc!
En effet
Love her vibe. I start my morning off with her most days. She's my coffee.
I know that feeling. the joy she spread around with her joy of making music is like corona. if you don't watch out it gets you like a positive disease. By the way what do you think of jack savoretti and tom walker??
@@ivovanwely1113 I like tom walker but havent heard jack yet. I'll listen to him. I'm listening to John moreland "you don't care for me enough to cry & I need you to tell me who I am" right now. Good song. Hope you're having a good night and I love your taste in music. Also, you should check out LaTasha Lee. I'm loving her soul right now. ☺️✌️
I do this as well, with coffee in hand though lol
I thought was only one
Yep yep and yeah! Different this! 👌👌💯❤❤❤
I can’t deal with this talent. I’m in awe. Been on repeat for 2 days. 🙏
What an amazing gift to the world. Wow.
Since I've discovered you, every morning I start my day with either this song or "cigarettes". You've inspired me to live and to love more. You're music has re started a fire in my soul that had gone out long ago. 🙌
Welcome back friend. 💙
Listen to her 'Notion' perfect intro to this one for the morning
This is DEFINITELY a good Song to Start a morning 🌄 100!%! Good Idea 💡 💜
@@paulioc1403 NOTION is my #1 FAVORITE ❣️
@@cobaltblues8688 such a beautiful track on so many levels
I will never forget this song!!
For some reason it will not let me give to comments but this woman is our youth and she is so talented and I'm I'm almost 65 but with her singing for us our generation will survive in those beneath us and those were forward will have something to lean on because this is our youth and she is the best I've ever known if I had a way to send her a letter and tell her how much she means to me after my husband just recently died is it because of musical talent like this does society shall survive I know it's in my heart and my soul
Anyone else need to just stop playing music & breath after that?? Where have you been all my life - so empowered by the solo.
The spirit was in her essence for sure. Beautiful! Thank you!!
I just can't stop listening. I repeat, repeat and repeat, in a curiously mesmerizing cycle. Much talent.
Tasha mad 66 yrs old .20yrs as a sound engineer.your style and music. Par none girl.. your All the moves and techniques exquisite.keep on
WAAAAAUUUUUUUWWWW. What just happened here, this was one amazing journey i did not see comin'. Now i know why i love sound so much, so many frequencies. She has a very deep connection to that guitar. Thank you so much Tash, you made me forget this chaotic mess we have to indore right now. To whom uploaded this song, you deserve a thank you too😊😊🙏
Where in the hell did she come from!?! WOW! Now that we have the internet all of the hidden talent that the world couldn't witness is visible!! A whole new level of creative inspiration!! She is phenomenal!!!!
Melbourne, Australia. Yes, she is phenomenal. Writes and arranges and plays all the instruments. Check out her latest album Terra Firma. You will not be disappointed. Currently, putting a band together.
If there is any artist/musician capable of elevating my mind and is Tash💥
Ese solo me da 2 mil años de vida, Gran Talento!!
You may be the most talented and beautiful person I've ever witnessed. May god bless your path.
This was absolutely beautiful!! 🔥🤙🖤
Tash Sultana : the one who always knows how to make my heart feel lighter and full of beautiful dreams ! Thank you, your music takes the listener deeper in his own world, and that's amazing ! :)
We need more versatile artist like Tash. She can literally do anything. Iconic sound.
love this song!
Amazing!!!!!!!!! Love this so much, grass roots reggae theme, so much talent. Love the passion and such an incredible song and voice. My favourite song, can't stop listening!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tash thankyou, ive been diagnosed with MS a few months ago and im really struggling with busy doctors overlooking stuff and life in general and i wantedto tell you its amazing the difference your music makes in my life right now it reaches out and grabs my heart and soul and reminds me of how beautiful life can be, thankyou *hug*
Don't worry man you will get threw it my mom got diagnosed a while ago music makes it much easier for people to get threw things I hope it will help you
Beautiful soul ❤️ Thank you soooooo much for your blessings 🙌🏾 Cause they continue on for sooo long. 🙏🏾🙂↕️🥹🥰😆☺️❤
OMG. What kind of abundance of talent is this! Wow a concert in one song. You Go Girl. Just Go Go and keep Going. Loving it!!!
