Decoding Revelation 11 | Revelation 11 | Lesson 24

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
  • Revelation 11, explained from a Biblical perspective by Tom Bradford. In this episode, Tom will be addressing precise details about the Two witnesses, and how are we to understand the meaning behind this Biblical prophecy.
    Follow us in this episode on Revelation 11

ความคิดเห็น • 209

  • @markusandrew777
    @markusandrew777 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I love the way you "reconcile" all scripture. Thank you my Brother.

  • @DavidFardenJr
    @DavidFardenJr 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you Tom. Blessed tremendously by your teachings. Yah bless you.

    • @seasonedwithsalt5129
      @seasonedwithsalt5129 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This man is a false teacher and has nothing to do with the God/Jesus, nor the Christianity of the Bible.

  • @saritakatz3454
    @saritakatz3454 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Thank you 🙏

  • @PolSKNAzi
    @PolSKNAzi 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Many in Iran celebrated when the towers were hit in NYC and gave gifts to each other, so it is not that uncommon in hateful cultures. Today though, the Gospel is moving with power in Iran, thanks be to God.

  • @nonrev64
    @nonrev64 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    We are the two anointed one's of God in Zachariah.

  • @ChrisMusante
    @ChrisMusante 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Jerusalem means - 'teaching of peace'. When this is tied to the idea that Isaiah 52:15 points to the idea that 'new understanding' will be given... do you think it's possible that is the 'earthquake' and shaking of the 'pillars' of heaven is about?

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The little book is the written Bible.
    Revelation 10:9-11, the witness ate the book and from then onwards, God's word became "spoken" until the end, and took immediate effect. Whatever is spoken gets immediate manifestation. Revelation 11:5-6; Jeremiah 23:29-32; 20:9.
    Ezekiel ate the scroll and went on to prophesy to Israel Ezekiel3:1-27; the same way the little book was eaten by Daniel, which he took from the angel Revelation 10:2, and they both- John and Daniel went on to prophesy as commanded by the angel in Revelation 11.
    They were killed and left unburied for three and a half dsys, until the Spirit of life from God, the 3rd person of the Godhead returned to take them up and out of the world, like He did with Believers in Christ. This was man's last involvement with the world, as angels took over to proclaim the victory of Christ and His kingdom, over the whole world before judgment began. Revelation 11:11-19. Satan got mad because he realized he had lost, despite his carefully laid plans against man, right from the beginning, so he declared war which got him completely defeated and cast down into the earth 12:1-12. He began to persecute the remnants of Israel, but failed as even the earth helped them to escape. 12:13-17. He then unleashed all his hidden weapons thereon. Chapter 13.
    God sent the remnants of Israel- the Pure Seed which Satan had failed to mix or defile- the 144,000, to perform the very commission for which Israel was separated right from the beginning Exodus 19:6, as the people of God. Chapter 14:1-5; Matthew 24:31; Zechariah 14; Isaiah 66:19-21.
    God then finally permits angels to proclaim the everlasting gospel, just in case some people may believe and save themselves by themselves, for the wrath of God will start immediately, and anyone found on earth at this time will experience what that means 14:6-20. (Shudder😱😰!)
    The angels who perform the word are spirits and fire Psalm 103:20.
    The book in the hand of the Lamb was the book of prophecy which was shut in Daniel 12:4. The Lamb took the book and opened the seals.
    Thus, Jesus Christ could fulfill the first of the 3 parts of Isaiah 61:2- "the acceptable year of the Lord Luke 4:17-20, which ends in the rapture of the Church- the members of the body of Jesus Christ; which ushers in the " the day of vengeance of our God ", and culminates in the millennium reign when God "comforts all that mourn ". Isaiah 6.
    The end of the Bible and everything written therein. The new heaven and the new earth starts shortly Revelation 20-22.

  • @nonrev64
    @nonrev64 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Already been anointed to do this will come out of obscurity.

