What I like best in camper truck DIY videos like this one is how they install the square insulation mats between the wooden frames meticulously. The process is never boring enough to watch repeatedly and it's very satisfying haha.
Portland Dan: My 4th video of yours. Like everyone else here I had to start at your beginning. I echo "nice job" and design. Fun doing work like you are, and the weather is cooperating. Keep up the good work. Once again I am watching the futures market but now will go for a 5k run. Thanks for the video. Safe travels, Dan.
Many thanks from Korea. One of the best things I have done in 2002 is to find your video series. Such an amazing video clips, your hard work with beautiful natures. Anyway, could you please put English subtitle for initial sereises? I'd like to understand what you feel during the process of building your camper up.
Rinnovando il saluto da Giuseppe sul lago Maggiore volevo dirti che capisco benissimo la tua soddisfazione ad usare il tuo per me bellissimo camperino, bene organizzato e con tutto quello che serve, penso che la soddisfazione che si prova con un piccolo mezzo "fai da te" un perfetto e comodissimo camper vero non riuscirà mai a dartela....io adoro il mio vecchio e amatissimo fiat ducato che non è bello come il tuo ma per me lo è, ti rinnovo i miei complimenti per la bella persona che senz' altro sei, preciso, ordinato organizzato e molto pulito, adoro vedere il tuo modo di cucinare e i posti stupendi che ci fai vedere, spero ancora per molto, non credo che lo leggerai ma mi sento di dirtelo lo stesso.....
Здравствуйте. Я из России. Все отлично! По видео я понял, пол прогибался и вы решили добавить ещё балки, а если положить два листа фанеры? Дешевле и проще и быстрее? Нет?
What I like best in camper truck DIY videos like this one is how they install the square insulation mats between the wooden frames meticulously. The process is never boring enough to watch repeatedly and it's very satisfying haha.
Such meticulous attention to detail. There is love and skill in this build.
動画編集に初々しさがあって楽しいです。 どんどん見進めて行きますね。
I will have to come back and watch more.
Watching your videos, great videos, and I would have to see your all videos
Realized I had to start watching the whole series from the beginning. 👍🏼
me too!
@@dderbydave same XD
Portland Dan: My 4th video of yours. Like everyone else here I had to start at your beginning. I echo "nice job" and design. Fun doing work like you are, and the weather is cooperating. Keep up the good work. Once again I am watching the futures market but now will go for a 5k run. Thanks for the video. Safe travels, Dan.
Many thanks from Korea. One of the best things I have done in 2002 is to find your video series. Such an amazing video clips, your hard work with beautiful natures. Anyway, could you please put English subtitle for initial sereises? I'd like to understand what you feel during the process of building your camper up.
I like your wood working 👍👍👍....i just watch when you camp on ep.62...now i start to watch from beginning 😆
Quel talent! Bravo! C'est juste magnifique.
Its a real happiness to see a guy so precise. Wonderfull work.
My late father was a carpenter. Job well done!
Halo saya dari Indonesia. Saya sangat senang sekali menonton video anda. Tetap semangat pak
스고이👍~^^ 건축가 신가요?👍
Good luck brdr ❣️
Ola viajante deitou para descansar um pouco está certo, trabalho muito no sonho sobre rodas .👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
12:34 the hard work pays off :)
The background music is so relaxing.
Great Jobs , man 👍🏻
Great work!
Good video
Rinnovando il saluto da Giuseppe sul lago Maggiore volevo dirti che capisco benissimo la tua soddisfazione ad usare il tuo per me bellissimo camperino, bene organizzato e con tutto quello che serve, penso che la soddisfazione che si prova con un piccolo mezzo "fai da te" un perfetto e comodissimo camper vero non riuscirà mai a dartela....io adoro il mio vecchio e amatissimo fiat ducato che non è bello come il tuo ma per me lo è, ti rinnovo i miei complimenti per la bella persona che senz' altro sei, preciso, ordinato organizzato e molto pulito, adoro vedere il tuo modo di cucinare e i posti stupendi che ci fai vedere, spero ancora per molto, non credo che lo leggerai ma mi sento di dirtelo lo stesso.....
gotta get the English subs on the old videos. I wanna be able to start from the beginning! D':
# 2 Kanryō... # 3 Wa ashita, ima wa nemui jikandesu. Oyasumi Tabi - ie.
정주행 시작합니다!
Show the waves bro😂
旅家さん、こんばんは。もう心身共に疲れ果て、1番楽しみに取ってある軽キャン作成動画にまたもや手を付けてしまいました(T . T)とにかく今は癒されたい‥‥。いつもありがとうございます。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
少しずつ出来上がっていくの、凄くワクワクしますね(っ ॑꒳ ॑c)🎶¨̮⑅
Здравствуйте. Я из России. Все отлично! По видео я понял, пол прогибался и вы решили добавить ещё балки, а если положить два листа фанеры? Дешевле и проще и быстрее? Нет?
정주행 시작합니다
ما فائدة الشيء الأزرق؟
원래 목수쪽이 직업이신가요?
My opinion refund the hi ace van and buy a high top van and make a DIY camper.