It never was the biggest mistake. We cant avoid that, It's just our perspectives, how we see the world is just different from the past, what we exprienced. The biggest mistake must be smth u regret, u'd want to return to fix it. This is just how young children think if they r adults (like how the past ppl think how the future looks like). Think about what u have done. What is the worst among the bad things u did? Would u do whatever it takes to return into that moment to change it? (If the answer is 50/50, then another mistake will become the biggest soon so be careful with your actions, behaviors, think deeply before decide, never promise when u not sure u can do it or just simply happy) Just dont let emotions take over u. Get rid of it
Me and my loved ones on the top of a mountain. We are all healthy and wealthy. We are all happy and the sun is shining. We look back on all the struggles we went through and laugh about it. No matter how much the world tries to brainwash me, in reality that's my real dream. Feeling peaceful in that moment for 1 single second. That's what life is about - going though 99 bad experiences just to get that 1 win. But oh boy, nothing feels like this one thing that works and brings you peace. Nothing compares. So yes I will keep going until the damn wheels fall off.
i agree i get so caught up with things that just dont matter when i should be focused on the things that do so i stop going backwards when i need to go forwards
...... Just give it some time the darkness day of life is when you lose people you once knew.... Blood related or 𝙉𝙊𝙏..... Make sure you with them till the end comes😔
Hiçbirzaman derslerim iyi olmadı… hiçbirzaman iyi evlat olamadım. Hiçbirzaman ailem olmadı doğru düzgün… hiçbirzaman arkadaşım olmadı doğru düzgün hatta hatırlıyorum en kötü darbede 1 yıl önce olmuştu benle dalga geçmiştiler 8 yıl boyunca zorbalığa uğradım… babamın telefonunda bazı şeyler buldum kimseye söylemedim… beni tek seven babam oldu ama annemde sevmez abim beni anlayan tek kişiydi oda zaten beni anlamayı bıraktı bana bağırıyor oda değişti aslında şuan hap içmek istiyorum veya inthar etmek ama inthar edersem ailem çok kızar hatta yayılır ailemin yüz karası olurum oyüzden inthar etmiyorum. Yarın karne günü sınıfta tek düz geçen benim yarın okula gitmek istemiyorum sınıftakiler şimdiden dalga geçecek yer arıyorlar
dostum yazdıklarının hepsini hissederek okudum .hayat bazen yüzümüze gülmez ve bunlar bizim dönüm noktalarımızdır .bu dönüm noktasında hap içip pes edeceksen savaşmanın ne anlamı var. ailenin hap içince ne düşüneceğini değil, senin neden hap içmemen gerektiğini anlaman gerek. dalga geçen insanlara sessiz kalmamayı gereken cevabı vermeyi dene gerekirse sen onlara zorba ol . benim de derslerim hep kötüydü gel gör ki ailemde akrabalarımda tek okumuş olan kişi benim . ailen için en güzel evlat sen ve o güzel kalbin hep mutlu ol :)
@@aaadela make sure your will wins what others say no matter what, if they get what they want is that matter cuz you never be praised enough, makes sure you can have the situation in your hands and work it out. Make sure to never lose hope on what you do
100 reasons to stay alive: 1. to make your parents proud 2. to conquer your fears 3. to see your family again 4. to see your Favorite artist live 5. to listen to music again 6. to experience a new culture 7. to make new friends 8. to inspire 9. to have your own children 10. to adopt your own pet 11. to make yourself proud 12. to meet your idols 13. to laugh until you cry 14. to feel tears of happiness 15. to eat your favorite food 16. to see your siblings grow 17. to pass school 18. to get tattoo 19. to smile until your cheeks hurt 20. to meet your internet friends 21. to find someone who loves you like you deserve 22. to eat ice cream on a hot day 23. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day 24. to see untouched snow in the morning 25. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire 26. to see stars light up the sky 27. to read a book that changes your life 28. to see the flowers in the spring 29. to see the leaves change from green to brown 30. to travel abroad 31. to learn a new language 32. to learn to draw 33. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them 34. Puppy kisses. 35. Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek). 36. Swear words and the release you feel when you say them. 37. Trampolines. 38. Ice cream. 39. Stargazing. 40. Cloud watching. 41. Taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets. 42. Receiving thoughtful gifts. 43. “I saw this and thought of you." 44. The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you." 45. The relief you feel after crying. 46. Sunshine. 47. The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention. 48. Your future wedding. 49. Your favorite candy bar. 50. New clothes. 51. Witty puns. 52. Really good bread. 53. Holding your child in your arms for the first time. 54. Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.) 55. The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling. 56. The smell before and after it rains 57. The sound of rain against a rooftop. 58. The feeling you get when you’re dancing. 59. The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them. 60. Trying out new recipes. 61. The feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio. 62. The rush you get when you step onto a stage. 63. You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable. 64.Breakfast in bed. 65. Getting a middle seat in the movie theater. 66. Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning). 67. Pray (if you are religious) 68. Forgiveness. 69. Water balloon fights. 70. New books by your favorite authors. 71. Fireflies. 72. Birthdays. 73. Realizing that someone loves you. 74. Spending the day with someone like you. 75. Opportunity to create meaningful and lasting relationships. 76. Potential to learn, grow, and evolve as a person. 77. Joy and happiness in the little things. 78. The power to inspire others. 79. The ability to create art, music, and other forms of self-expression. 80. To explore different cultures, traditions, and ways of life. 81. To make a positive impact on the environment and help protect the planet. 82. Experience the joys of parenthood and raise a family. 83. Learn new things and develop new skills. 84. Create a legacy that will outlive you. 85. Being wrapped up in a warm bed. 86. Cuddles 87. Holding hands. 88. The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person’s, and you feel like the only two people in the world. 89. Singing off key with your best friends. 90. Road trips. 91. Spontaneous adventures. 92. The feeling of sand beneath your toes. 93. The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees. 94. Thunderstorms. 95. Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland. 96. The taste of your favorite food. 97. The child-like feeling you get on Christmas morning. 98. The day when everything finally goes your way. 99. Compliments and praise. 100. to look on this moment in 10 years time and realize you did it. Ps : Never forget you are a beautiful person 💕 Life is so beautiful so live, live like no one else exist, live for yourself, don't care of bad people, you are strong, i love you 🫶🏼
top 3 reasons to kill yourself: 1 you are not real you a slave to a higher narrative writer 2 you will be a slave until ur die or erase 3 everything you thinking seeing doing even what am doing and saying was writing by the writer
sometimes its hard when you have a broken house with a broken family and no one that you can tell or open up to. I would know, i have to do everything i can to help my mum. I dont know what to do sometimes. I can never find anyone that cares. God isnt even with me.
@@Squiddy445 Of course God is with you. He is just waiting to see if you are ready to get your life together again. Stay strong man, and please, *please* . Keep trying, as hard as you can. Everything will be done soon.
Please if ur reading this. dont give up on you dreams. dont make them longer. just start doing ur life goal right now. idc if its night if its bad day... i need you to make ur life goals fast as done. so u can make me proud of you. **KEEP IT UP BROTHERS DONT GIVE UP!**
Bu şarkıyı dinleyen herkesin farklı bir derdi üzüntüsü yada sıkıntısı var...hepimiz birbirimizden farklı kişileriz ...ama ortak olduğumuz nokta bu şarkıyı beraber dinleyerek şu hayatta neden bunları yaşıyorum diyoruz...