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The beginning of sin, the mystery of iniquity began in Eden, Genesis 4:8-15-24.
    Man didn't directly commit sin, but was led by a third party- the devil in the serpent, and was made to sin against God. In God's right, He killed a third party propitiation for their sins- the sinless Lamb. Thus God, to be Righteous and Just, must be the One to provide Himself a sacrificial Lamb, to atone for the sins which the third party- Adam, had committed, to be able to Righteously judge the other third party, the devil, satan, the dragon, to finally get punished. But there has to be opportunity on both sides to prove that God is Righteous and Just in His judgment, by giving man 1000 years to prove he can eventually hold his own and not succumb to peer or outside pressure, in order to be worthy of being redeemed, ransomed, regenerated, restored and reconciled, back to God- through Jesus Christ.
    2 Corinthians 5.
    Then, man- Cain deliberately killed his brother, Abel, but this sin couldn't readily be judged simply because there was no preceding law about being one's brother's keeper that was to have been broken. (Thus, the whole system was destroyed by the flood, and the laws started with that Genesis 9:5-6, until finally judged and finished on the cross John 19:30)
    And in verse 15, a precedent was laid down for the time it would take to judge sin, 70x7 or 490 years.
    That generation was wiped out by the flood, but the precept remained: sin shall be avenged seventy and seven fold. (Matthew 18:21-23).
    This was the standard by which Israel also judged, as they also had to spend 70 sabbath years ( or 70x7= 490 years), in exile, outside of the promised land.
    When it was the 69th week year Daniel prayed to God, and fasted to remind Him of the imminent due date of the return of God's people to their promised land; but the sin of the Amorite was not yet full, Genesis 15:16, also, Israel was still in rebellion towards God, and the land cannot sustain rebellion- it was Holy!
    So, the Messiah had to come and make a way for grace and justification, and righteousness of God to be imputed, so Israel can get back their monarchy, through the house of David, and back to the kingdom of God, by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, as the Son of God, and the Son of man -the promised Son of David, the king of Israel to order His Kingdom Isaiah 9:6; who would ascend His throne as God had promised him. Romans 1:3; Acts 2:30, and come to bring them back to God, Jeremiah 16:16a; Luke 19:10; Matthew 10:5. Instead, they rejected and killed Him.
    Thus, from then onwards, the way to God was opened to whosoever would come to Him by grace through the shedding of His blood, by grace through faith in His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection.
    They were given the adoption of sons and daughters into the kingdom, which hitherto, they were not permitted Ephesians 2:13; John 1:11-14, becoming heirs and joint heirs of God and the Abrahamic covenanted promises an blessing (Genesis 25:6- the representatives of his other children by Hagar and Keturah, the Kings of the East, could now access and partake of the blessing, and they showed their allegiance and faith, by worshipping Jesus Christ, as a Child!)
    Jesus Christ gave His life for all who would simply believe in Him as Lord and Savior, in order to keep them from the wrath of God that will be unleashed upon the Amorite, until the end. Isaiah 63:18; Daniel 8:13; Zechariah 12:3; Luke 21:24; Revelation 11:2.
    And eventually, they will be rescued at the second coming of Christ Luke 21:13; Zechariah 14.
    He finished the work of salvation of the soul of man John 19:30 and this continues the "acceptable year of the Lord" which began as He took the sealed book of Daniel, 12:4, from God, as the Lamb of God, who alone is Worthy, and opened the seals Revelation 5, and fulfilled the first of the three part of Isaiah 61:2, in Luke 4:16-21, and He SHUT it again. This will run through this dispensation of preaching of the gospel of grace, (which ended the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom, which ended with the stoning of Stephen) by faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and He will return to gather His saints from the world, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15; and present them faultless before the presence of God the Father, with exceeding joy, Jude 24; with victory over sin, devil, death, hell and eternal damnation in the lake of fire and brimstone Isaiah 66:24.
    The second dispensation is nearly upon us, at this time Isaiah 63:4, which will usher in the tribulation period when the 70th and last year will be ushered in to finish all transgressions! Daniel 9:24.
    ( As the Messiah has become the sacrifice for sin, and was dead, buried and rose again from the dead! His shed blood sprinkled on the heavenly mercy seat for propitiation for sins for all who would go to God by and through Him, simply by faith! Ephesians 2:8).
    Then, the Lord will return the second time, complete with His body, as a new Creature resting upon the Mount of Olives Zechariah 14, to make a way of escape for the remnants of Israel Matthew 24:31.
    Then the battle of armageddon will ensue, and it will end up in total obliteration of this earth. Isaiah 24; Joel chapters 2 and 3, Jeremiah chapters 1-11...; 1 Peter 3 etc.
    This is the fullness and end, and judgment of the sin of the Amorite! Matthew 18:21-22; Psalm 75:8; 73:3-17.
    Then the new heaven and earth will be created after the conclusion of the millennium- to mark the expiration date of sin and death, like it was back in Eden. Now man will live out the 1000 year curse of death Isaiah 65, (Genesis 5).
    Then history will repeat itself when everything reaches full circle- the serpent will be released once again, Revelation 20:1-6, to tempt man as he did with Adam and Eve, those who follow him will get totally judged and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, together with hell, death, the antichrist, false prophets and all whose portion is with them Isaiah 66:24. Revelation chapters 19-22.
    God has perfected the end from the beginning. But as it is written-"My people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge " Hosea 4:6, so, "With all thine getting, get understanding " Proverbs 4:7; Luke 24:45. Be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit, and abide in the fold, John 10, until He returns as promised, to take up His purchased possession! John 14:26; Ephesians chapters 1-2!
    Then He will set up His kingdom! Isaiah 9:6!
    Be encouraged!

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Baptism was instituted because the children of Israel, despite the fact that they went through the Red sea, and then threatened God that they would return to Egypt, and made good their threats in Numbers 14:4 and Jeremiah 42:1, 43:4,7, and Johanan was in charge. So, God brought back Elijah - who was supposed to bring them back to God - but dropped the ball, and now had to complete it through John the Baptist. He came baptizing to bring Israel back from Egypt- so to speak (Jesus as the Son, had to be taken back to Egypt and was brought back to the promised land). Thus by deciding to get baptized, they're showing to God that they repented of their decision, and now accept the One they sent to be their Messiah and King, as the Son of Man (David), and the Son of God, who will then fulfill God's will to Israel Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9(written only to the Jews).
    Acts 10, and 19:6; 11: 6, God sent His Holy Spirit directly to Cornelius and his family, despite the fact that they hadn't been baptized, but, He didn't tell Peter to go baptize them, (as He wasn't instructed to go replace the 12th desciple, which he did through divination).
    Philip baptized the Ethiopian Eunuch Acts 8:26-38, because they're considered to be part of Israel, (and God was rewarding the good deed of Ebed-Meleck in keeping Jeremiah alive- Jeremiah 38:6-13; 39:15-18; Isaiah 56:3, just like He rewarded Phinehas Numbers 25).
    Jesus came to baptize with the Holy Spirit.
    The fire baptism would be for those who do not receive His free gift of salvation, through the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom- for Israel, and the gospel of grace- for both Jews and Gentiles, who believe in God, and are saved by grace through faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.The millennium is the end of the cycle of the end of sin.
    Man had a thousand years curse the day Adam and Eve disobeyed God.
    A day is like a thousand years. 2 Peter 3:8; Ezekiel 4:6; Psalm 90:4.
    The oldest man was Methuselah, he lived 969 years, and the last Adam lived 30 years as the Son of man, a human- Jesus Christ, then He was filled with the Holy Spirit, to become the Son of God 100%God and 100% man, just like the first Adam, who was created flesh and God breathed into his nostrils, to have 100% God in 100% man.
    Thus, when the mystery of iniquity is dealt with, after the 70th week year of Israel, then the whole world will be destroyed at the second coming of Jesus Christ. This will usher in the kingdom of God, for which Jesus Christ came to preach to Israel, before the gospel of grace- for both Israel and the gentiles, because they rejected their King. The scriptures are going back in cycles, we're now in Genesis 6, 11 and 47.It is like going back to the garden of Eden Isaiah 65; Genesis 5, when man will have to live out the whole 1000 years curse, which ends the wages of sin- death, which ends the cycle of creation, until the new heavens and the new earth is established, where there's no more sin and death. Then the judgment and rewards, abd the institution of mandatory pilgrimage to the New Jerusalem, and then, the Sabbath will be observed, signifying the end of work of both Creation and Redemption of the lost soul of man. Isaiah 66.
    Every nation will worship God, because there will no longer be evil or Satan present. All have been judged and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone- including death, hell, satan, the antichrist and his false prophets and those that bare his mark.
    The world will be as God in tended it right from the beginning, after the old earth and the heavens are completely destroyed by fire.
    2 Peter 2:10-13;
    Isaiah 65:17; 66:,15-16, 22; 30:30;9:5
    1 Thessalonians 5:2; 2 Thessalonians 2:8; Joel 2:10;; Nahum 1:5; Zephaniah 1:15-28; 3:8: Ezekiel 32:7-9; Revelation 20:1; Revelation 20:9-11, etc.