This will forever be my favorite song. Changed my life forever in so many ways.
Love,luv,luv this girl. her vibe her look,her music, her sound even. im besotted with this girl.
No restraining order necessary.😅😅
But you know what im talking about right!! ❤🎶
The most brilliant music that I have heard in so long . Thank You Girl for eyes wide open.Stay Brillant
Love this, another very talented artist that needs more recognition
@@freshidentity2428 what do ur txts mean? Please
Please come to Florida soon!!! You’re an inspiration here. I’ve been following your tours and where you are traveling! You are honestly bae in every way possible
Huge talent...So happy that we have this type of artists...🖤
Wow when that solo dropped it gave me chills throughout the whole. Wow best version I have heard yet. AMAZING
She's brilliant...I have no words to describe how wonderful is...❤
Tash is the most well rounded musician. Of our time. An artist for sure. Who else is doing this? Not simply a baddass
lets not overdo it buddy
always love how she gets lost into her music... as a true artist should... thank you for sharing a piece of your soul with us through these songs
So much fire 🔥 encapsulating talent
The innovative blending of instrumental music with an exceptional
vocal to tie together the melodies that have just been happily formed has
developed a new degree of comfort that is addicted to not being left undisturbed.❗
I admire her the best out of all the others..❗
Sooooo original and outstandingly talented never seen anything like this before until Tash Sultana She is Brilliant.
Thanks To You Current for The Love .Thanks For Highlighting My Comment It's from The 💙 Heart
Her face expressions.. Im loving it. Shes wonderful
You must be an angel sent from heaven. I didn't hear such a great talent for a long time. I'm proud and amazed, that i am allowed to life in your lifetime! Thank you for making me so happy😃
I just wanna fly to Australia and see her live...SO BAD. So much talent. So much honesty. Cant get enough of her.
😳😳 super. Musicienne de grand talent et UNE voix en plus...👏👏👏👏. Je ne m'en lasse pas.
Listening to this with headphones on and your eyes closed literally transports you to another world!
Until the lousy add jumps in the middle of the video
The truth i was eyes closed and listening, at the end of the video i was going to change song and i saw ur comment, and u r right ❤
This girl is fucking awesome ! Felt the passion through this like I was in the studio with her. Pure gold ❤
Been grooving to this for years. Can't stop won't stop
Best song I've heard in years. If she does a collaboration with Damien and/or Stephen Marley it will Rock the planet.
You have said it deserve a nobel prize for that suggestion alone
reading the idea gave me goose bumps
Yessssss her and Stephen would bless me if they colab
i cant stop listening to this song everyday love it
So glad you found it. Thanks for watching with us!
Excellent !!! Tash Sultana World Class Super Performance 👏👏👏👏 All the Best ! ❌⭕❌⭕ Lo💖e 🌹 greetings 🕊🙏 Amadeus*
Love her! Amazing talent & energy! Beautiful as well
I literally can't listen to this song and not dance. It's impossible! You're amazing Tash, and I hope one day I'll be able to see you live!
The talent and passion is crazy!!!!
i am amazed. inloved in what she's doing . the voice and the rhythm and the energy she's throwing to us through her singing is enormous
Wonderful wonderful wonderful! Even watching the way her playing and singing is joyful..
Glad you’re still here
Tash I love what you have given me and my daughter, no words can express the piece and love gave in this time of losing her Mom, thank you ❤
Saw her live in Pompano Beach and I have no words. When I have my driving anxiety, this song helps me ❤
Man, this is so much better than the version on Spotify :(
This song has helped me get through thought times. Music is so healing for me. So on that note, thank you to this artist. I hope to work with you one day.
Quel morceau envoûtant et energissant. Je ne m'en lasse pas !!!
I love watching her work. Her Tiny Desk concert was also amazing.
this solo guitar omg OOOooooooooooMG
A wonderful assembly of perfect moment after perfect moment. Just sensational.
I have to believe that everything will be just fine. . . I'm so glad I found you!!!
The words, the lyrics, the higher soul of this girl... 🔥