Dertliyken ve hüzünlü iken dinlerim çok hoşuma gider dertlerimi bitirmeyi denerim daha da çoğalır napicagimi bilemem acarım bu şarkıyı dertlerini yok ederim kafamda sonra bir hareketli şarkı ile kendime gelirim hayatım rutin şeklinde işler
Güçlü kalmak için herşeyi yapıyoruz ancak gün geçtikçe daha çok hasar alıyoruz güçlü kalın gençler burdaki herkesin ayrı bi derdi var ELBET GELİR GÜZEL GÜNLER DAYAN...
This music hits so hard...The friends who died,my first love,the good memories,first prison time a long way out of home.But i fell kinda calm when i listen this song
@@leongringel3914 If you don't have a parents, its not over.In my life i found a lot a good people who can save me in trouble,who can stand with me to the end.Family is the people who you scared to lose forever bro.
The fact that this song is the best cure for loneliness... I am lonely for like 3 years straight and this song always puts a little smile on my face when i am crying... That song makes life better even if you know that its totally fucked up... Thanks man.
artik hic bir seyi toparlayamiyorum bir yandan dersler, bir yandan ailemin dağılmaya baslamasi , tartismalar, kavgalar yani gercekten cok yoruldum bir günümün de güzel gecmesini istiyorum düzelir diyorum daha kötü oluyo çok kötüyüm ben..
You'll be okay. My sister feels the same. She's not who she used to be, happy and fun. Now she's abusive, angry, and wants to ned her life. She tied multiple times
Kötü günler kapkaranlık bir oda gibidir sen gözünü açsanda kapatsamda karanlıktır kurtulmaya çalışırsın ama bir engele takılıp düşersin nerde olduğunu bilmezsin ve ne kadar çabalarsan o kadar yara alırsın sadece oturup o karanlık odada güzel günleri hayal etmek beklemek gerek işte bu umuttur iyi günlermi onlar biraz uzakta ancak sabredersen ulaşırsın oraya yani belki kötü gün veya günler gelir başınıza uzatmıycam sadece kafanızı gömün ve umudunuz o karanlığı aydınlatsın ve bekleyin gerçek iyi günleri sadece bekleyin...
Çocukken şekeri düştüğünde ağlayan çocuklardır ne oldu bize ne iyi bi kardeş ne iyi bi çocuk ne iyi bir öğrenci olamadık şuan burda olan herkes cidden hayattan bıkmıştır artık hiç bisey beni sarmıyor yazıklar olsun egitim sistemi ebeveynler bu kadar miydiniz be
Derslerimde başarılı olamadığım gibi ne iyi bir evlat ne İyi bir kardeş ne iyi bir abla nede iyi bir sevgili olabildim hepsinin içinde benden nefret ettiğini hissedebiliyorum beklentilerini ne kadar düşürseler de veremiyorum bana değiştin diyorlar ama neden değiştin demiyorlar ailenin sevilmeyen çocuğu olduğumu o kadar iyi hissediyorum ki canımı yakıyorlar artık sözleriyle kendimi sevmiyorken onların beni sevmesi için uğraşıyorum ama asla başarılı olamıyorum hayatım boka sarıyor bu yaştan ilerisini düşünmek istemiyorum ilerisi olmasın lütfen
Bazen başkalarını düşündüğün kadar kendini düşünemiyorsun. Ailen dahil kimsenin düşüncelerine odaklanma,kendi özüne odaklan başkalarının düşüncelerine değil kendini ve yaşadıklarını en çok bilen ve tanıyan sensin. Ne kadar iyi bir insan olduğundan tut ne kadar çalışkan biri olduğuna kadar herşeyi net bir şekilde biliyorsun,elinden geleni yapıyorsun. Başkalarının beklentilerini hala karşılamıyorsan neden uğraşıyorsun o zaman? Neden başkaları için yaşamaya çalışıyorsun? Bu senin hayatın bunlar senin yaşantıların. Hadi kendine odaklan,kendini sev,kendini düşün. Seni burada bırakıp gidenler olacak,bırak gitsinler. Zaten seni bırakıp gidiyorsa kimi insanlar o zaman ne kadar çabalarsan çabala asla onları tatmin edemeyeceksin. Hayat bu, en yanlız insan olsan bile hayatına dokunuşları olacak insanlar mutlaka olur. Dünyanın sonu değil, yarın erken kalk biraz dinlen ve hayatına yeniden başla,monotonluktan vazgeç, yeni şeyler dene,çabala,kendini geliştir. İnsanları ne kadar takmaz ve umursamazsan onlar sana adım adım gelmeye başlar. Söylesene bu halde en fazla ne kadar güzel bir hayatın olabilir? Kaybedecek birşeyin olmazsa tek çaren kazanmaya çabalamak olur,bunları Psikoloji okuyan birisi olarak söylüyorum,sadece tavsiye verdim. Kendine iyi bak.
Kalbim alev alev yanıyordu her canım yandığında suya attım her seferinde sertleşti sertleştikten sonra taşlaştı artık kimseyi sevemiyorum sevgi bana acı veriyor her sevdiğimde açılmış yara gibi hissediyorum sevginin kiymetini bilin en azından sevebiliyorsunuz ben ne sevebiliyorum ne seviliyorum :/
Your skin isn't paper don't Cut it Your face isn't a mask don't Hide it Your size isn't a book don't judge it Your heart isn't a Door don't Lock it Your neck isn't a rope don't hang it Your life isn't a movie don't End it. I Love You.
top 3 reasons to kill yourself: 1 you are not real you a slave to a higher narrative writer 2 you will be a slave until ur die or erase 3 everything you thinking seeing doing even what am doing and saying was writing by the writer
This music make me feel empty inside me, am scared all the time, no self-confidence am scared that everyone juge me at what I look like am always ask if one day I will be released of this sadness. Am alone all the time i don’t know why but it’s like that and probably never gonna change so If u take your time to read this , thanks
I don't know you but I love you! Please be strong to get through all of this ♥ Find who you are, love yourself, embrace yourself, find what you love, do what you like ♥♥♥ If anyone can do it then you can do it
Ah man, you made me cry when i read your message. I can really feel you. The only way to escape this situation is to believe in yourself and have God inside your mind and heart (whichever religion you believe). Make things that make you happy. Just leave this to the past. And remember. It's up to you if you want to get better from now on. The past is in your mind The future is in your hands Have a nice day. I wait your response.
listen, the reason you are sad is because you realize there is something about you that you need to change. start improving yourself physically and mentally. when you are happy with your body you become happier with yourself. and when you are happy, you are unstoppable
Küçükken büyük olmayı, büyükken çocuk olmayı istedik. Farkında olmadan anılar yarattık, sadece eğleniyorduk. Ortalama 75-80 yıllık hayatta başarılı olmak, engelleri yıkmaktan başka şansımız yok.
"Yalnızlık beni tüm hayatım boyunca izledi, her yerde. Barlarda, arabalarda, kaldırımlarda, dükkanlarda, her yerde. Kaçış yok. Ben Tanrı’nın yalnız adamıyım."
This song fits perfectly in the situation where at the climax of a thriller mystery series the protagonist finally wins and sits down on the chair relaxing and thinking about all the adventures during the show and the cast names comes on the screen with this as the background music.......