  • @michaelart4878
    @michaelart4878 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @dannywalters2365
    @dannywalters2365 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If two of the holiest people? From scripture have to endure some of the tribulation what is the chance no rapture?

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Through the Bible with Les Feldick:

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Olive Tree- Priesthood Anointing (Produces Oil, Religious)
    Candlesticks, (Uses Oil) or Lamp- Royalty (Political, Royalty)
    1 Kings 15:4
    Joshua, the high priest (Religious), from the tribe of Levi, descendant of Kohath and Zadok- 1 Chronicles 6:12-15; End-time Ministers of God: Ezekiel 44:15-16...Zechariah 3:1; Jeremiah 33:21; Revelation 11:4; Numbers 25-7-13
    Zerubbabel, the governor (not king, though the descendant of king David, but the promises to David will be fulfilled in the end, to always have a Seed in the throne. 2:Samuel 7:16; Jeremiah 30:9), the last seed of David, born in babylonian captivity, Ezra:3:2; Matthew1:12; 1 Chronicles 3:17; Nehemiah12:1; Hagai 12:1; 1 Chronicles3:17-19; (Political) Zechariah 4; given power over the religious and political powers during the tribulation to show the supremacy of God in heaven and in the earth, thus no physical power can hurt them, they are the anointed of God, for the end time!. Zechariah chapters 3 and 4. They signifed the end of law and the beginning of the promise of coming grace, through faith, in the coming Messiah, and also heralded the advent of the Messiah, Zechariah 14, and the conclusion of the world system, and the establishment of the Millennium reign and the final judgment, and the new heaven and earth- Isaiah 65, Revelation chapters 19-21; Isaiah 66:24; Lastly- the rewards Revelation 22.
    The Lord never leaves any thing hanging. The two books of Ezra and Nehemiah were the only ones not concluded, as the 70th week year will continue from where they stopped and the book was shut in Daniel 12:4. God always performs and perfects His purposes and promises. He is Faithful and True, He has exalted His word above all His name, so none of His word will go back to Him void! He is God All by Himself, as some would say! All glory and praises to His Holy name! Amen!
    Galatians 4:29-30! It's always been like this right from the beginning, right from the garden, then Genesis chapters 6,14:17-24; 21:9-10- Jacob and Esau; Pharez and Zerah; Pharaoh/Moses; David/Absalom; Jezebel, Athaliah, Haman, Herod, Hitler, Antichrist/false prophet.
    This has to play out till the end for all to know, without a shadow of doubt, that God rules in the midst of the heathen, the earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell in them, and that He is Lord of all!Olive Tree- Priesthood Anointing (Produces Oil, Religious)
    Candlesticks, (Uses Oil) or Lamp- Royalty (Political, Royalty)
    1 Kings 15:4
    Joshua, the high priest (Religious), from the tribe of Levi, descendant of Kohath and Zadok- 1 Chronicles 6:12-15; End-time Ministers of God: Ezekiel 44:15-16...Zechariah 3:1; Jeremiah 33:21; Revelation 11:4; Numbers 25-7-13
    Zerubbabel, the governor (not king, though the descendant of king David, but the promises to David will be fulfilled in the end, to always have a Seed in the throne. 2:Samuel 7:16; Jeremiah 30:9), the last seed of David, born in babylonian captivity, Ezra:3:2; Matthew1:12; 1 Chronicles 3:17; Nehemiah12:1; Hagai 12:1; 1 Chronicles3:17-19; (Political) Zechariah 4; given power over the religious and political powers during the tribulation to show the supremacy of God in heaven and in the earth, thus no physical power can hurt them, they are the anointed of God, for the end time!. Zechariah chapters 3 and 4. They signifed the end of law and the beginning of the promise of coming grace, through faith, in the coming Messiah, and also heralded the advent of the Messiah, Zechariah 14, and the conclusion of the world system, and the establishment of the Millennium reign and the final judgment, and the new heaven and earth- Isaiah 65, Revelation chapters 19-21; Isaiah 66:24; Lastly- the rewards Revelation 22.
    The Lord never leaves any thing hanging. The two books of Ezra and Nehemiah were the only ones not concluded, as the 70th week year will continue from where they stopped and the book was shut in Daniel 12:4. God always performs and perfects His purposes and promises. He is Faithful and True, He has exalted His word above all His name, so none of His word will go back to Him void! He is God All by Himself, as some would say! All glory and praises to His Holy name! Amen!
    Galatians 4:29-30! It's always been like this right from the beginning, right from the garden, then Genesis chapters 6,14:17-24; 21:9-10- Jacob and Esau; Pharez and Zerah; Pharaoh/Moses; David/Absalom; Jezebel, Athaliah, Haman, Herod, Hitler, Antichrist/false prophet.
    This has to play out till the end for all to know, without a shadow of doubt, that God rules in the midst of the heathen, the earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell in them, and that He is Lord of all!

