Some great ones off this album are Straight Lines, Head Mounted Sideways, 24 Light Years, this song, Freak, Napalm, Future Bird, Stone Leader Falling Down, and Inside Your Fur. Yes I just listed the entire album. Make it happen man😂
REACT TO THE WHOLE ALBUM NOW !!!!! ONE OF THE MOST SHOCKING ALBUMS THAT I HAVE EVER HEARD, MIX IS AMAZING, im still speechless on how good this album is, definitely a tie between this and Erra’s new album
I am absolutely hooked to this, been listening to it all day since I saw the video. Thanks for making this video, it would've never caught my attention otherwise!
The way he's reacting is literally the same way I reacted when I first heard this. It's so strange, but tasty at the same time. The singing verses are just teases into the full bodied beautiful chorus. Great song, great album. These guys jumped to the top of my favorites bands list really fast.
hell yeah man, glad you've finally gotten around to these guys! i absolutely love this band. won't spoil anything, but my personal favorite track is Head Mounted Sideways :)
This album has great variety too. I would put this right in the middle of the pack for the heaviness level for Witness. Stone Leader and Head Mounted Sideways are the heavier ones. Black Claws, Straight Lines, bird are in the middle, and the rest are more chill.
When I heard Head Mounted Sideways I knew I needed the guy who mixed it to mix my upcoming EP. Flew to Denmark and just finished the sessions with the great Jacob Hansen and it sounds huge! Witness is definitely my album of the year so far!
This album was such a welcome surprise for me. Never heard of VOLA before this year but my god, Witness is a contender for my AOTY. Future Bird and 24 Light-Years are my favorites.
Lucky you, hope you will go deep with this amazing band - so much brilliant music awaits you. Can not recommend this band enough, it just have it all. The latest 3 albums are are out of this world, and do check out the Monster ep also it’s a journey of heaviness and beauty 🤟
TH-cam cut into the commercial at the exact time when the breakdown was about to happen. TH-cam - I hope Your toast will fall butter-down for the rest of eternity. It's like someone interupted my climax. Feels bad man.
This album is really varied and cool. Did like it a lot. Would be nice if you react to Alustrium - This Hollow Ache. Awesome prog death metal. You'll love this
Gotta do blood and honey by cane hill if you haven’t heard it man, absolutely amazing, a lot more clean vocals, easily my favourite song they’ve released in their krewe de la mort series
Hey, Bogdan. Won't be too long with my words today. Phinehas released a new song today. THIS IS THE BEST FUCKING METALCORE TRACK I'VE HEARD IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. Listen to it and you'll understand why. Waiting for your reaction as soon as possible, my man! It's available on all platforms already FYI
Eh, it was alright. Cool song to hear once and maybe show to others for its uniqueness but not really something I would have on repeat. Interesting sound nonetheless.
Some great ones off this album are Straight Lines, Head Mounted Sideways, 24 Light Years, this song, Freak, Napalm, Future Bird, Stone Leader Falling Down, and Inside Your Fur. Yes I just listed the entire album. Make it happen man😂
the entire album really slaps
Inside Your Fur live at the Pool is the best!!
VOLA became my favourite prog/heavy band of all time in the span of a week. They are amazing. This was the album that did it for me.
Same, discovered them through this album and had all their stuff on repeat for the last weeks
Just discovered them in this reaction, and I got sleep token vibes, a band that I felt absolutely in love when I discovered
Same! I discovered them through their last record and it was great but Witness had me mind blown, best record of the year!
REACT TO THE WHOLE ALBUM NOW !!!!! ONE OF THE MOST SHOCKING ALBUMS THAT I HAVE EVER HEARD, MIX IS AMAZING, im still speechless on how good this album is, definitely a tie between this and Erra’s new album
THIS ALBUM IS A 10/10 for me
I like your energy
Will do!
MY MAN!!!!
Ahah I feel the same about Witness and ERRA
So I see Stone Leader Falling Down is kinda underrated but imo best song on the album
"I've never heard of Vola.." Well now you have, and now you'll never forget lol.
You will love "Stray The Skies".
I am absolutely hooked to this, been listening to it all day since I saw the video. Thanks for making this video, it would've never caught my attention otherwise!
witness is an incredible album. the last track ‘inside your fur’ is one of my favourites songs of the year.
Mine as well! That ending riff was so good.
The way he's reacting is literally the same way I reacted when I first heard this. It's so strange, but tasty at the same time. The singing verses are just teases into the full bodied beautiful chorus. Great song, great album. These guys jumped to the top of my favorites bands list really fast.
Vola is very unique and awesome. Pure vibes.
Whole album is goated
Not what I was expecting at all but I'm not disappointed in the slightest
Gotta listen to Stray the Skies by these guys. First song I listened to by VOLA. Got me hooked instantly.
Love the album
hell yeah man, glad you've finally gotten around to these guys! i absolutely love this band.
won't spoil anything, but my personal favorite track is Head Mounted Sideways :)
I just recently found out about VOLA as well. All of their albums blew me away. even their older EP's were way ahead of the times.
This album has great variety too. I would put this right in the middle of the pack for the heaviness level for Witness. Stone Leader and Head Mounted Sideways are the heavier ones. Black Claws, Straight Lines, bird are in the middle, and the rest are more chill.