I agree but to a degree. I think its more of when they defeat the "villian" of the show but end up causing a lot of damage left behind by doing it and this would be playing as they look over the city they destroyed.
Sempre que ouço essa musica reflito no mundo que estamos vivendo, eu realmente acredito que deus esta entre a gente, e reflite oque ele fez... Eu nao me sentiria orgulhoso de ver oque o mundo esta se tornando. oque pessoas perderam suas vidas dada em guerras é tristeza, se afundando na solidao, para que pessoas se comportem dessa forma que esta o mundo... E Triste
Dios nos advirtió en sus escrituras que seamos buenas personas pero la mayoría de la gente sigue haciendo el mal, el hombre es una criatura débil pero se cree fuerte. Oh gente que encuentra todo y no puede encontrarse
reminds me of falling asleep in the ambulance, knowing you are safe but knowing its yourself that hurt you or reminds me of a bad relapse I've had... to those going through hard times, I've been there and some of us may die but, you don't need to be that someone. Try to push through. even if you have no one, try to smile for that little happy child you used to be. they'd want it for you. Good luck fellow "humans."
Sempre que eu ouço essas músicas eu lembro da minha vida infeliz. Eu sempre fui um bom garoto, me comporto bem, mas eu me sinto controlado, como se eu n tivesse controle do que eu quero ser, eu só queria que todos entendessem que eu não sou manipulável, mas a única coisa que eu sinto é dor, que ninguém pode ver nem curar, quando eu perdi meu avô, minha vida despencou, ninguém ligava mais pra mim, então eu deixei assim, agora ninguém se preocupa se eu vou passar ou não, "Seu filho é excelente, ele vai ser uma grande homem".Eu só queria ser eu mesmo.
am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. it absolutely moved my soul , and I don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any piece of bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a piece of bacon I have ever seen especially on 57:42.I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was at 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. Tt absolutely moved my soul , and i don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a piece of bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a bacon I have ever seen especially on 17:24. I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. The work put in to this is incredibly inspiring. The graphics, the animation, the music, so much thought was put into it. This has remined me that you can do anything you put your mind to. Not even mentioning the memories, this makes me feel like an infant again, just laying my eyes on this beautiful masterpiece gives me all the good feelings in life. I also understand what happiness is again from this. Not even to mention the most incredible part that is 2:10. Bacon spinning has changed my life for the better. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. it absolutely moved my soul , and I don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. So much great graphic design, so much suspense, so much greatness in this one video. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a piece of bacon I have ever seen especially on 57:42. I am crying. This has made me go through an emotional rollercoaster. I cried, beat off, and also watched a movie while watching this premiere. This has made me go through so much. I passed depression because of this. It really inspired me to become an outstanding young man. Thank you.
Hayat yalan, bu dünyada yaşadığınız acılar, mutluluklar dahi yalan. Bir gün herşeyinizle beraber kaybolup gideceksiniz bu diyârdan. Başka bir yer var mı bilemem lâkin, geçici hayatın acılarına bu denli son bulmayacak mış gibi bağlanıp acı çekmeyin. Size tavsiyemdir günü gelir siz bunu fark ettiğinizde umud edelim de çok geç olmuş olmasın.
Bu şarkıyı dinlerken ağlamağım tutuyor şimdiye kadar en iyi ve En güzel dinlediğim şarkı bu Beni en iyi anlayan bir tane arkadaşım var ailem benimle kötü davranıyor😢😢😢😢😢
She is my favorite person, how much I love her. But of course, a freak like me won't be able to win her heart, and I'll suffer all my life because I'm just "best friend" to her.
Çok üzülüyorum lan gerçekten çok üzülüyorum ağlıyorum yazıyorum olmuyor unutamıyorum yaşadıklarım hayatım hep gözlerimin önüne geliyor .dosta yanimda yok anlatayım aileme desem bosver unut derler arkadaşıma desem unut derler ama olmuyor anlayın artık aklım almıyor neden ben diyorum ama Allah dağına göre kar verirmiş demeki taşiyabiliyorum buna da şükür
Son 9 aydır 4 duvar arasındayım sabah uyanıp işe gidiyorum akşam hem iş yerim hemde evim saydığım insanların bana dilenci gibi baktığı tek göz odama geri dönüyorum sadece 1 ranza ve 1 kanepe 1 de müzikler sayesinde mutluluğu arıyorum desem daha doğru olacak sabaha kadar neredeyse düşünmekten uyuyamıyorum arkadaş dediğim birkac insan var zora düşsem aninda kaybolacaklar bildigim arkadaslar zaten sohbet muhabbet de yok sadece sus niyetine uzaklarda bir yerdeler belki arada bir annem arar onunla konusurum onun dışında umurunda olduğum kimse yok zaten ama cenazemde beni sevenler çok olacak bunu biliyorum aylardir güneş görmüyorum kimseyle konuşmadığımdan artik kelime üretmiyor dilim insanların bakışları artık gücüme gidiyor her gece güzel hayaller kurup izliyorum sonra gerçekleşmeyecegini anlayinca yolum buralara düşüyor sadece uyumak başka hiçbir şey yapmak istemiyor canım ama derin bir uyku yıllar boyu sürebilecek kafamda fırtınalar var kime yazsam dönmüyor iki üç yabanci tanırım belki diyorum tersleniyorum artık eskisi gibi gücüm de yok yavaş yavaş pes ediyorum kısacası eriyip gidiyorum ve bunu da sadece buralara not ediyorum artik hiçbir şey den gram zevk almıyorum cok gülen bir çocuktum bana ne oldu bilmiyorum ama sundan Eminim anlatacak kimsem yok anlatsam bile dinlemis gibi yapiyorlar sonum yakindir biliyorum kendinize iyi bakmayin baksanizda bisey değişmeyecek unutmayin buraya kadar geldiysen zaten bitmistir daha fazla zorlama iyi bir dost ya da iyi bir sevgili ya da iyi bir aile onu da geçtim sadece anlayanimiz olsaydi yine yeterdi teşekkürler dostlar
Kanka ne demek istediğini anladım bir kedi sahiplenmeyi dene veya bir köpek kendini dine vermeye çalış nasıl olsa kaybetcek birşeyin önemli sana vakit ayıran seni seven kimse yok arkanda kaybetceğin bir şey yok biraz kendini dine ver Allah sana huzur verir dediklerimi dene olmassa zaten bir şey kalmamış bir çare yok demek
Gerçekten hicbiseyi saklamamamiz ve geç olmadan içimizde tuttuklarimizi tutmamamiliyiz. Seviyosak sevdiğimizi söylemeliyiz, gülüyorsak beraber gülmeliyiz çünkü ölüm her an ensende. Son 10 gün bana bunu öğretti. Değer bilmek gerek
To everyone who is doing homework, leave the chat, breathe slowly, take a sip of water, and focus To everyone who is trying to sleep, leave the chat, grab a blanket, and get the rest you deserve. To everyone who is feeling sad, grab a snack, get some water, get a blanket, and write down your thoughts. When you're done, lay down, and get some rest, no matter the time. To everyone who is creating, you got this. Your art is amazing. Remain in your flow and get stuff done! If you're reading, relax, Focus, and imagine the beautiful scenes in your head. And if you're playing games like me, Focus on your game and don't give up :D -Not mine -Pass it around!! -Cobra Inspiration
Even if my life is hard right, i failed twice to achieve what i wants, and i still trying even if i don't feel anything any more, just like a dead body working harder than any other time 💔😞
Sınavlarına kötü olunca üzülürsün doğru ailen seni sevmeyince üzülürsün doğru ama ailesi sürekli kavga eden ayrılmayan, veya ayrılan kaos icinde büyümek bambaşka birşey elinden birşey gelmiyor, kocaman bir boşluk hissi
Abi peki annenin babanı aldatdığını ve bunuda sadece sen bildiyini düşünsene ve bu olayı kimseye anlatamıyorsun ilk kez sana anlatdım onuda silerim kimse gormesin. Hadda o zamanlar intahar etmek istedim amma olmadı yapamadım
E triste se torna quem vc nunca foi pra não sofrer tanto pois essa música me define muito por dentro minha frieza agressividade e não se importa só esconde meu vazio e minha sólida dói bastante eu queria voltar a dormir sem pesadelos ou insônia devido a ansiedade
Gençler Discord Hesabım Çalındığı İçin Yeni Bir Sunucuyla Karşınıza Gelmek Zorunda Kaldım ❤
Дщщш ш-ш-ш щщ9д99з
Yo de y
@Gülüstan🌹 a
@@luismamani6388 you zoo
@@mackaiba9674 m
The biggest mistake we done in childhood is we thought growing up will be fun 🙂
What choice did we have? Growing up is inevitable. All we could do was hope for a better future.