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The two witnesses will appear at the conclusion of the world system.
    They are both representing both the church and Israel.
    At this time, we're gathering together to confirm that the 2 witnesses could be the Apostle John and Daniel.
    Their mission overlap as both represent the Church and Israel, respectively.
    Revelation 1:1-2, equally applies to both of them- Daniel was referred to as "Greatly beloved " 10:111, 19, as well as John referred to himself as "the desciple whom Jesus loved " John 21:7; 13:23; 20:2.
    They both received direct Revelation from the risen Jesus Christ. John 16:25; Daniel 8:17; 20:1, 8-9; Revelation 1:17 (Daniel chapters 8-12. (Daniel chapter 10=Revelation 1, Jesus Christ came to give them the vision, from the Father).
    Revelation 10:11 signified the end of all written prophecies, both old and new testaments, and now they must be orally proclaimed, which continues into chapter 11, about the mission of the two witnesses.
    Daniel once "rested" until the manifestation and completion of the prophecy, which he couldn't understand - about the suffering and killed Messiah. John was called up in Revelation 4, and I believe the same goes for Daniel, called up from his rest.
    Thus, it's highly probable that they both were the ones prophesying for 1,260 days- for both the remnants of Israel and the left behind Christians, and as witnesses to the whole world as the "mystery of iniquity" is being concluded Revelation 11:2, and the world system is being prepared for final judgement.
    They had to do to fulfill the word that says, "It is appointed to man, once to die, and then judgment." They died, but according to 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; death's sting had no effect on them, and the grave couldn't be victorious over them!
    They were finally called back up, and they ascended into heaven Revelation 11:7-12 to be in the presence of the Lord
    as "The Two Anointed Ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth " - The two Candlesticks and two Olive Trees!!!
    It has always been about the Royal-Priesthood: Royal- House of David;
    Priesthood: House of Levi- Aaron-Zadoc , Zechariah 6:9-15; 1 Samuel 30:7-8 ( 2:28; 21:1-6; 2 Samuel 6:7-14).
    ZECHARIAH 4:11- REVELATION 11:4! Fulfilling God's original plan, even the mystery which had been hid from the foundation of the world, finally settled in heaven! Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9-10- Israel and the Church becomes One New Man, in Christ Jesus, who stood in the midst of the seven Candlesticks Revelation 1:13!
    Fulfilling Zechariah 4:14!
    Man, who was made in the image and likeness of Christ Jesus, was covered in glory at Creation, then lost this glory. Jesus Christ left His glory to save the soul of fallen man, and for the promised glory, went to the cross died and resurrected from the dead and restored man to glory John 17:22; 1 Peter 5:10. This is the anointing upon both Israel and the Church because of the faith of Abraham.
    Man now has a place before the presence of God as:
    1) In Christ - Head plus His Body - the ransomed and redeemed, the Church, in the midst of the Candlesticks, Revelation 1.
    2) As the 2 Olive Trees and 2 Candlesticks- Joshua the High Priest, Zerubbabel, the Apostle John and Daniel, representing Israel and the Church,
    3) The 24 Elders representing men of old, 12 elders of the 12 tribes, and 12 elders of the Church,
    4) The 144,000, who were never defiled, even with women, but had the original body undefiled by Satan and the world.
    The story is simply about the restoration of man into glory, despite the devils shenanigans over the ages.
    In conclusion, the 2 witnesses represent both Israel as a nation and the Church as the body of Christ, for the subsequent coming of the kingdom of God on earth.
    Let the Lord shed light on His mystery in Jesus' name!

  • @rocdajacable
    @rocdajacable 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    No ones going anywhere ever ..
    Why do good people forget where God walked with Adam ..

    • @elnoor44
      @elnoor44 9 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @brashersprings5044
      @brashersprings5044 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@elnoor44 God returns to earth. We don't go to heaven except for the martyrs who will die during the tribulation.

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's the wording that is used... 'taken up' and because of the 'meet in the clouds' stuff. People forget that we were led by a pillar of cloud (during the day - in the light) and to obey God's law and will is to be one 'with' and 'meet' with Him.
      I saw in a lexicon - not sure of which as I use many - that the early Jews called the Messiah the 'son of the cloud'. If you do a word study on cloud, Paul says that some were 'baptized' into the cloud and in the sea (1 Corinthians 10:2)

    • @rocdajacable
      @rocdajacable 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@ChrisMusante the point is Man was created on earth outta the earth God came to man..
      God didn't create man spiritual but fleshly
      Hence Flesh begats Flesh
      You can never live in heaven by design
      No one has EVER ascended save the son of man john 8?

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@rocdajacable - well well well... Mr. 'Blind Man' can see.
      Here's the deal. I... CANNOT... READ!!! Not like other people do - less than 10 books my whole life. But... I know that I am sent - because of all the prophecies that have come out of my mouth that have passed, like C-19, warned the 'day before', and also the war in Israel - again - the 'day before'. And all of you folks are doing EVERYTHING to (inadvertently) confirm what it is that I am saying!! Wow dude!! (dude?) I don't know and it don't matter - unless you wanna get married - cause you just filled in a major 'puzzle piece'. Check it out...
      You NAILED IT!! Jesus ALWAYS refers to the 'son of man' in the 3rd person - always. And what I noticed (revelation as all is revealed BY THE SPIRIT) was that that term, 'son of man' is NOT always given in a 'positive context'. In job 25:6 as a 'worm' (duality)... and in Numbers 23:19 as in being in 'need of repentence' (duality). I teach that the 'son of man' is the INSIDE of a person, that is a 'DOOR'. On one side, you are serving yourself - and when that door is opened... serving God and I mean REALLY serving GOD!! This is why 'the' son of man has to FIND FAITH. Because without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to 'please' God. The son of man is your 'spirit' - of life or... of 'death' if it serves oneself over God.
      I can 'see' our Kingdom... and it's right here, but it can only be seen IF one believes that it IS in front of us. Jesus said, ANYTIME will do.

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Royalty and Priesthood.
    Joseph, the husband of Mary, was both of the seed of David Matthew 1:1, 16, and Luke 3:23-24, and of Levi.
    Elizabeth, of the daughters of Aaron, is the cousin of Mary, Luke 1:36,5. Mary, the mother of John, Matthew 27:56. They are all of the Aaronic Priesthood lineage.
    So, the Apostle John is of the Aaronic Priesthood lineage as well.
    Daniel was one of the Princes- descendants of King David, taken to Babylon. They both meet the criteria for the Candlestick and Lampstand prophecy, as the two witnesses of God, they Anointed Ones standing before the presence of God.

    • @markhauserbible7168
      @markhauserbible7168 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The TWO witnesses are NOT two people! They are ALL believers. Rev11:11-12 COME UP HITHER. There is ONE resurrection. Act 24:15. Rev11:11 And great fear fell upon them (Unbelievers) which SAW THEM. Rev 1:7 EVERY eye will see.