VOLA has so many great songs, they are such an amazing band.
Our boy really be memeing the thumbnails at this point
When I heard Head Mounted Sideways I knew I needed the guy who mixed it to mix my upcoming EP. Flew to Denmark and just finished the sessions with the great Jacob Hansen and it sounds huge! Witness is definitely my album of the year so far!
Just wait until you hear the whole album brother. That feeling keeps hitting
"I'm expecting uniqueness" - If I had only one word to describy VOLA, this would be it
Them and Sleep Token are my favorite for ambient metal
This might just be the best song I’ve heard all year
The whole album is wonderful
I absolutely loved this! Feels a little like sleep token, in their mix of hard and soft and how big in feeling they are, just amazing
The album is one of the best of the year. Cannot wait to watch a full album reaction.
You should DEFINITELY check Straight Lines from this album. The chorus will blow your mind.
Witness is an amazing album.
My favourite one is "Straight Lines", i think it has one of the best choruses i've heard in a long time 💙
You really need to do straight lines or head mounted sideways.. masterpieces!!
Vola is pretty cool!
This album was such a welcome surprise for me. Never heard of VOLA before this year but my god, Witness is a contender for my AOTY. Future Bird and 24 Light-Years are my favorites.
So now you discovered Vola - enjoy mate, their discography is pure gold.
Also, check out The Contortionist - Language 1&2.
I am speechless, how could you put the ad right when the build up was about to explode.
Vola is absolutely amazing
Love their album thx to the guy asking you to listen to it in the comments! 24 light years is so good too, more calm but the melody 😍
Every single one of VOLA's songs are huge. Please react to more.
Congratulations! Vola is huge!
This feelin when music turns special ......
love it !
I'm so happy you finaly reacted to this song, this album is tasty as hell
What a discover wow, will check the album too asap
I finally clicked that subscribe button for you checking out VOLA. Keep it going! Keep up the good reactions! Peace!
im so fucking happy you did this! I cant wait for the album reaction. it’s full of bangers. 10/10 album for me ❤️
time to react to the rest of the album :)
you will love the record, 24 light years is still my favorite song
I promise you, this whole album is right up your alley
Next up, listen to head mounted sideways! SO HYPED you finally did this!
Stone Leader falling is another great song
sounds like Bowie meets Korn, with new romantic influences (and a little Genghis Tron).
I was a big fan of their last two albums, but this one is just a force to be reckoned with.
God I love this channel
I love the shirt plug with a dead date otherwise you will destroy them all, noice.
I get Poets of the fall - vibes!
But these guys are on a total different level for sure! :D
Lucky you, hope you will go deep with this amazing band - so much brilliant music awaits you. Can not recommend this band enough, it just have it all. The latest 3 albums are are out of this world, and do check out the Monster ep also it’s a journey of heaviness and beauty 🤟
Dear Hunter a night on the town!
Never heard of these guys but damn🤘 I would recommend Solitary Grave or Guilt in Me from Lost Lake they are pretty underrated 🙏
Head mounted sideways
Future bird
In that order lol
TH-cam cut into the commercial at the exact time when the breakdown was about to happen. TH-cam - I hope Your toast will fall butter-down for the rest of eternity. It's like someone interupted my climax. Feels bad man.
About fuckin time 😂😂😂
Great Song...
Gotta do head mounted sideways by Vola now haha
This album is really varied and cool. Did like it a lot. Would be nice if you react to Alustrium - This Hollow Ache. Awesome prog death metal. You'll love this
24 light years bro
Witness is good but Inmazes and Applause of a Ditsant Crowd are even better.
Bogdan. Starburn by Vola. It is an order
Gotta do blood and honey by cane hill if you haven’t heard it man, absolutely amazing, a lot more clean vocals, easily my favourite song they’ve released in their krewe de la mort series
Finally, was asking for this for like few months. Let's fucking go, prog for life!. I hope you gonna check full album.
Please react to Sheridan 🤘🏼
you really need to check out culling culture by vexed. came out on the same day as witness by vola, and they're both huge albums.
Hey, Bogdan. Won't be too long with my words today. Phinehas released a new song today. THIS IS THE BEST FUCKING METALCORE TRACK I'VE HEARD IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. Listen to it and you'll understand why. Waiting for your reaction as soon as possible, my man!
It's available on all platforms already FYI
You should react to their Inmaze album it's the best one for me
Bro listen to their whole discography
Head Mounted Sideways…trust me
Not one bad song on the album
He's finally been exposed to the grandeur of Vola. Go listen to Inmazes.
Nice reaction, Bogdan! Please react to Capstan - Alone, soo good djenty-proggy tasty song!
Let's do a cover
Still waiting for Blood and Honey by Cane Hill
You should react to ‘whaler’ by vola
Straight lines is their best song imo
Not the most representative VOLA song but a great one nonetheless.
Also.... FINALLY
Pls react to structures’ new album!!!
react to Vola - Straight Lines please
24 Light Yeras and Head Mounted Sideways
Great track but FYI this is the only track on the album with rapping on it
This album will break you, it is perfect. This song is amazing, but still one of the weakest songs on the album. It’s just that great
Ще не вмерла України, ні слава, ні...
Eh, it was alright. Cool song to hear once and maybe show to others for its uniqueness but not really something I would have on repeat. Interesting sound nonetheless.