Some of us didn't wish that and yet...they ended up going through adult phase in such a young age both cases...we had no choice
Ağa be kardeşim
It never was the biggest mistake. We cant avoid that, It's just our perspectives, how we see the world is just different from the past, what we exprienced. The biggest mistake must be smth u regret, u'd want to return to fix it.
This is just how young children think if they r adults (like how the past ppl think how the future looks like). Think about what u have done. What is the worst among the bad things u did? Would u do whatever it takes to return into that moment to change it? (If the answer is 50/50, then another mistake will become the biggest soon so be careful with your actions, behaviors, think deeply before decide, never promise when u not sure u can do it or just simply happy)
Just dont let emotions take over u. Get rid of it
I have fun as an adult. Why was your childhood carefree? Because as an adult we are more aware of how much suffering there is in the world.
Me and my loved ones on the top of a mountain. We are all healthy and wealthy. We are all happy and the sun is shining. We look back on all the struggles we went through and laugh about it. No matter how much the world tries to brainwash me, in reality that's my real dream. Feeling peaceful in that moment for 1 single second. That's what life is about - going though 99 bad experiences just to get that 1 win. But oh boy, nothing feels like this one thing that works and brings you peace. Nothing compares. So yes I will keep going until the damn wheels fall off.
389 likes,nice man, i can relatable..
i agree i get so caught up with things that just dont matter when i should be focused on the things that do so i stop going backwards when i need to go forwards
"No matter how hard life is, I'd never call it depression."
...... Just give it some time the darkness day of life is when you lose people you once knew.... Blood related or 𝙉𝙊𝙏..... Make sure you with them till the end comes😔
I call it bro
Hiçbirzaman derslerim iyi olmadı… hiçbirzaman iyi evlat olamadım. Hiçbirzaman ailem olmadı doğru düzgün… hiçbirzaman arkadaşım olmadı doğru düzgün hatta hatırlıyorum en kötü darbede 1 yıl önce olmuştu benle dalga geçmiştiler 8 yıl boyunca zorbalığa uğradım… babamın telefonunda bazı şeyler buldum kimseye söylemedim… beni tek seven babam oldu ama annemde sevmez abim beni anlayan tek kişiydi oda zaten beni anlamayı bıraktı bana bağırıyor oda değişti aslında şuan hap içmek istiyorum veya inthar etmek ama inthar edersem ailem çok kızar hatta yayılır ailemin yüz karası olurum oyüzden inthar etmiyorum. Yarın karne günü sınıfta tek düz geçen benim yarın okula gitmek istemiyorum sınıftakiler şimdiden dalga geçecek yer arıyorlar
dostum yazdıklarının hepsini hissederek okudum .hayat bazen yüzümüze gülmez ve bunlar bizim dönüm noktalarımızdır .bu dönüm noktasında hap içip pes edeceksen savaşmanın ne anlamı var. ailenin hap içince ne düşüneceğini değil, senin neden hap içmemen gerektiğini anlaman gerek. dalga geçen insanlara sessiz kalmamayı gereken cevabı vermeyi dene gerekirse sen onlara zorba ol . benim de derslerim hep kötüydü gel gör ki ailemde akrabalarımda tek okumuş olan kişi benim . ailen için en güzel evlat sen ve o güzel kalbin hep mutlu ol :)
@@aaadela make sure your will wins what others say no matter what, if they get what they want is that matter cuz you never be praised enough, makes sure you can have the situation in your hands and work it out.
Make sure to never lose hope on what you do
@@marioeduardo3325you're right, but unfortunately sometimes we give up, but we always recover somehow
Pes etme.. siktir et insanları.. takma kimseyi.. gerekirse çok çalış kimseye muhtaç olma.
güclü olmağa çalış sən güclüsən olduğunda çox üzülmə🙂
100 reasons to stay alive:
1. to make your parents proud
2. to conquer your fears
3. to see your family again
4. to see your Favorite artist live
5. to listen to music again
6. to experience a new culture
7. to make new friends
8. to inspire
9. to have your own children
10. to adopt your own pet
11. to make yourself proud
12. to meet your idols
13. to laugh until you cry
14. to feel tears of happiness
15. to eat your favorite food
16. to see your siblings grow
17. to pass school
18. to get tattoo
19. to smile until your cheeks hurt
20. to meet your internet friends
21. to find someone who loves you like you deserve
22. to eat ice cream on a hot day
23. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day
24. to see untouched snow in the morning
25. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire
26. to see stars light up the sky
27. to read a book that changes your life
28. to see the flowers in the spring
29. to see the leaves change from green to brown
30. to travel abroad
31. to learn a new language
32. to learn to draw
33. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them
34. Puppy kisses.
35. Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek).
36. Swear words and the release you feel when you say them.
37. Trampolines.
38. Ice cream.
39. Stargazing.
40. Cloud watching.
41. Taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets.
42. Receiving thoughtful gifts.
43. “I saw this and thought of you."
44. The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you."
45. The relief you feel after crying.
46. Sunshine.
47. The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention.
48. Your future wedding.
49. Your favorite candy bar.
50. New clothes.
51. Witty puns.
52. Really good bread.
53. Holding your child in your arms for the first time.
54. Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.)
55. The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling.
56. The smell before and after it rains
57. The sound of rain against a rooftop.
58. The feeling you get when you’re dancing.
59. The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them.
60. Trying out new recipes.
61. The feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio.
62. The rush you get when you step onto a stage.
63. You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable.
64.Breakfast in bed.
65. Getting a middle seat in the movie theater.
66. Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning).