    • @ronkebarber6238
      @ronkebarber6238 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      "Come up hither "- for the Apostle John to whom was given the prophecy concerning the Church, and who had been alone all the while on the island; and to Daniel, who had been resting hitherto, Daniel 12:13, to continue the prophecy concerning Israel and the whole world, which he had found difficult to understand at that time, but which was now ready to be revealed, since even the temple curtain had already been torn into two, to make a way for the acceptable year of the Lord Isaiah 61:2-3- hence "Revelation "!
      God's 2 witnesses are:
      1) The Church of God in Christ, represented by both Apostles John- Jews, and Paul, Gentiles, ( reason he was taken up to heaven in vision 2 Corinthians 12).
      2) The remnants of Israel to be saved in Christ's second coming, represented down the genealogical lines of both Royalty and Priesthood- the Aaronic and Davidic lines, who had survived the onslaught of Satan since the beginning of God's relationship with them, as their God, and His people.
      The whole plot of the scriptures rests on these two premises, whereby God had purposed to save man and restore him to how he was from the beginning. Hence, the Church is comprised of Jesus Christ the Head, and all Believers in Him- whosoever they are all over the world, as members in particular of His body, to be placed in their respective places back into the body of the last Adam. This Adam will now finish the work of the first Adam- destroying Satan and his accomplices- by the breath of His mouth- the same breath of God, which God breathed into his nostrils Genesis 2:7, and which He, as the resurrected Man in Christ Jesus, breathed unto His desciples, as a down-payment for the fullness of God by His Holy Spirit, which will be poured upon them after His ascension John 20:22; 14:26, and by which all who believe in Him as Lord and Savior, and abide in Him till the end Matthew 24:13, will be rewarded by getting ransomed and redeemed, and taken up and out of this world, to be presented faultless before the presence of God the Father, as a trophy of His victory over the wiles of Satan throughout history!
      Let the Holy Spirit interpret it into your heart.

    • @markhauserbible7168
      @markhauserbible7168 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ronkebarber6238 How foolish is THAT? The TWO witnesses are ALL believers. O.T. and N.T. Thats why there are TWO covenants. Heb8:6-10. There are NOT two resurrections! If you think there is. Then QUOTE one verse where JESUS teaches the pre-trib LIE!!! Just one verse.

    • @ronkebarber6238
      @ronkebarber6238 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Please check your heart, and watch your speech, for out of the abundance of your heart, your mouth speaks. Be kind.
      There's only one resurrection Revelation 20:5.
      Christ will return with 10,000 of His saints, placed in His body, then, the dead in Christ until that day will be changed first and placed in Him, then we which are alive and remain, will be taken up and changed last, placed also in Him- how? I don't know. Jude 14; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58.
      Everyone else left at this time in the world, will have to pay for their sins by themselves, as they had done despite to the blood that bought them by their own righteousness and strange religious doctrines, which will then be proven to be a lie, even though they did enjoy it as they rejected the simple truth of the gospel of salvation of their souls, by the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
      This will usher in the last 70th week year, which will be divided into two 3.5 years. Then, Israel will return to the promised land, which is now under the jurisdiction of the Amorite, who has taken it over forcefully, in order to make it theirs, as descendants of Abraham and the rest of the world. Mount Zion is their predilection!
      Thus, God must destroy everything and create a new earth and heaven and new Jerusalem. Nothing that defiles can ever step on it.
      Revelation 21.
      The remnants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who are complete human and not mixed with the seed of the enemy, kept throughout history, will be saved, representing all 12 tribes, thus the scripture that says "all Israel will be saved", will be fulfilled.
      Isaiah 27:12-13; 11:11-16; 12; 13; 14-24; ; 35; Amos 9:14-15; Jeremiah chapters 31-36;
      As the world is being judged. Revelation chapters 14-20.
      Whether pre, mid, or post trib, none matters because everything is written and will be fulfilled in due time.
      The whole world is pushing for Christ to return, not unlike when His brothers urged him to go participate in the feast of tabernacles. John 7:7-13, and Luke 2, when Mary prodded Him to perform a miracle outside of His due time, even if it was just minutes away. He began and ended in His own time, which had been predetermined by God the Father and Him and the Holy Spirit before the foundation of the world. John 19:30, He finished everything in due time. No one tells Him what to do, how and when to do it, He did as was written of Him. Matthew 26:24; Psalm 40:7-8; Hebrews 10:7. For He has exalted His word above all His name, and they're settled in heaven, forever, none if them will ever return to Him void! Isaiah 55:11.
      Even though He left right after them, verse 10, it showed that no man has any rights to make His do their bidding.
      This is reminiscent of Moses acting before his due time and adding 30 extra years to the captivity in Egypt.
      Jesus will come when no one has anything else to say about His coming, but He will be here in DUE time, God's own time. It could be right now, tomorrow or 30 more years!
      Known to God are all His works from the beginning of the world...Acts 15:18!

    • @markhauserbible7168
      @markhauserbible7168 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ronkebarber6238 Your first statement shows your lack of understanding. The FIRST resurrection Rev20:5-6 has NOTHING to do with a BODILY resurrection. It's when we are BORN-AGAIN. Jn3:5. To prove your lack of understanding. You refuse to QUOTE one verse where JESUS teaches a pre-trib rapture or ANYONE left behind when he returns. So, try again.

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Two Olive Trees-
    a) Joshua the High Priest -Israel - Levitical Priesthood
    b) The Apostle John -The Church (Jesus and members of His body).
    The two Candlesticks- Royalty- David (Jeremiah 30:9).
    a) Zerubbabel
    b) Daniel
    The books of Zechariah and Daniel were not concluded...
    Olive Tree- Priesthood Anointing (Produces Oil, Religious)
    Candlesticks, (Uses Oil) or Lamp- Royalty (Political, Royalty)
    1 Kings 15:4
    Joshua, the high priest (Religious), from the tribe of Levi, descendant of Kohath and Zadok- 1 Chronicles 6:12-15; End-time Ministers of God: Ezekiel 44:15-16...Zechariah 3:1; Jeremiah 33:21; Revelation 11:4; Numbers 25-7-13
    Zerubbabel, the governor (not king, though the descendant of king David, but the promises to David will be fulfilled in the end, to always have a Seed in the throne. 2:Samuel 7:16; Jeremiah 30:9), the last seed of David, born in babylonian captivity, Ezra:3:2; Matthew1:12; 1 Chronicles 3:17; Nehemiah12:1; Hagai 12:1; 1 Chronicles3:17-19; (Political) Zechariah 4; given power over the religious and political powers during the tribulation to show the supremacy of God in heaven and in the earth, thus no physical power can hurt them, they are the anointed of God, for the end time!. Zechariah chapters 3 and 4. They signifed the end of law and the beginning of the promise of coming grace, through faith, in the coming Messiah, and also heralded the advent of the Messiah, Zechariah 14, and the conclusion of the world system, and the establishment of the Millennium reign and the final judgment, and the new heaven and earth- Isaiah 65, Revelation chapters 19-21; Isaiah 66:24; Lastly- the rewards Revelation 22.
    The Lord never leaves any thing hanging. The two books of Ezra and Nehemiah were the only ones not concluded, as the 70th week year will continue from where they stopped and the book was shut in Daniel 12:4. God always performs and perfects His purposes and promises. He is Faithful and True, He has exalted His word above all His name, so none of His word will go back to Him void! He is God All by Himself, as some would say! All glory and praises to His Holy name! Amen!
    Galatians 4:29-30! It's always been like this right from the beginning, right from the garden, then Genesis chapters 6,14:17-24; 21:9-10- Jacob and Esau; Pharez and Zerah; Pharaoh/Moses; David/Absalom; Jezebel, Athaliah, Haman, Herod, Hitler, Antichrist/false prophet.
    This has to play out till the end for all to know, without a shadow of doubt, that God rules in the midst of the heathen, the earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell in them, and that He is Lord of all!The millennium is the end of the cycle of the end of sin.
    Man had a thousand years curse the day Adam and Eve disobeyed God.
    A day is like a thousand years.
    The oldest man was Methuselah, he lived 969 years, and the last Adam lived 30 years as the Son of man, a human- Jesus Christ, then He was filled with the Holy Spirit, to become the Son of God 100%God and 100% man, just like the first Adam, who was created flesh and God breathed into his nostrils, to have 100% God in 100% man.
    Thus, when the mystery of iniquity is dealt with, after the 70th week year of Israel, then the whole world will be destroyed at the second coming of Jesus Christ. This will usher in the kingdom of God, for which Jesus Christ came to preach to Israel, before the gospel of grace- for both Israel and the gentiles, because they rejected their King. The scriptures are going back in cycles, we're now in Genesis 6, 11 and 47.It is like going back to the garden of Eden Isaiah 65; Genesis 5, when man will have to live out the whole 1000 years curse, which ends the wages of sin- death, which ends the cycle of creation, until the new heavens and the new earth is established, where there's no more sin and death. Then the judgment and rewards, abd the institution of mandatory pilgrimage to the New Jerusalem, and then, the Sabbath will be observed, signifying the end of work of both Creation and Redemption of the lost soul of man. Isaiah 66.
    Every nation will worship God, because there will no longer be evil or Satan present. All have been judged and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone- including death, hell, satan, the antichrist and his false prophets and those that bare his mark.
    The world will be as God in tended it right from the beginning, after the old earth and the heavens are completely destroyed by fire.
    2 Peter 2:10-13;
    Isaiah 65:17; 66:,15-16, 22; 30:30;9:5
    1 Thessalonians 5:2; 2 Thessalonians 2:8; Joel 2:10;; Nahum 1:5; Zephaniah 1:15-28; 3:8: Ezekiel 32:7-9; Revelation 20:1; Revelation 20:9-11, etc.

    • @seasonedwithsalt5129
      @seasonedwithsalt5129 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You are an absolute 100% heretic. Repent!

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    God gave Daniel the end time vision and revelation, and he couldn't understand what he heard and saw. Thus, the bible was shut in Daniel 12:4 because he couldn't comprehend what the angel that talked with him was saying, especially about a Savior who would be cut off- it didn't make any sense, and about the end of the world. He was only praying for God to remember His people in captivity, who are nearing the completion of their 70 years in captivity. It was then the 69th week year, so God sent the angel to let him know that His people were not ready, and they wouldn't be able to return to the promised land- which will reject them, as they were cast out already because of unbelief and disobedience to the law of the land. In His mercy, God was going to play His ultimate card - send His Son to finish the work and restore His people. But, they have to go through the period of the wrath of God, so to spare at least some, God ushered in the dispensation of Grace- whosoever would believe in Him, through the sacrificial death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, His Only Begotten Son, and accept Him as Lord and Savior, will be spared.
    Thus, he was told to go rest till the time of the end when everything would've come to pass already and would then be easier to understand.
    The book of Revelation is the revealing or clarification of those things that Daniel couldn't understand at that time, especially that of a suffering Messiah, who will later be glorified (Benoni to Benjamin), now made manifest to him and not to the Apostle John as many thought, to whom was revealed the conclusion of the grace dispensation of the church.
    Daniel was referred to as "greatly beloved" Daniel 9:23, and the Apostle John often referred to himself as "the desciple whom Jesus loved ", other than that, there's no where in the scriptures where there's any reference whatsoever, to connect him to end time revelations. Thus, Daniel must have been referred to as the man greatly beloved, (like Solomon and Benjamin), rather than by his name in the manuscripts, thus, it was attributed to the Apostle John as the person to whom the vision was revealed. Could it also be possible for Daniel to be the one on the Isle of Patmos since there was a reference of him appearing again at the time of the end in Daniel 12?
    Jesus, as the Lamb of God, took the book that was sealed Revelation 5, and opened it physically in Luke 4:17-21, after His baptism and anointing, now filled with Holy Ghost and power, as the Messiah, to begin His ministry, as it was written of Him Psalm 40:6-8. He quoted the first part of Isaiah 61:2 because that was what He had come to fulfill. Isaiah 63:4, let us know that the second part would begin after the completion of the first part.
    The day of the Lord's vengeance is now upon the world. The acceptable year of the Lord is fast closing. Let's endure till the end by His grace. In Jesus' name. Luke 4:17-18, Isaiah 61:2, 63:4, 34:8; 35:4, 33:22. Psalm 91.
    We have no excuses. The bible will be shut again very soon, as the Holy Spirit that was sent to teach, help us understand, interpret to and lead us until the time of the end would have taken all Believers up and out of this world, thus, the bible returning to how it was in Isaiah 28:11-12; Amos 8:11-12. Everything written and revealed is unfolding.
    They have started to make sense as the day draws near.
    The whole counsel of God will be fulfilled, and then the end will come.
    Daniel actually needed the revelation of Jesus Christ to the Apostles John, in Revelation chapters 1-4, and Paul, Daniel 8:13; 2 Corinthians 12:2-10, in order to understand the end-time prophecy God sent the angels to reveal to Him, before continuing from Revelation chapter 5 onwards, till judgment and rewards.
    Daniel was told not to seal the prophecy at this time, once everything already became clear, and he got the full understanding of past, present, and future events that should begin to unfold from then onwards, which he couldn't understand before, and got the book of prophecy shut until its revelation, hence the name: Revelation. Revelation 22:10.
    God was ready for the prophecies to begin to unfold. The next is the ushering in of "The Day of Vengeance of our God " after " the acceptable year of the Lord." Luke 4:17-20; Isaiah 61:2; 63:4.
    We need to be prepared!