67. Pray (if you are religious)
68. Forgiveness.
69. Water balloon fights.
70. New books by your favorite authors.
71. Fireflies.
72. Birthdays.
73. Realizing that someone loves you.
74. Spending the day with someone like you.
75. Opportunity to create meaningful and lasting relationships.
76. Potential to learn, grow, and evolve as a person.
77. Joy and happiness in the little things.
78. The power to inspire others.
79. The ability to create art, music, and other forms of self-expression.
80. To explore different cultures, traditions, and ways of life.
81. To make a positive impact on the environment and help protect the planet.
82. Experience the joys of parenthood and raise a family.
83. Learn new things and develop new skills.
84. Create a legacy that will outlive you.
85. Being wrapped up in a warm bed.
86. Cuddles
87. Holding hands.
88. The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person’s, and you feel like the only two people in the world.
89. Singing off key with your best friends.
90. Road trips.
91. Spontaneous adventures.
92. The feeling of sand beneath your toes.
93. The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees.
94. Thunderstorms.
95. Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland.
96. The taste of your favorite food.
97. The child-like feeling you get on Christmas morning.
98. The day when everything finally goes your way.
99. Compliments and praise.
100. to look on this moment in 10 years time and realize you did it.
Ps : Never forget you are a beautiful person 💕 Life is so beautiful so live, live like no one else exist, live for yourself, don't care of bad people, you are strong, i love you 🫶🏼
top 3 reasons to kill yourself:
1 you are not real you a slave to a higher narrative writer
2 you will be a slave until ur die or erase
3 everything you thinking seeing doing even what am doing and saying was writing by the writer
sometimes its hard when you have a broken house with a broken family and no one that you can tell or open up to. I would know, i have to do everything i can to help my mum. I dont know what to do sometimes. I can never find anyone that cares. God isnt even with me.
@@Squiddy445 Of course God is with you. He is just waiting to see if you are ready to get your life together again. Stay strong man, and please, *please* . Keep trying, as hard as you can. Everything will be done soon.
@@devaggo thank you man
bu şarkıyı dinleyince tek olan şey tüm yaşadığım şeyler gözümün önünden geçiyor...
Please if ur reading this.
dont give up on you dreams. dont make them longer. just start doing ur life goal right now. idc if its night if its bad day... i need you to make ur life goals fast as done. so u can make me proud of you. **KEEP IT UP BROTHERS DONT GIVE UP!**
Thank you brother, I feel better now, thanks to you.
“Hurting some is like throwing a rock at an ocean u never know how deep it goes”
@Jeanell199 i cut myself to forget the pain someone gave me.. he didn't just throw a rock at me but a boulder (in feelings)
I don't even know who I'm thinking about now listening to this masterpiece but it makes my heart beat fast 🙃
I’m thinking all the bad things i have done in my life. I just close my eyes and just think
idk for who but im thinking about my life...
My heart is dead always been numb i don't think of anyone or anything just empty
Bu şarkıyı dinleyen herkesin farklı bir derdi üzüntüsü yada sıkıntısı var...hepimiz birbirimizden farklı kişileriz ...ama ortak olduğumuz nokta bu şarkıyı beraber dinleyerek şu hayatta neden bunları yaşıyorum diyoruz...
çok haklısın knka benım bıle derdım var😭😥😰😢😓😖
çok iyi yorum bravo
Ben hayatı sorguluyorum..
Bende ..özelikle şu son 1 haftayı
Dertliyken ve hüzünlü iken dinlerim çok hoşuma gider dertlerimi bitirmeyi denerim daha da çoğalır napicagimi bilemem acarım bu şarkıyı dertlerini yok ederim kafamda sonra bir hareketli şarkı ile kendime gelirim hayatım rutin şeklinde işler
@@kiyotaka88 adamım ya
helal sana
@Learleyn (ryder) neden?
yksye son 10 gün kalmış, benim mental sağlık
Güçlü kalmak için herşeyi yapıyoruz ancak gün geçtikçe daha çok hasar alıyoruz güçlü kalın gençler burdaki herkesin ayrı bi derdi var ELBET GELİR GÜZEL GÜNLER DAYAN...
Belki bi'gùn☘
2 yıldır gelmiyor
I ain’t reading all that
Gelmez be
"A lover crys hard,A broken crys by laughing But a legend cys in silent"
Once was a legend.
english has left the chat
@@unkon129 feelings joined the chat
@@MineNAX right in rhe feels man.
Im all of them
I can't cry bc i'm next to my bro
تشعر وكأنك تملك السعادة من جميع الاتجاهات ثم تصدمك المواقف.......
This music hits so hard...The friends who died,my first love,the good memories,first prison time a long way out of home.But i fell kinda calm when i listen this song
Understand that there is nothing to return. Old times are gone, friends are changing. To keep up with the times. And I want to leave it all
Why are we alive?
@@leongringel3914 For people who we called family
@BLOODINSIDE no famaly means death?
@@leongringel3914 If you don't have a parents, its not over.In my life i found a lot a good people who can save me in trouble,who can stand with me to the end.Family is the people who you scared to lose forever bro.
The fact that this song is the best cure for loneliness... I am lonely for like 3 years straight and this song always puts a little smile on my face when i am crying...
That song makes life better even if you know that its totally fucked up... Thanks man.
Bro im french it going to be better , we are strong the life is test 🦾❤️
Stay up man🙏
@@saucesamourai4051 Thatnk you sooo much
@@truth____ thank you for your help sooo much
I used to feel like that for 5 years living in Germany 🙏 but u can change ur life man, keep walking
artik hic bir seyi toparlayamiyorum bir yandan dersler, bir yandan ailemin dağılmaya baslamasi , tartismalar, kavgalar yani gercekten cok yoruldum bir günümün de güzel gecmesini istiyorum düzelir diyorum daha kötü oluyo çok kötüyüm ben..
bende... ♥
bi sorum var yorumu 10 gun once yazmıssın hersey düzeldimi
BRD dir wird es bald besser gehen
You'll be okay. My sister feels the same. She's not who she used to be, happy and fun. Now she's abusive, angry, and wants to ned her life. She tied multiple times
kim kötü değilki :(
Kötü günler kapkaranlık bir oda gibidir sen gözünü açsanda kapatsamda karanlıktır kurtulmaya çalışırsın ama bir engele takılıp düşersin nerde olduğunu bilmezsin ve ne kadar çabalarsan o kadar yara alırsın sadece oturup o karanlık odada güzel günleri hayal etmek beklemek gerek işte bu umuttur iyi günlermi onlar biraz uzakta ancak sabredersen ulaşırsın oraya yani belki kötü gün veya günler gelir başınıza uzatmıycam sadece kafanızı gömün ve umudunuz o karanlığı aydınlatsın ve bekleyin gerçek iyi günleri sadece bekleyin...
yalnızlığı iliklerine kadar hissetmek , boğazında yumru ile sürekli acı çekmek yordu.