  • @eugenegarcia9415
    @eugenegarcia9415 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The two witnesses are not two individuals. The Bible tells us the two witnesses are two olives trees, two lamp stands, ect and other definitions which represent the church of many members.

  • @noelajones619
    @noelajones619 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I believe that the loud cry “Come up here”. Is the cry that calls all the believers alive and dead to “Come up here” the rapture.

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Only one kind of people cannot be saved: those who are outside of Jesus's own fold.
    To the master a servant falls or stands Romans 14:4.
    God made all provisions to keep the Believer in Christ till the end, but if he decides to leave, then nothing matters anymore.
    There are two laws that govern this life, the law if the Spirit of life IN Christ Jesus, and the law of sin and death Romans 8:2, and two ways: the strait and narrow, and the broadway.
    We all get to decide which to choose and where we would be found at the end. Matthew 24:13.

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    God is omniscient. He knows everything. He prepared a body for His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to come and feel in the flesh, all what man is going through, while He Himself remains sinless, meaning, He doesn't indulge in sin. So, He eventually was condemned as a sinner- study Mark 14:51, the story of the naked young man. That was the reason Jesus's sweat were like drops of blood, when He got to the last sin He had to deal with that would condemn Him to shame, torture and consequently, a cursed death on the cross- simply because He was set up in the middle of the night, as He prayed, in the garden of Gethsemane, to be doing stuff the laws condemned with penalty of death, by stoning, but was cranked up to become dead on the cross.
    Judas kissed him, not a peck in the cheek but a full blown kiss, in order to set him up, but he didn't know his act was just a distraction, the people that hired him, already prepared a worse scenario- using the young guy that fled into the night naked. Mark 14:51-52.
    Jesus Christ refused to tattle on him, nor did he ask them to go get him to speak for him, because He came for the very reason, to die for the undeserved, who, if and when they come to this realization, would immediately repent and accept the cleansing power of the blood that bought them. He even became their high Priest, who is touched by the feeling of their infirmity, understanding where they come from, but hoping they will come to Him and cast it all on Him, and take His Rest! He already made that call!!!
    Will you answer, will you imagine what they must have done to him, with such a charge, in that day and age? All just to make atonement for every sin conceivable, including what you're struggling with at this moment! Give it all to Him!
    Being mad at the preacher will not assuage your guilt and self- condemnation, and self torture and self hatred and self judgment. He already did it all- for YOU!!!
    Which of these religious leaders who abbet them ever promised to pray to God for them. How can the blind lead the blind?
    Anyone that has encountered God by the preaching of the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and still remain unconcerned and unrepentant, has already forfeited his mercy, and grace that bought him from the devil, who has the power of sickness, afflictions, terror, oppression, death and the grave. No escaping him.
    Let the love of God for you, in Christ Jesus, constrain you to listen, receive, accept, confess, believe and abide in His love, justification from all your sins, past, present and future, And live the new life purchased by the shedding of His blood, and by imputting God's righteousness that declared you "faultless, blameless ", before the presence of God, with whom you have to give an account, whether you like it or not! No excuses on that day, for God will definitely be Just and Righteous when He metes out judgment, and all mouths will be quiet!

    • @seasonedwithsalt5129
      @seasonedwithsalt5129 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You are selling the Godless worlds/apostate churches false gospel. Repent!

  • @judywilliams1928
    @judywilliams1928 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It is appointed unto man once to die; I've long thought that before Moses there was the Grandfather of Moses, who was a Mighty Prophet! ENOCH#! Who along with Elijah, NEVER DIED.

    • @seasonedwithsalt5129
      @seasonedwithsalt5129 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Wrong! Both these men, as well as every single person who has ever lived has died. You do not understand the Bible.

  • @day3405
    @day3405 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Of course non believers see us caught up. Scripture says changed. Changed to what else, but the glorified body. Oy Vey! This is so simple.

  • @Faithful_Watchman
    @Faithful_Watchman 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    If you dive a little deeper into scripture, you'll come to see that both Enoch and Elijah died. The Two Witnesses are not two individuals but two groups (Jews and Gentiles) in the end times.

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Can we link up and discuss this? Thanks in advance. I see 'taken' and not found can mean so obedient that the you that is 'you' does not 'exist'. You become a representation of God's image - vs. your own. Tongues of fire that lick up the stones and such. The words of God are bread. And sometimes the bread is indeed 'stones'. Jesus even says this as His disciples are preaching (feeding the sheep) and they are told to stop. Jesus says IF they do 'stop' - they these stones will cry out, which is to say... 'serve the meal'.

    • @YAHOderekYasharbenGad
      @YAHOderekYasharbenGad 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I learned Rev 11:4 mentions, in Greek, "Elaiai", two Israelite olive trees. Rev 11:4 correlates with Zec 4:12 שְׁנֵי בְנֵי־הַיִּצְהָר הָעֹמְדִים עַל־אֲדוֹן כָּל־הָאָרֶץ two anointed Israelite sons standing by the Lord of the whole earth. Moses and Elijah fit the prophecies and literally stood on the Mt of Transfiguration and Mt Sinai in presence of El Elyon and Yahoshua. Death once and judgment after doesn't prohibit regeneration. Yahoshua Rev 11:15; 19:11-16, King David Eze 34:22-23; 37:24-25, Elijah as John the Baptist Mat 11:13; 3rd return Mal 4:5, Antichrist Rev 17:7-11 are all examples of dying once receiving judgment then being regenerated back earth by God.

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@YAHOderekYasharbenGad Yup - 2 sons. 1 of light and the other of dark. (Isaiah 45: 7)
      Two masters - BOTH serve the Lord.

    • @Faithful_Watchman
      @Faithful_Watchman 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ChrisMusante: I just asking, is your reply post to me, asking if we can link up and discuss this? If so, I'm always open to discuss things.