You don’t find this song. It finds you.
i'm aight
Çocukken şekeri düştüğünde ağlayan çocuklardır ne oldu bize ne iyi bi kardeş ne iyi bi çocuk ne iyi bir öğrenci olamadık şuan burda olan herkes cidden hayattan bıkmıştır artık hiç bisey beni sarmıyor yazıklar olsun egitim sistemi ebeveynler bu kadar miydiniz be
ayni dert ne yazacagimi bilmiyorum(teselli ucun)
çok güzel söz sunucumuza gelmek istermisin
Derslerimde başarılı olamadığım gibi ne iyi bir evlat ne İyi bir kardeş ne iyi bir abla nede iyi bir sevgili olabildim hepsinin içinde benden nefret ettiğini hissedebiliyorum beklentilerini ne kadar düşürseler de veremiyorum bana değiştin diyorlar ama neden değiştin demiyorlar ailenin sevilmeyen çocuğu olduğumu o kadar iyi hissediyorum ki canımı yakıyorlar artık sözleriyle kendimi sevmiyorken onların beni sevmesi için uğraşıyorum ama asla başarılı olamıyorum hayatım boka sarıyor bu yaştan ilerisini düşünmek istemiyorum ilerisi olmasın lütfen
Bazen başkalarını düşündüğün kadar kendini düşünemiyorsun. Ailen dahil kimsenin düşüncelerine odaklanma,kendi özüne odaklan başkalarının düşüncelerine değil kendini ve yaşadıklarını en çok bilen ve tanıyan sensin. Ne kadar iyi bir insan olduğundan tut ne kadar çalışkan biri olduğuna kadar herşeyi net bir şekilde biliyorsun,elinden geleni yapıyorsun. Başkalarının beklentilerini hala karşılamıyorsan neden uğraşıyorsun o zaman? Neden başkaları için yaşamaya çalışıyorsun? Bu senin hayatın bunlar senin yaşantıların. Hadi kendine odaklan,kendini sev,kendini düşün. Seni burada bırakıp gidenler olacak,bırak gitsinler. Zaten seni bırakıp gidiyorsa kimi insanlar o zaman ne kadar çabalarsan çabala asla onları tatmin edemeyeceksin. Hayat bu, en yanlız insan olsan bile hayatına dokunuşları olacak insanlar mutlaka olur. Dünyanın sonu değil, yarın erken kalk biraz dinlen ve hayatına yeniden başla,monotonluktan vazgeç, yeni şeyler dene,çabala,kendini geliştir. İnsanları ne kadar takmaz ve umursamazsan onlar sana adım adım gelmeye başlar. Söylesene bu halde en fazla ne kadar güzel bir hayatın olabilir? Kaybedecek birşeyin olmazsa tek çaren kazanmaya çabalamak olur,bunları Psikoloji okuyan birisi olarak söylüyorum,sadece tavsiye verdim. Kendine iyi bak.
Güzel güzel artık kaybedeceğin nerderse bir şey kalmamış artık kendin için yaşa hayatta bir defa geliyoruz ...
Kalbim alev alev yanıyordu her canım yandığında suya attım her seferinde sertleşti sertleştikten sonra taşlaştı artık kimseyi sevemiyorum sevgi bana acı veriyor her sevdiğimde açılmış yara gibi hissediyorum sevginin kiymetini bilin en azından sevebiliyorsunuz ben ne sevebiliyorum ne seviliyorum :/
_"Çoğu insan hayatını sessiz bir çaresizlik içinde yaşar."_
- Ölü Ozanlar Derneği
Bu şarkı yalnızken yada uzgunken dinlenirim şark muhteşen 🖤
Your skin isn't paper don't Cut it
Your face isn't a mask don't Hide it
Your size isn't a book don't judge it
Your heart isn't a Door don't Lock it
Your neck isn't a rope don't hang it
Your life isn't a movie don't End it.
I Love You.
top 3 reasons to kill yourself:
1 you are not real you a slave to a higher narrative writer
2 you will be a slave until ur die or erase
3 everything you thinking seeing doing even what am doing and saying was writing by the writer
@@monadlogic I can give you so many reasons why you should live
it is a correct sentences:(
what size ?? 🤨🤨
Why not?
These are the type of melody, I would happily die listening in my very last moment🥀
Don't worry one day you will
chill man righting a essay
nice music, sick community, feels like I'm the only healthy person here
dont worry there will come a time in your life when you gonna lose something or someone and ull be part of our community
@@TarnishedTargaryen happened already, but I accept life as it is. It cannot only be good, good and bad times go together, I am grateful for both
Ne düşüneceğimi, ne hissedeceğimi, ne söyleyeceğimi bilmiyorum. Sanırım sözün bittiği yerdeyim...🍃🍃🍃
bende hayatımın bittiği yerdeyim
Kısaca yarın ne olacağını bilmeden geleceğin hayallerini kurduk😏🥺
This music make me feel empty inside me, am scared all the time, no self-confidence am scared that everyone juge me at what I look like am always ask if one day I will be released of this sadness. Am alone all the time i don’t know why but it’s like that and probably never gonna change so If u take your time to read this , thanks
best advice i can give is for you to step out of your comfort zone, you only live once so just... Fuck it and do whatever you want
I don't know you but I love you! Please be strong to get through all of this ♥ Find who you are, love yourself, embrace yourself, find what you love, do what you like ♥♥♥ If anyone can do it then you can do it
Ah man, you made me cry when i read your message. I can really feel you. The only way to escape this situation is to believe in yourself and have God inside your mind and heart (whichever religion you believe). Make things that make you happy. Just leave this to the past. And remember. It's up to you if you want to get better from now on.
The past is in your mind
The future is in your hands
Have a nice day. I wait your response.
listen, the reason you are sad is because you realize there is something about you that you need to change. start improving yourself physically and mentally. when you are happy with your body you become happier with yourself. and when you are happy, you are unstoppable
Hayat konusunda başarılı olamadık ama insanlık konusunda 1 olduk biz iyi kalpli insanları siz kırdınız teşekkürler🙏
insan büyüdükçe mi artıyor dertleri
yoksa büyüdükçe mi anlıyor gerçekleri
Nha der is Always a way i jus mait ne hard
Buydikce anlıyor gerçekleri ⚰️🥀
Ben üzgün bir insan değilim ama diğer insanların dertlerini gördükten sonra içim parçalanıyor. (Aşırı duygusalım)
aga bee
Umarım hiç üzülmesin
@@maxlena693 üzülmedim dahada iyi mutlu haberler geliyor :D
@@enbiyaymiss bari sen mutlu ol be boz olamadık
@@maxlena693 deme öyle aga bende zorluklar yasadim
Küçükken büyük olmayı, büyükken çocuk olmayı istedik. Farkında olmadan anılar yarattık, sadece eğleniyorduk. Ortalama 75-80 yıllık hayatta başarılı olmak, engelleri yıkmaktan başka şansımız yok.
"Ey insan kaf dağı kadar yüksekte olsanda, kefene sığacak kadar küçüksün. Unutma herşeyin bir hesabı var, Üzdüğün kadar üzülürsün."
kanka bunun muzikle ne alakası var
@@BesimSehirli cidden aq
@@BesimSehirli Düşündüğüm tek şey KLDSLFHS
@@darkblood9709 tenk bro
Belki bu şarkının ona verdiği duygudur her şeyde bir amaç aramayın
🖤Life is black and darker with people like you
"no" 👴
"Yalnızlık beni tüm hayatım boyunca izledi, her yerde. Barlarda, arabalarda, kaldırımlarda, dükkanlarda, her yerde. Kaçış yok. Ben Tanrı’nın yalnız adamıyım."
çok güzel söz sunucumuza gelmek istermisin
Dude, dost arıyorsan yardımcı olabilirim :)
Dud i was looking for this one soo long, and now it came without any search, you can feel my emotions rn
Ailemi kaybettim araba kazasinda şįmdį en yakın arkadaşlarımın evindeyim ve şuan 22-21 yaşındayız okulu bırakp bi market açmayı düşünüyøruz...
Allah yardımcınız olsun kardeşim geçmiş olsun Başınız sağ olsun mekanları cennet olsun
Bu şarkıyı dinleyince çok duygulanıp gözlerim doluyor ve kendimi zor tutuyorum ağlamamak için ama ağlıyorum maalesef.
Dusuncelere daldigim zaman dinlemek istedigim bir arkaplan muzigi sadece ama keske bu kadar derin olmasa :')
This song fits perfectly in the situation where at the climax of a thriller mystery series the protagonist finally wins and sits down on the chair relaxing and thinking about all the adventures during the show and the cast names comes on the screen with this as the background music.......
I agree but to a degree. I think its more of when they defeat the "villian" of the show but end up causing a lot of damage left behind by doing it and this would be playing as they look over the city they destroyed.
@@JakeStoriesOfficialtrue that
Bu şarkı huzur veriyor❤️
Hayatın bana en büyük öğrettiği şey yenilgiyi unutmamak oldu. Çünkü hayat yengilerle dolu....
Ja du hast recht du bist einer davon du bist ein Sieger merk dir das
Derslerim kötü değil, ailem ile aram iyi, arkadaşlarımdan yana sıkıntım yok ama yinede dinliyor ve hüzünleniyorum
Sempre que ouço essa musica reflito no mundo que estamos vivendo, eu realmente acredito que deus esta entre a gente, e reflite oque ele fez... Eu nao me sentiria orgulhoso de ver oque o mundo esta se tornando. oque pessoas perderam suas vidas dada em guerras é tristeza, se afundando na solidao, para que pessoas se comportem dessa forma que esta o mundo... E Triste
Amigo, isso que está acontecendo no mundo, Deus já nós alertou
Dios nos advirtió en sus escrituras que seamos buenas personas pero la mayoría de la gente sigue haciendo el mal, el hombre es una criatura débil pero se cree fuerte. Oh gente que encuentra todo y no puede encontrarse
o ciyano fatto beyne
Cool song, just fire, I like it so much, keep up the good work :3
Tantos dias de lutas e nenhum de glória a vida é realmente injusta, apenas cansado de tudo nada mais me motivar!!
I miss him i love him more than anything i can’t even describe it . I miss him omfg i can’t anymore i need him plz life give him back to me i love him
U have to let him go and keep walking 🙏🙏
Reminds me of Teba when she does dramas 💀.
@@АбдулазизАбдулазиз-я3г 💔✨👎🏻🍭🔥
What a piece of music, makes me want to just sit outside, have a smoke and think about life...
hits hard after a heartbreak 😁😁😁😁
bu ne abi herkes dertli ben bu şarkı da gaza geliyorum öyle dinliyorum işte farkım
reminds me of falling asleep in the ambulance, knowing you are safe but knowing its yourself that hurt you or reminds me of a bad relapse I've had... to those going through hard times, I've been there and some of us may die but, you don't need to be that someone. Try to push through. even if you have no one, try to smile for that little happy child you used to be. they'd want it for you. Good luck fellow "humans."
but I am without joy bc of girls...
@@edvinlol4245I’m without happiness because I forgot how to be
Finally found it!
I am glad
Sempre que eu ouço essas músicas eu lembro da minha vida infeliz. Eu sempre fui um bom garoto, me comporto bem, mas eu me sinto controlado, como se eu n tivesse controle do que eu quero ser, eu só queria que todos entendessem que eu não sou manipulável, mas a única coisa que eu sinto é dor, que ninguém pode ver nem curar, quando eu perdi meu avô, minha vida despencou, ninguém ligava mais pra mim, então eu deixei assim, agora ninguém se preocupa se eu vou passar ou não, "Seu filho é excelente, ele vai ser uma grande homem".Eu só queria ser eu mesmo.
melhoras mano, luta contra isso, so tu pode vencer e ser o quiser, seja dono de voce mesmo.
"Nunca é alto o preço a se pagar pelo privilégio de pertencer a si mesmo." (Nietzsche)
Bruder glaub mir das ist vielleicht hart das schaffst du 1 jahre oder 2 wird alles gut ich hoffe du bleibst immer wie du bist grüße aus deutschland
Amigo, me escuta, se apague com Deus eu tenho certeza que ele vai te escutar
quando criança vc sempre vai ter uma vida feliz, porém, depois disso o preço dela é alto....
aşırı hoşuma gidiyo ders çalışırken dinlemelik
Derdim olmasa bile dertlendirir...
Bruder bist der glückliche von uns allen
am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. it absolutely moved my soul , and I don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any piece of bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a piece of bacon I have ever seen especially on 57:42.I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was at 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. Tt absolutely moved my soul , and i don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a piece of bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a bacon I have ever seen especially on 17:24. I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. The work put in to this is incredibly inspiring. The graphics, the animation, the music, so much thought was put into it. This has remined me that you can do anything you put your mind to. Not even mentioning the memories, this makes me feel like an infant again, just laying my eyes on this beautiful masterpiece gives me all the good feelings in life. I also understand what happiness is again from this. Not even to mention the most incredible part that is 2:10. Bacon spinning has changed my life for the better. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. it absolutely moved my soul , and I don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. So much great graphic design, so much suspense, so much greatness in this one video. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a piece of bacon I have ever seen especially on 57:42. I am crying. This has made me go through an emotional rollercoaster. I cried, beat off, and also watched a movie while watching this premiere. This has made me go through so much. I passed depression because of this. It really inspired me to become an outstanding young man. Thank you.
ohiodaki en kısa metin ☠☠☠
damn bro is evrything ok?
Ain't reading allat
@@Karlsefni-e1s fr
Bro are you okey why are you so sad
Güle güle İlke. Ne görüşürüz ne kendine iyi bak, sadece güle güle.
Biz dünyalıyız Allah’a sığınmaktan başka çare yok bunu yazarken bile ağlıyorum daha yazamayacağım…
hey dostum ben bile yazarken düşündükçe duygulanasım geliyor ama hayatta kimseye muhtaç olmamak en iyisi
Hayat yalan, bu dünyada yaşadığınız acılar, mutluluklar dahi yalan. Bir gün herşeyinizle beraber kaybolup gideceksiniz bu diyârdan. Başka bir yer var mı bilemem lâkin, geçici hayatın acılarına bu denli son bulmayacak mış gibi bağlanıp acı çekmeyin. Size tavsiyemdir günü gelir siz bunu fark ettiğinizde umud edelim de çok geç olmuş olmasın.
Quem ama o mundo, o amor do pai não está nele. 🇧🇷
One of my favorites
"İnsan hep dünyayı değiştirmek için çaba sarf eder, amma hiç bir insan kendini değiştirmek için çaba sarf etmez......"
Ey insan kaf dağı kadar yüksekte olsanda tabuta sığacak kadar küçüksün. Unutma! herşeyin bir hesabı vardır. Üzdüğün kadar üzülürsün. -Mevlana
Bu şarkıyı dinlerken ağlamağım tutuyor şimdiye kadar en iyi ve
En güzel dinlediğim şarkı bu
Beni en iyi anlayan bir tane arkadaşım var ailem benimle kötü davranıyor😢😢😢😢😢
Güçlü ol kardeşim herşey yoluna girecektir
Şarkıyı dinledikçe ağlayasım geliyor
Eline sağlık kardeşim
I'm so tired 💔
Me to.....😞😪
She is my favorite person, how much I love her. But of course, a freak like me won't be able to win her heart, and I'll suffer all my life because I'm just "best friend" to her.
i can feel you bro
my life + this music = sad movie
Same here 🙋
It's okay to be weak, it's not okay to stay weak.