    • @seasonedwithsalt5129
      @seasonedwithsalt5129 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      You are half right. The two witnesses are not men, they are the Bible. The old and the new testaments. The Bible is the only true witness of God that the world has.

  • @tracy-leelombard6264
    @tracy-leelombard6264 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Why do you refer to witnesses as dangerous?

    • @OceanView420
      @OceanView420 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      They are dangerous to the unbelievers...Yahuah gives them great power, fire comes out of their mouth, they call fire down from heaven, etc...

  • @eugenegarcia9415
    @eugenegarcia9415 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The 144000 are not all Jews. They are all Israelites, 12000 from each tribe. A Jew no doubt is an Israelite but the majority of Israelites are not Jews. Joseph, Manasseh, Ephraim, Dan ect are never called Jews.

  • @rodney1818
    @rodney1818 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    5:16 You Failed to mentioned the part where Enoch was also taken alive or does that theology not exist in your world 5:08

    • @rocdajacable
      @rocdajacable 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sorry Enoch is DEAD nor does the text say he was taken alive

    • @elnoor44
      @elnoor44 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Please don’t be desrespectful

    • @rodney1818
      @rodney1818 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@elnoor44 it's an Earnest question don't let your emotions interfere with discernment seeking the truth is not being mean or disrespectful read Hebrews 11:5 King James Bible

    • @rodney1818
      @rodney1818 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@rocdajacable Hebrews 11:5 by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God translated him for before his translation he had his testimony that pleased God.
      So what did it mean should not see death

    • @rocdajacable
      @rocdajacable 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @rodney1818 wrong explicitly

  • @JosephLyons-witness
    @JosephLyons-witness 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I am Joseph of THEE tribe of Joseph one of two WITNESSES. I am a Christian and thee other witness is a Muslim. THEE BLACK HOLE WILL BE THEE END OF EARTH AT THE END OF THESE SEVEN YEARS THAT STARTED BACK IN 2021

  • @joshuastavos4376
    @joshuastavos4376 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The two witnesses may be killed by the beast during ‘Christmas’ when people all over the world are giving gifts. Maybe when this happens, ‘Jews’ will be celebrating ‘Christmas’ and following a false Jesus?

    • @rodney1818
      @rodney1818 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @Joshuastavos4376 it was changed to Christmas in December buy the Roman Catholic Church jesus's birthday was not in the winter lambs are born in the spring
      December the 25th is the birthdate of raw the sun god the deity that the Catholic Church use to replace with Jesus

    • @joshuastavos4376
      @joshuastavos4376 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@rodney1818 true!

    • @rodney1818
      @rodney1818 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@joshuastavos4376 all I can say brother is to hold everything you hear to scripture
      And do not use the NIV
      K.J.V. the captives by The River Tamar
      niv the exiles by The River Tamar
      So which was it where they captives who were taken hostage like it says in the KJV
      Or are they exiles that were ran off from their country because they were not welcome like it says in the NIV

    • @hermanehrentraut4956
      @hermanehrentraut4956 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      When you read Rev 11 in the historical, cultural, and grammatical context of the first century when it was first written to NT saints and through their eyes and not through the eyes of modern christians it clearly shows not only is the information Of Rev 11 now in our past but so is everything from Rev 1-10 which means the 7 seals were broken, and the 7 trumpets have already been blown, and although this series has not yet covered this but Rev 12-15 are also in our past, in fact we are in Rev 16 and are going through the bowl/saucer judgments.

    • @rodney1818
      @rodney1818 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@hermanehrentraut4956 huh man maybe you should read the letters of Paul again

  • @ImYourBoogieManThatsWhoiAm
    @ImYourBoogieManThatsWhoiAm 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Russia is most certainly the only Christian nation on 🌎😊

  • @markhauserbible7168
    @markhauserbible7168 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Why is it so hard to give scripture when teaching? First of all, the TWO Witnesses are NOT two people. If we read the book of revelation literally, people will always be confused. For example Rev11:5 NO one will be walking around shooting fire out of their mouths. The word FIRE in this verse is talking about the WORD OF GOD. Jer 5:14/ 23:29. How do I know the TWO Witnesses are ALL believers? Read Rev11:11-12 What does this sound like? THE resurrection. (ONE) Where can we find other scriptures to verify this? Ez37:10-14 These are LITERAL resurrection passages. Why else would God say he will bring us out of our graves? Compare the words very carefully in Rev11:11-12, and Ez37:10-14. > Rev11:11 The Spirit of LIFE from God entered into them. > Ez37:14 And shall put my SPIRIT in you. Rev11:11 And they STOOD upon their feet. > Ez 37:10 And they STOOD up upon their feet. Rev11:12 Come up hither, and they ascended up to heaven in a CLOUD. > 1Thes 4:17 Will be caught up together with them in the CLOUDS. Rev11:12 And their enemies BEHELD them. > Rev1:7 EVERY eye will see him, and those which PIERCED him. (Enemies) P.S. The 24 ELDERS are ALL O.T. believers. The 144000 are ALL believers. PERIOD! And YES, I have scripture to back it up.

    • @rocdajacable
      @rocdajacable 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      1st of all your WRONG

    • @robertrambo9190
      @robertrambo9190 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sorry but I don't believe any of these comments claiming the witnesses are NOT two people.

    • @markhauserbible7168
      @markhauserbible7168 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@robertrambo9190 Thats because you are TOO lazy to even study the scriptures, I gave you, much less study the bible for yourself. My guess is you believe two people will literally be walking around shooting fire out of their mouth. Rev 11:5. Now read what the FIRE really represents. Jer 5:14/ 23:29. You must also be a pre-triber?

    • @anewsongpsalm333
      @anewsongpsalm333 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Song of Solomon 6:13 “Return, return, O Shulamite; return, return, that we may look upon thee. What will ye see in the Shulamite? As it were the company of two armies.”

    • @markhauserbible7168
      @markhauserbible7168 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@anewsongpsalm333 Ok, what is your point? Do you have a question? If you don't, let me ask you one. How many times does the Lord return as a THIEF? And what happens when he does?

    @ZUGTFO 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is a JW cult channel....

    • @TorahClass
      @TorahClass  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hello! We are not Jehovah's Witnesses and we are not in any way affiliated with them. God bless.