Ölüm nedir?
Dönüşü olmayan tatil
Aşk nedir
Gençliği mahveden katil
rjk nb uexbu evthnb
Çok iyi yorum Bravo👍👍👍
Whenever you come back here u got a relaxation and good memories, so keep it in your mind
Çok iyi olmuş eline sağlık
sağol 🉐😀
Chocantes omg o deus
i cant stop crying
Don't love, love can kill you
If you let it
This makes you to a person who believes pencils make mistakes…
لا عائلة تفهمك ولا مجتمع يرحمك ولا أصدقاء يبقو معك😴💔
ان الله معك و هاذا يكفي
Çok üzülüyorum lan gerçekten çok üzülüyorum ağlıyorum yazıyorum olmuyor unutamıyorum yaşadıklarım hayatım hep gözlerimin önüne geliyor .dosta yanimda yok anlatayım aileme desem bosver unut derler arkadaşıma desem unut derler ama olmuyor anlayın artık aklım almıyor neden ben diyorum ama Allah dağına göre kar verirmiş demeki taşiyabiliyorum buna da şükür
Ayn öyle kardeşim
az önce güldüm sonra bi anda ağladım
Son 9 aydır 4 duvar arasındayım sabah uyanıp işe gidiyorum akşam hem iş yerim hemde evim saydığım insanların bana dilenci gibi baktığı tek göz odama geri dönüyorum sadece 1 ranza ve 1 kanepe 1 de müzikler sayesinde mutluluğu arıyorum desem daha doğru olacak sabaha kadar neredeyse düşünmekten uyuyamıyorum arkadaş dediğim birkac insan var zora düşsem aninda kaybolacaklar bildigim arkadaslar zaten sohbet muhabbet de yok sadece sus niyetine uzaklarda bir yerdeler belki arada bir annem arar onunla konusurum onun dışında umurunda olduğum kimse yok zaten ama cenazemde beni sevenler çok olacak bunu biliyorum aylardir güneş görmüyorum kimseyle konuşmadığımdan artik kelime üretmiyor dilim insanların bakışları artık gücüme gidiyor her gece güzel hayaller kurup izliyorum sonra gerçekleşmeyecegini anlayinca yolum buralara düşüyor sadece uyumak başka hiçbir şey yapmak istemiyor canım ama derin bir uyku yıllar boyu sürebilecek kafamda fırtınalar var kime yazsam dönmüyor iki üç yabanci tanırım belki diyorum tersleniyorum artık eskisi gibi gücüm de yok yavaş yavaş pes ediyorum kısacası eriyip gidiyorum ve bunu da sadece buralara not ediyorum artik hiçbir şey den gram zevk almıyorum cok gülen bir çocuktum bana ne oldu bilmiyorum ama sundan Eminim anlatacak kimsem yok anlatsam bile dinlemis gibi yapiyorlar sonum yakindir biliyorum kendinize iyi bakmayin baksanizda bisey değişmeyecek unutmayin buraya kadar geldiysen zaten bitmistir daha fazla zorlama iyi bir dost ya da iyi bir sevgili ya da iyi bir aile onu da geçtim sadece anlayanimiz olsaydi yine yeterdi teşekkürler dostlar
Buraya kadar geldiysen zaten bitmiştir... 🥀
Kanka ne demek istediğini anladım bir kedi sahiplenmeyi dene veya bir köpek kendini dine vermeye çalış nasıl olsa kaybetcek birşeyin önemli sana vakit ayıran seni seven kimse yok arkanda kaybetceğin bir şey yok biraz kendini dine ver Allah sana huzur verir dediklerimi dene olmassa zaten bir şey kalmamış bir çare yok demek
Nerde bizim o güzel anilarimiz 😢😢😢😢😢😢
I'm feeling weariness...
Are u still alive?
Hayat acıdan başka birşey değildir
Yorumlar kendi acısı içinde boğulan kalbi kırık insanlardan oluşuyo Muğla 'da ev arkadaşlığı düşünen birini bulmam yok mu SARKIDAN GUVEN GELIR INSANA
I literally cried while listening this song
Bize üzülüyoruz ama profesyonel olduğumuz için belli olmuyor 😓
bide d yi koysan .d
You ❤pk😂😊p🎉😅😊😊yesy😊😂o no lo
Cok guldum buna
Yaşayanların ve iyi yaşanan anıların değerini bilelim.
Gerçekten hicbiseyi saklamamamiz ve geç olmadan içimizde tuttuklarimizi tutmamamiliyiz. Seviyosak sevdiğimizi söylemeliyiz, gülüyorsak beraber gülmeliyiz çünkü ölüm her an ensende. Son 10 gün bana bunu öğretti. Değer bilmek gerek
Bro Just made me cry.
Sınıfta herkesi gulduren çocuğun evde dinlediği şarkı
Who else isn't even depressed but just likes the vibe of the song?
To everyone who is doing homework, leave the chat, breathe slowly, take a sip of water, and focus
To everyone who is trying to sleep, leave the chat, grab a blanket, and get the rest you deserve.
To everyone who is feeling sad, grab a snack, get some water, get a blanket, and write down your thoughts. When you're done, lay down, and get some rest, no matter the time.
To everyone who is creating, you got this.
Your art is amazing. Remain in your flow and get stuff done!
If you're reading, relax, Focus, and imagine the beautiful scenes in your head.
And if you're playing games like me, Focus on your game and don't give up :D
-Not mine
-Pass it around!!
-Cobra Inspiration
Tam yanlızlığa alışmışken biri çıkıp gelip giriyor hayatına ve hiç birşey olmamış gibi terkedip gidiyor ve sen yanlızlık + hüzün baş başa kalıyorsun
Ağa Daha 3 Gün Önce Ayrıldım..💔
Even if my life is hard right, i failed twice to achieve what i wants, and i still trying even if i don't feel anything any more, just like a dead body working harder than any other time 💔😞
Sınavlarına kötü olunca üzülürsün doğru ailen seni sevmeyince üzülürsün doğru ama ailesi sürekli kavga eden ayrılmayan, veya ayrılan kaos icinde büyümek bambaşka birşey elinden birşey gelmiyor, kocaman bir boşluk hissi
Abi peki annenin babanı aldatdığını ve bunuda sadece sen bildiyini düşünsene ve bu olayı kimseye anlatamıyorsun ilk kez sana anlatdım onuda silerim kimse gormesin. Hadda o zamanlar intahar etmek istedim amma olmadı yapamadım
duygular çk derindir aynı uzay gibi onlar bizi yavaşlatmaz ileriye göyürür
Çok doğru bir söz
E triste se torna quem vc nunca foi pra não sofrer tanto pois essa música me define muito por dentro minha frieza agressividade e não se importa só esconde meu vazio e minha sólida dói bastante eu queria voltar a dormir sem pesadelos ou insônia devido a ansiedade
💔😭I am very sad, but my heart cannot bear that I cry and complain about myself every day